Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Harry Potter's Wheel and Names written on foreheads

Too many symbols and meanings going through my head, and they seem to shift as you take a different perspective, so I am just going to get a few things down here that may only be observations (we'll see) to see if something will clarify in the future.

I had compared Pengolodh's spherical shape (at least at one point) with the circle representation of The Entity in Mission Impossible:  Dead Reckoning.  That was actually a bit of a chore to write, as it was kind of like I've had the idea in my mind for some time but just never got around to closing that loop and other ideas currently banging around in my head are screaming louder for attention.

Anyway, I at least got the comparison out and a few interesting symbols I saw in the movie.  In doing so, I pulled in a story William Tychonievich shared that was the creation of his sister.  In the story, there was a villain that was a Dangerous Potter's Wheel, who needed to be slain by the the hero Joseph using a Sword he received from Pop-in-the-jack (which is, by the way, now one of my favorite character names of all time).  In the story, it seems clear that the Dangerous Potter's Wheel is the villain, and I used that analogy as such in tying it to The Entity, also in circular disk form, equally dangerous, and also needed to be slain by a Sword in the form of a Cruciform Key.

An important detail in William's sister's story is that the Wheel had a 'head' that could be cut off, and this creating this connection between the Wheel or Disc and a Head.

In his latest post, William pulled in some additional symbols from a Choose Your Own Adventure Book, where a disc is once again associate with a head, but in this case the Disc is a Good thing (at least from what I can tell in the story).  The boy has power that he derives or learns how to use that he traces to a disc he is told to visualize in his head.  He then describes the disc as "a brilliant white disc.  It's almost blinding".  Drawing on the power of this mental disc, the boy is told to direct that energy toward the force field that some primates have created around the boy and the professor who is coaching him on the disc and its powers.

William includes this image, which was rather striking to me for reasons I will get into:

Seeing this image reminded me of my previous posts where I had all sorts of circles, discs, holes, etc., attached to people's heads.  It also reminded me of my dream with respect to the Lightning McQueen helmet.

I covered some of these in my post "There's a hole in my bucket-face! AND Harry Marsh and the Sorcerer's Stone".  In that entry, I included the following sketch I had made during one late-night conference call:

I went back to that post, and there is some interesting things there that I had forgotten about, or at least my mind has been focused on other things.

When I re-read my dream, and I was struck again by the mention of a plate that was supposed to be worn on one's head, just like a baseball helmet.  Writing that out right now, "baseball" might be an interesting word or analogy, right?  We are dealing with "Balls" here (Stones), and the word base can be used to describe a foundation or bottom, but it can also be used to describe a "safe place or spot". Some ball that takes you to a safe spot (and potentially was prepared from the 'foundation' of the world?), or connects or links back to that safe spot, perhaps.

In any case, in my dream I saw a Lightning McQueen helmet in the shape of a disc, in a way that only can happen in dreams.  It was Lightning McQueen the car, but also a circular disc, that I was supposed to place on my head.  It was only after objecting in my dream to how absurd that idea was, the the helmet transformed into the shape of an actual car-shaped helmet that could be wearable.

I was in what I guess was the equipment area and the manager began describing the helmet's features - it was lightweight, fast, and some other things about it that I can't remember.  It was supposed to be awesome.  As he we describing this to me, he was holding something that looked like a blue plate.  It was flat-ish, meaning it kind of appeared to be a helmet, but not really - it was clearly too flat to wear around my head.  I remarked that there was no way I was going to be able to get the plate on my head.  He laughed and said, no, what he was showing me was just meant to illustrate or help me visualize what he was talking about - a demonstration model or something. 

I would eventually figure out that my dream was from the perspective of Peter, and in doing so, would make the connection between Peter-Marsh and Harry Potter.  Recently, I attached the name Harry to Faramir as well in my post on Harry and the Hendersons, but also made a note in that post that the name seems to apply to Peter as well, in other symbolic gestures.  As I said there, some of these symbols seem to be interchangeable between Beings, and you can make both work depending on what story you are trying to tell.

