Thursday, June 20, 2024

Joseph returning home

 Rather than leading up to it in the search through my words and the various exploits of The Germans, I am going to jump right to the day I think Joseph of Egypt was finally brought home in the search and rescue effort, and we can work backwards from there.

First, however, I think The Germans consists of the Stone Couriers (of which there are likely two Beings) plus Thingol-John.  At least initially.  My current guess is that, sometimes toward the end, they are joined by the Three Disciples.  I am not completely sure on that last point, but it seems to make sense given interactions once Joseph is returned safely to Tirion.

And again, The Germans are, among other things, searching for Joseph so that they can bring him home.  For whatever reason, this seems particularly important to do prior to the confrontation between Asenath and the Balrog in Idaho.  Recall that I have Asenath telling her brother Faramir that she intends to 'pluck him', but the first priority is to get Joseph.

With all of that being said, I think the Joseph is escorted home on March 5, 2020.  On that day, I have the following words (I have added speaker designations, one for Joseph and an X those speaking to Joseph, based on my guess):

March 5, 2020

[X] Every word described was brilliant
[Joseph] I’ve been sick
[X] I can hear you becoming
[X] Have you been coming often?
[Joseph] You all set?
[X] Do not worry not too late
[Joseph] So do it
[X] We will depart wealth creation
[X] Are you coming?
[Joseph] Yes. Family?
[X] Do not worry
[X]Let us go we can cover all of the stars later 
Aqua (akwa?) road [seen as a cave-like entrance into something that looked like a gift-shop]

It is a strange dialogue, and it seems to pick up mid-conversation.

 A voice is first heard telling Joseph that every word described was brilliant.  I believe this is a reference to the Sawtooth Stone, said to be "brighter than the sun", and thus brilliant.  Joseph put words onto that Stone a long, long time ago in some form (however he 'described' them).  As the Sawtooth Stone will not be recovered until May, they are not talking about it in this instance, per se, but rather I take it as these are Beings who were either present for this (and can remember) or were shown this after the fact.  In other words, they are telling Joseph about what he had done in a time he could no longer recall.

This is either Thingol speaking, or one of the 3 Disciples, and I lean toward the Disciples at this point.  That is just how I currently imagine it, however, and that view could radically change.

Joseph replies that he is sick, and I think this comment ties back to the Sawtooth Stone and its absence from him.  In a previous post I indicated my guess is that Joseph's separation from the Stone and the Vision on it is a, if not the, source of his Sickness, and thus his response to hearing about the Brilliant Words that he apparently placed on that Stone make complete sense.  He can no longer remember those Words or that Vision, and is thus Sick.

The next lines are strange, but it seems that at one point Joseph is asking the group (whether Thingol, Disciples, and/ or the other Germans) whether they are 'all set', which I take by the answers means are they all ready to go and depart for 'home'.

The reply is also confusing as if saying there isn't any rush, it isn't too late, etc., but Joseph responds rather curtly and says "So do it".  Get going then, basically.

The Disciples reply that they will depart, and then use the curiose phrase "Wealth Creation".  I've gone back and forth on what this means.  Is Wealth Creation what they called Joseph?  Is the place they are departing to?  I am not sure.  One argument in favor it being the name they are calling Joseph is one of Joseph's names, Ausir, literally means "Wealthy", but I don't have a good answer for how Creation fits in.  Perhaps it is a place, and means the Place that Wealth [Joseph] Created?

Suffice it to say, they convince Joseph to come with them, but he is still concerned about his "Family".  I take this to mean the Family of Light on our world, dressed up in the bodies of Men.  The same family that Asenath yearns to be fully restored with her and Joseph at home.  Joseph is concerned what will happen if he leaves - how will they be restored?  The reply is for him not to worry.

But he does continue to worry, and I know this by the dream-vision I had after the Disciples told him not to worry.

I was suddenly a child, and sitting down in front of a wall.  On the wall was something like a large mural of the night sky or space, complete with many stars.  As I sat there, I reached up with my finger to cover one of the stars.  The act of touching it, made the star disappear.  As I did this, the Disciples responded with that phrase "Let us go, we can cover all of the stars later".

I believe those Stars represented Joseph's Family - the House of Joseph.  Comprised of Stars, it is important to note that the Elves, of the Eldar, were known as the People of the Stars (that is the meaning of Eldar).  Which I think is a double meaning for them being both Beings of Light, but also calling out where they originally came from - the Great Beyond.

The covering of the star in my dream I think signified Joseph's anxiety in losing or seeing just one of those Stars dimmed and ultimately lost.

