Saturday, August 31, 2024

Skee-ball and "Keep the Good Times Rollin'"

The house we have stayed at the latter part of the week had a game room in the garage.  One of the games was a Skee-Ball machine, where you roll a ball up a ramp, and try to get it in a hole.  The whole game seemed like a giant wink at first, honestly, with the idea of a ball entering a hole or passage.  The first thing I noticed when I saw the game was that phrase "Keep The Good Times Rollin'".  A variation of that phrase - "Let the Good Times Roll" is one that, thanks to Claire and whatever other Daughters were having a party in my head back in 2020, I have strongly associated with the Rose Stone (the Stone that is cut and rolls from the Mountain without hands).

However, earlier this evening I got the idea in my head to look up the meaning of "Skee" in Skee-Ball.  What does that word mean?  As it turns out, Skee can be just another form of the word Ski - the game was named after ski hills - specifically Ski Jumping, with Skee just a different spelling for Ski.  

Jumping is interesting in and of itself, with this ball leaping off a ramp and landing in a hole.  Indiana Jones was told to take a "leap" in order to get where he wanted to go.  But the wink here is even more direct than that, for two reasons.

First, to ski is the act of gliding on one's feet over snow using long boards that are attached to them.  I had just earlier written a quick post about beautiful feet and the act of walking on Water, and here we have a form of transportation that involves feet doing just that, although in this case, of course, the Water is frozen.

Secondly, and related, ski or skee is a reference to the board itself that one does the skiing on.  Here is where it gets interesting for me.  Etymonline has ski mean simply "Stick of Wood" according to Old Norse and Old English uses.  So, if I were to sub that definition in for Skee in the game title, I would get "Stick of Wood - Ball".

Why is that interesting?  Well, I have directly linked a Ball or Balls - the Rose and Ithil Stones - as themselves representing Sticks, specifically the Two Sticks from Ezekiel and 2 Nephi 3.  And here we have, in the name Skee Ball, a reference to exactly that.

A strong team with beautiful feet

In my post titled "Penalties and Red Cards", I shared a brief dream scene that implied that a team comprised of "strong players" had already been chosen to "Peek Peak", a phrase I take now to refer to a journey to Tirion.  This was actually the dream where I got the name Doug and applied it to its current owner as used on my blog.


Need invite to peek peak


Person X:  

Team is already chosen [phrase was followed by someone showing me an image of hockey players] with strong players.  But you can play soccer.  Give it some thought, Doug.


The call to make this trip is not for the asking or wanting, as the dream also suggests, but for the choosing.  Beings have been chosen, and the mention of their being 'strong' players that comprise this team seems to suggest to me that were chosen for a reason - some attributes, power, or other characteristics that make them the ones for the job.

The answer to the mystery of just who this strong team is at least partially comprised of lies in my opinion with the 3 Chip Monks who have been a big theme here.  I did not imagine that when I first pulled in Alvin, Simon and Theodore several weeks ago that this was the case, but here we are.

Alvin I have identified as Gim Guru (Faramir-Eonwe).  Simon as Gim Githil (Peter-Pharazon).  And Theodore I am currently guessing is Moses (and potentially the Brother of Jared).

There is one major thing that links these 3 Beings together and thus might help to explain why they were selected:  They have and demonstrated the ability to move between worlds using their 'feet'.

Thy symbolism of a Sky Walk has been very powerful in recent months as I have explored a few things, and each of these characters have been or are tied to such Sky Walks by virtue or their feet in relative stories or symbols attached to them.

Yes, many Beings have been said to cross Water, Space, or whatever it is we are talking about using Ships, however constructed, and however guided.  These 3 Beings, however, did not use Ships, but rather were said to "Walk".

Gim Guru I have tied to Hermes, who is shown to have sandals on his feet with wings, known as the Talaria.  The wings, actually, were a later symbol attached to his sandals, it seems, as a means of explaining both his speed, stealth, and his ability to move between worlds of the Divine and Mortals.  But again, it was to his feet, and the sandals attached to them, that this ability of movement was symbolically derived. 

Gim Githil-Peter's own Water Walk is an event I have taken some liberties with to suggest that his coming out to meet Jesus upon stormy waters was not actually referring to a lake or a pond, but rather to something equivalent to sky or space.  Remember, in my own 2019 and 2020 words, it is through "troubled skies" that at least one Being will ascend with a prayer or statement, and that word "troubled" links the skies to water.  In Enoch's vision recounted in the Pearl of Great Price, it is the "sea" that Enoch sees as being troubled at the last days.  Not only this, it also links those troubled skies with the water that Peter was said to venture away from his own boat and attempt to walk on with his own feet.

Lastly, in the story of Moses we have a Being who was given power by God over the very Water itself, so that rather than having to walk on it, he could part or divide it, and thus he and the Israelites could pass through on dry ground.  But, again, they walked, using their own feet.

So, there is something here, this ability to travel and move one's own physical body over or through these Waters using one's Feet that might be a clue as to why these Beings will "Peek Peak", or arrive at the Top of the Mountains (Aman).

In realizing that this trait or power seemed to link these 3 Beings, I also recalled Abinadi's words to King Noah, quoting Isaiah, which were also later used by Jesus at Bountiful, regarding the Beautiful Feet of those who publish good tidings from Mountains (worlds):

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings unto them, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings unto them of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion: Thy God reigneth!

I've used that above example several times before in relation to the Feet symbolism that has cropped up, but less so, at least not as much, I don't think, with respect to the other part of this quote:  the act of publishing.  These Chip Monks will also be responsible for 'publishing' salvation, I think, among others.  The Chip in Chip Monk, as William Tychonievich has guessed at, may refer to Records or Stories.  Beyond feet, it is Records that also join these individuals.

Starting from Theodore this time, if he is Moses, well then the Brass Plates would seem to fit rather nicely with him, since Nephi said that this record included 5 of his books.  Further, if in fact Moses is also the Brother of Jared reincarnated, we also have the account or vision that Jesus showed him before the Jaredites departed for the new world, which is what is on those (in)famous "Sealed" portion of the Gold Plates from which also came the Book of Mormon.  Moses' books were said by Nephi to give an account of the "creation of the world".  An allusion to this account, or where it may have come from, is in the Pearl of Great Price, as part of what is, conveniently, called the Book of Moses.  The vision of Creation came directly from Jesus in that account.  The Brother of Jared was also shown a vision of this Earth by Jesus himself, said to include him seeing all the inhabitants of the Earth from beginning to end, which likely, then, also included an account of this Earth's creation.

Simon as Peter would make him the traditional leader of the 12 Apostles.  The record that Eowyn-Ilmare has assembled is, I believe, the Book of the Lamb, and thus also said by the angel who spoke to Nephi to be the record of these same 12 Apostles.  Remember "Play for Patrick" and the question of where Peter's Mind is, and we may just have what is on the Ithil Stone as something that Peter partially wrote and recorded in the original, which would include his own witness and memory of Jesus.  The fact that Gim Githil's name is a version of Ithil, the name of the Stone upon which Eowyn has recorded the record to date, and which means Moon, might mean that Peter will have something to do with or say about this Record once it is received by Gim Guru-Faramir.

Lastly, in Alvin as Gim Guru, we have his role in the creation of the Rose Stone, acting as the "secretary" in recording things that have been hidden from the very founding or creation of our world, when Joseph-Ausir did whatever it is that he did.  Some of those things have not been spoken, I guess, since Joseph and/ or Gim Guru would have uttered them in conjunction with this Stone.  The Three Disciples heard them, I've also guessed, as part of their being caught up to heaven and seeing and hearing unspeakable things.  But, it wasn't "lawful" for them to speak or share anything that they had witnessed, which I guess will last until it is time for the Rose Stone to be used, and then they will have some things to say, I imagine.

So, this is all to say, that with this "strong team" we not only have the symbolism of their Feet, and them having used said Feet to move between Worlds, but we also have this connection of Records - really, really important Records - that will be published upon the Mountains, which I take to include more than just our own.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Peter and flying-yet-water-walking

One of the stranger concepts that I am exploring is this notion of Beings, such as Peter, walking on Water but this really meaning something else than we currently understand it.   Meaning, Peter wouldn't have been walking across some basic lake of pond, but walking in the space between world, in some fashion.

