Saturday, May 25, 2024

Good and Evil, and a large bird named Gregor

Last night, it was just the two younger kids and me for Friday night pizza and movie night.  My wife was with my oldest son at his hockey tournament game (where I am hanging out today).

The kids chose a movie called The School for Good and Evil.  They saw it a year or two ago, I believe, but thought last night was a good time to watch it again.  It is based on a novel I haven't read, so I am not sure how closely the movie does or does not follow the book.

I was thinking through some of the themes of the movie as we were watching it, specifically this notion of Good and Evil and how to tell which is which.  That was one of the premises of the story, is that one 'knew' whether one was Good or Evil (or an "Ever" or "Never", as the students in each school were called) by which School you ended up in.  The Schoolmaster never made a mistake, it was assumed, and so you could just tell an Ever or a Never by their school, and their corresponding appearance.

This concept or assumption will be challenged throughout the story, with things not remaining so Black and White and appearances not necessarily corresponding to the underlying reality of the nature of the Being or situation.

This was an interesting theme based on some of the things I have been writing, and as you might guess, my mind went to Pharazon since he has been so prominent lately.  In recent posts, we have gone from looking at the Evil that Pharazon and the Numenoreans did during the 2nd Age and which ultimately broke the world, to wondering just why that Evil was done, to exploring the potential that these various parties may already be on the path to restoration.  Again, I don't know if that is true, but the story has captured my imagination for the time being.

In the process of having this on my mind, a fairly recognizable sync came into the movie.

Gregor is a character in the story who is in the school of Good.  He is actually the son of Prince Charming, if I remember correctly.  The only problem is that he isn't good at anything they are testing for, and frankly doesn't want to be there anyway.  His dream is to run a Grocery Store, not learn magical arts and how to be a good fairy tale character.

Anyway, his ineptitude causes him to fail 3 times.  The rule at the school is that if you fail 3 times you are not only expelled from the school, but transformed into another Being and trapped there at the school forever.  One of the hints that even on the Good side, something is amiss.

We see Gregor painfully disappear after his 3rd fail, but we do not see what he transforms into at that time.

Later, one of the protagonists, Agatha, a Reader who was transported to this school by mistake in her opinion, makes a wish usingWishing Fish, with her simple wish being that everyone can go home.  The numerous Wishing Fish actually at that time transform back into a little girl, who reveals that she was one of the student who failed 100 years ago and was thus transformed into the form of these Wishing Fish.

Immediately after this, a giant, scary looking bird flies out of the forest and lands in the lake where Agatha is.  It looks like a vulture made out of bones, sinew, and feathers - at least that was my first impression.  It turns out the bird is a species called Stymph (I will get to that in just a second).  Agatha is terrified as well, but then notices something peculiar about the bird.  Upon close inspection, she sees that this Stymph is none other than Gregor!

She tells Gregor that she will try and help him, but at that time Tedros, who is the son of King Arthur and thus in the Good school, rushes in to save everybody by killing Gregor with Excalibur.

Agatha is clearly mortified, while everyone can't understand her reaction because they assume that this was a good thing that Tedros did, saving her from the Stymph.  Here is the clip.

In a later conversation, Tedros will defend his actions by saying that the Stymph was Evil because he looked Evil - that is all he needed to know about the Being to both judge it and then kill it.  And by doing so, and approaching Evil in this way, he obviously did a terrible thing by killing poor Gregor.

Anyway, going back to the scene, as I am watching this really large vulture-like bird named Gregor, I thought to myself "Didn't William Tychonievich have a dream about a Vulture named Gregor?"  I remembered this because I had just written in my post on Boromir's Belt that it is possible that the Vulture from his dreams represented Pharazon.  I also left comments on William's post with this thought.  And here I was looking at a bird that resembled a vulture (to me) as I had been thinking of Pharazon, Good and Evil, etc.

I went over to William's blog, and searched for "Gregor", but nothing came up.  I had forgotten at that point that I had literally included the name in my Boromir post, so I then searched for vulture, I think, and found what I was looking for.

The name of the Vulture from his dream is Odessa Grigorievna.  So, Gregor was definitely involved, but just as the last name of this character.  Grigorievna is the Russian, female version of Gregor or Gregory.  

So this was interesting and had my attention, obviously.

