Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Deer Hunting, Dir Hunting, and the Lizardmen High-Stakes Trading Company

 I had many different strange dreams last night, some clearer than others after I woke up.  One involving deer has caught my attention, and I have some interesting guesses regarding meaning, so I am going to spend some time on that one.

In my dream, I was at my current home which is a small farm.  In the back pasture, I spotted one deer, which in real life isn't a very uncommon occurrence - we have deer all over the place.

I became concerned that this deer was going to eat my pumpkins, however.   This also maps to waking, normal life, in that in past years the deer have gone through my pumpkin patch and caused considerable damage.  A couple years ago we lost well over half of our pumpkins to deer coming in and eating and destroying them.  These are the pumpkins, remember, that I wrote about in past posts that we sell on the roadside and my kids split the proceeds.  In subsequent years, I surrounded the patch with a few strands of electric wire surrounding the entire perimeter, which helped considerably.

So the concern in my dream wasn't unwarranted, and for whatever reason it became apparent to me that this deer, in fact, going to eat my pumpkins if I didn't do something about it.

I got my rifle out and began to shoot.  Now, as I am doing this I realize there are a couple major issues with my actions.  First, rifle hunting of deer is illegal in my part of Minnesota (you have to be further north to use rifles).  It is either shotgun or bow here.  We have a deer stand up in the back of our pasture for bow hunting, but I find I don't have a lot of time these days to go up and sit in it.  And second, it wasn't yet hunting season, at least I didn't think it was in the dream.

But here I was, shooting at this deer in my pasture to protect my pumpkins.  However, it appeared my shots were not finding their mark, as I kept shooting but the deer was still there.  I ended up getting something like a large fabric target that I put in between me and the deer.  I now couldn't see the deer physically, but I knew that if I just aimed at the target, I would hit it.

Sure enough, the target was perfectly aligned with the deer, and I hit him.  

In real life, my back pasture, although sloped to the east, isn't hilly, so from my house I can look all the way back to the trees.  Dream-pasture, however, was super hilly, so that when I shot the deer, it fell down out of view and I couldn't see it.  I walked back to investigate, and when I reached the top of the hill, I was extremely surprised by what I saw.

There were dead deer all over the place down below.  Seeing this, I assumed that I must have actually been hitting the deer with my shots all along, but there were so many of them that a new one would just pop up in the place of the one I shot.  I didn't notice the switch and assumed I had missed.  I am not sure if that is true or not, but that is what I determined to explain the carnage I now saw.

Not all of the deer were dead, however, with some laying down asleep and others milling around.  When they saw me, however, they all began to run away in all sorts of directions.  As they did so, I looked to my left and saw a deer walking on two legs, upright just like a human being would walk.  However, it had been shot in the foot, and so now was limping and holding a walking cane for balance as it was trying to get away.  It was so strange to see this deer walking like a man!

I noticed my rifle was out of ammunition and hadn't carried any with me when I walked back to check things out.  I regretted this, because I thought I should have tried to be humane and put the poor limping deer out of its misery.

I then noticed another shape take form in front of me.  At first I thought it was a young buck, with a very tiny set of antlers.  As it continued to take form, however, what I thought were small antlers were actually pointy ears, almost like horns, protruding from the head of what was now very clearly a dog of some kind.  This dog did not look the least bit friendly, and we looked at each other for what I think was just a second, before it too, I believe, ran off.

I was left with the problem of quite a few deer carcasses scattered around my pasture.  It was mass carnage.  What was I going to do with them?  My first thought was that I should bury them, but that was going to be either a really large pit or many individual graves all over the place.  I then became concerned that someone would find them, and my illegal acts would be uncovered.  Again, my understanding was that it wasn't hunting season, so I shouldn't have been shooting them (even though they were after my pumpkins), and in addition I had used the wrong kind of firearm.

I asked the advice of someone who I believe was my older sister, and we determined that it would be best to go straight to the Minnesota DNR and let a conservation officer know exactly what had happened and let things go from there.  I could possibly face severe legal consequences, but it seemed like the right thing to do.

I started to wake up, but as I was doing so, I had one clear phrase come into my mind that I understood was the name of this group of deer that were after my pumpkins:  The Lizardmen High-Stakes Trading Company.

And then I fully woke up.

As I said, I had other dreams as well, and there were all sorts of strange things in my mind once I was up for good this morning, but I've been focused a bit on this deer dream.

That closing reference to this deer as some kind of company or consortium associated with Lizardmen stood out to me.  Yesterday, William Tychonievich had written a post linking back to my Brittany Spears posts, and in that post he included an image he had pulled from another thread with 3 different Warhammer characters or races.   I am also completely unfamiliar with Warhammer, thinking it must be a book series, but it looks like it is a game of some kind, perhaps.  Anyway, he did some syncing up with two of these races or character types - Tomb Kings and Bretonnia. 

Left out were the Lizardmen, but he closed the post with the following statement:

I do hope the sync fairies will do something with the Aztec lizardmen, too. I mean, that's kind of badass. Not quite as badass as an Aztec lizardman in a New Sex Pistols T-shirt, but still.

I had read this post yesterday, so I was aware of it and also the reference to Lizardmen.  Thus, it was not necessarily surprising or interesting in and of itself that this name was referenced in my dream.

What was interesting to me is that Lizardmen were explicitly and very clearly in my mind linked to the deer in my dream.  What do Lizardmen have to do with deer?

I was stumped for a little bit, but then I had an interesting thought:  Dir, an Elvish word, would be pronounced exactly like Deer.  It's meaning?  Man.  I knew this because Dir had come up in my Elvish words from 2019.

And then I understood (I think!)

The deer in my dream were meant to represent Men.  Dir/ Deer.  We had another homophone game here, one that now crossed languages.  We've had Miles' Stones and Brittany's Spears over the last couple days, and now Deer/ Dir  in this dream, though now expressed visually or symbolically. 

The imagery of my dream now made quite a lot of sense, including the significant role of the pumpkins, and the intent of these Deer-Men to come onto my farm and eat them.  The answer to the riddle of the Lizardmen High-Stakes Trading Company, then, is that these were and are Numenoreans, at least some segment of them.  Those that assaulted Eressea and Valinor.

The rest of the name makes complete sense in that light, but I've run out of energy and time to go through into detail here right now today.  If you play around with High Stakes (as perhaps referencing both a "wager" as well as "poles or spears") and Trading (as the more archaic "Treading" or "Tread") and look through some of the details or wording regarding the Numenorean invasion of Eressea in Words of them that have Slumbered, then you might find some interesting things that line up well and point to these Numenoreans.  I don't mean to be cagey about it, I just literally have no more energy to write about this right now, for whatever reason, so am trying to point people in a few interesting directions if they want to check it out for themselves.

Anyway, WJT asked for something from the sync fairies with respect to Lizardmen, and maybe here is something for folks to look into.  Even his recent references to the Sex Pistols and Richards-Dicks would seem to support this view, if you look through some of what has been written in the past and do some dot-connecting.  Pretty clearly, in my opinion, if you just look.

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