It is the mixed symbolism that keeps coming up again and again in terms of something both being a "Sky Walk" but also involving the crossing of or travelling through Waters.  Sky as Water, and vice versa.

Last night, my kids were watching the 3rd Harry Potter movie, or part of it, I guess.  "The Prisoner of Azkaban".  I watched part of it with them, and one of the scenes I was there for involved Harry's flight riding Buckbeak, the Hippogriff.  A hippogriff is an animal that is part Griffin and part horse.

Griffins have come up before, most notably over on William Tychonievich's blog where he first wrote a post several months ago involving the Griffin named Odessa Grigorievna from his dream.  This dream-griffin became one of the building blocks in my own thought process that connected Peter the Apostle with Pharazon, a hypothesis I still hold.

So, Griffins in general I already have an association with Peter.  Furthermore, Harry Potter as a character I have also directly associated with Peter (Gim Githil-Ingwe) in several posts.  Just recently, I suggested that the lightning bolt on Potter's forehead was analogous to the biblical mention of a Being have a seal on their foreheads, with that bolt an important symbol that also spanned over to Lightning McQueen and to that Play for Patrick symbol.

In other words, just looking at this scene of Harry flying on the Hippogriff, I already have two symbols which I have directly linked to Peter represented together.

Then Harry and the Hippogriff do something fairly remarkable, at least in the context of this notion of flying, walking on air, and walking on water as kind of all pointing to the same thing:  Buckbeak proceeds to both fly and appear to "walk" on water at the same time.  Here is the image, and then I will follow by the full clip:

The relevant part starts at about the 0:50 mark.  It is interesting to see that the climax of the scene both visually as well as with the music score is not with Harry and Buckbeak soaring high in the sky, but rather during this part where Buckbeak is flying with his feet (or talons) running along the water's surface.  Also, it is during this part where Harry adopts the same position as Buckbeak, with his arms stretched out as wings.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Green Jell-O and Theodore

Recently, William Tychonievich wrote about a Mark Hofmann dream he had quite a long time ago, in which Hofmann was speaking what was an apparently gibberish haiku, but that William understood to mean two things at the same time.  The haiku spoken was:

The broo jerroo
Ih is yerroo
The broo jerroo
What he understood was:
The blue Jell-O
It is yellow
The blue Jell-O


The Brother of Jared
He is a hero
The Brother of Jared.


I instantly saw a very clear connection to our Chip Monk Theodore in this Hofmann masterpiece.  How so?  Well, in an earlier post I had given my guess that the Brother of Jared is represented by Theodore.  Theodore is the Green Chip Monk, and Mark Hofmann is, in my opinion, describing Green Jell-O in a very indirect (yet poetic) sort of way.

The Jell-O in question is both Blue and Yellow at the same time.  Those colors combined give us Green.  The fact that I had earlier been thinking of the Brother of Jared as the Green Chip Monk made everything all the more relevant and pretty clear when I saw the color combination.

On top of this, I have now, for several days, had Moses on my mind, and have been tying him to Theodore as well.  It has been a fairly pervasive thought that I can't quite shake, and so I am letting some things run their course and we'll see where the dust settles on it.  The real interesting implication, of course, is that if both guesses are correct (the Brother of Jared and Moses are represented by Theodore) then this means Moses is the Brother of Jared reincarnated.

I didn't know what to make of this new thought at first, but I am getting more comfortable with the idea.  I am on vacation, and actually am only posting this right now due to my own run-in with Jell-O this afternoon (which I well get to in just a second), so I am not going to go into all of that right now in trying to keep this post really short.  I just wanted to mainly log that I think I am closer to solving (or at least having a solid hypothesis regarding) who our Green Chip Monk is.

One indication of this happened in the grocery store this afternoon.  We stopped in to the store to get some more supplies, snacks, etc.  I was only in the store for a minute or two before I had to step outside to take a call.  While I was out, my wife continued to shop with the kids.  When I got back inside, they were just finishing up and heading for the checkout.  My two youngest kids were excited about something that they had picked out.  And I will say we have never, to my knowledge, ever purchased this particular product in our household, and I have never heard my kids ever express interest in purchasing said product, let alone act really excited about it as a treat of some kind.  Never.

What was it?

Green Jell-O.

So I think I am going to keep noodling on this Theodore-Moses-Brother of Jared thought and see where it goes.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Zelda's Tri Rod

WanderingGondola mentioned a new Zelda game on my last Zelda-specific post "A Welding Link".  I looked into some of her trailer links for the game that she included and called out a few things I thought might be interesting.

She followed up with another comment on my "Honey Nut Cheerios strikes again" post with her observation that what is called the "Tri-Rod" in that new Zelda game looks very similar to Hermes' Caduceus.  I looked into it, and it turns out that she is correct - there is a striking resemblance.  

Here is the Caduceus, with its two snakes, and the wings at the top of the staff or rod:

Before I show Zelda's Tri-Rod, in my post on the Caduceus, I mentioned that one reason I thought the staff representation, with its two snakes coiled around each other, was so interesting was the potential for these two snakes to become a staff comprised of two sticks wrapped around each other.  In doing so, I had cited a William Tychonievich post where he had mentioned Moses being commanded to take up a serpent by the tale, and that it became a rod in his hand.  Thus, Hermes' Caduceus could be the symbolic representation of the two sticks that become one, mentioned in both Ezekiel and in Joseph of Egypt's prophecy in 2 Nephi 3.

In imagining this, I pictured literally two wooden sticks (that the snakes had turned int) woven around each other to form one stick.

Well, check out Zelda's Tri-Rod staff that will be her primary weapon in this new game that hasn't been released yet:

The staff Zelda is holding is effectively one stick or rod, but based on the top of it you can tell that the rod itself is comprised of two separate strands or sticks that have been woven together to form this rod,which is more or less completely fused together that the place where Zelda is holding it, and less tightly held or woven together the further from her hand the rod is (which seems to bring to mind Moses' act of holding the snakes with one's hand).

It doesn't have the wings on it, but it doesn't have to, I suppose, since she is already in "Heaven", isn't playing the Hermes messenger role directly, or having to ascend or fly up from our World (since she already accomplished that at the beginning of the 4th age).

Indeed, without the wings, you might actually say that Zelda's Rod here actually resembles the Rod of Asclepius even more than the Caduceus, should the Snake on that Rod also become a Stick or Rod and be welded to what it was wrapped around.  Here is the Rod of Asclepius.

This symbol has always been associated with Healing and Medicine, whereas Hermes' Caduceus became associated with those things in the US only due to some errors in symbiology; the US Government and Military had also intended to use the Rod of Asclepius as its symbol, but adopted the Caduceus instead, not realizing there was a difference.

The Rod of Asclepius calls to mind the story of Moses raising the serpent on a pole, of course, and healing the Children of Israel who had been bitten by the flying fiery serpents.  The instructions were that one only had to look on that Rod and they would be healed.

Seeing Zelda hold something that ties so closely to a clear symbol of Healing is pretty interesting, since as a character I've used to represent Eowyn, we should expect this.  It is Eowyn who wished to become a Healer, as recounted in LOTR in the chapter "The Steward and the King":

Then the heart of Éowyn changed, or else at last she understood it. And suddenly her winter passed, and the sun shone on her.

'I stand in Minas Anor, the Tower of the Sun,' she said; 'and behold! the Shadow has departed! I will be a shieldmaiden no longer, nor vie with the great Riders, nor take joy only in the songs of slaying. I will be a healer, and love all things that grow and are not barren.'

Besides the physical appearance of this Tri Rod, two other things about its description stood out to me:  who gave it to her, and what it does.

The game isn't out yet, so there isn't much known about characters and what they do.  Which is just fine with me, because I am just looking for little threads anyway like names or some other details anyway.

Now, we compared the Caduceus with the combined Ithil and Rose Stones, or at least the stories that are derived or obtained from them.  Thus, while it makes sense for Faramir-Link-Hermes to have such a staff, it also makes complete sense for Eowyn-Zelda to have one as well, right?  On Earth as it is in Heaven, and by definition, if Faramir has a complete record here on earth after linking up with Zelda and her Stone, then Zelda must also have the complete record.  That was one of my primary points in that Welding Link post in that there would be a Recorder in Heaven (Eowyn) and a Recorder on Earth (Faramir), and per Joseph Smith's letter that is now Doctrine & Covenants 128, there would be a complete record that would be identical and accurate with both of those Recorders.

