Friday, August 2, 2024

Archives and Iron Pens

WanderingGondola and William Tychonievich both left comments on my last post with respect to the hexagon on the olympic medal being symbolic of a bee.  You'd think that with all of my bee-related symbolism and commentary on this blog I would have noticed that, but nope, I did not catch that.

It did remind me, however, of a strange bee connection I made this past weekend.  Kind of random, but kind of not, maybe, so their comments reminded me of this hidden bee symbol and I thought I would include in a short post.

My wife took me out for a birthday brunch this past Sunday.  We had been scheduled to go the weekend before, but life got crazy with activities, so we moved it.

The restaurant is in downtown Minneapolis, so we found a parking spot a block or two away and walked over to it.  We passed by a new apartment building, and the large sign with its name "THE ARCHIVE" running vertically down the side so that it hung out over the sidewalk.  I found a picture of it online:

As I looked at it, two things happened in my mind pretty much simultaneously.

I saw the word just as it is, and understood it to mean something like a collection of historical records.  A place of books.

However, I also saw the word split into two, Arc and Hive, and instantly took this to be a Bee reference (as in a beehive).

I didn't think too much more about it beyond that as we were pretty close to our destination, and my wife and I were talking about other things, but I just kind of tucked it away.  After WG and WJT highlighted the bee symbol in the olympic medals, I thought of this sign a bit more this morning.

Arc has come up before on this blog, and it definitely has over on William's.  Recently, I viewed the Brass Plates as being an "Arc", specifically perhaps synonymous with the legendary Ark of the Covenant.  Ark is another word for a barge or boat, as I highlighted in that post.

You know what I learned this morning?  Apparently hive also comes from a word that means "hull of a ship", as well as a "Bowl or container".   Something like a dish, which is what the Barges that the Jaredites, including Deseret, used to sail across the Sea were described as being.  Here is the full definition from Etymonline, and I include it because it has one other interesting definition I will spend minute on:

Old English hyf "beehive," from Proto-Germanic *hufiz (source also of Old Norse hufr "hull of a ship"), from PIE *keup- "round container, bowl" (source also of Sanskrit kupah "hollow, pit, cave," Greek kypellon "cup," Latin cupa "tub, cask, vat;" see cup (n.)). Figurative sense of "swarming, busy place" is from 1630s.

"Cave" jumped out to me, from this definition - the fact that Hive comes from this old word meaning cave or hollow.  I was reminded of William's vision-dream he recorded in his post Etude Brute?.  In that vision, he found himself in ultimately two caverns, with the 2nd one filled with books.  He linked this back to the idea of the "Study" I had brought up in my own post.  In that post, I had first guessed that the word 'study', rather than being a verb, was actually a room full of books (containing such records as the Brass Plates, perhaps, along with being the current location of the Sawtooth Stone), and that this Study was at Tom's House somewhere in France.

Anyway, to my mind an "Archive" is the same thing as the Study which I envision to be in France, and we have this connection to symbolism and words related to a Cave or Cavern, Records, Plates, and Bees.

Further, linking Hive to Arc also potentially adds some additional clarity to the Bee's connection to the symbolism of the Crescent Moon, which at this point doesn't make much sense to anybody else because I don't think I have worked through any of that here yet, but the Elvish word for a Bow or a Crescent Moon came up several times in my 2019 and 2020 words.  That word is Ku.  My guess at this time is that is a code name for Deseret or Eowyn, but we will see.  It makes sense in this context because Arc or Arch is the same word as Bow and Crescent Moon in Elvish.  

I had previously related a dream from January 19, 2020, though I had buried it in another post and it was hard to find (I hadn't dated it, and just threw it in as a random reference).  In any case, I have related words that were also on the same night/ morning as that dream, which went:  Benu au doriel mit Thingol luke elanor.

This was, in my guess, instruction for Joseph to return home with Thingol and El-Anor (the Anor Stone).  Two dreams came along with these words.  The first I shared in relation to a man playing a piano who would then introduce himself as El-Anor (Eleanor I would first write it down as before figuring it out).  The second dream I had brought up in one of the Spelling Bee posts, and it involved the word Bow.   This is what I wrote:

I found myself lying in a bed I knew was not my own. It was completely white, and I was lying on the top of the sheets. I turned part of the top sheet over and found words written on the underside. Looking further, it was apparent that the entire underside of the sheet was covered in words. I saw several things I won't cover here in this post, but at the end I specifically mentioned reading about a bow. Here is what I summarized in my word file from whatever notes I had taken:

"... Also saw that 'bow' from my prior dreams might mean something different than a 'bow' (including lion dream). Was going to keep looking [at all the words under the sheet], I believe, but [my youngest son] came running into the room (in my dream) and wanted to wrestle, so woke up."

