Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Good Spell of Luke

Well, I was working on a post about the Elessar, or Elf Stone, as I had some recent thoughts on this over the past 48 hours or so, but I am going to switch gears and write a post about the words that come up next in that November 2019 timeline (the gap I had skipped).  

What is making me shelve the Elessar post for now and dive a bit into these next words?  Within the span of about 15 minutes I read William Tychonievich's latest post and then my daughter made two very specific song requests that had me thinking that I should turn my energy here.

Although it does feel a bit like dealer's choice here - the Elessar is a Green Stone, and there is a lot going for green today.  I had lunch with an old colleague and friend who I haven't seen in over two years today.  His last name is Green.  And part of William's post mentions both Green Gorillas and a Greenhouse.  So, maybe I will try to hammer away at that one a bit more later tonight if I get the time.

For now, lets focus on Luke, a Good Spell (Gospel) and Books or Stories that are also People.

In his latest post, This episode is brought to you by the letters G and L, William spends some time on the Gospel of Luke after seeing the book in an illustration.  He makes the interesting observation that Luke means "Light", which I didn't know.  You might not know that Luke is also an Elvish word, which means "enchantment, magic, or spell".  How do I know this?  Luke, the word and name, appears in the very next set of words that I had intended to continue on with before becoming a little distracted, which is why I figured this is as good a sign as any that I should go back to those.

Before I share the words, I made a reference to songs my daughter requested.  On my way to meet my friend for lunch, I needed to drop my daughter off at her dance rehearsal.  Prior to this (I think - it was either immediately before driving her there, or immediately after driving her off... I think before), I had stopped by William's blog and quickly skimmed his latest post mentioned above.  The post ties back to the cavern he saw in his vision which was filled with books and also had the two golden animals.

In my own imagination, rightly or wrongly, I've linked this to the Study or Room of Records that might be found in France.

Anyway, as we got into the car, my daughter said she had two songs she really wanted to listen to.  The first was titled "I'm Jealous of Paris".

Paris, you say?

In a very recent post, I linked or translated the word "Paris" into an Elvish phrase having something to do with both learning knowledge as well as composing, writing, or arranging knowledge, and connected that word, obviously, to the Study I believe is in France.

So, I was interested in this specific song request, which literally came out of the blue.  Not on the usual listening list (which lately consists of Taylor Swift mostly).

The second song?

This was called "Memory Lane".  This was also an interesting choice given that the books I believe are in this Study are records which contain true records or account of history (as well was likely words about things that haven't happened yet).  The word "memory" specifically links to the Brass Plates, which I have also theorized might be in Tom's Study.  In what else but Alma's discourse to his son Helaman (featured many times on this blog), Alma explains some of the reasons why the Plates have been preserved up until that time:

And now, it has hitherto been wisdom in God that these things should be preserved; for behold, they have enlarged the memory of this people, yea, and convinced many of the error of their ways, and brought them to the knowledge of their God unto the salvation of their souls.

The brass plates were responsible for expanding memory.  The people 'remembered'.  If you were to read these Plates, you might also take a walk down Memory Lane.

Neither of those songs, to my knowledge, have ever been requested by my daughter, though I do remember hearing them awhile ago on her Moody Mix list.

I thought kind of interesting.

OK, so on with the words.  I am going to include 3 days worth of words, because it is actually on the 3rd day that we find the Luke reference and which I will spend most of the time in this post, I think, partially because I see those most clearly at the moment.

Recall that I still have Eowyn speaking here, and we left off with a discussion about "Star-erios" gaining some sure knowledge of why the Numenoreans attacked Eressea (which I now imagine is found in the Study), and that this knowledge might change some things, particularly on Eressea.