In an even earlier post focused on Zelda, and showing those murals with the history of the War in Heaven, I called out that Zelda was sure to mention her "Purah Pad" which is what she used to Record the accounts or the history presented on these Murals.  That Purah Pad I guess represented Eowyn's Ithil Stone, and I connected it to Asenath, who in my guess is the Being who designed and/or created these Stones to do what they do (which seem to be pretty multi-functional, I guess).

In this next game, apparently a Being known as Tri gives the Tri Rod to Zelda (thus its name).  If we assume that the Tri Rod and the Purah Pad can somehow be bridged or linked together to both point to the Ithil Stone (and in the Tri Rod's case, the combined Stones, I guess), then perhaps there is also a connection between Tri and Asenath?

I think the name suggests so.  Tri, of course, means Three.  Asenath I have as one of the Holy Ghost Twins, and as such, would be a member of what Christians traditionally refer to as the Trinity, or in the case of Mormons, the Godhead.  In either case, the Holy Ghost is the Third member listed, and thus a tie to the word Tri.

Beyond the involvement of the Being named Tri, one additional thing stood out to me in reading about this Tri Rod.

Apparently, the Rod gives Zelda the ability to "bind" things.  Here is a preliminary description of the Rod I found on a Zelda fan site:

Given to her by the "mysterious fairy" Tri, it allows her to create "echoes" of objects previously scanned in the world, as well as versions of defeated enemies to fight on her behalf. It appears to be linked directly to Tri, with each echo created taking one or more of the triangles which float behind Tri to make.

It also allows her to "bind" to objects, similarly to Ultrahand, which either causes bound objects, enemies and echoes to match her movement, or "reverse bond" to cause her to follow their movement.

The binding itself is fascinating for me to see, as well as the fact that the binding happens two ways, either an object is bound to her, or she is bound to the object.

We see this concept of "binding" in Joseph Smith's writing I mentioned earlier in D&C 128.  There, he mentioned the work of the Recorders (Eowyn and Faramir) and their Books will be to "bind" things on Earth and in Heaven:

It may seem to some to be a very bold doctrine that we talk of—a power which records or binds on earth and binds in heaven. Nevertheless, in all ages of the world, whenever the Lord has given a dispensation of the priesthood to any man by actual revelation, or any set of men, this power has always been given. Hence, whatsoever those men did in authority, in the name of the Lord, and did it truly and faithfully, and kept a proper and faithful record of the same, it became a law on earth and in heaven, and could not be annulled, according to the decrees of the great Jehovah. This is a faithful saying. Who can hear it?

With proper authority, and if done accurately and faithfully, the Recorders are able to create and establish laws on Earth and in Heaven that are themselves binding, and in my opinion, will serve to redeem Beings and release Prisoners.

In fact, Joseph in the letter would go on to talk about this in light of Peter's Keys, and the fact that Peter had also been one of these Beings who have been given some power to bind things on Earth and in Heaven.  This is then potentially one additional reason why he will be involved in this whole effort - not just because from the Lion's Head the path Home begins, and that the gates of Hell (representing at least partially our own world) would not prevail against him, but because there is a Church of the Firstborn in Heaven that Peter seems to have some say about, and any law that would impact that Church would need his blessing and ratification, I would assume.

But it isn't just that we see this "binding" or "sealing" power mentioned in Joseph's writing.  It is that we see it in my own words from back in 2020, in context with what I imagine is the Rose Stone.  

March 22, 2020
Jewel zimel link
Back and east to come it profit your house
Them dual iskwendi to know
Suggest usher toward home a story to tell
A visceral glow
A stone binding two ways center-heart
tell me where the good men go

I mean isn't this "two way" binding essentially what we are talking about both in D&C 128, with things occurring on Earth and in Heaven that bind and unbind things across these worlds?  Further, isn't this essentially what is being described (loosely - again I am looking for threads here) in the binding function of Zelda's Tri Rod?  She doesn't just bind objects to her, but she also binds herself to those objects.  One can (and I do) analogize this with this same concept that Joseph is describing in D&C 128.  That Eowyn-Ilmare, as a Heavenly Being, and as actually a Queen of the Family of Light, binds Earthly things and Beings to her (including her own Family), but also that Earthly things and Beings can and will bind her to them.

And actually I just noticed that "Link" appears in that first line of those March 22 words - a potential play on the name of Link from Zelda in light of all of this, I could imagine, since this particular set of words seem to discuss the 'ushering' of Faramir-Link back to the House of Tom Bombadil in France by Glorfindel and Gildor.

Michael J. Fox eating a croissant

There were a few things from this morning I want to document, but I am taking a very short vacation from my vacation to log just one of them right now.

One dream from this morning involved our old friend Michael J. Fox.  He has come up before in Back to the Future with his role as Marty McFly.  Last month, I devoted a post to that movie (specifically the 2nd one), calling out a few things that I saw.   In that post, I directly linked the character of Marty (played by Fox) with Faramir-Gim Guru, even noting the actor's name "Michael" in addition to all of the things about the character in-movie.

The Michael J. Fox in my dream was nothing like the real-life actor in appearance.  For example, Fox is famously very short, at 5'4", whereas the one in my dream appeared was considered to be very tall.  All the same, in my dream I understood the person I was looking at to be Michael J. Fox.

I remember Fox taking only one action in my dream, and that was to begin eating a croissant.  That was literally it for that particular dream, and I woke up.

Some of the symbolism came together once I was up and thinking.  I remembered that I've had Fox represent Faramir, as mentioned above.  In a prior post, I made a guess that the word "Mbasse" that appeared in my 2019 words, and which means "Bread", was a code name or title for Eowyn.  Well, here in the croissant we clearly had Bread.  Not only that, but it as Bread in the shape of a crescent moon, another symbol I've directly linked with Eowyn.  

And lastly, the croissant is obviously and famously French, with the name Croissant being French for "Crescent" (which I am sure most people already knew), with the Crescent Moon being part of that translation/ definition.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Honey Nut Cheerios strikes again

Whoever is in charge of the Honey Nut Cheerios cereal box art design over at General Mills is sure tapping into something.  The company's world headquarters is based here in Minnesota, after all (in Golden Valley, which makes sense I suppose).   Actually, come to think of it, General Mills also makes Golden Grahams. . . 

Anyway, I reached for my trusty scriptures, I mean cereal box, this morning, and was once again met with a story.   This is a new box, purchased yesterday after we flew into town for vacation:

There are a few things going on here that my mind took off with.

First off, we have our giant Ace of Hearts, this time as the giant cereal bowl.  It is filled with with each of the O's, which now look to me to be very much like our Eclipse/ Black Hole/ New Moon Shining symbol, which I have before equated to Stones, specifically the Rose Stone in past discussions.  But there isn't just one O in the giant Heart, but rather many.  I have cited Joseph Smith's commentary before that all those entering the Celestial Kingdom will receive a "white" (shiny/ bright) Stone, and here we have the Heart, which William Tychonievich has cited before as a symbol of Zion itself, filled to the bring with these Stone symbols.

So, I see in this picture all of the Stones now returned home (with their respective owners).   Seemingly, in a direct tie to this thought, on the back of the box is an activity where we must help Buzz (the Bee) create "the one sweet path" that literally comes from counting, in order, from 1 to 40.  This path is also called a "beeline", which, despite its meandering path on the actual cereal box, is a phrase that is used when someone moves very quickly and very directly (in a straight line) to a point.  Sounds like the path that needs to be created between our world and the White Tree, and the 'beeline' the Swift Messenger will make in creating it.

The "counting" was interesting because it links this path that we need to help Buzz find to the Stones that will then utilize the path, I suppose, in being gathered home.   In my Story, the Stones are part of this plan to bring the Family of Light home, and as Tom Bombadil told the Couriers, they are "to be gathered, to be counted".

In our last Honey Nut Cheerios incident, we had a pretty direct tie to our Amazing Talking Dog.  Here we have another, as the box tells us Real Honey has been used for an "Amazing" taste

Back to the front.

It goes without saying that we have our hexagon bee symbol again front and center, which came up recently on Link's Door, which I symbolically to Tirion, where X marks the Spot, which is the place where all of those Stones will gathered to.

