Thursday, May 30, 2024

"Naming" Joan (and "Beware this one!")

Sometime yesterday, I determined that I was going to put out an hypothesis as to the identity behind this Being that William Tychonievich has associated with the person of Joan of Arc.

Why?  I wasn't quite sure - it just felt like the time to put it out there.  It was kind of like the feeling you have when you are playing the board game Clue, and you look at your scoresheet and you have enough things deduced where you are willing to put out a guess about who did it, with what weapon, in what room, and see where things fall.

So, that was planned for today not realizing that today is also, apparently, Joan of Arc's Feast Day. I have no idea what a Feast Day entails or why today is that day for Joan - it just is.  I would have not known this if I hadn't checked William's blog this morning and saw that he had written a poem for Joan to honor her on this day.

Seeing that I had unknowingly determined to hazard a public guess as to the identity of "Joan" on her Feast Day kind of signaled that I may as well give it a go.

I guess first is why do I even care about who Joan is?  

Back in 2020, I had an experience where a group of laughing women seemed to be having a party in my mind (this was part of a pseudo-dream state) and shared a number of strange images and words.  This was, I've guessed, in the aftermath of Asenath's confrontation in the Sawtooth Mountains, and I now believe these Beings are known as the Daughters of Asenath.  I've shared some of that dialogue in various posts on this blog - for instance, in their reference to Good Times Roll and my assumption that they were referring to the Sawtooth Stone as the Stone cut from the mountain without (human) hands.

But they also shared that scene I've recounted a few times with a Being seeming to be in the act of sneaking food out of a refrigerator and getting caught, with one of the women saying, while laughing "Beware this one!".

Further, the same voice followed up with the phrase "When I dream, I dream about books!".

I didn't know of William back in 2020, so didn't know necessarily who this was about, but my guess for the longest time is that this had something to do with Doug.

But then William came along, and I found out he was born on March 15, which is the Ides of March. The famous line from Julius Caesar, of course, has the Soothsayer telling Julius to "Beware the Ides of March!".

Seems like a pretty good match, and with everything that has been written on this blog and William's since, I am fairly certain that the Being I was told to "Beware" of is William.  Throw in the reference to dreaming about books (William reads a lot of books, and dreams about them as well), I think it isn't a stretch to say we have our man, or have good reason for suspecting him.

If true, this makes him somehow connected to these Daughters, who, like the Soothsayer, can apparently see the future and seemed to indicate to be on the lookout for William.

Beware, by the way, doesn't have to have negative connotations in this case.   A glance at Etymonline does for sure have negative definitions, but also more neutral ones like "Watch out for, perceive, or be alert".   Meaning, rather than worrying about William assassinating someone, beware can just mean keep an eye out for.

And sure enough, a little over 3 years after that dream sequence, along came William.  He was the first person to comment on my blog, though he invoked Doug's name in his first comment (literally the only thing he wrote) and almost had me completely reconsider doing this blog.  I almost packed it up right there.  But I was a bit nervous and a little scared back then of doing this, and quite jumpy for the first few months.  I would actually stop writing one time for about a month in the Fall, and even deleted my blog for a day.  I don't feel that way at all now, however, though I am finding I am getting more tired when I write.  I might need to take a break.

Anyway, I thought of that first post and his first comment when he posted today on the sword Makmahod.  It was actually on a now deleted post I wrote about that sword that William left his first comment.

Figuring out who he was and why he came along has been an interesting riddle for me.  However, I became even more interested in just who was 'talking' to him, and connecting our blogs, syncs, topics, etc.

Can we pull back the curtain?

I tried to do that in a general way back last Fall.  One day I determined that it must in fact be these Daughters who were involved, and I was going to write about my guess publicly.  However, at that exact time, "Tim" came along, seeming to take credit for all of the dreams and syncs, and kind of threw me off the trail for just a little bit with William and I think a few other things.  In the ensuing period, I've kind of had to write, listen, and think as to just what is going on.

I am satisfied that whatever Tim's influence may be, he isn't responsible for what is happening, at least with respect to good things.

Rather, I go back to my original guess as to the Daughters, and I even have a guess as to one of them.  William calls her Joan, because that is how she has allowed herself to be thought of for a few reasons, I suspect.  Claire delune (Claire de Lune) is another name she decided to go by for William.

And in Doug's writings she has gone by the name Ith-un-ol, though I don't think that is her real name either.  I don't think we have it, actually, so my title is a little bit misleading, as I am just calling out the names she has introduces herself as and tying them together into one Being.

You can read William's accounts of Joan and Claire on his blog, I won't recount them here.  I will include an excerpt about Ith-un-ol below, though, because I don't think anyone would be familiar.  There isn't that much written, quite frankly, so just including this as an example:

kle'ath-ithu garfactyu-go
[Light scattering all about, freeing the Lower Airs]

goa-gahm bilbon ith-un-ol:
[fell-shouting is bird-backed I-u-O [Ith-un-ol], addressing these souls]:

Dreams do not lie / Dreams do not die
dreaming all insight / none else insighting achieve
Do not give up!
Ithuestil [silvertipped] silvering wing
wiping clean, soiled soiling
sailing silver upon gold-appearing
now show [shall] come (to thee) new thing!

Hopeless you have been, now and times before
remembering isn't Estel / Estel is not anything,
But comes as a gift / is in its receiving,
there think on, nature-being.

All paths you now tread, Estel-less
are ends, dreadful come-to
Receive the Light of Estel-having-is,
Heaven deems, needful, and by lover-giving,
make for thee some Third Day's
His Third Way, relating. (Music).

So, I said I was going to put my guess out there, and here it is.  Having done it, I don't really have the energy to write any more, and I am not even going to go back an link any of my mentioned posts.  I just wanted to get this typed up quickly and sent on its way.  I have some interesting thoughts in my head (why as the character of Joan, for example?), but I can't summon the energy.

Happy Feast Day, Claire.  

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, I forgot to call out that "I-u-O" in the excerpt above is an abbreviation for for Ith-un-ol. I've added the long form of the name to clarify.