I don't know completely what that means relative to the Bow, but my current guess is that one application of that instruction is when I read Ku (Bow in Elvish) this means something else, and I think in at least one layer of meaning or in some cases it stands for the Bee Girl - Eowyn-Ilmare.  The Spelling Bee.  

Anyway, I am a bit all over the place right now, I think, but I thought of this when it was brought to my attention that a Bee symbol was hiding right there in plain site on the medals.  I began linking this sense of an Archive - a place of records - with this Bee symbol.  

The designers of the medals indicated they chose the Hexagon because that is the shape of France itself, which seemed another potential indication that we may be on the right trail in placing this Archive in France.  But then I became interested in the material of this Hexagon.

I learned that it is made out of Iron.  They took some old historical pieces of the Eiffel Tower itself, which is Iron, and made these shapes for the medals.

My mind is doing strange clustering or something these days, because in thinking of the Iron, my thoughts went to that National Treasure movie that I've referenced a few times.  In that movie, part of the riddle for where the "map" is mentions an iron pen.  Here is the scene:

This mention of an Iron Pen stood out to me, and I figured out just a little while later why, and it connects with the Brass Plates (or at least some Brass Plates), which I have guessed are in this Study or Archive in France.

There are actually two different sets of Brass Plates mentioned in Words of Them Which Have Slumbered.  The ones that Asenath and Ki-Abroam put together, and the other set which Ifariel (Melian reincarnated) put together.  These are alluded to at the end of that book to be joined into one.  I won't quote it here, but that is instruction that Thingol (John) was given to find both Ki-Abroam and Ifariel, for each of them had Brass Plates that needed to be joined together.

Apparently in Doug's third book this takes a bad turn and these Brass Plates are melted down and destroyed, leaving Pengolodh to reconstruct it for us (perhaps a little too conveniently).  My guess is this is not true, but I will save that for another post on Pengolodh.

So my guess is that both Asenath and Ifariel's writings currently exist safely in France.  That is my current stance, which includes anyone saying otherwise having ulterior motives.  The mention of Iron and an Iron Pen I think helps support this, maybe.  I thought of it, at least., and here is some of my thinking.

The story surrounding Ifariel's Brass Record makes pretty over-the-top mention of the Iron Pen.  It also makes pretty clear that the story which Ifariel is writing, and which will be told, is fairly important.  Here is an excerpt:

... so may iron of a star's fall cut, and of its material be forged a sword, for cutting, and if broken in time, of shards may be written, upon plates of brass, by that same iron's instrumentation, now in pen held to cut by strokes a tale, whose telling will strike the fateful blow, of an enemy not by meteor, not sword, nor brave assault, ever at last felled.

So, this iron pen (it will be called exactly that no less than 4 times, and alluded to as other things like "pen of iron"will be used for engraving  story that will defeat an enemy.  An she does it on Brass Plates:


All this and more revealed she by that iron pen on sheets of folded brass, thin hammered...

Anyway, the Iron Pen is given almost as much attention as the plates themselves, it is mentioned so often.  Very conspicuously,

So, what do I see in this "Iron" symbol that I have tied to France and the Archive at Tom's House?  Well, as I said, I think the record that Ifariel wrote still exists, and it is there, along with many other important records.   Anyone claiming otherwise, in my current view, has something to gain by having something else take the place of those records.

It is interesting in that National Treasure clip that Iron Pen is used in conjunction with the Declaration of Independence.  Further, that the movie itself hinges on someone trying to 'steal' the Declaration, which itself offers a way or directions to Hidden Treasures.  There are many kinds of theft.  One type, in my book, would involve pretending that one record has been destroyed and replacing it with another.

What lies in France is, in many ways, I believe is our own Declaration of Independence.  It is Truth.  And those things have been preserved.  God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and if he had power to preserve and save records during Book of Mormon times, he had power to preserve them before that as well, and afterward - in our day.  I will get into this, though, a bit more when I write out some of my thinking around the Being calling himself Pengolodh.

By the way, I don't talk about any of this at home, as a reminder, and we are well past July 4th and we haven't watched that National Treasure movie recently (I think May, looking back on my posts, because I wrote about it a bit).  However, what makes some of this tie together in my mind as well, is that my youngest son became infatuated with the Declaration of Independence last week.  We printed up some copies, and even did that thing where you burn the edges of the paper to make it look old.

Then the funniest thing happened:  He got it in his mind that he wanted to write it all out - transcribe it.  So, he took one of the copies and off he went (I had to print him something up that just had the text plain and legible).  He gave it a good start using a green marker, but I do not believe he actually stuck it out.  It was a bigger job than he had considered.

Anyway, I've mentioned this before, and as crazy as it sounds, I think it was purposeful that the first word I heard - Gim Guru - that really kicked off this whole crazy ride back in 2019, was on Independence Day, July 4th.

