Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sammy Hagar: The Red Rock(er)

 Of course, Sammy Hagar had to come walkin' in.

I mentioned Sammy in my recent post on using the movie Twister to highlight some story elements.  For some reason, I thought I had mentioned him before somewhere on this blog, but I hadn't, so why I specifically mentioned him would have been unclear to anybody else but me.

Sammy and I go way back.  Way back.

Late 2017 is when I first came into contact or interacted with Doug and his SLC group.  As I believe I did mention in a previous post, there were a few of us scattered around the US who were invited to join occasional calls that group would have.  They would meet in person, and dial us in.  It was a bit of a study group, I guess.

Since we had opened up a larger group dialogue, we also would sometimes email each other and/ or Doug with questions about Words of the Faithful, which if I remember right, at that time was the only book out (Slumbered had not yet been published, I don't think).  For those who have attempted to read that book, you know how confusing and somewhat unapproachable it can be.  When I first picked it up, I hadn't read the Silmarillion or any of Tolkien's books outside of LOTR, so much of what I read the first time through just went right over my head.  I wasn't familiar with any of the names.  I don't think I even knew what Numenor was.

So I had a lot of questions.  So did others.  Leo, who comments on this blog, was part of this initial non-SLC group, as well.  He kept some of those old emails (I had deleted everything), and some of what I will write here tying some things back to Sammy Hagar is based on reading back through some of those emails that he kept and sent on to me after I asked him if he still had them.  I asked him for them because Sammy Hagar features fairly heavily in those old exchanges.

So, why am I writing about Sammy Hagar?  I will first get into the recent stuff in this post, and then I was going to go into what I think is happening, including referencing some of the topics from those earlier exchanges back in 2017, but I think I will just focus on the first part and save the rest for later (because I am still sorting it all out, and made a stab initially at some things and explanations in this post that I've decided to take out and table until I get a better feel).

It is Sammy Hagar's voice we hear at various times throughout the movie Twister singing "Shine on!".  I mentioned in that post that this would be the last song Hagar would record with Van Halen, because the band had already been in disarray and basically imploded after recording this song for the movie.   In that post, I only alluded to the fact that it was interesting to have Sammy Hagar here in a movie that had so many interesting Easter Eggs that I saw, and it was these previous email exchanges that were on my mind when I wrote that (although I didn't have the emails to reference when I wrote that, I remembered the general points of the exchange).

I left it at that.  But after publishing the post, I went back and watched the music video for "Humans Being" that I included at the end of the post.  I confirmed once again that besides the chorus, which I think is catchy, I really do not care for the song at all.  However, as Sammy Hagar kept flashing up on the screen, along with his long, flowing, golden locks, I had the strange thought: "He is totally trying to pose as Glorfindel!".

Glorfindel was famous for his long, golden hair, so much so that his name literally means "Goldilocks" or "Golden Hair".  

And Hagar, of course, was also well known for his long golden hair.  Here he is from a still shot from that "Humans Being" video:

It is this imagery of his long, blond hair going all over the place that brought Glorfindel to mind.  

Anyway, so I had this thought, and Sammy already had a interesting place in my mind from back in 2017, and I thought I would look into this a bit more.  Van Halen in general seems to be a theme.  I wrote that my youngest son's favorite song is "Right Now" from the Van Hagar era, and, no joke, two days ago my oldest son decided he wanted to learn that song on the piano.  I just heard him playing it on the piano after he had printed up the the sheet music on his own, and he then told me he wanted to learn it.  He hasn't played the piano in years.

Some people might not know this, but Sammy Hagar attributes his rock star status to Aliens.  It was actually Leo that had brought this up initially, I believe, all the way back in that first 2017 exchange.  Sammy has held that two alien Beings situated nearby his home one night in the mid-60s telepathically plugged into his mind.   He would go on to link his future rock star status with this alien experience.  Here is a quote from an interview with Sammy in relation to his encounter:


My ego was telling me: They’ve programmed you to be a rock star! So I used it as a tool to write songs about outer space and the future, songs like Crack In The World and Silver Lights, which is about the second coming of Christ – Jesus coming back in a spaceship.

It is important to note that in Hagar's lyrics, he is explicitly acknowledging that he is writing about or referencing Aliens, Jesus, etc., so we shouldn't be surprised to see those things there when we find them.  He is specifically putting them there, on purpose.   So, the general theme isn't interesting, but rather some of the specifics elements that we might find within those themes and his lyrics are.  I am not going into his songs in this post, though.

So, I already knew this about Hagar from this earlier conversation, and I had looked into a few other things based on a specific song of his resurfacing in my words and dreams back in 2019 (including the song "Love Walks In" playing very clearly one morning).  But I didn't know much more about him, other than I do have a knee-jerk reaction against him that I can't quite place.

I did some more investigating.

Sammy Hagar wrote an autobiography titled "Red:  My Uncensored Life in Rock".  Here is the cover:

The cover immediately jumped out at me because of the red "RED".  I had just recently written a post with the following magazine cover on it:

This stood out to me, that RED in all caps and red, and I thought I might be on the right path here in looking into this and sorting out some thoughts.  I mean, associating anything red with Hagar was a total surprise to me.

