Sunday, August 18, 2024

Speaking and Stepping through a Veil, and finding Peter's Mind

 In my dream from yesterday, a detail that stood out to me was that the man asked me 3 separate times whether I would "step through".

Three has come up before in the analogy of "Knocking".  For example, Indiana Jones knocked 3 times on the X in the library in order to open up that secrete passage.  In that post, I compared the 3 knocks with the LDS temple endowment ceremony, and I am inclined to do the same thing with this recent dream.  It just seemed that having him repeat the question 3 separate times was a meaningful detail.

In the LDS endowment, initiates are led up to what is called "the veil" at the conclusion of the ceremony or drama that they have been experiencing.  At this point, they have had their "Garment (coat of skins) covered with robes and instructed on certain signs, handshakes, words, etc.  They also, as an interesting detail that might map to people wearing discs or balls on their heads (like that statue of Peter), each are wearing hats that have a circle shaped disc on the top of them, so that a disc is literally sitting on the top of the head of each person.

After having received the last "token" of the Melchizedek Priesthood, which the sign of we have seen pop up on this blog and on William Tychonievich's, involving raising both hands to the sky and asking God to hear the words of one's mouth.  That used to be said, as a reminder, as the phrase Pay Lay Ale, before it was rendered into the English translation "Oh God, hear the words of my mouth".  This phrase we compared with door symbolism, specifically with the Kirtland Tempe, but also as a double meaning for Mouth:  We speak with Mouths but we can also enter them when they mean an Entrance.

Having done or learned all of this, the temple patron is then instructed to go to the Veil, at which point additional light an knowledge will be granted that will allow said person to enter into the presence of God, taken to be the Celestial Kingdom.  

Thinking on this in relation to my dream and the story on this blog had me thinking of the separate acts of speaking through the veil before then entering through it.

In my story, two Stones that are indeed separated across space, time, or whatever else, will have stories, words, songs, etc. spoken between them.  Eowyn with her Ithil Stone will have some things to share, and Faramir with his (or rather, Joseph's) Rose Stone will also have something to share.  We might think of the space or barrier that these words are being shared through as the Veil.  Something that covers this Earth or separates us from this place that I am suggesting we might want (and need) to actually physically go to at some point.

In this light, this communication between the Ithil and Rose Stones represents this initial communication through the Veil.  Knowledge is gained and shared.  It may be symbolically important that in the Endowment, it is "Adam" that is instructed to go to the Veil and there converse with the "the Lord" through it.  In my story, it is Michael-as-Faramir who is conversing through the Stone, and in the drama or story of the LDS Endowment, it is already established at toward the beginning that Adam is Michael.

So, in the Temple Endowment one first speaks through the Veil, and after this, is then invited to enter.  In the Endowment, "Adam" is held by the right hand (a handshake) and is pulled through a separation or opening that has been created in the Veil itself.  In doing so, the patron will actually step or walk through the Veil, and find themselves now having arrived in the Celestial Kingdom (meant to represent Aman or Valinor in our story here).  The symbolism of stepping or walking is likely important for our story here, as well.

This was going through my mind a bit this morning in thinking of my dream.  If we take this and apply it to the setting I found myself in, it must be that the conversation or exchange of stories would have already occurred at the point of the dream I found myself in.   I would guess this because now apparently some sort of passage has been created by which a person might actually step 'through' something, rather than just speak through.  That is the phrase or question that was asked by the man - he asked "Will you step through it".  Through what?  My guess is step through the Veil by means of this passage that has been created.

So, again, speaking through the Veil and then stepping through it, are two different actions.  The speaking creates the means by which one can take the step.  But you would actually have to then willingly choose to step through it.  This gets back to that little short clip from the Matrix, where Morpheus indicates that he can only show Neo the door, but that Neo must be the one to step through it.  It also fits very well with this notion of Indiana Jones taking his initial step out into the Void (perhaps a representation of this Veil or great Void or divide) from the "Lion's Head" and our thinking that it is Peter's Head or Mind that might have something to do with walking on this path.   I actually forgot to post the Indiana Jones clip in that earlier post (only including the picture of the Lion's Head), so here it is this time, where we have Indy literally taking a very exaggerated "Step" from Peter's Head:

In the Temple drama, it is Peter, along with James and John, who instruct Adam as True Messengers, which if we keep stretching this analogy, might apply to the situation here, though the details of how that might play out allude me, but it may be through stories that Adam (as Michael-Faramir) himself gives to these Messengers.  Let me explain by way of Peter and the Case of His Lost Mind.

William Tychonievich recently asked a question in the title of that post "Where is Peter's Mind?".   The question as based on the lyrics from a song called "Where is my Mind?" by Pixie.  Here are the lyrics:

With your feet on the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, (Yeah) yeah
Your head will collapse, but there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind?
Where is my mind?
Where is my mind?
(Where is my mind? Where is my mind?)
(Where is my mind?)
Way out in the water, see it swimmin'

Where is Peter's Mind?  It is way out in the water.  What does that mean, and how does he get it?  Sounds like it could be a case for Encyclopedia Brown again, but let's take a crack at it here.  We have likened "Water" to "Space", and if we do so again in this instance, we can appropriately answer that Peter's Mind is out in Space somewhere.  That is a start.