How did I make the connection to Harry Potter from Lightning McQueen?  It was the Lightning Bolt, which is a signature emblem for both characters.  McQueen wears the lightning bolt on his car as a race decal, and Harry of course wears his famous lightning bolt on his forehead, a point I made in that earlier post in connecting that with the concept of having a Name sealed on one's forehead (from Revelations).

Why am I bringing this up now?  Look again at the Play for Patrick emblem I included in yesterday's post - do you see it?

Yes, there is a lightning bolt on the left side of the emblem, opposite the heart.  I had already made the connection of this emblem to Peter-Ingwe using other symbols, and here was another very explicit symbol I had made in connection with that same Being from a post that I hadn't thought too much about recently.  I thought that was interesting.

Further, this made me see that the emblem itself was in the shape of a circle or disc, much like the Potter's Wheel of William's story, the missing Olympic Ring of the Closing Ceremonies, or the disc-helmet Peter was supposed to put on in my dream (since I figured I was dreaming through his perspective).

This then also made me recall the image I had posted with the statue of Peter that is currently in St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.  In that image, Peter is wearing a disc on his head, and I did note this in my post and tie it back to the Lightning McQueen dream.

There is something all to this that I can't put my finger on or fully wrap my mind around in piecing it all together.  The Lightning Bolt image obviously seems important.  The Disc shape seems important.  The fact that these are all associated with Heads seem important.  And, to be fair, the fact that Discs and Heads (or lack thereof) can be used to describe both Good and Evil Beings (e.g.,  Pengolodh vs. Peter) seems also important.

On that last point, it does seem that there might be multiple Dangerous Wheels, and the extent of measure of that danger might depend on which team you "play" for (as I interpreted the "Play for Patrick" phrase in yesterday's post as almost indicating a team one must decide to join).  Meaning, to Evil Forces, my guess is that whatever is represented by Harry Potter's Wheel (or the disc sitting atop Peter's head) might be considered very dangerous.  Conversely, The Entity-Pengolodh, also assuming the form of a 'disc', it seems, would be very dangerous to those who would want to choose Good, or have any interest in Light and Truth.

The flexibility and, in some cases contradiction, of symbols also has me confused sometimes, or at least trying to understand whether it should mean anything, or I am looking too closely.

Take for example Red vs. Blue.  The symbol that I saw on the shirt yesterday was clearly Pink, and everything about it just screamed Pink (a Red hue).  I also connected the symbols to Peter-Ingwe, including the number 96, the name Patrick, and now the Lightning Bolt.  But when we think about Red or Rose-Gold, it is the Rose Stone that I think of, and that is associated with Alvin, the Red Chipmunk.  Peter's coloring seems to be associated with Blue, and even in my dream of Lightning McQueen it was very clear that it was the Blue Dinoco version of Lightning McQueen, and not the Red version.

This differentiation between Red and Blue, or how those colors swap in and out for each other sometimes, has me a bit puzzled, and I wonder if at some point that will be clearer.

Another interesting thing about Lightning McQueen, or an almost interesting thing, I suppose.  His race number is 95.  Now, it is 96 that I associated with Peter-Ingwe in this last gathering (after being 1 at the beginning), and that 95 seems close enough to 96 to mean something, or be purposeful in some way, but I can't think of why.  I mean it is only 1 off, and if that number was 96, I think it would have fit perfectly.  So, anything there with 95 instead?  I don't know.  Some way to illustrate Peter-Ingwe as the missing 96th, with 95 being 96 minus 1?

Lastly, the Lightning Bolt scar on Harry Potter's forehead seems all the more meaningful to me.  I can't place exactly why, but here is one thought that came to my mind.

Joseph Smith taught that the mark placed or sealed on the foreheads of the individuals in Revelations was part of their being ordained as high priests in the "holy order of God".  Here is one Q&A from D&C 77:

Q. What are we to understand by sealing the one hundred and forty-four thousand, out of all the tribes of Israel—twelve thousand out of every tribe?

A. We are to understand that those who are sealed are high priests, ordained unto the holy order of God, to administer the everlasting gospel; for they are they who are ordained out of every nation, kindred, tongue, and people, by the angels to whom is given power over the nations of the earth, to bring as many as will come to the church of the Firstborn.

