Friday, May 10, 2024


No joke, I was sitting down to write a post about the 02/22 reference, and I responded quickly to a comment that Debbie had left on my Twos-day: San Ramon, another Walt, and flying into the Sun that also ended with another 02/22 reference.  Must be meant to be that I should get this 02/22 post out tonight.

In her comment, Debbie mentioned Trump as a divider.  I responded that this shouldn't be surprising given that my guess is that Trump is Coriantumr reincarnated.  I think linked the post in which I put forward my point of view, only to realize that post was published on February 22, or 02/22.  Crazy, huh?

But Trump really doesn't have much to do with this post, although Ether does, and per other posts and comments, he is linked to the number 22., so perhaps there is a connection there somewhere also.

In any case, on to the real reason I wanted to write about 02/22.

In my Twos-day post linked earlier, I mentioned seeing the data 02/22 on a safety card while sitting on an airplane, and in seeing the number 22 in date format, I suddenly realized that my birthday is on the 22nd.  Like, strangely hit me for the first time, whereas 22 has come up multiple times before.  I was so struck by the thought, that I ended up taking a picture of the safety card.  Here it is:

I then imagined all sorts of stories on the back of this Cicada...  I mean, this safety and information card.   Let's take a look.

As mentioned, I noticed the 02/22 first and thought of my birthday.  I then noticed the word next to it:  revision.  Normally this means 'to change' in everyday use (or at least how I use it) but in this case I saw it and understood it in its true root words:  "to see again".  Per Etymonline, that is the basis for this word, after all, with "re" meaning "again", and "vision" meaning "to see".  Pretty straightforward, and I understood this line to have something to do with the Being I have associated with the number 22 (Faramir-Menelmacar) seeing again.

My eyes were then drawn to the number 321, and I saw it as a countdown, as in 3-2-1, liftoff.  I wrote a few posts on the recent eclipse passing over church historical sites, including upstate New York and the Kirtland Temple in Ohio.  In upstate New York, a religious group known loosely as the Remnant was holding a conference and they referenced that the eclipse would pass over at 3:21, and I mentioned I thought that this seemed like a countdown, 3-2-1.

Interestingly, though, in place of 'liftoff' on this card, was the word 'neo'.  I instantly thought of Neo, the character from the Matrix.   He showed up in a dream of mine awhile back.  But, I realized that Neo was an appropriate replacement for liftoff, as this is what Neo did at the end of the first Matrix movie.  

Before he lifts off, however, he informs 'the Matrix', who he is speaking to on the phone, that he will "show these people what you don't want them to see".  So, here again we have this concept of vision, and people being able to see things that they hadn't been able to before.  After hanging up the phone, he steps out of the phone booth and then ascends to the sky.  He literally 'lifts off' straight into the sky as a rocket would do.

Here was my brief summary of the Neo dream, by the way, from my post Fiber optic cables, ceramics, and ethernet conversions: A stone metaphor.

In the dream, I was back in the house I grew up in (and that my parents still live in).  I was talking with my dad about something, and I started to say something like "It just feels like things are close, because I can hear you guys upstairs on your ceramics making a lot of noise".  As I was saying this, my dad's face transformed into that of Keanu Reeves as the character of Neo in the Matrix movies, which was a bit strange, and I found that it was difficult to tell whether the words I said were coming from me or the person I was now facing as Neo.  As soon as I became aware of this, I woke up.

OK, so all this is great, but why did I decide that I wanted to write about 02/22 tonight?  Well, one of our favorite movies, National Treasure, comes bounding back into the picture

The vision to see the treasured past

Tonight was Friday movie night, and wouldn't you know, my two youngest wanted to watch National Treasure again.  Looking up my previous posts on this movie, it looks like it was about 2 months ago they watched it.  They wanted an adventure movie and this one sounded good for them.  I was tired because it has been a long work week, so even though I have seen it recently (and written a few posts on it) I sat there with them and watched.   I actually figured I had seen most of the interesting things in the movie, but I turned out to be wrong.   It gets pretty interesting.

After arriving in Philadelphia, they try to crack yet another code/ clue in the form of a riddle.  Riley reads Ben and Abigail the following:

The vision to see the treasured the past

Comes as the timely shadow

Crosses in front of the house of Pass and Stow

The answer, of course, is the Liberty Bell.  The same Bell that I visited with my son last week and wrote a couple posts on as well.

We have here this concept of "vision" and "seeing" again, and it is about to be explicitly linked to 02/22.  

They figure out that it must be at a certain time ("the timely shadow"), and find that the right time is on the etching of the Independence Hall Clock Tower that is on the back of $100 bills.

That time?


