Monday, June 17, 2024

6 days from our Earth to Tirion

 I have so many different topics on my mind right now, but for this post I am going to leave a lot of that aside and focus on a very specific finding that likely no one else is interested in, but I found neat once I discovered it and wanted to document it.  And that has to do with the travel time from Tirion to our Earth, which can be found from the words and dialogues I captured in 2019 and 2020.  And not just found, but corroborated across at least two different trips involving different Beings and found to be consistent.

I actually just realized this yesterday, in comparing the trip of The Germans with the return of Asenath following Sawtooth.  In both cases, the trips appear to have taken 6 days.

First, with respect to The Germans, I alluded to their trip in an earlier post (and we introduced them a bit in prior posts, like in this one).  And I find that, notwithstanding my earlier statement that maybe I need to figure out the 'Nyarna' words before proceeding further, my energy and interest lately has been drawn to their story.  So I may ultimately say screw it and dive into their adventure, and then go back to those other words once I have a better handle.  We will see.

The post I mentioned the length of The Germans trip is titled "Grande-Riviere, France:  Why not?" and is where my current guess as to the approximate location of Tom Bombadil's House and the Cave-Study of Records can be found.

If you remember, we have the Anor Stone being 'smoked' or darkened on November 17, 2019 by Asenath herself, and this would have been done in Tirion.  This was performed in advance of The Germans taking the Stone with them as part of their rescue mission, which seems to have had multiple objectives as I look more into it - not just the rescue of Joseph, though that was obviously critical.

The Germans do not leave, however, until December 28, based on the dialogue.  The day before, on December 27, we have The Germans saying:

December 27, 2019

Ich fahre mit ein geschall schatt

My rough translation is something like "I drive/travel with a sounded treasure".  My guess is by 'sounded' that this means words, stories, even songs were placed or 'sounded' onto this treasure, and that this treasure may in fact be the same thing as the now Dark Anor Stone.  I am not sure on this, though, but it is my best guess based on other mentions in my words of "calls" and "echoes" (something like recordings?) in relation to a Stone.  We'll see.  One implication is that in its darkened state, the Stone may have lost some of the ability to communicate back to Tirion, and so messages, songs, etc. were placed on the Stone for the benefit of The Germans (and also perhaps Joseph once they found him).  There is some evidence in my words to suggest this is the case.

"Sounding" these songs and sayings onto the Stone may have been part of the additional preparation involved prior to The Germans' departure.

On the next day, December 28, The Germans take off:

December 28, 2019
Now we are going
Gehen sie mit ein gross besuche

I roughly translated these words in that earlier post, but again here they could be something like "Now we are going, going to it with a great visit".

They're off!

It would be radio silent until January 2, 2020, when the following pronouncement comes through from The Germans:

January 2, 2020

Wir gehen sie

Now, literally I think this translates as something like "We going it".  I am myself going to take a guess here and suggest that what this really means is that The Germans have arrived on our earth.  Why a better word for 'arrived' wasn't chosen, I have no idea, but all of the other clues and story elements suggests that this is an arrival date for these travellers.

In support of this, it would be the very next day, on January 3, that they begin using the Stone, apparently searching for both Joseph, but also for a "Green Piece", which I will get into in another post.  They also note that through the use of the Stone, they can see Joseph's children.  Again, I will go through my guesses on this in a different post.

The important thing here for this post is that The Germans left on December 28 and arrived on January 2.  Counting both the departure and arrival dates as travel days, that gives us a 6 day journey to get from Tirion to our world.  The travel, in other words, isn't instantaneous, but it is likely very, very fast, in that they are coming from a place that I understand to be likely extremely far away.

Some of this retreads ground I've already covered, but I wanted to set this up because in looking at the words from May 2020 yesterday, I realized that 6 days is also the implied journey time of Asenath back to her home following events at the Sawtooth Mountains underneath Williams Peak.

We know the travel time because I believe Asenath's Daughters (which includes Claire in my story, remember) made a pretty deliberate statement regarding her arrival home.

Asenath would have engaged with and defeated the Balrog in Idaho in April.  I had this commencing between April 20 and April 21, but will actually use the strange communication from the Daughters on April 22 to mark the official victory and the likely day that Asenath started her journey back home to Tirion.  That communication, by the way and as a reminder, is where the Stone rolling from the Mountain was referenced (as captured in the Good Time Roll song by the cars quoted by them), as well as the specific point about needing to "beware" of someone, who I now take to be William Tychonievich based on all available evidence (with "beware" in this case a play on words for his birthday, and just a statement to keep an eye out for that person).  I know that also sounds strange, but I am just going with the best guess that the evidence suggests at this point.

So, Asenath departs April 22.

On April 27th, I received the following words (I am going to add speaker brackets based on who I think is speaking):

April 27, 2020

[Daughters]:  Mommy's home!
[Asenath]:  Now that is my drug of choice... milk and honey
[Unknown - maybe Asenath]:  they should write it out

OK, so fairly clear statement that Asenath has returned home, and this gives us also a pretty clear idea on who is speaking and likely been curating, summarizing, and presenting a fair portion of dialogues by this time in 2020:  Asenath's Daughters, who have indicated that their Mother is home.

By the way this also gives us a clue or indication that the Daughters are also operating out of Tirion, in the same location that Asenath is.  The "Claremont" sign was actually one additional confirmation or clue to me that this was so, meaning that Claire, along with her sisters (minus one) would be found on the Bright Mountain - the Shining City on a Hill, which is or will be Tirion-Jerusalem.

In any case, just as with The Germans, counting the departure and arrival dates as travel days, we also have 6 days of travel for Asenath between our Earth and Tirion.

I don't know - I thought it was interesting to see that the travel days could be calculated in both instances, and were shown to be the same.  As I have mentioned before, I don't mind being crazy so long as things are consistent and make sense.

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