Friday, May 31, 2024

Spelling Bee, Abseil, and Waiting for a Star to Fall

 On May 22, I wrote a post called "What is even more amazing than a talking dog?  A spelling bee!".

In the post, I shared a picture of my son's school assignment and used some of the things I saw on it to refer to a different kind of Spelling Bee.

William Tychonievich would follow up the post with an interesting analysis of some of the scrambled letters on the paper, showing that the word Abeilles appeared among those words (outlined in green below).  Abeilles is French for "bees"  (of course it's French...).

He would also go on to infer that the leftover letters perhaps were a Chinese-type reference to Bee as well.

I thought it was pretty interesting analysis.

But check this out - it gets even better!

Yesterday, I wrote my post regarding William's Joan, suggesting that she was the same Being as the Claire who has spoken with him a few times and potentially one of the Daughters of Asenath.  As I said in that post, I had decided to write about this guess on Joan of Arc's Feast Day without knowing it was here Feast Day (May 30).

However, May 30 was not only Joan's Feast Day.  No sir.  It was also the Scripps National Spelling Bee Contest final.  What, you weren't aware of this?  Neither was I, but it came up somehow yesterday on either a search or some link.  I actually can't remember how I stumbled across an article letting me know about the Spelling Bee.

A Spelling Bee was fresh on my mind given the above, and so I took notice whereas normally I wouldn't have paid any attention to this news.  I also can't remember which article I first read, but here is the link to a Time article that I think might have been it or something very close to it:

The headline is "12-Year-Old Bruhat Soma Wins National Spelling Bee With Winning Word ‘Abseil’".

When I saw the headline, either in this article or one like it, I instantly thought of my son's school assignment, and specifically William's analysis.

I thought, "Wasn't Abseil the word that William noticed in the homework?"

Well, no.  It wasn't.  As I mentioned above, it was the French word Abeilles.  Close, but not quite.

But, if you look, Abseil is actually right there, all grouped within the first two columns of the original green box that William highlighted (highlighted below in the orange box).

That leave the letters L and E off, but that was easily recognizable as El, which has come up quite enough on this blog to help in instantly seeing it.  So, we have:

This gives us the phrase:

Peng Abseil El

Peng, you remember, was a word that didn't quite fit the Chinese word for Bee, whether current or archaic, but certainly suggested it.  However, Peng is an Elvish word, and so is El.  

Let's leave Peng aside for just a second, and focus on Abseil El.

To abseil means to rappel, or more specifically "to descend using a static or fixed rope".  Typically this is done off of a mountain, but one can also do so off other things like a helicopter, or something flying (you will see why I mention this in just a second).  And El, of course, means "Star" in Elvish.

Thus, we have a Star that is descending by means of a rope.

This brought to mind a dream that William had that he related in his post titled Weights depending, and flying ships with anchors.  In that dream, he found himself trying to lower a weight to an individual he thought of as his brother Luther:

I remember one scene in which I was paragliding over a beach -- or doing something similar to paragliding, but I could control the direction and altitude of my flight. I had a 14-kilogram dumbbell (it was labeled) which I wanted to give to someone standing on the sand. I didn't want to drop it from a great height, but neither could I afford to fly too low, so I tied it to a length of rope and lowered it. The rope wasn't long enough, so I still had to fly dangerously low. The person on the sand (who I think may have been my brother Luther) still couldn't quite reach it, so I let go of the rope and let it drop. It landed in the wet sand, and he was able to retrieve it just in time, before the rising tide made it impossible. I think there was also a magnet involved -- either the dumbbell was magnetic, or I wanted to give him a magnet as well as a dumbbell, or something like that -- but my memory of that part is too vague.

I had made mention before of the 14 kg dumbbell, because when I saw that weight, I  thought I understood what this referred to.  14 kgs translates to 30.8 pounds, or approximately 30 pounds if we round to the nearest weight a typical dumbbell would be labelled as.

You may recall a phrase I received regarding what I believe is a reference to a Stone, where its dimensions were given.  I wrote about this in my post Michael Jackson and the Stone.  What I did not specify there, or I guess have correctly, is that those words were received on the morning of May 6, 2020, in what I believe was an answer to my prayer from the night before about what I should do.  In the Michael Jackson post I had written that I thought I had received these words on May 1 or 2, but this was actually not the case, I would later confirm with Leo, who kept a record of the words I had been emailing over to him.  