That clue then leads them to the clock tower where they find a brick that contains what the clue was referring to:  a pair of spectacles.

These are the same spectacles I wrote about before, and compared to the Urim and Thummim in my National Treasure post linked earlier, and here is the picture of what they look like:

This is a pretty direct link with the 02/22 'revision' story that had developed in my mind, with the clue in this movie involving the time of 2:22 leading to glasses that would allow one to have a different vision of things, specifically hidden things.

It was also interesting in that I have linked up Faramir-Eonwe-Ether with this 22 number, and here we have the character of Ben ('the son') directly associated with that number.

Here is the National Treasure clip.  The part really starts at around the 1:10 mark.


  1. Neo also puts on a pair of spectacles in that final scene.

    On the safety card, neo is right next to the numeral 1, and it's an anagram of one (intentionally so, since Neo is "the One.") Ether -- and you make a point of mentioning that Ether has something to do with this post -- is an anagram of three.

  2. How very intriguing!

    Part 1
    I have several more puzzle pieces which I believe connects with much
    of what you've written here on this post.
    The first one being is this: I think you're Greg in my Walter Weaver dream.

    I actually mentioned this to Marshall, a day or so ago after I read your post about
    the two WW's) I told Marshall : I think WW ( Willam Wright ) is Greg.

    I'm now very much convinced I'm right because of this that you wrote:
    "I then noticed the word next to it: revision. Normally this means 'to change' in everyday use
    (or at least how I use it) but in this case I saw it and understood it in its true root words:
    "to see again". Per Etymonline, that is the basis for this word, after all, with "re" meaning "again",
    and "vision" meaning "to see":.
    Here's my Walter Weaver dream:
    Walter Weaver

    I had a strange dream today . The dream is as follows

    I can’t recall of this dream, but for some reason I was with a man who I was very attracted to.
    I remember kissing him, and although I felt guilty as I knew I was in a relationship with Marshall
    I still was very attracted to this man. I knew his last name was Weaver, and I felt that he was very
    wealthy and owned a chain of Supermarkets (Grocery Stores).

    At one point my sister was with us and I felt as if she was trying to ‘steal’
    my boyfriend away from me.
    I recall that she was secretly seeing, whom I though was my boyfriend ,
    which I felt that his first name was Walter.
    However it turns out that she was seeing his brother Greg.
    I woke up
    First of all I want to clarify this: I believe that our nightly dreams (and waking syncs)
    are all symbolic and not literal. I personally don't know a Walter, or a Weaver
    or a Greg. My sister and I are estranged in real life, so I'm not aware if she knows
    a Walter, or a Weaver or a Greg.

    So when I say that I think you are Greg, it's not literal. To be attracted to someone or
    something in our dreams is much deeper than a physical attraction.
    And perhaps you know this, but the Universal Language which dreams are' spoken' in
    is composed in symbolism, numbers/gematria and archetypes/mythology

    The wealthy Walter Weaver in the dream who owned a chain of grocery stores
    is symbolic. A grocery store is a place which sells food symbolically meaning :
    Food for Thought.
    copy and paste:
    "The metaphorical concept compares the nourishment of the mind (through thoughts and ideas) to the nourishment of the body (through food).

    As stated, IRL (in real life ) and after researching Etymology online's definition of Greg,
    I am pretty well convinced I'm right.

    From etymology:
    masc. proper name, popular in England and Scotland by mid-12c. (Pope Gregory I sent the men who converted the English to Christianity), nativization of Late Latin Gregorius, literally "wakeful" (equivalent to Latin Vigilantius), from Greek gregorios, a derivative of gregoros "to be watchful," from PIE root *ger- (2) "to be awake" (source also of Sanskrit jagarti "he is awake."

  3. WW,

    Part 2

    Also what's also very interesting is the photo of the airline placard with A321.
    Actually just last week, while revisiting my dream archives I came upon
    a dream I had in 1985( a few days before my aunt Ruth passed over into spirit)
    that has connections with 32.

    I try to read my dream archives ( especially the older ones ) every 4 -7 years or so
    just to see how many of those puzzle pieces connect with any present day puzzle pieces,
    and not surprising many of them do.
    Somewhat mirroring what you wrote in your post today which is this:
    "The vision to see the treasured past".

    If you recall in my previous comment I linked the Twilight Zone's episode Walking Distance
    which I believe very much connects with visiting the past so as to see the future,
    because and truth be told and IMHO,
    Everything is connected and there is no such thing as linear time and space, at least
    not in the esoteric. I personally believe that our Soul transcends time and space
    and does so every night in our REM sleep.

