Monday, May 27, 2024

Milestones, Miles' Stones, and Michael's Stones

The word "Milestones" came into my head really clearly this morning as I was waking up.

I didn't immediately look into this, though, as there were a few other things on my mind.  I actually sort of forgot about it.  Later, I went for a run, and as I was finishing up and coming back into my driveway, the word came back into my mind and I was suddenly interested in looking into it.

On my phone as I was walking around outside still cooling off, I looked up "Milestones" on Etymonline to see if there were any interesting definitions I wasn't aware of.  I mean, I am very aware of the term.  I use it frequently, for example, in work, as various projects have deliverables and certain milestones that need to be reached.  And just in everyday usage of marking progress or reaching certain important events or times.

Etymonline pretty much broke down the word into Mile + Stone, and kept it pretty short and sweet:  "stone or pillar set up on a highway or other line of travel to mark the distance in miles".

It was in looking at Mile + Stone, I had the thought that Miles was a name and couldn't Milestones be written as Miles' Stones?  Well, now I had a name to look up based on using a homophone of Milestone.  This seemed like it could be going somewhere.

I first came across a definition that had "Soldier or Servant".  That could be interesting.  I then found something that seemed just as promising.  

From Wikipedia we get the following:

Miles or Myles /ˈmaɪlz/ is a Norman French masculine given name of uncertain meaning. It might have been a changed diminutive of the name Michael that was influenced by miles, the Latin word for a soldier, because of associations with Archangel Michael, the Roman Catholic patron saint of the military.

Other sites confirmed that, while not definitive, it seems that it is well understood that Miles is a form of Michael.  Thus, the term Miles' Stones could instead be written as Michael's Stones.

In my story, I have associated Faramir-Eonwe with Michael (Jackson!), and this Being receiving Stones (potentially the Anor and Sawtooth Stones) and so this connection made sense to me.   

Miles can also mean "Mercy", so Mercy's Stones could also work here.

In any case, it was another fun little word game that seemed to result in something meaningful as I quickly worked through it.  I wrote about Brittany's Spears yesterday and their potential meaning as the Stones (and what comes from them), and I am guessing that these could be the same thing as Michael's Stones, which again I think could be the Sawtooth and Anor Stones.


  1. WW,
    Part 1
    And speaking of Bees...
    I 'm going to jump in here in this post, and while bees are not mentioned in this post,
    in a previous response you made to me ( in the Brittiany Spears quick follow up post)
    you wrote this : "Interesting connection back to the bees as well."
    I concur with that statement because I absolutely
    believe that everything is connected.

    You wrote in this post Brittany's connection to Britian (Saxons)
    and France. Isn't France's the lilies ( fleur de lis)?
    Recall my recent comments about the lilies, and the lilies
    connection to the Golden Gate in Jerusalem ( The Shushan Gate)
    and the Golden Gate in San Fran with its International Orange color
    which Orange is connected to the Yellow And Red which when 'blended'
    yellow and red produces Orange.

    A spear per etymology: " has a penetrating head and a long wooden shaft,
    meant to be thrust or thrown."
    A spear is also a staff or scepter carried by noblemen and a person
    with significant power. The caduceus "herald's wand, is a staff.
    A witch carries a wand.
    So, is Brittan throwing the Spears?

  2. WW,
    Part 2
    Connect all that information to what I believe about the Pine Cone
    and its connection to the Pineal Gland and the Soul.
    Keeping that in mind, note that the tip of the Staff of Osiris was a Pine Cone.

    According to wiki : in ancient Greek, the Tryrsus was a staff covered
    with ivy vines and leaves, sometimes wound with taeniae and topped
    with a*** pine cone***, artichoke, fennel, or by a bunch of vine-leaves and grapes ."

    "In Greek religion, the staff was carried by the devotees of Dionysus. Euripides wrote'
    that **honey** dripped from the thyrsos staves that the Bacchic maenads carried.
    Note the honey reference, which leads us back to the Bee.

    If yellow is light, then black is the lack of light, B-lack.
    The Bee has both luminaries of black and light (yellow).
    . Moon and Sun. The union of the luminaries makes the honey.

    Interestingly the word yellow contains two EL's.
    El is a power source in this duality dimension.
    Recall my comment about the Els (the Shining ones) and my
    11:11 dream in 2003.