On that night, I was getting much worse.  My mind was fracturing, I could feel it, and I prayed asking for help.  That next morning on the 6th, these words came.  Later that night I had my first and last call with Doug, and the next day I was in the hospital too mentally ill to function like a normal human being.

Those words went:

Yor El

8 inches, 30 pounds

Wait for it

The Yor El I have as a play on words for perhaps both "Your Star" and also "Ancient or Old Star".  With Star referring to a Stone (like in El-Anor, the Sun Stone).

The "wait" was likely a play on words for both to actually wait for this Stone, but also to reference it as a 'weight'.  Wait/Weight.  In my post called "Suspended in time:  Loosening girdles and deepening weights, and the Grey Lady of the New York Time, I made the link between Eowyn/ Izilba and this notion of a 'weight'.  You can reference the specific quote in the post if you want to.  William would also reference that post as he reflected on his dream of the weight.

Anyway, William dreamed of a 30 pound "weight" (what a dumbbell is called by people who go to a gym to lift weights) which I matched up to the 30 pound "El" or star-stone from these words.  It was pretty much a bulls-eye in my opinion.

But what a strange image of the weight being lowered or suspended from a rope as he flew around with whatever contraption he was using.

Which brings us back to the phrase in my son's schoolwork.  In William's dream, I believe we have an interesting image or scene of those two words:  Absail El, or a Star-Stone descending down a rope.


Now to Peng.

Peng is an Elvish word that means "Bow".  Doesn't make a lot of sense on the surface, and I am not going to figure it out right now, but only log it and make an interesting observation.

The reason I think that this must be Bow, intentionally so, is that Bow has appeared in various forms in my 2019 and 2020 words, and remains somewhat of a mystery as to its true meaning.  In fact, the Elvish words that are up next that I said I would tackle before skipping any further ahead contain the other Elvish word for Bow, which is Ku.

Further, in another instance where Bow occurred in my words, it was from an interesting dream where at one point I found myself lying in a bed I knew was not my own.  It was completely white, and I was lying on the top of the sheets.  I turned part of the top sheet over and found words written on the underside.  Looking further, it was apparent that the entire underside of the sheet was covered in words.  I saw several things I won't cover here in this post, but at the end I specifically mentioned reading about a bow.  Here is what I summarized in my word file from whatever notes I had taken:

"... Also saw that 'bow' from my prior dreams might mean something different than a 'bow' (including lion dream).  Was going to keep looking [at all the words under the sheet], I believe, but [my youngest son] came running into the room (in my dream) and wanted to wrestle, so woke up."

It was interesting to read that my youngest son was in this dream and the strange reference to 'bow', and here this whole post and line of thinking is based on his schoolwork with the Elvish word for 'bow' deciphered from it. I mention a 'lion dream' above and I don't think I've recounted that one here, but that dream kind of kicked off all my Elvish words in 2019.  I've recounted the riddle dream regarding Asenath from mid-October.  The Elvish words for me started coming on October 24.  The dream immediately preceding that first word (same night/ morning), was this 'lion dream' mentioned above.  Maybe I should get a quick post written about that one here at some point.

In any case, we have here Peng Abseil El giving us the phrase of something like "Bow descending on a rope stone", which I am sure could be rearranged to make more sense, and I could be able to do it better if I understood better what "bow" meant here.  I have a guess or two, but nothing concrete.  We'll see if anything comes to me later.  If it does, it will obviously help with those other Elvish words as well.

Lastly, talk of a Star-Stone descending, and this being something one might have to wait for, brings to mind a song that has been on my running rotation for the past little bit - for awhile I couldn't get it out of my head.  A good old late 80's classic.


  1. A spelling bee on St. Joan's Day? Yesterday I mentioned that I've translated two (and only two) French poems by St. Thérèse de Lisieux -- last year a poem to St. Joan, and this year a poem about a bee. What brought Thérèse back to mind this year was your son's homework and the "speiling" (mirroring) bee, because her name backwards -- xueisil ed esereht -- includes a hidden bee.

  2. The French for "bow" is, of course, arc.

  3. WW,
    Speaking of Bow ( Bo )
    Bow is Sagittarius. The Archer's Bow.
    A Bow and Arrow is a weapon.
    A Bow is also the foremost part of a ship or boat.

    Recall in the Obama's administration the Portuguese Water Dog ( Sirius)
    name was Bo. ( see link ).
    I'm not surprised of the water connection.