Here is what I have next:

Nov 11
ash nee hah fibar an telu ishni ak zoral tres fi-nu bow ran or ansillio anyo darsi, this pass I

Nov 13

Nov 14
akuma dolmed-u luke palo-dir lorien

I also, for what it is worth, had a dream on November 14 which I associated with the words.  The notes I transfered over say this:

A group of people are gathered in something like a meeting room, where one predicts the future corruption of men.  I wrote down both “Sauron” and “Melkor” along with this, and unclear whether one of these was the one predicting this corruption, or the one was predicting that they would cause it. [Note:  My guess is now, as you will see, is that the one predicting the corruption of men is Joseph, and this is a dream of part of his Vision]

I won't go into exact word for word translation of November 11 ( because I don't know it) what I think you have here is, at least partially, that where Eowyn said earlier she took a path to Eressea herself (after her separation from Faramir in Ithilien), she continued onward to rise to Eru-Place, where she has been for a bit of time.  That closing phrase "ansillio anyo darsi, this pass I" could mean something like "Brightest shining to arrive here to wait, this pass I".  And this makes sense and is consistent with where I have guessed Eowyn has been.

The November 14 words are where we now see Luke, and interestingly where I have previously interpreted a double meaning between a Palantir and a Far Seeing Man.  A Stone and a Man.

We see "Lorien" at the end of the phrase, and in this case I believe  it refers to Joseph of Egypt, who is the Valar known as Lorien or Irmo.  The God of Dreams and Visions.

He did something after we were all cast into the Void (Kuma is the Elvish word for Void).  I have already given my guess as to what this was, for example see my post "Records on earth and in heaven:  the Stone as a 'welding link'" from last August.

Joseph put a Vision onto what I now call the Sawtooth Stone.  Placing the Vision on this Stone apparently happened at a place known as "Dolmed" which I place in Valinor.  A Dolmed in Valinor is consistent with a brief reference in Words of the Faithful, where the Numenoreans also had a mountain called Dolmed, in likeness of the original one:

At the Fall Harvest Prayer upon Mount Dolmed, raised by men long ago under the Pillar of Heaven in likeness of a Hill of Foretelling in oldest tales...

That original Hill of Foretelling mentioned here, I propose, is where Joseph had his vision and placed it onto the Stone. 

Luke is an interesting reference, and likely a play on words for both the "Gospel" that Joseph placed on the Stone, as well as a reference to Luke Skywalker, because why not.  We have already established that we will be dealing with Sky Walkers in our story, with the character Luke's last name being a pretty obvious reference to this, so I am throwing this in there.

But, primarily, Luke means “enchants or cast a spell”, and we have already covered how Gospel means a Good Spell.  Joseph's vision on the Sawtooth Stone will be this good spell, and is what came to my mind when I read of William talking about the Gospel of Luke.  In other words, I think the symbols he is seeing aren't about the Gospel of Luke as we know it, but rather a completely different Gospel of "Luke" as Joseph placed it on this Stone.  

Palo-dir is an interesting word in the phrase above.  When I first 'heard' it (I think I may have visually seen this one, though), I associated it very specifically with a Palantir.  It sounds very similar obviously, but I think it was intentionally made this way to enforce a double meaning.  "Dir" we have definitely covered before, and it means "Man".  Palo I am going to take the liberty of interpreting as "Far-seeing" as it combined with Dir, so we have "Far-seeing Man".  That is Joseph, or Lorien, and the output of his gift of far sight into the future was placed upon the Sawtooth Stone.  In other words, this word describes both the Man and the Stone.

In some strange way, it appears to me at least, this Stone is tied to Joseph himself.  Joseph in different stories is portrayed as "sick" or "recovering".  My belief is that it will not be until he is reunited with his Stone, and the Story on it, that he will be fully recovered.  But that is just my guess.  This though may or may not tie to William's understanding that a book in the cave he saw can both be a book but also a Being, as if the book itself is alive.  This harmonizes, in a way, with my understanding of how these Stones, and in this case the Sawtooth Stone in particular, interacts with their 'owners'.  Every Celestial resident receives a Stone with a new name on it, and my guess is this Stone containing his own Gospel has Joseph's name on it.  Far from being merely 'tools' it seems these Stones have some life and sense of Being of their own, again perhaps (but I am not sure) tying to William's understanding that a Book can also be a Being.