But my vision then focused on our friend Buzz.  Recently, I linked Hermes-Mercury to the Swift Messenger Faramir Gim Guru.  In doing so, I also spent some time on his Caduceus, the stick Hermes is shown bearing.  I gave my opinion that this stick represented the combination of the Rose and Ithil Stones, joined as one now in Faramir's hand.

And here we have Buzz bearing a stick, with a Ball of honeycomb on the end.  Remarkable, given that both Stones have been linked directly to Honey.  The Ithil Stone belongs to the Honey Maid (Eowyn), and the Rose Stone was represented in one of my dreams by Honeycomb.

Further, my memory of Buzz (by the way, I had to look up his name, and I will end this post with that), is that his shirt was a light orange.  Here, however, it is definitely Red.  As it should be if this represents Gim Guru (as we see in Alvin's Red clothes, and even Sammy Hagar as the Red Rocker).  

Thus, as I looked at the picture, Buzz was essentially transformed into a little copy of Hermes-Faramir, who either had completed or was in the process of "Jewel Hunting" and gathering his Family home.

Lastly, the name Buzz.  Space travel has been a big thing on this blog, and I am not even sure what to make of it, with respect to what that actually looks like.  But I have been pretty consistent in my thinking that Faramir-Gim Guru (and now others) will go on a Sky Walk, and Outer Space is pretty much all I know or can imagine in thinking through that, whether that is actually the case or some analogy for something I wouldn't be able to understand.

Buzz, besides being a fitting name for a Bee, I guess, is also a name pretty directly associated with Space.  Buzz Lightyear first came to my mind.

You can actually see, by the way, that Buzz bears the colors of our 3 Chip Monks on his right chest, and is that the Rose Stone on his left?

Buzz, however, was likely named after or for the astronaut Buzz Aldrin, who joined Neil Armstrong on the Moon.  Buzz's real name is Edwin.  In looking up that name, it means "Wealthy" or "Rich Friend".  And this made complete sense when I saw this.  Joseph of Egypt is also the Being known as Ausir, and he said that the Seer he prophecies of in 2 Nephi 3 would be "named" after him.  Ausir, as a reminder, means "Wealth".

Sunday, August 25, 2024

A Welding Link

 In my post from a couple days ago called "Zelda's Murals and the History of the Royal Family", we went full on Legend of Zelda in comparing the princess-heroine of one of Nintendo's best known video game franchises to Eowyn-Ilmare.

Specifically, I used the initial story setup in the most recent game "Tears of the Kingdom", combined with some imagery of a dream I had that included murals like that shown in the opening scenes of the game, to support this interesting notion I've developed and explored on this blog of Eowyn recording a Story with her Ithil Stone.

At the end of the post, I mentioned I saw some interesting things with Link, but would tackle some of that in another post.   Well, here we are.

I will first briefly mention a couple interesting general things with the character of Link across the video game franchise in general, and then focus the remained of my observations on the most recent game as I did with Zelda.

Since we have Eowyn-Ilmare represented as the Grey Fighting Maid Zelda, it is only natural, if our analogy holds, that we have Link represent Faramir- Gim Guru.  Or, at least, that is where we can start from, and see if it holds.  The stories in our minds obviously drive the meaning of the symbols we see, and those symbols in turn change and drive the story, so it is an iterative process, I think, and never definitive, but I do think there are some interesting things there.

First, and actually really interesting, what has become an important and consistent part of Link's character across all video games is that he does not speak.  In fact, Link has never uttered one audible word in any of the Zelda games.  In any dialogue, it is always people talking to him, with implied responses from Link, but we never actually hear them, or even read them in any long form (in the written dialogues) beyond very simple, short user prompts.  The latest game is no exception, with Link not saying or uttering a single word in dialogue outside of user prompts.

This is an interesting tie to our Seer from 2 Nephi 3.  That Seer, who I have guessed is Faramir due to the Rose Stone (Seers can be defined very simply as those who possess and use Seer Stones), was said by Joseph of Egypt that he would be not only like Joseph but like Moses as well.  Moses had not yet come around either at the time of Joseph's prophecy, but an important defining characteristic of Moses was that God would not "loose his tongue, that he should speak much".  Moses would write mighty things (apparently from which also came the Law of Moses), but he would not be mighty in speaking (for whatever reason) so much so that God provided a Spokesman for him who, in the bible, was Aaron).

Joseph goes on to say that the Seer would also have a Spokesman provided for him, just like Moses, implying the same situation would exist for the Seer (Faramir) in his role.  He would write, but he would not speak or declare what he wrote.  That job would fall to another person.

Thus, we have Link - a character who does not speak.

A minor detail at this point, and not, on its own, a real strong tie, but I think it becomes more relevant once we get into some additional details about the character in this particular game story.  Let's see how that shapes up and then we can see if this all makes sense as a symbol.

Another general detail is Link's Sword - the Master Sword.  I have made some references and ties to Orion or Menelmacar, the Swordsman of the Sky.  The Master Sword is a big Link thing, but then again, Swords kind of are for many characters in video games and movies.  In and of itself, not necessarily earth shattering, either.  It does become a bit more specific in its symbolism in the latest game (for example, Zelda's act in healing the Sword, which has broken), but I am not going to have time to mention that here without going into even more tangents.

Let's get into the storyline of this latest game, and similar to the Zelda-Eowyn story comparison, I am going to use a cut scene from the game to illustrate a few points.  Let's see if what I read into this makes sense.

The scene I will start with is with Link standing in front of the Temple of Time on the Great Sky Island (a floating island in the sky... sound familiar with how I interpret Lehi's comments regarding islands in the sea?).  He has been separated from Zelda in an earlier confrontation with Ganondorf, and is now trying to enter the Temple, before realizing he doesn't yet have the power to do so.

Let me show the clip, and point out some things afterward that I find really interesting relating to the character of Faramir Gim Guru, and which tie to content and guesses I have made before on this blog.  It is not long at 3 minutes - there are a few seconds of game play in addition to the cut scene, but I actually like it because it highlights a few things which I will also discuss.

In the clip, Link attempts to open the Door, but is informed by a Being that looks like an Angelic Goat, whose name is Rauru, that he lacks the "Power" to open the door.  That Door, by the way, is an image I used earlier to show the X marking the door, as well as the hexagon or Honeybee symbol that came up again.

So, Link lacks the Power, and he needs to go do something in order to gain that Power.  What is it?  He must visit 3 Shrines, and after doing so, he will be able to open the door.  Rauru specifically mentions that the Shrines (which are in the form of Stones, by the way) are "the Key".

Shrines as Keys of Power

OK, so let's look up the meaning of the word "Shrine".  Etymonline gives us:

repository in which a holy object or the relics of a saint are kept," from late Old English scrin "ark (of the covenant); chest, coffer; case for relics," from Latin scrinium "case or box for keeping papers," a word of unknown origin.

That is interesting, right?  I have guessed that it is to France and the House of Tom Bombadil that Faramir will go, because it is there that 'holy objects' and records, including the Brass Plates (which I have guessed is the Ark of the Covenant).  And he has to go there because that is where the objects and records exist that will give him the power to open that Door and go on his Moon Space Walk thing.

So, the Power to open the Door is at a Shrine - Tom's House.  Rauru specifically mentions 3, which for our purposes seems to sync up nicely with our 3 Chip Monks and whatever is meant by these Chips, Plates, and Stones.  The Three Disciples might also be alluded to.

This notion of Link being "powerless" and needing to gain some king of Power in order to open the Door aligns very nicely with the words I have quoted before relative to what is on the Rose Stone, in that Beings have arrived powerless on our world, but that on the Stone is Power:

March 7, 2021

The story on the stone is the story of our family. It is meant for our family, to cause them all to shine. It is a story of love, of our love undying and unending, even in a void. To bring forth, even in this nothing-place, love's power - our family's power.

You came powerless, as did others, with hope in a promise. The story is the promise, and the power.

And the void, now de-void it own power, recedes; what WAS NOT now becoming IS.

So we have this concept of Link gaining power from "Shrines" which are repositories of sacred objects and records in order to open the door to the Temple.

