Thursday, April 4, 2024

The Pied Rock OR "Who's Got the Balls?"

An image of the The Rock (the wrestler) came up on YouTube's suggested videos, and the caption had to do with the latest episode of WWE Raw this past Monday night.  I am sure it was suggested because I have referenced and used footage from WWE before in my post "You might think I'm crazy, Flying W's, Wonder Woman, and The Rock".

In that post, I made an initial comparison of the Rock with Faramir, and also compared The Rock's partner, Roman Reigns, with Peter, for reasons I cited in that post.  Now, I know Peter's name actually also means "Rock", so who knows, maybe these character sketches are reversible or interchangeable.  I don't know.  We'll see.  For now, let's stick with Rock = Faramir, and Roman = Peter, and if it happens to be the other way around,  I think we are still good at a high level.

I also followed up the post with a comment regarding the foes The Rock and Roman will face at WrestleMania.  I am actually just going to paste it in here so it is now searchable and I don't have to retype anything regarding those characters:

After posting this, I realized that I didn't look up Cody Rhodes' name. This is the character that The Rock mentions wants to go 1-on-1 with him (again, I don't know anything about these characters or stories).

"Cody" has an equivalent in Elvish: Kote. At first pass, it doesn't make sense, because it means nut or squirrel (although Saruman is potentially nuts). But there is note in the definition that brings me back to KOT, as a root word. KOT would be the basis for Cody then, so I looked that up. More promising.

The latest Tolkien had on this was "quarrel, strife, be wroth" and "foe". Who did I cite as the angry or mad one, that caused all of that strife after not being chosen, and was Faramir's enemy? Saruman (after first thinking it to be Dairon, but realizing there were larger fish).

But Dairon also factors in! Apparently, KOT-e is teaming up with a person named Seth Rollins. Looking that up in Elvish we get: Seth = First (or Firstborn, an Elf) and Rollins = Song, Singer (both Rol and Lin are words that deal with songs and singing). So, a Singing Elf.  And so here we have Dairon-Wormtongue.

In English, Seth also means "Appointed", as in an appointed one who is going to fall by a shaft of death, like a tree smitten by lightning. Sorry, Brigham.

So this fits well! We have The Rock/ Faramir telling Kot-e / Saruman that he will face him, but not alone. He will have Roman Reign/ Peter, and a group called the Bloodline (Family?) with him. And Saruman has Wormtongue.

I concluded the comment by saying "There you go - Wrestlemania April 6 and 7.  I like it!"

And.... I haven't kept any tabs on developments in the storyline since.  But then YouTube recommended the video tonight. 

The clip that was recommended was a 13 minute highlight reel of the final promotion leading up to WrestleMania this weekend.  My curiosity got the best of me and I opened it up.  I should reiterate that I don't really know much of what is going on with these characters, but I think it is strangely entertaining and funny to watch these.

The first thing I noticed was The Rock's outfit.  Here is what he was wearing:

Do you notice?  The Rock is wearing a "Pied" vest.  Seriously.  In my recent post "The Pi-ed Piper", I introduced the fact that the original meaning for "pied" had to do with Black and White coloring, originally linked to the Magpie bird, and first used in referencing an religious order of Friars who wore Black and White.  Further, in that post I reviewed several of the Black and White things (rabbits, orcas, oreo cookies...even black and white holes) that have been used in referencing Faramir.

And here we have The Rock, also linked to this Faramir-Pied Piper character, wearing a Pied Black and White vest. 

So, I was instantly glad I decided to click on the video and get caught up on the storyline.

Raw this week was in New York (Brooklyn, specifically), and The Rock made sure to let everyone know he didn't come alone, because as we all know from this blog, that isn't going to be how it works.  Peter... I mean, Roman Reigns, also came along.  Because they are going to be working together.

Roman comes on, and the first thing he says is "It's family above all".  It is also written on his hoodie:

When I heard him say this, I took him more literally than he meant (probably... maybe he reads this blog and knows now he is playing the role of Peter).  In the story I have been writing about here, a Family will literally be taken 'above all', as in exalted or led to Holy Places that are not on this world, but up in the sky.  Above all.  Up in the Mountains or other worlds.

Roman Reigns is referred to as the Tribal Chief.  I am thinking this is relevant, and likely gives us a clue as to another ancient identity of Peter-Marsh, perhaps within the House of Israel, and specifically the Noldor, or Finwe's people.  I will have to think about that more, and put it down in another post if I can land on something.

Roman goes on to allude to the fact that last week The Rock already had an altercation with Cody Saruman Rhodes and beat him up.  Because of this, Wormtongue Seth Rollins shows up in the stands to interrupt the Rock-Roman lovefest in the ring.  

He challenges The Rock to a match that night, but claims The Rock doesn't have the 'balls'.  Then he challenges Roman Reigns, and says he will let them decide who will fight him.  He concludes the challenge with the question:  "Who's got the balls?"

When I heard him ask this, I thought "Exactly!  That is what it will come down to!"