The seal of the Lightning Bolt is representative of this seal - very clearly in Harry Potter's case - and thus Harry-Peter-Ingwe is part of this Holy Order.  In fact, when the "Church of the Firstborn" is mentioned, it may well be Peter-Ingwe who is part of that mention, having been the First of the Firstborn (both the Elves generally, and the Vanyar [Ingwe's people] were known as the Firstborn in Tolkien's works), with Jesus supposed to have also said that it is upon some rock (Peter or something associated with Peter) that he will build his Church.

In a post quite from some time ago (last July), I suggested the Holy Order was not actually originally named for Jesus-Eru, but rather for Eonwe-Faramir.  In doing so, I had guessed Melchizedek was actually Elros on Numenor, and that he and the Numenoreans would have first learned from Eonwe, who had been sent to teach them.  Tolkien is pretty clear on the fact that it Eonwe and others working with him that taught these first Numenoreans.  As part of this, what I stated is that "the Son" mentioned in the full name of that Order, which is The Holy Priesthood, after the Order of the Son of God, was actually Eonwe.  It was his Order, he being a type or representative of his father, Jesus.  By this definition, the Order itself would have been synonymous with the Maia of Valinor, since Eonwe (along with Ilmare-Eowyn) was the head of that Order.

Maia, of course, are associated with Wizards, thanks to the 5 Wizards who came to our Earth, including Gandalf, Radagast, and Saruman.  And there you have a potential connection back to Harry Potter, who was also a Wizard.

What am I trying to say here?  The Lightning Bolt may be a symbol of Eonwe-Faramir and his Family.  As Jah ni hah, he is said to be a "Swift Messenger", which coupled with Light, brings to mind the symbol of the Lightning Bolt.  Comic books tend to agree, by the way.  My kids have recently gotten into the TV show "The Flash" which features a Red Clad individual who can run really fast, with a large Lightning Bolt on his chest (and thus over his heart):

Given the Red symbolism, we might associate this character loosely with our Swift Messenger.  But we see that symbol also in my dream, and in the character of Harry Potter, associated with Peter-Ingwe.  My best guess as to why is that this is the symbol of the Family of Light, and is what is thus sealed on the foreheads of all members of that Family (again, speaking of this symbolically - I don't think people all get large Harry Potter lightning bolts literally carved into their foreheads).

And going back to the Harry Potter analogy, it is Harry for quite some time lives with no knowledge that he is, in fact, a Wizard (in our story, one of the Order), though he has been marked and is known as being such by those who know these things, that scar on his forehead being an identifying, of sorts.

At one point, Harry will find out just who he is, and by saying that, in this sense, I mean Peter.  You can imagine Hagrid's famous line:  "Harry - you're a wizard".  Hagrid, by the way, was known as the Keeper of the Keys.  He would know.  Tom Bombadil currently has at least one Key at his House (and thus is at least a Keeper of the Key), and maybe more, perhaps it will be him who will help let Peter know who he is?  Just guessing, though.

And Peter's own take or identity somehow ties into that Blue color.  So what about that Red-Pink symbolism from yesterday?  Well, I thought more on other meanings of "Play", and we use that word when we talk about music, as well.  We play music.  I've suggested that a song or music, of sorts, sits on the Rose Stone (sung by Joseph, and recorded/ captured by Faramir).  Perhaps the song will be played for Peter?  I have those words from who I believe is Joseph indicating that Israel's sins will turn from Red to White, and that this has something to do with what he saw.  Perhaps part of that song is specifically for Peter.

Thus, the "Play for Patrick" is a sort of instruction that comes with the Rose Stone - "Play this [for] Peter".  Like, Peter needs to hear this, or something.  It could make sense.  Best I have right now in thinking through this jumble of symbols and images.

1 comment:

  1. The lighting bolt scar makes me think of the “countenance like lightning” description in Matthew 28 and D&C 20. In the former case, it is associated with the rolling away of a stone, which I guess must have had the shape of a disc.