How does that make sense, though?  Well, let's look at what a "Mind" is to see if this helps, that is what I did because I look up definitions for pretty much everything these days!

On Etymonline, we find the following early or original use of the word Mind:  "memory, remembrance; state of being remembered; thought, purpose; conscious mind, intellect, intention"  This notion of "memory", the folks at Etymonline go on to say, although one of the oldest uses is largely obsolete in today's usage:

"Memory," one of the oldest senses, now is almost obsolete except in old expressions such as bear in mind (late 14c.), call to mind (early 15c.), keep in mind (late 15c.).


But this is exactly how I propose using Mind (as Memory) in making sense of the question.  And I think it works really well.

Where is Peter's Memory?  Way out - very, very far indeed! - in Space.  And it is contained on the Ithil Stone which is in the hands of Eowyn, currently at an undisclosed location (could be Tirion, Eru-Place, or where-ever at this point).  On this blog, we have guessed that on the Ithil Stone contains the Book of the Lamb, which the Book of Mormon states contains the accounts of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb.  There is a 13th account, it seems, in the form of Joseph's own song and vision, that will be added to this book, at least from what I have noodled on in my posts here on this blog.

Nephi is asked if he knows the meaning of a Book that the angel shows to him and which the Gentiles carry with them at some future point.  He doesn't, and the angel clarifies that the Book is a confounded version of the Book of the Lamb after having been corrupted by the Great and Abominable Church.  The real Book of the Lamb consisted of the record of the 12 Apostles who all bear record of the "gospel of the Lord", that would have earlier been spoken by a "Jew" (a "Druish" Princess).

And the angel of the Lord said unto me: Thou hast beheld that the book proceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew; and when it proceeded forth from the mouth of a Jew it contained the fulness of the gospel of the Lord, of whom the twelve apostles bear record; and they bear record according to the truth which is in the Lamb of God.

The Jew, remember, whose mouth will speak these words I have guessed as being Eowyn.  It is these words, found on the Ithil Stone, that will be spoken to Eonwe-Faramir in our world.  By definition, if we believe both that this record does have the accounts of the 12 Apostles, and that Peter is one of these Apostles, it will be the record or account of Peter that is included in this story sharing experience through the Veil.  His own words or 'remembrance'.

In a post on on the Holy Ghost, I highlighted that it seems that one mission of the Holy Ghost is to bring to remembrance what Jesus had told his disciples (Apostles, including Peter) everything that he had previously taught them.   For example, From John 14:26:

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.


In other words, I interpret this as meaning that Peter and his fellow Apostles will have forgotten everything that Jesus would have taught to them at some point.  I think that point is now, by the way, and it is one of the jobs of the Holy Ghost to restore that knowledge to them.  It will be by means of the Ithil and Rose Stones that this will be done.

And this makes sense to me.  I have guessed that Peter is on this Earth right now as a mortal man who doesn't remember anything about being Peter.  I would assume the same thing about the other Apostles.  And it is the job of the Holy Ghost (Faramir) to remind them, except he has forgotten everything as well, because that is what happens when we are born as Humans on this Earth - we forget everything.

Which is quite the pickle, if you think about it.  How can someone who has forgotten everything remind others of what they themselves have also forgotten?  It would be impossible - the blind leading the blind - without some means of rectifying the situation.  It must be (in my current thinking) that the Ithil and Rose Stones are the means by which the problem is solved.  Faramir will receive the records of the 12 Apostles, including Peter, as shared by Eowyn through means of these Stones.  Those Apostles will once again have their own accounts, and in a very real way, their "Minds" or their memories.  Peter's Mind will no long be only out swimming on the water, but restored to him on this Earth as well.

Thus, the "Play for Peter" symbol could still mean to play the Rose Stone's song to Peter, but it might also mean that once the Rose Stone's Song is played through the Veil, that Peter's Story comes back across that link, and it is delivered or given to him.  

Once Peter has his words, perhaps this leads into the second Act of what happens through the Veil. Words have been shared and spoken, but a way still needs to be opened up by which Humans can travel through the Veil that, up to that time, only words and thoughts have been able to penetrate.  There are inklings in the New Testament, I briefly mentioned somewhere else, that Jesus taught Peter the art or secret of "Water" Walking, after he himself demonstrated the ability.  As Peter also seemed to learn in his instruction, such Walking requires Faith.  The seas we may be called to cross have been called 'troubled' or stormy, and at least the initial crossings might not be necessarily a cake walk (and if Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life guides our thinking, not without its risks).  

It will still be quite a miracle to establish the link through whatever barrier there is that exists between our world and this other one, and to once again speak to "Heaven" directly, but it may be quite another to establish the path and the means by which to cross it.   We have to go there, and again, in Peter's Mind, and perhaps that of the other Apostles, might be the Key for how that is done.  I am just spit-balling here, and it could be all of that, some combination, or none of that in terms of going where we need to go.  For all I know, maybe it is a simple matter to cross once the Stones link and do their thing, but maybe there will be more work involved to make the link an actual passageway.  I am not sure.

Anyway, just some thinking out loud.  I had started out as just comparing the dream to the Temple Veil, but ended up with this new thought of how the Holy Ghost might fulfill his mission with respect to the 12 Apostles by means of this story element involving the Stones, and the ramifications of it.  I kind of like where it landed for now.

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