    I have a gazillion entries of dreams and it's an arduous endeavor, which explains
    the rarity of the visits. Several of my dreams, even going back 50 years ago,
    I remember very clearly and precisely because those dreams were powerful,
    especially the premonition dreams which premonition dreams are extremely rare,
    and I've had quite a few throughout the years.

    In the 32 dream Marshall and I were walking on the sidewalk across
    from my grandparents house ( where I grew up IRL ) .
    My family and also my aunt Ruth and my maternal grandparents
    lived in that small house.

    In the dream Marshall and I were walking across the street
    and I looked over at the house and saw my grandfather sitting
    in a chair on the front porch.
    I said to Marshall: "Look there's my grandfather". I smiled and waved at him
    ( my grandfather).
    IRL my grandfather passed over in 1977.

    Behind my grandfather I saw my aunt looking out of the window
    ( which IRL the window was exactly where the chair on the porch was located).
    At that point when I recognized my grandfather and aunt, my aunt came
    through the window and 'levitated over to me and Marshall
    and she said : Tell grandchildren died of cancer at 32.

    What was odd is although my aunt died from pancreatic cancer, she was not
    32 when she died. Her daughter Connie nor I was 32 at that time, although
    I was 30 and factoring in the law of the three, I guess it could have some connection,
    but I never really could connect the reference to 32 until
    after I read your post about 3... 2... 1, Neo, and especially ' Liftoff",
    which liftoff is a form of levitation.
    Recall my previous comments about levitation.

    So Thank you very much
    William, for giving me that puzzle piece which helps me complete my puzzle!!!

  4. WW,
    Part 3

    Regarding your post about the movie National Treasure especially the connection with
    I've seen National Treasure several times myself and loved it as I too am an 'investigator.
    ' However I DID NOT see the 22 connection before so again Thank You so much
    for the puzzle piece ).

    Also speaking of the Liberty Bell, the Liberty Bell in Philly is on the 77 Meridian West.
    The actual longitude is 75 but factor in the law of the three.
    Don't know if you saw any of my comments on William's Blog
    about the significance of John Dee, Plato , the New Atlantis,
    and the 77 Meridian West but if you get a chance, please check it out.

    A great start is a Youtube video I just recently found about the 77 Meridian
    West ( link below ).
    I began research on the 77 Meridian West many many years ago
    after having several dreams which sparked the research.

    The masters numbers 11, 22,33, 44, 55 are everywhere
    in this dimension, especially in cinema, because symbolically the 'twins'
    means we've transcended beyond ourselves (as an individual).
    Of course everything is about duality in this dimension.

    Recall in my previous comment I mentioned my 2003 11:11 experience.
    11:11 adds up to both 22 and the single number 4 , which 4 is the doorway.

    When we allow ourselves to transcend, we transcend through doorways, which
    is a portal. Doors , windows, and gates are all portals.
    Which is why in my 32 dream my aunt was looking out of a window and the
    window was behind my grandfather who passed over in 1977.

    My aunt passed over in Sept of 1985.
    I had the 32 dream a few days before she passed over as she was
    still in the hospital when I had the dream.

    Also if you haven't seen the movie Knowing with Nick Cage do check it out!
    It too is a very good investigator movie and I actually commented on William's blog
    many months ago about many symbols hidden in that movie especially where it concerns numbers.
    Everything is about numbers in this duality dimension as I'm sure you well know.

    The 77th Meridian - Part 1

    Great Post!!!!

  5. WW,
    I just wanted to add this about windows being portals and why I connected it
    to my aunt in the 32 dream.
    When I had the dream in 1985 I obviously DID NOT KNOW what I know now, especially concerning the Universal Language and how to decipher symbolism in REM dreams and synchronicity in our( humanity, collectively) waking life.

    As you can imagine and I'm sure you would agree,
    it takes a gazillion hours and years and years of research ( and from a vast spectrum of knowledge, ideologies and people past and present) to even scratch the surface to
    begin to see where , how and more importantly why those gazillion puzzle pieces we've been given somehow connects to a much bigger picture, which I believe is to help us understand our Soul growth and purpose.

    Perfect example being the 32 meaning. Even when I revisited my dream archives last week,
    (which I hadn't read the older archives in over 5 years)
    I wondered why I still couldn't find the 32 significance, until I saw the photo
    you posted and your interpretation of the 3... 2... 1 liftoff.

    Makes perfect sense now as does the answer as to why my aunt was looking out of a window and levitated towards me, which also explains why my grandfather
    was sitting in Front of the window. The answer being : he had already passed
    through the portal in 1977.
    Windows, gates and doors are portals.

  6. WJT:

    Good observations on Neo's spectacles and the anagrams - I hadn't caught either detail. I actually had a strange dream just last night involving sunglasses, interestingly.