Lastly regarding the Shrines, as I called out earlier, they themselves are represented as Stones that Link will literally step into.  It is a curious representation, and it stood out to me based on some things I have written as to pertaining to the nature of these Stones.

The Arm of the Lord

Now, moving one, we have something interesting going on with Link, and Raura explains a little bit of this in the scene.  Link's arm was destroyed in his initial confrontation with Ganondorf, and so Rauru has given him his own arm with which to do things.  In the course of the game, it is this Arm that is a source of Power to Link, which includes as we see in the scene, the ability to open the Door, but also at the end, the power to Create (which I will get to towards the end of this post).

Specifically, it is Rauru's Right Arm that Link now wears in the story.

This is actually, to me, one of the more fascinating story elements.  In my own story, I have identified Faramir as Jah ni hah from Joseph Smith's GAEL, who has the following description:

one that with delegated and redeeming power, and second in authority; being a swift messenger going before, and having redeeming power, as second in authority: and stand next to or on the right hand of power.

So, we have an allusion to a "right hand of power", but in my own writing I have been even more specific about this Arm, suggesting that not only does this Being stand on the right hand, but he is, in actuality, the Arm of the Lord.

In a post from last August, almost a year ago, I wrote some fairly provocative things in relation to Faramir in that he was the "Sent one" from the creation account in the Book of Abraham.  In what I wrote there, I stated that he was the "Arm of the Lord" using some pretty specific language:

... I believe this Being - the sent one - is the Holy Ghost, who we see in multiple incarnations on this Earth. This Being is also referred to as 'the arm of the Lord' in various places, and this is why we see so many incarnations of this person. This 'arm' will be revealed in the Last Days, meaning that we will understand who this person is and the many incarnations they have had in representing Eru. It is at this revealing, I think, that you have the Holy Ghost fulfill the specific missions that Jesus said he would do as stated in my earlier post on John 14-16. Although the Holy Ghost was active on this Earth in various incarnations prior to Jesus' birth, he will not have incarnated again until it is time to wrap things up and transition to the next phase of this story. Jesus' return to Heaven was necessary, in part, to give further instruction, guidance, and advice to the Holy Ghost in preparation for this.

It was fascinating for me personally to go back to read this and other posts where I explored this idea of the "Arm of the Lord" being both a person, and specifically this Faramir character (see also the post on Moon Landings, "astronauts", and Neil Armstrong ).

So we have a person who is known as the "arm of the Lord" and who, as Jah ni hah and the Holy Ghost, would act in Jesus' name and with his power.

And here, in the Zelda video game, we have the character Link being given the Right Arm of Rauru, and even being given some instruction and guidance on what he is supposed to do.

Which means, I guess, if we carry our analogy through, that we should find some semblance of Jesus in Rauru, correct?  I mean, that is what I am saying, that Link receiving Rauru's Arm is analogous to Jesus giving authority to Gim Guru Faramir, and him becoming the "Arm of the Lord" as a result.  So, what do we have?

Well, a few things, actually, from the overall story arc outside of just this scene, but if we just focus here, let's take a look at the name first.  Rauru.

I had to look it up (though WanderingGondola may have already known) but the game developer's reason for using that name is it is because it was the name of a town in the earlier Zelda games.  I don't think it is more complicated than that.  Ah, but we know better!

It turns out that Rauru is a direct hit for an Elvish name, and a pretty relevant one at that - the word "Rauro".  I've indicated before (and it is actually something I learned from Doug), that when you have -o endings, it typically means an object, but with -u endings, you get proper names and nouns (sometimes).  Thus, Rauro potentially turns into a name if you were to make it Rauru, the name of this Being who gave Link his Right Arm (it actually cracks me up when the scene introduces him as "Rauru:  Source of the Right Arm".)

And what does Rauro mean in Elvish?  Lion (based on "The Roarer").  I know, we have lots of Lion names floating around right now and we've been attaching them to various people, but in this instance I am going to suggest that this belongs to The Lion - Jesus.  In Christianity, the Lion is a commonly accepted symbol for Jesus.  For example, in CS Lewis' Narnia books, Aslan, who is very much a symbol for Jesus, is portrayed as a Lion.  In the Bible, Revelation 5:5 speaks of the "Lion of the Tribe of Judah", and this is commonly understood to refer to Jesus.

And so because it works so well for my analogy, Rauru's name as The Lion indicates he represents Jesus here as a sketch.  Now, the animation is modeled after a Goat, not a Lion.  Anything here?  Well, all I can think of is not a Goat but the G.O.A.T... you know, Greatest of All Time.  That would be appropriate.   As Eru said when he taught Abraham as he laid out the order and power of Beings:

And the Lord said unto me: These two facts do exist, that there are two spirits, one being more intelligent than the other; there shall be another more intelligent than they; I am the Lord thy God, I am more intelligent than they all.

Earlier, God had likened "Intelligence" to Greatness in comparing both Stars, Worlds, and Beings.  Jesus is who he is because he is the greatest of all.


If two things exist, and there be one above the other, there shall be greater things above them; therefore Kolob is the greatest of all the Kokaubeam that thou hast seen, because it is nearest unto me.


Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal.

Moses would learn something similar from Jesus-Eru on the "Mountain" (perhaps a floating island in the sky like where he is represented in Zelda teaching Link?), so much so that after seeing Eru's glory, he declared that "Man is nothing".

So, it is kind of a joke in that way in terms of using G.O.A.T as a tie here, but it is also true.  Jesus is the Greatest, and anything we do is by his grace and power, and that includes the Being and characters I have been writing about here, which includes his Arm - Gim Guru Faramir.

Our analogy does, of course, break down with respect to Rauru appearing as a spirit and saying he no longer can appear in physical form.  Well, no analogy is perfect, and we aren't trying to match up everything, but even this can have some meaning for us if we are creative enough, and think of this less as the state of Jesus' body (he is resurrected, so wouldn't be a spirit) but more as his ability to appear to us on this Earth in that physical body (which he seems to be unable to do).

One more thing about the scene itself, and then I want to get to something that is alluded to in the title for this post.

Whoever filmed this for YouTube filmed themselves playing a brief part at the end where Link goes to a Shrine, steps into the Rock, and gains the Power to Create.  This was an interesting scene to include as I was thinking about analogies.

We've attached the name of Michael to Faramir-Link.  A fact about Michael that would only be known to those who have "done too much LDS", like Spock and gang, and have gone through the LDS Temple Endowment, is that Michael is representative as being a Co-Creator with Jesus (Jehovah).  When the Gods (Elohim) desire a world to be built, Jesus takes Michael with him, and together they perform the labor of building that world and placing living Beings on it.  In a real sense, Michael appears as one having the Power to Create, just as Link gains in this Shrine.  Perhaps part of Gim Guru-Faramir's own memory or mind re-gained through the Shrine-Stone will be knowledge of that earlier Creation and how it was done.

Recorders in Heaven and on Earth, and a Welding Link

So, let me close with this thought, which ties the Zelda and Link storyline elements I've highlighted back to something Joseph Smith made note of.

In Doctrine and Covenants 128, we get some fairly interesting, and cryptic, remarks regarding Recorders and Books in Heaven and on Earth.  Joseph is seeing something here, I think, and he is describing it in "Earthly" sorts of ways, in terms of having secretaries and people in various church settings and cities on Earth keeping records, but from the scriptures he is citing and the examples he is giving, it seems that something bigger is driving this feeling of importance he is attaching to his thoughts.

I mean, this is a letter that starts off with some simple statements about ensuring recorders are in place to make an accurate account of "baptisms for the dead", that ends with Joseph practically shouting Hallelujah through his pen as he recounts all sorts of glorious events and Beings, and declaring:

Brethren, shall we not go on in so great a cause? Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Let your hearts rejoice, and be exceedingly glad. Let the earth break forth into singing. Let the dead speak forth anthems of eternal praise to the King Immanuel, who hath ordained, before the world was, that which would enable us to redeem them out of their prison; for the prisoners shall go free.

His mind is soaring, and he is sensing and writing about things that (in my opinion) he himself is still trying to get a full grasp on and his head around, but whatever it is he knows it is glorious, specifically this 'baptism for the dead', which includes the Recorders that are involved in it.

So, about these Recorders.