Why Red?  Why was that associated with Sammy Hagar?  This was my next question, and it turns out that Sammy Hagar was known as the Red Rocker.  Again, this was unknown to me, and when I read this, it struck me as one of the funniest things I have read in a long time.  The Red Rock-er (or Red Stone).

Beginning with my post "Gold and Red Stars: El-Anor and the Sawtooth Stone", which I wrote a few weeks ago, I've developed a theory that the Sawtooth Stone (Rock) is actually Red.  That initial post also explicitly tied to Glorfindel, because it is when I saw Glorfindel's House Emblem on the back of a truck I was driving behind, but not in gold but rather red, that I first had the thought come to my mind that the Sawtooth Stone is Red.  Here is the picture of Glorfindel's emblem (as portrayed on Tolkien Gateway) compared with the red decal or paint job on the back of the truck as a reminder:

So, here I was already having tied Sammy Hagar to Glorfindel (in terms of being a poser), and now we had this imagery of the Red Rock (Stone) also tying these two together.

As the Red Rocker, apparently Hagar also liked to dress up in Red.  Here is a sample picture:

My goodness.

Here is another of him now as a much older rocker, still sporting the Red Rocker vibe:

Sammy lives in Hawaii now, I believe, which explains the makau  he is wearing as a necklace, but that symbol also came up recently in my dreams of footwear, flip-flops, and cleats.

The dressing up in Red may matter or be relevant because of earlier observations I have made about one Being dressed in Red apparel.  Both Daniel LaRusso from The Karate Kid and Marty McFly from Back to the Future have been associated with the color Red in previous posts, with LaRusso meaning "The Red" and Marty linked to Mars, the Red Planet.  I have linked those characters, specifically Daniel LaRusso, to both Red Sawtooth Stone as well as the Being who will ultimately come into possession of it, Faramir.

Further, in tying some of that imagery to the Stone, I proposed (I think still accurately) that the Being mentioned in D&C 133 (and Revelations 19) as being dressed in red apparel is not Jesus, but the one who will be authorized to act in his name: Ja-ho-e-oop, or Faramir-Eonwe, who is also the Holy Ghost.

Daniel LaRusso means "The Red Judge" and the redness of the apparel mentioned in conjunction with the Being in D&C 133 may at least be in part due to his Red Stone.

So, at this point, not only do we have Sammy Hagar pulling off the Glorfindel look with his hair, but we have him also adopting the apparel of the Red Judge.

And now I understand (I think) my dislike for Hagar, or why some things about him bother me (again, I don't know much about him personally - he may be the nicest guy ever - I am just reacting to perhaps the concept of Sammy Hagar, if that makes sense).

All of this is unknowing, by the way, or unconsciously done on Sammy Hagar's part, I would think. I can't imagine that he would in any way connect his red clothes with the imagery of either Jesus or one acting on his behalf, even though he explicitly mentions singing about Jesus and his Second Coming (said traditional, again, to be performed while wearing Red). These are all emblems and markers that he is doing without knowing it, I assume.

But why is he showing some of these things? And more than that, even though he explicitly stated he is purposely including Christian and Alien symbols into his lyrics, why do we see so many things that actually tie to some specific elements mentioned in concepts explored in Doug's writings, my own words and stories here, and in other places? What is going on?

I don't know exactly. It's actually part of a much larger can of worms, I think. I have several different stories in my head as to how to explain various things, but I don't know just yet how best to attack this and come up with something that makes sense, so I am going to leave off here and save all of that for a later post when I think I have a better handle on some things, maybe.

I will close this post out by saying that for any readers now or in the future who were part of or remember that email exchange, you might recognize how truly ironic it is that I have spent an entire post on Sammy Hagar.


  1. That last paragraph....yes! If 2017 Bill were here he might have some things to say to 2024 Bill about analyzing songs and artists, especially Hagar. But hey, we're allowed to change our minds, right?

    I didn't get your connection about why you now understand why you dislike poor Sammy? Or is that part of what will be dealt w in a future post?

  2. Yeah, future post for Sammy, I think.

    I mean part of my knee jerk reaction, I think, is here he is associated with these symbols and identities (even if unknowingly at the time) with the end result of him using them to become a rock star and live a life of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Seems like it was all about making a "good life" for Sammy Hagar.

    I mean, great, so he writes a song that alludes to Jesus, or some things that I see interesting things in, and then he goes out and takes advantage of people and lives a pretty hedonistic lifestyle. Just doesn't sit right with me.

  3. For everyone else (since Leo knows very well), just as an example for why me writing a post on Sammy Hagar would have been so unexpected back in 2017, here is how I ended one of my emails in that whole exchange (just quoting my own commentary to illustrate - I am not going to pull anyone else's comments into this):

    "That is all to say, I am not sure I will be diving into the study of Top 40 to hear these words or see these themes (but fully support those who do) and perhaps my response was the result of a deeply ingrained self defense mechanism to stave off studying Sammy Hagar for the next several weeks."

    Too funny.

  4. I give Sammy some leeway. Pretty rough childhood by the sounds of it and being a world famous rocker comes w temptation in spades. At least w him there’s no pretense unlike most of society, particularly the religious crowd. Not that he’s excused for his part in the world’s wickedness but he’s not in the business of covering his sins at least. That’s more than most can say I think.

  5. Hagar also worked closely with John Carter, whose name is synonymous with Mars.