Balls - of the testicular type that Seth Rollins seems to be referring to - have come up as metaphors for Stones (Anor Stone, Sawtooth Stone, etc.) on this blog before, specifically in terms of who has them and who doesn't.  In my post "A Numenorean Flying Ship", referencing Jeff Bezos' phallic-shaped rocked, I wrote:

Getting back to the shape [of the rocket], however (and lastly), we have this concept of 'stones'.  Who has them, and who doesn't, and why they might be important.  Bezos' rocket clearly lacks them.

Anyway, in the story I have been making a mess of the past few days as we dive into some strange ideas to see if they go anywhere, I have Brigham (a giant dick if there was one) who will visit another world, but will lack Stones as part of that journey. 


So, naturally, I thought it was pretty funny to hear Seth Rollins, the character I have associated with Brigham-Wormtongue, asking the question of "Who's got the balls?".  I mean, he would be asking that, right?  He isn't going to have any balls (Stones), or at least the ones he would need.  Who's got them, or going to have them?

It is the right question.  The answer to who will have these Stones is everything.  In my story, it will be Faramir and Peter-Marsh who will have them, at least the ones that have been covered in this blog.  Definitely not Brigham.  I don't think Brigham would even believe them if they would tell him in some future day that they had Stones, and thus Rollins' accusation and question in the clip is fairly fitting.

With that, I think I will close this out.  The clip is below if you want to watch and see if you see some of this, and maybe other things.  I don't know why, but I think these are kind of funny, and maybe it is a stretch to see some of these connections, but at the same time, it does seem odd to see things like The Rock show up in his pied vest after I focused so specifically on this element in previous posts.


  1. I read an article recently that was talking about how the Rock's return didn't go quite like WWE planned. Since Cody is currently such a beloved star by the fanbase, the Rock was actually booed in Phoenix. They thought he would return as the hero and be embraced. He and WWE made a strategic choice to embrace the villain role. I think that's why in that video Roman describes Cody as a politician b/c he has a polished public persona that is counter to his true nature. The fans love him but only b/c he has fooled them. Sounds like Saruman for sure.

    Here's a video of the Rock's beat down of Rhodes that is referenced in your video. The Rock repeatedly references mama Rhodes, who is a good match for the Ungoliant storyline. And he also references a prophecy fulfilled by wiping Cody's blood and tears on the Rock's belt.

    I was hoping to watch the match this weekend but you have to have Peacock Plus. And there's another phallic reference haha. I might get it just to see how the Rock and Roman fare.

  2. Oh man, that was a brutal beat down. It reminded me of the video I posted of the Killer Whale coming up on the unsuspecting Shark and obliterating it.

    Good observations on some of those details. That was interesting on the repeated Mama Rhodes references, and your Ungoliant tie-in, which I think works really well since we've literally referred to her as Mama Ungoliant on this blog.

    The Rock speaking directly to this Mama and letting her know what happened to one of her children also reminded me of that dream where I think Eowyn-Izilba was addressing Ungoliant directly and 'apologizing' for what she did to her daughter Thuringwethil. The apology was more like "I'm sorry it has to be this way" as a direct threat, is how I ended up interpreting the statement, which was kind of like how The Rock ended his address to Mama Rhodes: "It didn't have to be this way, but now this is the only way."

    Also, did you notice the truck outside in the parking lot - the one Cody was repeatedly being thrown against? Wheatley Vodka. Wheatley means "from the Wheat field". Vodka simply means "water" in Russian. So, "Water from the wheat field". A place where there is only Wheat and no Tares?

    The truck was parked outside of the West Gate.

    It just gets weirder.

  3. It turns out that truck belongs to Cody Rhodes (who I guess they call the American Nightmare - fitting), so the Wheatley Vodka reference is probably more based on just the image when we first see it framed (conveniently for advertising purposes, I am sure) next to The Rock's head as he is exiting the door for the rest of the beat down.

  4. Apparently the Rock has had that pied cow-print vest for years, as part of his “Brahma bull” branding.

    The “piper” context makes me think of Krishna and Nandi.

  5. Before he was given the surname “Stone,” Peter was known as Simon son of John. The Rock’s real name is also Johnson.

  6. WJT:

    The Rock's first name is also Dwayne, which means "dark or black". So, you have a reference to a Black Rock (Stone), who is a "Son of John". As you pointed out, this could be a reference to Peter. It also could reference Faramir, who would be a 'son' of John by marriage (in my convoluted story) and perhaps in other meanings. Could allude to both, or either, in other words.

    The Black Rock/ Stone name is interesting given the "New Moon Shining" concept, or a black stone that shines as symbolized by a Solar Eclipse. As I've written in previous posts, the Palantiri were said to be black stones (although I've thought that perhaps the Anor Stone is an exception).

  7. Leo:

    I also forgot to mention the interesting use of the belt. Might be a stretch, but the big prophecy regarding Zhera' (Faramir) was that he would 'enlarge the girdle of Arda'. Girdle means belt.

    Maybe some symbolism with its use. I don't know - I am sure there is a limit on just how much one should dig into Monday Night Raw for spiritual meaning...

  8. Well I'll go on record as saying if it's wrong to dig into MNR for spiritual meaning then I don't want to be right.