I then looked up Stymph to see if that was an actual thing, and if so, what it meant.  I searched for Stymph, and after wading through a few movie-specific fan sites relative to the character, I found out, per Wikipedia, that Stymph is short of Stymphalian birds and that there are a thing from Greek mythology.

Stymphalian birds were large, man-eating birds who inhabited a swamp in Stymphalia, and so the name was a reference to this swamp.

Wait, did I just say Swamp?  

Yes, I did.  

Swamps have come up before in the form of Thomas B. Marsh and, ultimately, Peter, who I equated with this Marshy Being.  I arrived at this point by combining Leo's callout of Thomas B. Marsh on his own blog with William's references to his pokemon Swamp-creature Pokelogan on his.  And I can't remember all of the steps, but eventually arrived at Thomas B. Marsh as the reincarnated Peter.  It was a strange journey to get there, but somehow still holds in my mind and makes sense, even as WWE started to factor into that storyline and add on the additional identity of Gim Githil, the first father of the Eldar.

So then I had the strangest thought.  Could Pharazon have come back eventually - after several other roles, including Boromir - as... Peter?


That is where my mind went.  Peter could be the same Being as Pharazon.  But it seemed kind of strange, obviously, and I ended up just letting the matter drop for the evening and didn't really think about it much more.

This morning, however, it worked on me a bit more, and I remembered this little detail of 'fail 3 times and you get transformed'.  Who else 'failed' 3 times?  Oh yeah, Peter.  He was told, in New Testament tradition, that he would deny Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed, and ended up doing so.

That was interesting.  In the movie, Gregor is the only person we see failing 3 times and turning into this Stymph creature.

There was another interesting detail, though, that I noted just as I was pulling up the clip above.  Gregor will land not on dry ground around Agatha, but rather on the lake itself.  He will then begin to walk toward her, which can give the optical illusion that he is actually walking on water.  Go back and check out the beginning of the clip above at the beginning and see if you see it also.  The camera makes sure to zoom in on Gregor's feet and show him walking "on" the water for several steps to reach where Agatha is.

This seemed interesting.  I mean, not interesting if Peter wasn't already on my mind relative to this bird.  It wouldn't have stood out at all.  But since I was already strangely thinking about this, it seemed to stand out quite dramatically that Gregor was, visually, walking on water.  And we know that is a theme with Peter.

Anyway, what does this mean?  I am not sure, other than I now have this strange thought in my head that Peter is the same Being that was Pharazon.  The strange implication is that since we have Peter as Gim Githil, that Gim Githil, the first father of the Elves, would have as Pharazon launched an assault on his own people on Eressea, unknowingly.  And Sauron's machinations would have driven the whole scenario.

Surprisingly, there are words from Doug that would support this narrative, of Gim Githil-as-Pharazon (one of the Fathers of the Elves) attacking his own people.  They also support that there was something seriously wrong with these people - they were sick in some way.  But I will get into that in a follow-up post.  Whether those words are reliable, I don't know, and even if they are, I am not sure they have to support this notion, but they do at least leave room to explore it.  

As of 24 hours ago I wouldn't have considered Pharazon as a candidate for Peter (or Gim Githil), but I am thinking that now it is at the very least a possibility.


  1. Was reading this post while listening to a video about Nietzsche and I got to a part in the video where the man is asking how 'featherless' (not hairless?) bipeds can know about Good and evil.


  2. WW,
    Isn't to fail, the same as to fall?
    Recall my recent comments about Falling Down, The Fall
    of the American Empire, The End of an Age, Man Overboard.

    Also interesting connection to Gregor and my 2018Walter Weaver dream.
    In that dream, recall that the man I was attracted to ( Walter) owned
    a chain of grocery stores ( and in your post today, you mentioned
    that Gregor's dream was to own a grocery store..

    Also in the dream I thought my sister was trying to 'steal' Walter from me,
    but I found out that she was actually seeing a man named Greg.
    Recall in a previous comment, I wrote that I believe that you are Greg, and the only reason
    I formed that opinion was after reading this on etymology online:
    "Latin Gregorius, literally "wakeful" (equivalent to Latin Vigilantius), from Greek gregorios,
    a derivative of gregoros "to be watchful," from PIE root *ger-
    "to be awake" (source also of Sanskrit jagarti "he is awake.."