    And speaking of El's Check out the 2015 James Bond movie Spectre
    In this Spectre trailer clip ( link below) note the background
    of the yellowish/golden hue as I also pointed out previously
    the yellowish reddish hue ( and it symbolic significance)
    including in the movie Outer Range and the movie
    Falling Down.

    In the Spectre tralier, note Bond in the HELO-copter. Didn't a recent event happen
    in Iran concerning a HELO-copter falling down??
    What about the Black Mamba ( Kobe Bryant) and a HELO-copter falling down?
    Isn't a Mamba a snake? Which takes us back to the Caduceus, no?

    Starting at marker/frame in the trailer 0:44 note the Falling Down of Time.
    See the clock(Chronus) on the top of the building?
    The time on the clock looks to be set at 1:10 which
    is 11. The EL's.
    Recall my previous comment about the clip of
    the movie Falling Down and the 2 Corona
    signs forming an X symbolic of a cross roads.
    Recall the movie Falling Down was released in 1993, not
    Was 2020 (22) a doorway?

    That building in this clip also somewhat looks The Sushan Gate, and has
    the same Golden/yellow glow. Perhaps this scene in the movie
    is an Easter egg perhaps symbolizing that we (humanity) are in the Eleventh hour?

    Bond can also be seen in this clip in a doorway, and
    also running on the bridge with BB ( Big Ben) i.e. 22 behind him.
    Note the yellowish golden glow .

    The voice in the background is of Spectre and saying to Bond :
    "everything that you believed in.. is ruined.
    A hint to the Shifting of the Ages perhaps aka The Great Reset?
    From the Industrial(Iron) Age to the Silicon Data Age, i.e
    from the Age of Pisces, to the Age of Aquarius.
    and in the US The New Atlantis. The Phoenix that rises out of the ashes.

    At marker/frame 0:34 in the trailer,
    note Bond walks with several people towards the entrance
    of a facility where there are several buildings with domes.
    Somewhat reminds me of the Temple Mount.
    Recall my previous comments about The Third Temple.

    There are also a lot of fire in this movie as well( which is common
    for almost all Bond films of course)

    At last but not least a tasty easter egg of Spectre itself.

    The logo of the organization Spectre is of an OCTopus .
    Recall my previous comments about the Octagon and connections
    to Switzerland and the number 8 and the 8 point star,
    which connects us back to John Dee, the 77th Meridian West, Britian
    and the Union Jack.
    So back to Brittiany throwing spears?

    If you haven't already, you might want to check out the movie Spectre.
    It's an excellent movie, as I've always enjoyed Bond created
    by the Rosy, Ian Fleming.

    To Shine is to see beyond the illusion.

    Everything is Connected, no?

    Spectre—Final Trailer

  3. WW,
    Also regarding the movie Spectre, the Octopus
    is on the Ring and of course the Ring being symbolic of Time ( Chronos/Saturn)
    which it is Time that binds us to Earth.
    Recall my comment and perspective about the illusion of linear time.

  4. WW,
    Last comment about Spectre. I promise ;-(

    Check out this clip of Spectre ( which I just found ) and the Roman chase scene.
    As Bond is being chased by one of Spectre members ( also note that the organization
    Spectre consists of groups of THREE who all play a certain role in the organization).

    Recall my prediction and perspective of what I believe to be an ushering( ''temporally')
    in of a Triumvirate Governance in America which that new governance
    will usher in The New Atlantis.
    copy and paste wiki: asterisks mine
    "In the Bible triumvirates occurred at some*** notable events***
    in both the Old Testament and New Testament
    In this Roman chase clip, Bond is escaping one of the Spectre foes.
    Bond tries to find ( on the car's dashboard )
    a certain function( that the car performs)
    which will help to help him escape.

    Starting at marker/frame 1;19--1:25 note that Bond pushes a button
    and the wording appears : Music Enabled for 009
    suggesting that another agent( 009)
    had driven the car previously and set the controls
    to listen to his (009) music.
    What's interesting is the song that plays is New York , New York
    sung by Frank Sinatra.

    When I looked at this clip ( today) I found it interesting
    the connection to 9 ( the agent) and New York, especially since
    we all know the 11 connection, which was a falling down event.