As Joseph Smith wrote, the prisoners must go free.  That includes us.  And I think potentially a big piece of that story, or at least the beginning of that, lies in these records that I place in France somewhere.

Speaking of Archives, that is where the Declaration also sits - in the National Archives.


  1. The “Archive” sign in the photo actually looks like an iron pen.

  2. Good catch - I missed that, too! But now that you pointed it out, it is obvious.

    Seems to be some Black and White symbolism here as well, potentially.

  3. If I am right that the book Lehi reads from in his vision represents the Brass Plates, there’s an iron pen link. Lehi reads the words of Jeremiah about Jerusalem’s abominations. Elsewhere in Jeremiah we read, “The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron . . . upon the table of their heart” (17:1).

  4. That could be interesting, particularly regarding the 'sin of Judah'. The abominations of Jerusalem are what Lehi first reported seeing, and what I also linked to Ezekiel 16 in a recent post with respect to Jerusalem's abominations being made known.

    I also thought of another Lehi connection with Iron, which I should have thought of earlier: The Iron Rod that led to the White Tree.

    It was said to represent the Word of God. Perhaps some symbolism here with an "Iron Rod" or Iron Pen having written out or engraved that Word? Maybe not, but it was too good of a possibility to not at least mention here.

  5. WW,

    Part 1
    And speaking of Iron and yellow and black holes and bees and horses ( oh my!) ,
    there is much much more symbolism in the collective lately, especially concerning
    the Olympics' Opening Games ceremony 'last supper' and its Pale horse
    'running' down the Seine River.
    I'm sure you aware that the black horse and the white horse 'ran' through London
    on April 24, 2024.(see link )
    Interestingly the word April in etymology: 'Old folk etymology connected
    it with Latin aperire "to open."

    Hmmm.. what do you think was opened on Aprill 24?, especially factoring in
    that the two horses were 'released' to run in London 16 days after the April 8th eclipse.
    ( see link)

    The Pale Horse, which I'm sure you are aware, is the Fourth Horse.
    Recall my comments about the significance of the number 4 and 40.

    And speaking of YELLOW, golden and bees, do note that in the Pale Horse
    video the 'golden hue' on the building and the golden refection in the Seine
    River. Also note in the video that the makers of the horse titled the horse
    Zeus ( THE IRON horse)

    Also note that the Pale Horse floats under A BRIDGE. Which is the Old New
    Bridge aka THE Pont Neuf.
    Note that the Point Neuf has not only a horse connection, but also
    A Samaritan woman at the well ( see link )
    Again , a female ‘cup’ connection.

    Also in the Olympics Opening Ceremonies the ‘last supper’ performance
    and the Fat Lady with the crown of 8point rays. (see link )
    What’s that phrase : It’s not over until the fat lady sings?
    Which begs the question: What exactly is over??

    My guess and prediction : the End of an Age.

  6. WW,
    Part 2

    You wrote:
    Old English hyf "beehive," from Proto-Germanic *hufiz (source also of Old Norse hufr "hull of a ship"), from PIE *keup- "round container, bowl" (source also of Sanskrit kupah "hollow, pit, cave," Greek kypellon "cup," Latin cupa "tub, cask, vat;" see cup (n.)). Figurative sense of "swarming, busy place" is from 1630s.
    My response; Please refer back to my many comments about Maritime Law,
    The Eight Point Star of Ishtar ( which is a STEERING WHEEL ) of a ship.
    The cup/chalice being the female womb and my personal connections regarding
    the Milky Crystal in a cup ( my 1997 Hale Bopp Dream).

    Everything on this duality dimension is connected to Maritime Law especially
    where it concerns politics which everything in some way shape or form is about politics
    in this duality dimension.

    As far as your photo of the apartment Archive building. You wrote that the apartment
    building is 'new' and if that is the case, my following comment wouldn’t apply ,
    however are you aware of the WHY many of the historic buildings, especially in the
    East and Midwest of America were built with either limestone or red brick/white mortar?

    That Archive building in the photo looks like one of the historic red brick buildings.
    Growing up in Dayton Ohio, there were many of the red brick buildings
    in downtown Dayton, which I’ve always been in awe of especially
    the Dayton Arcade building ( see link )
    Although Arcade is being renovated ( what a shame) the original red brick building
    can be seen in the first photo on its wiki page .

    We live in Very Interesting times, no?

    Find the WHYs, solve the puzzle.... get the prize.

    Military horses escape onto streets of London

    Sanofi – The Paris 2024 Games Opening Ceremony « Horse

    Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Sparks Outrage: ‘Disrespectful, Garbage’ |
    Paris Olympics 2024 *** ( I stand corrected, there are 7 stars on the Fat Lady's crown
    not 8 )

    Bridges play a big part in the Paris Olympics ( **** Keep in mind WW,
    that bridges, much like windows and doors and gates, are portals.