    Maybe your syncs of stones, stars and 'weights' are symbolic of navigation.
    The starboard of a ship. The weight of a ship is an anchor.
    The ancient anchors were stone.
    copy and paste wiki:
    "The most ancient anchors were probably rocks and many rock anchors
    have been found dating from at least the Bronze Age.
    Many modern moorings still rely on a large rock as the primary element of their design."

    In this dimension we(humanity) are under Maritime law which all conquerors
    are masters of navigation and aviation. John Dee included.

    As far as Joan of Arc being burned at the stake
    on Feast Day May 30.
    Didn't Joan of Arc carry a spectre/staff/spear
    with the tip of a Fleur de lis ( Lilly )?
    Both the words Lilly and Yellow have twin ELs (L).

    Another 'sacrifice by fire' event that happened on May 30 was the conviction
    of Donald Trump. IMHO, this conviction is a HUGE puzzle piece.
    Check out the video clip(below) about the magazine Time and its covers throughout
    the last several years regarding Trump. Note all the red and yellow
    and orange symbolism. Red and Yellow when mixed is orange.

    Also note there are several Time magazine covers of Trump in water
    ( falling down and STORMY weather). Note in the video the Time cover of
    April 23 2018 is called the Stormy cover.
    Man Overboard??
    Recall my previous comments of Falling Down and Man Overboard..

    Note on the Jan 22, 2018 cover of Time the illustration
    is of Trump's hair on fire.

    Interestingly another Time cover after Trump's conviction
    ( which can be seen at the end of the video) is of a black gavel in midair preparing
    to strike ' an orange and yellow sound block. Note
    the DATE that this Time cover will be released which is JUNE24 2024.
    After the Summer Solstice?

    Do note that I AM NOT a supporter of any Political 'party' as I believe
    especially in the West, that the Republicans and Democrats are two wings
    of the same bird and they both fly for (work for and serve) the same king
    and the king's agenda.

    That's what I think about politics , however I am aware enough to know
    that everything in this duality dimension is political in someway shape or form.
    Sex, Power and Money.

    I believe that dreams and synchronicity signs are our Soul's way of guiding
    and helping us understand our existence here in this duality dimension, especially
    the priceless and powerful ability to see the future so that we can choose and or change
    direction when need be.

    I believe that if we are given signs( the good, the bad and the ugly)
    we have the responsibility to share it with our fellow man/woman.

    Knowledge is power and applied knowledge is freedom, no?

    Donald Trump and the TIME Cover: A Visual History

    The Band The Weight (Easy Rider, 1969) ** Note the Red and Yellow
    on Billy Jack's ( Dennis Hopper) chopper engine as he rides
    alongside" Captain America" ( Peter Fonda)

    The Weight - The Band

  4. WJT:

    You might be able to take the mirror of Theresa de Lisieux even further, completely in Elvish:

    Xuei sile desereht

    The X is silent like in the name, and you have "uei" as almost like "ueni" (maybe close enough for this game), which is "Maiden, Woman" in Elvish. Sile and Sil are both "to shine (white)" in Elvish, with Sil actually being also the Moon, so you have something like: Maiden Moon Deseret, or better rearranged as Moon Maiden Deseret.

    Which works out well. My guess was Deseret was the name, or perhaps description, of a Maiden (Eowyn-Izilba) and she was associated with the Moon.

    That is funny that Bow is Arc in French. I should have known that.

  5. Debbie:

    My mind has me leaning toward Bow and Ku as meaning a person, and that a physical bow is part of that symbolism, so I am with you on that.

    As to symbolism of an anchor, I think it might work the other way around. Those parts of a ship and its navigation are rather symbolic of the Star-Stone, which I currently take to be a real, tangible, physical object.

    But we will see.

    That was a funny reference to Stormy. Her last name is Daniels. And of course the Sawtooth Stone that I think is a real thing I have linked back to the Book of Daniel and the dream of the Stone cut from the Mountain that will break all other kingdoms, including the one that all of these politicians and the power they represent are fighting over.

  6. WW,

    Yes, I think my point I tried to make about Stormy is that the Time Cover
    was released in 2018.
    Isn't it interesting that the chaos around Stormy is on the political stage at this time.
    I personally don't believe in coincidences.

    What's that quote supposing coined by FDR?
    “In politics, nothing happens by accident.
    If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.”

    Problem Reaction Solution.
    The power source ( which includes the Negative Polarity El's) controls all three.