The Disciples response (as conveyed) is a pun on "cover".  When you discuss a topic, you are sometimes said to cover it.  I believe the Disciples were saying that they understood Joseph's concern, but that they would cover it later.  Now was the time to leave.

This seems supported by that final phrase:  Aqua road.   Aqua means water, of course, and these Beings will return Joseph to Tirion through Space, or the Great Waters.  Thus, the Road through the Waters, or Aqua Road.  This phrase was not spoken like the others, which is why I think it is a summary of the action they took following the discussion.  Rather, I saw it in a dream scene as noted above, in which the words were shown as a sign above an entrance into a gift-shop type store.  I myself didn't get close to it in terms of my dream perspective, so that is just what it looked like from a distance.

OK, so with that, I think Joseph returns home, escorated by at least the Disciples, I believe, as well as maybe Thingol, but I am not certain.  Definitely the original plan was for Thingol to escort Joseph home, but it is unclear if that remained how it actually happened.  I guess this was the original plan because it seems to be mentioned back on January 19, when it seems Asenath gives a specific instruction or request that Joseph depart with Thingol:

January 19, 2020
Benu au doriel mit Thingol luke elanor

This is an interesting phrase because we once again have reference to El-Anor (the Anor Stone), and the word "Luke" again.  Luke (the e is pronounced here, so it doesn't sound like the name Luke if spoken that way) describes El-Anor in this case, and that it was enchanted or had a spell.  In my story, El-Anor is smoked or darkened, but it seems that Asenath may have done some things with it afterward but prior to it coming across the Many Waters to our world that would make it accurately described as enchanted or magical.

In any case, the full phrase seems to say:

Husband away [from?] Daughter-Land with Thingol [and] enchanted El-Anor.

So, the plan is for El-Anor to assist Joseph in finding his way back home, accompanied by Thingol.  At least that is my guess.  As we learn in those other words regarding El-Anor or the Liahona, it is "sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised".  This was the reason El-Anor was darkened and brought to our world - to be given into the sickly hands of Joseph, who would use it to return home.

This didn't happen on January 19th, though.  In a follow up conversation the next day, I found myself talking to a Being who portrayed themselves as Yoda, from Star Wars.  Yeah, I know.  This is another reason why I think of the "Luke" reference and character as pointing toward Joseph.  In that conversation, it seems Joseph now wishes to depart after having heard that invitation to come home.  But Yoda (who I believe is actually John here), tells him that he can't yet - he is still blind:

January 20, 2020

Luke-Joseph:  We have conversations I want to depart
Yoda-John-Thingol:  You are still blind one thing lack you yet

Seguendo o mit sil
She would go away

The Elvish words that follow I have as still being spoken by Thingol, but it transitioned to a more 'normal' voice... the theatrics of the staged Star Wars, Luke-Yoda conversation had gone away.  These words might represent the answer to what Joseph is told Joseph lacks:  the Dead.

Seguendo o mit sil I can translate into something like "In like manner the dead folk away with crystal (El-Anor)".  Basically, it isn't just Joseph who is being evacuated here back home, but apparently at least some of the Dead, and they are going to hitch a ride - whatever that looks like - with Joseph as he uses El-Anor to return home.

Strange, I know, but that is where my head is.  This will also explain Beings I view as the Dead being gathered or lead to a spot prior to Joseph's departure and remarking that there are no Holy Places (seemingly looking around our world).  I will get into that in another post, though.

There is one other invitation for Joseph to come home on February 5.  This would still pre-date the Dead, though, being led somewhere, so I don't know if this is an invitation that is extended through impatience or just letting him know the way is open to come home?  I am not sure.  Here is that invitation:

February 5, 2020
Star-way they explained
Domno dorno away
Come my darling homeward bound

Given the language, I think this must be Asenath speaking again to Joseph.  As a parent with young kids, I also noted that the final phrase seems to be ripped directly from the Disney movie "Frozen II".  That movie also involved a character - Elsa - having to cross an ocean (the Dark Sea), which may be representative of Joseph needing to make the crossing over the Dark Sea that separates us from these other worlds.

Domno Dorno can mean something like the "Dark land below", and what he is asking to depart away from (i.e., our world).

Lastly, it seems that the 6 days of travel hold up in this example of Joseph and the 3 Disciples travelling back to Tirion.  They leave on March 5, and on March 10, I record the account where I believe Asenath is greeting the 3 Disciples to Tirion, and asking them to do a rapid return back to our world, which they do literally the next day on March 11 once they understand the situation.

March 10

[Asenath] Ai’marao, 
[Asenath] Power come bed
[Asenath?] Redondo return
[Disciples] We go
[Asenath] Urge on
[Disciples] You keeping your cool?
[Disciples?] We reading rock

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