    I then thought Why that particular song New York, New York
    as, I thought, there has got to be an Easter Egg hidden.

    Lo and behold I found this :
    copy and paste etymology:
    Old English Eoforwic, earlier Eborakon (c. 150), an ancient Celtic name,
    probably meaning "Yew-Tree Estate.

    and also this :
    yew (n.)
    evergreen tree of temperate Europe and Asia, Old English iw, eow "yew,"
    from Proto-Germanic *iwo- (source also of Middle Dutch iwe, Dutch ijf,
    Old High German iwa, German Eibe, Old Norse yr), from PIE *ei-wo-
    (source also of Old Irish eo, Welsh ywen "yew"), perhaps a suffixed form of root
    *ei- "reddish, motley, yellow."

    Interestingly yet another connection to the evergreen tree ( Pine Cone ) and also
    the colors reddish-yellow.
    Also note that this clip of the movie has a yellowish/golden glow.

    And last but not least, Bond escapes the Spectre foe by ' driving
    the car into water however levitating by parachute into air.

    A falling down and especially falling into water, is very symbolic.
    Recall my previous comments about " falling down".
    During incarnations, and it is my belief,
    that the Soul 'falls down' into the physical body
    of the female ( the MAR--Mary which means the Bitter Sea
    and rebellion ).... the physical body being 45-75 percent water.

    I believe the Soul's doorway is the fontanelle which a fountain
    is a natural spring of water.

    Also in the clip, note that Money Penny mentions a foe of Bond's name
    the Pale King. Note the Pale King's last name is White.
    I recall one of your previous posts was the connection of two Walts
    named White, which that post caught my eye because
    of my 2018 Walter Weaver dream/puzzle.

    SPECTRE | Rome Car Chase

    Theme From New York New York - Frank Sinatra

  5. Debbie:

    Regarding "spectre", in a comment he left on my post titled "Conferences in the Sawtooth Mountains", Leo specifically mentions a line he liked to use from a Mormon film that went, "You are a specter from the Gods".

    I even found the video clip he was referencing, and included it in the comments also. Here is a link to that post:

  6. WW,
    Thank you for the link. I read the post and the first thing that caught my eye
    was Denver Snuffer. Recall my theory about Denver ( on the 104 meridian West)
    being the capital of The New Atlantis.

    Another interesting connection is Sawtooth. In wiki, I read that the Sawtooth
    Mountains were named for its jagged peaks.
    Being that a saw is used to cut things
    I couldn't help but wonder if there is a connection to the 4 Canine teeth of both
    humans and dogs. In humans of course our canine teeth are called eye teeth.
    Both canine teeth and human eye teeth are used to 'cut or tear' food.
    I recently had a visit to my dentist because I chipped my 'eye tooth ( causing
    a 'jagged tooth ) and had to get a crown .

    I also noted in wiki the coordinates of the Sawtooth range being long 114.
    Recall my previous comments about Switzerland's unofficial motto
    being :All for(4 ) one( 1).... and one (1 ) for (4 ) all

    In your post, you wrote: "I didn't recognize him at first, by the way,
    because he was totally in brownface for the role (the movie portrayed the events happening in the jungles of Guatemala or something... not, as we now know, on Eressea)".
    And speaking of Guatemala ( which caught my eye in your post ) I immediately
    thought of a dream/puzzle piece I had in 2016.

    Here's the dream


    I had an interesting dream today…. The dream is as follows..
    I can’t recall all of this dream, but at one point I felt that Marshall and I had
    ( or adopted ) a son. What was odd about the son is that , although, he was an infant,
    he had the knowledge and ability to do things of an adult !!

    I can’t recall everything that he said or did, but at one point he was driving a car
    and I recall being simply astonished about him knowing how to drive a car as an infant.
    I also recall seeing (in my mind’s eye) some type of carving, and I had the sense
    that the carving was connected to my son. Sure enough he said the reason why he knew certain things (as an infant) was because he had a past life in Guatemala .
    I felt that his Guatemala life was very recent…
    I woke up

    Do you know what type of 'craving' the 2 men were touching in
    A Spectre of the God's video?

    Everything is connected, no?