    Also it appears that I have interesting puzzle pieces connecting with Agata.
    You wrote this:
    "Later, one of the protagonists, Agatha, a Reader who was transported to this school by mistake in her opinion,
    makes a wish using Wishing Fish, with her simple wish being that everyone can go home.

    The numerous Wishing Fish actually at that time transform back into a little girl,
    who reveals that she was one of the student who failed 100 years ago and was thus
    transformed into the form of these Wishing Fish."
    When I read what you wrote about the 'reader Agatha ' I immediately thought of
    my 2017 dream I titled : School Dues

  3. WW,
    Part 2
    Here's the dream:

    School Dues
    I had an interesting dream today… the dream is as follows
    I can’t recall all of this dream, but at one point I was at a place
    with many people from all around the world.
    It was somewhat like a school, although I didn’t feel as if any of us wanted to be there,
    so in that regard it was like a prison, however there were no bars or anything
    like a prison would be.
    I met several people and we kinda hung around as a group at the ‘school’.

    In order for us to continue from one place to another, we had to figure out certain tests that we were given.
    At one point I met this handsome guy from the Ukraine, and although he never said he was from the Ukraine, I felt as if that was where he was from because of his accent.

    All of the people in the group were White, and very smart, and able to figure out
    all of the tests that we were given.
    I didn’t feel as smart as them because I couldn’t figure out the tests
    and I recall saying to them :
    " I know why I was chosen to be here. It's because I’m a psychic".

    I then began to levitate to show them some of my powers, and they were quite impressed.
    I then recall flying up to the tip top of the trees. At one point I recall the Ukraine guy
    had a son and the son called me on my cell phone and told me where he was,
    as his father (the Ukraine guy) was looking for him (the son).

    I was glad to help the Ukraine guy , because like I say, I was quite attracted to him…
    I woke up.
    Also it appears that in that video clip, Agata (because of her physical features)
    is Biracial.
    In the Black community , light skin people ( which I am light skin) are referred to
    as High YELLOW.
    Recall my comments about my personal connections to Yellow.

    I'm also not surprise of Agata's connection to the wishing fish (Pisces)
    as I am a Fish ( Pisces).
    And being a Pisces, I too am a 'reader'.
    From etymology:
    reader (n.)
    "Old English rædere "one who counsels; person who reads aloud to others;
    lector; scholar;
    diviner, interpreter.."

    And last but not least I have a Marsh ( Marshall) connection too!!

    Also I do want to add this as well:
    I only respond and comment on your ( and WJT ) blog(s)
    if I think I have a puzzle piece that in someway connects to your post(s).
    I don't comment for 'cookies'.

    Granted my puzzle pieces may not appear to be 'on the same topic'
    but I would beg to differ, because although we may be coming from different ideologies,
    much like traveling on parallel paths, I personally believe that the destination
    is going to be the same.
    and perhaps that was the message of my School Dues dream.

    Dem sync Faries be busy, no?

  4. There are more links to my dream besides the similarity of the names Gregor and Grigorievna.

    In my dream, I mention that the vulture chased us on foot but then later we began to think of it as a friend. In the movie clip, Gregor first lands and then approaches the humans on foot, and after he is killed Agatha says, "That was my friend!"

    In my dream, the vulture doesn't want to be called Sally and conveys the image of a skull to explain why. In the movie, Stymphs are apparently skeletal birds. I suppose we might even think of Sally as a contraction of Stymphalia.

    Finally, in the dream, the vulture volunteers her first name but not her patronymic, but I am confident that I have guessed the latter correctly as Grigorievna. In the movie, Gregor is unable to tell Agatha his name, but she guesses it.

    I suppose it's also worth mentioning that Gregor is killed with a sword, and Odessa Grigorievna says we can tell people we met her at a fencing club.

  5. Great observations.

    Your mention of Sally again reminded me that this name means "Princess". So, the vulture you saw had a name, in one form, of Princess Grigorievna(even though she didn't want to be called a princess anymore or reminded of it).

    Gregor in the movie was the son of Prince Charming, and thus a prince as well. So Prince Gregor (and he also didn't want to be known as a prince).

    Princess Grigorievna = Prince Gregor... with just the gender switch.

    Prince Charming and princes transforming into other Beings might also tie into your frogs, but I will leave that comment over on your blog.