That Sawtooth Stone, with Joseph's Vision, was recovered by the company of Asenath and the Disciples, delivered to Tom's House by the Couriers, repaired of the damage done to its surface by the Druedain, and now sits, I believe, in the Study of Tom Bombadil in France.  It is because of this Stone that the person who Joseph prophesied should restore knowledge to his Family (his Children), as found in Lehi's rehearsal of Joseph's prophecy, will be a Seer.

At least that is my story right now.  In other words, I agree that a "Gospel of Luke" sits in that Study, I just think it is an entirely different Gospel than any of us would be familiar with presently, and almost certainly having little or nothing to do with our current Bible.

I mentioned later words in May 2020 that seem to capture some of the events around Joseph and his Vision.  I received those on May 4, so this is during that final week where things are in a tailspin at the moment for me.  Two days prior to this on May 2 would have been the dialogue involving Eru that I captured in my post Remmirath and the Netted StarsRemmirath and the Netted Stars:  the Seven Daughters of Asenath.  

I have added [Joseph] brackets where I think it is him speaking:

May 4
[Joseph?] Ah, but you are so little
[Joseph] Yea, though the starry heavens shall pass away yet my love shall not depart from thee, O house of Israel; though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as the driven snow
You should get the story out, a min
[Joseph] Feel we will wake up before we get it out
Let it be written before all else, trust in Eru good alone can come
I've finished washing the dishes. We can think of where they go later.
[Joseph] zim uln ur

I have written of a story of redemption regarding Israel, and not just generally or vaguely, but suggesting specific Beings - like Pharazon.  I take that first dialogue of Joseph seeing that redemption - of scarlet sins turned white.

Another voice mentions that Joseph ought to really "get the story out", and I take this as meaning perform whatever Magic Joseph is going to perform - see his vision and place it upon the Stone.

In probably what is meant to be conveyed in a way that gives us both a clue as to when this happened, and who is speaking, Joseph replies that maybe we will 'wake up' before the story comes out, or he puts it on the Stone, perhaps.  Joseph is the Vala of Dreams, so I currently take this reference to being asleep as a nod to him.  But also, we are in the "void", and asleep in the sense of lacking knowledge or awareness of the Truth.  Joseph mentions waking up in the future tense, which implies that he is in the Void and asleep with everyone else when this Vision happens (not outside of it).  This is consistent with the words I shared earlier in this post (being in the void, Joseph enchanted or put together his Vision).

The voice responds to Joseph that they should do it now - let it be written and done "before all else".  Apparently this advice given to Joseph is based on something Eru-Jesus himself has requested, because an appeal to Eru is made.  Basically, to summarize, it says "Joseph, trust in Eru's advice, and get the story out now."  This might have been important to do then before anything else given what would happen to the Two Trees, when so much Light was lost, but that is just me imagining why so important to do at that time.

My guess is that this Stone, and Eru's advice to have Joseph put the Story on it, is somehow related to a the plan of redemption that was 'laid from the foundation of the world'.  This Stone represents Redemption, symbolized by the dialogue above with Joseph talking about Israel's sins becoming white as the driven snow, and it was definitely laid down, and hidden up, from the very beginning.  Like a time capsule.

Lastly, there is an interesting reference to "washing the dishes".  No, I don't take this to mean someone was in a heavenly kitchen washing up after dinner.  Rather, another word for Dish is a Plate, and I consider this statement a play on words that is referring to Plates.  Someone has 'washed' them, meaning perhaps cleaned up and errors removed?  I am not completely sure, but it is interesting to see the reference to Plates here in the same dialogue involving the Sawtooth Stone.

This fits with my own personal view of Tom's study having both the Sawtooth Stone as well as Plates (like the Brass Plates).  One way to view it, is that it may be that the Stone has a Vision of what was said to be in the future, and the Plates, along with the witnesses who both wrote on them and preserved, have the story of what actually happened.  Joining those two perspectives together would make for a powerful story, I think.

One other point I forgot to call out more specifically.  William mentioned Luke means "Light".  I have associated Luke in this instance with Joseph and his Gospel.  I also have Joseph as the Father of Light, and his Gospel intended for the Family of Light, and I thought that was a neat little connection.

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