Joseph notes that there needs to be an account of things both in Heaven and on Earth - Books kept - and that there needs to be a Recorder in Heaven and a Recorder on Earth involved in this.  The Books that they create at their distinct locations must agree with each other, in order for things to be both 'bound' and sealed in Heaven and on Earth.  That which is in Heaven must agree with what is on Earth, in relation to these Books (and with respect to everything that is important to record), and it is the Recorders' job to ensure that this is so.

If you notice, this is the story of Eowyn and Faramir I have been painting here on this blog.  Eowyn is the recorder in Heaven, and it is through means of her Ithil Stone that she has "Recorded" her stories for what Joseph calls "The Book of Life".   Recall in my earlier post on Zelda, that in that video clip, Zelda's exact word that she used in describing what her "Purah Pad" did was Record.  She said "I'm glad I didn't leave it behind.  It's so easy to Record..."  Eowyn didn't leave her Ithil Stone behind - it went with her in her ascension to Heaven, and was the primary tool she used to compile her Record there.

But the missing piece(s) to the Record reside here on Earth, at Tom Bombadil's House, in the form of the Rose Stone, and the other plates and records apparently kept there (the Chips?).  That will be communicated to Heaven and added to the account there, while Heaven's account or record will be added to the Records on our Earth.   At least that is how I have been imagining it.  Eowyn and Faramir will act as the two Recorders in compiling and ensuring that what needs to be written in both Heaven and on our Earth is actually written, and that it is done so accurately, along with Witnesses who will ensure and testify to this accuracy.

And this will be part of the "Baptism for the Dead" which I suggest in our own go-around this time, involves not just symbolic or vicarious baptisms for deceased persons, but rather the Baptism that entails people quite literally going into the Waters of whatever separates our World from that one, entering on a quite literal path that Nephi speaks to in his own prophecies, and finding themselves at the White Tree in Tirion.  

I've suggested before that in a real way we are, in fact, the Dead, and can be considered also prisoners, in much the same way that Joseph is speaking of in this letter.  The Prisoners must go free, and it seems to be by means of what will be written and shared, and the Baptism that follows.

Again, I don't know what that really means, and can't really explain why it has to be that way, but there are enough of these story elements that seem to line up (even in Zelda), that make me think that, in general strokes at least, there is something here, even if I can't quite nail it down.

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Bigfoot walking on water at the Minnesota State Fair

 Well, its that time of year for the Minnesota State Fair.

The State Fair is the largest Fair in the US as measured by average daily attendance.  Texas has more total visitors at 2.3 million vs. 1.8 million for Minnesota (which comes in 2nd behind Texas), but Texas' fair also runs for about twice as many days.  So, in terms of people per day, it is no comparison - Minnesota has a really, really big fair.

I say this not to brag about my current home state, but only to give you some perspective for why I say this event is not really my thing.  I am a low-crowd, need-my-space kind of guy, and that is not this.  It is a sea of humanity, eating fried foods on sticks.

We actually haven't gone for several years now (I don't think since before 2020), but my wife thought maybe the kids would like to go this year.  We leave for vacation tomorrow and won't be back before the end of the Fair (which kicked off this past Thursday), so it was either today or never. 

It was hot, but it is supposed to be even hotter tomorrow, so it seems like the crowds today were even worse than I remember as everyone decided Saturday was the day.  But, the kids had a fun time, and by a little after noon everyone was ready to go home, so it wasn't so bad.

The Fair has a shuttle service or Park and Ride, where you can park in various places all around the Twin Cities, and they will bus you for free to and from the Fair.  It's a great service that really saves on the headache of parking closer to the Fairgrounds - it is a zoo.

Anyway, the bus took as over to fair, and as we were getting off, I noticed the woman immediately in front of me as we were walking down the bus aisle filing off was wearing a Bigfoot shirt.  Well, given how Bigfoot has been a thing, like with Harry and the Hendersons recently, the shirt caught my attention.  So much so that I did something I told myself I would never do after reading about William Tychonievich doing it once awhile ago on his blog:  I clandestinely took a photo of a complete stranger's shirt, like an absolute stalker.  Something about Bigfoot positioned in front of the Moon holding a fishing pole just screamed "Take a picture!" to me, for whatever reason.  There was a detail I didn't realize the shirt had until I got home after and pulled up the photo, that made me glad I did, though.  Here is the image (I took the picture after we were off the bus and milling around so it wasn't as obvious how completely creepy I was):

What I hadn't picked up when I first saw the shirt print, but what I immediately saw once home and pulling up the picture, is that Bigfoot is not walking on land, but rather he is surrounded by and walking on water.  I mean, yes, his feet have sunk down to his ankles, and we could imagine that this is just a shallow few inches of water over dry land, but we can also imagine that this is Bigfoot walking on Water.

So there are a bunch of symbols all combining with each other in this particular "walk" our hairy friend is on.  I already alluded to Harry and the Hendersons, and recall in that post, and in that context, I linked Bigfoot to the character of Gim Guru-Faramir (and also postulated that he was the same Being as Finarfin).

Furthermore, it is this same Being that I have indicated that will go on a Walk, of sorts, and I have interchangeably called this a Moon Walk (as in the case and symbolism of Michael Jackson, and also that song "Walk the Moon") and a Sky Walk.  And specifically I have likened or analogized the Sky with Water, and suggested that accounts of both Jesus and Peter walking on water might actually be accounts of Sky Walking.  And here we have Bigfoot walking on Water in front of a giant Moon.

Seems pretty dead on.

It stays interesting with the name of Remer that is also shown on the shirt.   Despite a similarity with the character of Ramer from Tolkien's Notion Club Papers, my mind didn't go there.  I first went to what that word or name might mean in our world and languages.

Remer has two different and valid definitions.  The first is Famous Counsel.  The second is Leather Worker.  Both seem interesting to me.  Let's start with Famous Counsel. 

In my post where I utilized the greatly under-appreciated divining medium of French's Mustard Bottles, I specifically linked the Rose Stone (and thereby its potential future steward, Faramir Gim Guru) with Ron Burgundy, the Anchorman.  In doing so, I then translated Ron Burgundy's name to reveal its true meaning:  The Red Ruler's Counsel (with the Red Ruler as Gim Guru, the real Red Rocker):

It is also, and I absolutely have to throw this in because I did do a post on the Anchorwoman (Eowyn), the last name of Ron Burgundy, the Anchorman. Probably strangely relevant, I hate to say it. In fact, Ron Burgundy could be interpreted to mean "The Red Ruler's Counsel", perhaps referring to both Stone and Man. Remember just yesterday that I mentioned a "Golden Counsel" and wondered what that Stone that would have referred to. Well, maybe that really was the Anor Stone (Golden in color), and the Red Counsel - as represented by the Anchorman Ron Burgundy - is actually the Sawtooth Stone (with a 'counsel' referring to the Stone itself).

At that time I hadn't yet given the Rose Stone its new name for purposes of my blog, so I had referred to it as the Sawtooth Stone in the above quote, just to clarify.

Anyway, so we have our "Counsel" as it pertains to Bigfoot.

Leather Worker, as the other meaning for Remer, was also interesting.  Leather, in terms of an actual definition, means (per Etymonline) "tanned or otherwise dressed hide or skin of an animal".  A skin of an animal, as in one might refer to in other words as, say, I don't know, a "Coat of Skins"?   Bigfoot is the very representation I have used to indicate that we have Heavenly Beings dressed up in the bodies (our current Garments) of animals - in our case, primates like Gorillas... like Bigfoot.

In other words, we can take that word and, with not too much creativity, have it mean something like "Worker in a Coat of Skins", which is what I proposed Gim Guru (the Bigfoot from the Harry and the Henderson's post), Gim Githil, and our mysterious Theodore are, as well as many, many other characters and Beings yet to have their stories told and currently living as Men.

Last, but not least, we have our Fishing Pole.  Peter was a Fisher Man, as were a few other Apostles of  Bible tradition.  As Jesus was reported to say to them, "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of Men".

Friday, August 23, 2024

France, Iowa, Des Moines, and Chip-monks.... Who would have thought?

In one of the scenes in my last post on Star Trek, Peter, and Memory issues and all of that, Kirk mentions that he is from Iowa.  In hearing this, I remembered that this is actually a big thing about his character - the fact that he is from Iowa.

