Monday, May 13, 2024

"One had to stay": Eowyn takes over on Words

Next up are the Nov. 2 words, which we have already covered in detail.  These are the Mbasse words, were I believe we are dealing with Abraham-Tom Bombadil (Nom), Eowyn (Mbasse), and Faramir (Eriol).  As a reminder, this is what we had:

nom mbassa eriol ge-ime-as heart-issa

And this is still Asenath speaking, I believe, and as explained in that earlier post as part of an update at the end (I had originally thought this phrase was from Eowyn).

However, the speaker will transition after this phrase, and we will actually now be hearing from Eowyn for the next little bit, starting with an additional English phrase from that morning which I did not cover in that last post.

These words were interesting in that they were spoken very clearly by a woman as I was waking up.  Up to this time, everything had been in dreams, where this was more 'awake' than anything, as in I had just woken up and was aware of my surrounding when I heard this phrase.   Here is how I captured what the woman spoke:

One had to stay, one had to come here in order to fulfill the will of Eru

At the time, I hadn't yet understood the meaning of the Elvish phrase, and that this represented some manner of binding or sealing together between Eowyn and Faramir at Tom Bombadil's before their separation.

Now that I think that this is the case, this English phrase makes perfect sense in following those Elvish words.  The woman is stating clearly, in English, that there was in fact a separation that occurred.   This also fits in very well with the words that immediately follow over the next several days.

The words that follow and that I will cover in later posts also are what seem to confirm that this is now Eowyn speaking.  What seems to have happened is that Asenath started out with the initial story, and once the narrative had reached mention of Eowyn and Faramir, Eowyn jumped in and is now driving the story for the next little bit.

In this phrase, she is saying that Faramir had to stay, and that she is the one that had to 'come here'.  As I have mentioned elsewhere, the 'here' she went to or eventually ended up in is Eru Place.

Pretty straightforward in hindsight.

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