It kind of stuck in my brain for a bit this afternoon, while I was out weeding during a break actually, and I finally looked up some things on Iowa.  I first wanted to see what it meant, and in so doing saw that it was a name originally given by the French (though it is a Sioux word it turns out).  Which figures, because even though it is pretty far north in the US (I live in Minnesota, and it borders my state to the south here in the Midwest), it used to be part of French Louisiana before Jefferson and the US purchased it in 1803.

The myth that Iowans believe and put in their marketing materials is that Iowa means "The Beautiful Land".  OK, that might be something, I guess.  Looking more into it, though, Iowa actually is a Native American/ Sioux word which means "Sleepy Ones".  Alright, that actually seemed relevant as well.  And then I looked up some more state facts and saw their flag.  Here it is:

Look familiar?  Yeah, it is the French flag, just with Iowa in the middle of it, the Eagle, and the banner saying "Our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain".  Kind of sounds like something Captain Moroni might write.  Here is the French flag for comparison:

OK, so this feels like a direct hit.  I have Kirk as an analogy for Faramir-Gim Guru, who I very recently placed as an example of Francis, or France (Free Man), in my Harry and the Henderson's post:

I think Faramir, who is Finarfin.  This is, to me, another little wink, that although I can't explain exactly why, and there are issues to work through, my strong guess or sense is that Eonwe became Finarfin, who would become the Ruler of the House of Finwe after the exile of the Noldor.  Not joining in with the exile of the rest of his family, he remained a "Free Man" (Francis), not bound by the doom of his House.  As such, he would be in a position to assist in their redemption, perhaps, though I am not sure what specifically that means.

This, combined with everything else I have written about with the Rose Stone and other records being in France, makes Captain Kirk's origin story as being in "Iowa", which is the only state in the US to bear the flag of France, a pretty direct hit.

Furthermore, look at the name "Sleepy Ones".  From a very long time ago, we have had this analogy or statement of "Wake Up Time!", going all the way back to Tom Petty last year, and into other symbolism like what we saw with the Running Boy in "Iron".  I will get back to "Sleepy Ones" at the end of this post with one more thought.

But it gets even better, and we are going to bring back in our Chipmunks - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.

After seeing all of this, I thought to myself - didn't I have Des Moines, the capital city of Iowa, in my words from back in 2022?  I sure did!  I thought I included them in my earlier posts, but it looks like I didn't.  I may not have included them because I didn't have a guess as to why a city from Iowa would appear in my words.  Well, I have at least a partial guess now.  

I had first shared a dream from August 31, 2022 in a post from last fall where I explored what happened with the Rose Stone (then what I called the Sawtooth Stone) following its retrieval, which I believe is from the perspective of the Rose Stone as it was being repaired.  In the dream, pieces of fragments were being removed from my skin while I laid on a table in a cave, and under the fragments that were removed my exposed skin looked like honeycomb.

The day before, so August 30, I had a short dream where someone was getting my attention and calling me by the name "Micah", and then a short phrase followed:

August 30, 2022

Harbinger kora lora des moines with wife's

Micah is another form of the name Michael, and this is a name we have assigned to Gim Guru Faramir as well.

Harbinger would be something like "provider of shelter, or an innkeeper" in this sense, I think.  Screams Tom Bombadil to me, which will make more sense here I think in a second.

Kora and Lora would be Elvish words, I think, with Lora likely being a reference to "Sleep, Slumber" (so a potential tie to Iowa and France), and maybe a double meaning with the English "Lore" since their names are so similar and we see those double language meanings show up so often.  Lore would be Stories or Records in this case.  Kora may be something like Round (Kor the root means Round).  I don't know for sure right now, but my guess now would be something like "Round Lore or Stories of those who Slumber".  And I think that makes a great deal of sense, which I will explain more in just a moment.

Anyway, then we have Des Moines in the phrase.

So, I remembered this first, before I looked up the rest of the phrase, and at first was trying to think through whether we are talking about the actual city of Iowa.  What might that mean?  But then I remembered our Chipmunks - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.  I think this pertains to them, and makes a whole lot more sense than a reference to the city.

As William Tychonievich pointed out in his post "Round leaves and Chip Monks", we might also look at the word chipmunk as Chip Monk.  Do you know what Des Moines means in French?  The Monks.  Seriously. Or the Chip Monks, I should say, because look at the at Elvish phrase that came before it that I just took a swing at.  We have something potentially to do with Round Lore, and in William's post the Chip in Chip Monk referred to Round Plates.  I just guessed (quite on the spot and I think reasonably) that we have "Round Lore of those who Sleep".  More on this also as part of the whole "Slumber or Sleep" thing.

Putting that altogether, we have "Michael" who is Francis-Faramir-Gim Guru being addressed and told about an Inn Keeper and a Shelter, who in my guess is Tom Bombadil, with the Inn being his House.  Harbinger can also mean Forerunner or messenger, so we might have a few things going on here, but let's just leave it at that for now so my head doesn't explode with too many tangents and meanings.

In conjunction with Tom we have the mention of Round Lore (Plates), Monks (the 3 Magi - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore), and we have this mention of "Wife's", which I think must get back to Eowyn and something to do with the Rose Stone, probably, since this is Michael (Faramir) who is being addressed, and Eowyn would be his wife from way back in the 4th Age.

OK, so that I think hits pretty directly on some of the story painted here, and of course that might just be because I am seeing my own story and placing it there, but, I mean, there are some pretty strong things to see here without too much trying at all as I was looking into Iowa and Des Moines.  Just kind of became a thread to follow and it wasn't hard.

I mentioned this notion of Iowa meaning "Sleepy Ones", which we might re-word as "Them Who Slumber".  Doug, of course, took the liberty to apply that phrase, which comes from Nephi's vision in 2 Nephi 27, to one of his books, implying that his writings are part of the fulfillment of Nephi's prophecy.

I have a different take, obviously, and these words and this connection thought-stream seems to support that view.  That the records - these Chips or Round Plates - along with the Rose Stone, that currently sit in Tom's House, are actually the records which Nephi alludes to.  Here is the verse where that phrase comes from:

For behold, the Lord hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep. For behold, ye have closed your eyes, and ye have rejected the prophets; and your rulers, and the seers hath he covered because of your iniquity.

And it shall come to pass that the Lord God shall bring forth unto you the words of a book, and they shall be the words of them which have slumbered.

And behold the book shall be sealed; and in the book shall be a revelation from God, from the beginning of the world to the ending thereof.

Anyway, just some real-time thinking as I was following up on this Iowa lead from Captain Kirk.  I at first was just interested in Iowa, and I seemed to have made some headway on a few other things as well, namely this connection of Nephi's prophecy with the records sitting at Tom's House.

Peter, Spock, and Memory Problems

I had a few strange dream sequences that I can't make sense of last night, but when I woke up I was thinking of a scene from Star Trek, or that I thought I had seen in Star Trek.   Specifically, Captain Kirk was becoming frustrated with Spock, who had lost his memory after dying at the end of "The Wrath of Khan" and being reborn in "Search for Spock".  His statement was, as I was thinking of this in my head, "It's Jim, damnit!  Jim!  Don't you remember, Spock?".

Star Trek has come up several times here on this blog, with the first time being my post titled "The Wrath of Saruman-Khan and Free Willy!" (which interestingly has a number of other little references that later became things, as I looked back on it just now - like Zelda).

I would later link the character of Spock directly to Peter, and this came about in trying to make sense of the idea that was going through my mind as to Peter also being Pharazon.  In my story, I began to view the actions of Pharazon (and again, we may not - and probably don't - have an accurate account of that tragedy) in light of a similar sacrifice that Spock made on behalf of the Enterprise at the end of Wrath of Khan.

In my post "The Smoothing of the 96 to go Home", I cited Spock's sacrifice as being analogous to Peter-Pharazon:

In my view, among these Fathers-turned-Enemies was Pharazon, who would have been also the Being known as Gim-Githil, or Ingwe. Literally, the Being who is still held to this day as the High King of the Elves was attacking his own people on Eressea. And again, I think the full story of this comes out at some point, but not focused on what happened on Eressea (what would be the point of reliving that?), but rather why and how these Elvish Fathers chose to be on Numenor in the first place.

My mind, interestingly, goes back to our Star Trek: Wrath of Khan analogy and the Choice of Spock, or his solution to the Kobayashi Maru

What do we think of the Fathers' solution? That is what Spock asked Kirk as he lay there alone in the chamber, sick and dying.
Well, it is an impossible question to answer right now since we do not know the details of the catastrophe that these Father's hoped to avoid by taking such a terrible path. All we have are their deeds in that assault, and they were dreadful, and many Beings suffered.

I will say that since writing the above, I have even more doubts as to the veracity of the details of the Numenorean stories that we have, and specifically the details of what the Fathers did and did not do.  Meaning, I am going to withhold any belief or assumption about what happened until I see a more credible story.

But back to Spock, he has already been directly tied to Peter-Gim Githil - very specifically so - in my mind for several months.  Similarly, Kirk has been analogous to Faramir-Gim Guru in my mind, going back to that first Wrath of Khan post, where a number of symbolic elements emerged, and some more have since.

That is all to say, as I was laying there thinking of this scene of Jim becoming frustrated with Spock for his not being able to remember, I took this as as representing an interaction between Gim Guru and Gim Githil.  Why can't you remember?

I looked to see if I could find the scene.  I think what was running in my head was a combination of a few scenes.  At the end of Search for Spock, which, by the way, I can't now think of without Space Balls going through my head ... "Space Balls 2:  The Search for More Money!" - and actually, that deserves a video here:

Anyway, at the end of Search for Spock, we have a scene where Spock is surrounded by his crewmates and he is trying to remember things.  This has some of the line I was thinking of, but doesn't involve a frustrated Kirk, but rather a very patient one who just wants his friend to get better.  In the scene going through my mind, Kirk had been more frustrated and exasperated with Spock.  But here is the Search for Spock scene:

I then did a search in the 4th movie, the sequel to "Search for Spock" called "A Voyage Home".  The thought of looking into this movie was interesting because i) the title is exactly what I am writing an thinking about (a voyage home), and ii) it involves whales.

Whales came up in that same post where I first even mentioned Star Trek, with Wrath of Khan.  In that same post, I wrote about "Free Willy" a movie where the plot focused on setting a Pied Killer Whale free.

Well, "A Voyage Home" also involves freeing whales.  In fact, future Earth is going to be destroyed unless we can find some whales to return there.  Whereas in "Free Willy" it is a Orca, in this movie we are dealing with Humpback Whales.

Wait a second.  Did I just write Humpback Whales?  Humpback?  We have dealt with an animal that is known for its Humpback before - specifically a Camel.  Well, technically a Camel Lion, which is actually a Giraffe, per my probably extremely clear and insightful post that includes Willy Wonka and a crazy Giraffe running through a Catholic Church destroying Secret Chocolate Combinations, but you get my point.  Another wink to Peter here, I think.  A pretty good one.

Back to the matter at hand, I found another clip with Kirk and Spock on a bus in mid-80s San Francisco in that movie (they had to travel back in time to go get the whales), and Kirk tells Spock to stop calling him Admiral, but rather Jim, and asks him again, "Don't you remember?"

Still, this wasn't really the frustrated Kirk at this point, just a bit more curt and not as patient, perhaps.

I think I found the clip that was most like the scene running through my head, and it actually occurs earlier at the beginning of the movie, as the Enterprise crew is about to set off for Earth aboard the Klingon Bird of Prey.  This is more of a slightly frustrated Kirk who was asking Spock to just call him Jim, and asking him "Don't you remember?"  It still wasn't as frustrated as the Kirk I was thinking through this morning, but I realized with the "damnit" I was mentally bringing in some of Dr. McCoy, probably.  I could only find a longer clip, so here it is at about the 3:10 mark or so (sorry, the only clip I could find is also protected, so you just have to click on the YouTube link and it takes you there, instead of playing in the post):

I should note that the rest of Spock's comment about having 'misplaced' his uniform stood out to me as funny as I heard it.  If uniforms are like our "Coats of Skins" or bodies (an analogy that both William Tychonievich and Debbie made recently), then yes, Peter-Spock's appearance would be different to someone rejoining his crew, as his old misplaced uniform allegedly lies below St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican (kind of sounds like Vulcan, actually).

Anyway, it was surprising to me to find these 3 different times with Kirk (Gim Guru in our analogy) asking Spock (Gim Githil) the same question:  "Don't you remember?"

It was also remarkable to me to notice that a character that I had identified quite awhile ago as Peter has this attribute of memory issues, just like the character Dory I also called out yesterday from Finding Nemo.  "Where is Peter's Mind?" is what William asked in his post of that same title just recently, however, and it is a theme I picked up and ran with a bit over here in a follow up post titled "Speaking and Stepping through a Veil, and Finding Peter's Mind".  It is the same question that Kirk is asking Spock:  "Where is your memory?"

And it is critical, it seems, the Peter remember at some point.  It is from the leap from the Lion's Head - Peter's Head or Mind, per the iron-clad trusted scriptural source of Indiana Jones - that a path is commenced from that leads home.  But, as I mentioned before, it isn't a matter simply of Peter suddenly digging it out or finding it on his own.  It seems like as with the "Play for Patrick-Peter" symbolism, that his memory or Story returns, potentially, in conjunction with events at France, in the House of Tom Bombadil in the events surrounding the Rose Stone, and other records.

Interestingly, and along this same theme of Peter being a critical piece of the puzzle for any Being to go Home, it is also Spock who is responsible or getting the ship back to where they need to go in "A Voyage Home".  In the movie, it is his from his mind that the answer or the calculations must be generated that take everyone to exactly where they need to be (it is a narrow path, remember).  Here is an interesting clip I found between Dr. McCoy and Spock, where Spock talks about the problem he faces in getting the ship home to the exact right place and time, and McCoy introduces the concept of "Guessing".  Guessing is something that I do on this blog pretty much on a daily basis, obviously.  I am pretty cool with it, and recognize I might be (extremely) wrong on a great number of things.  Spock, however, in this movie is quite uncomfortable with the concept, which McCoy attempts to help alleviate.   Sometimes you just have to take everything you know or think, realize it isn't going to be for sure at this point, and make the best guess you can on how to proceed.  That is about all we can do at this point.  I thought the exchange was fascinating for a a few reasons when I stumbled across it:

Lastly, back to Kirk for a moment and tying two movie characters together in our analogies that make sense.  There is a really interesting link between two characters I've identified as being metaphors for Gim Guru-Faramir, and that is Kirk and Maverick from Top Gun.  At the end of "A Voyage Home", Admiral Kirk is reduced in rank to that of Captain.  But that is exactly what he wanted to be, because he could then be back on board a ship and flying around.  Here is the scene from the end of the movie (relevant part really starts at 1:15):

At the beginning of "Top Gun: Maverick", after his stunt with the Darkstar plane in which he also disobeyed orders, he is called into Ed Harris' office.  The dialogue stood out like a sore thumb to me, with Ed Harris saying that Maverick should be an Admiral by now with everything he has done, but here he is -  a Captain.  He is asked why, and Maverick first makes a joke as to it being "One of life's great mysteries", but then gives the more serious answer that "I'm where I belong". 

This was another remarkable and direct connection I just noticed between two movie characters who I had already identified as representing the same Being.

And actually, one more thing going back to "A Voyage Home".  This one made me really laugh.  In my search, I stumbled upon the scene where Kirk and Spock hop in the truck with Dr. Gillian Taylor after some events at the aquarium with the whales.  Kirk, in an attempt to explain Spock's strange behavior, attempts to say that he is on drugs, specifically LSD.  Rather than say LSD, he says LDS, and specifically "I think he did a little too much LDS".  

LDS, of course, is the acronym for the Mormon or LDS church.  My current guess as to the nature of many Beings, including Peter-Spock, is that we will find them and their experiences around the Mormon Church, and just as Kirk said, Peter may have done just a little too much of it and ought to stay off of it going forward.  And, if you keep going in the clip just a few more second in after the LDS comment, Kirk will once again assert that Spock has memory problems:

Anyway, we have Kirk and Spock as pretty clear (to me) hits for Gim Guru-Faramir and Gim Githil-Peter in our story, who are also Alvin and Simon.  We still have Theodore, or the 3rd Magi, to figure out at some point, and I wonder if Dr. McCoy perhaps is in some way representative of him?