Monday, July 29, 2024

Penalties and Red Cards

After I finished my post earlier today on some of those little winks in The Devil's Eye novel, a dream I had last night began working pretty hard on me, in that I found my attention fairly well focused on it.

The dream itself was largely unclear to me after waking up, but in the time I've now since thought on it, I have some guesses as to its meaning, or at least some meanings.  Some references, at least, seem to be on point for other things that have come up.

Before getting into the dream, I am going to now share the dream from which Doug got his nickname.  I did a quick scan back through my blog to see if I had done this before, but it doesn't look to be the case (though I may have missed it in my search).  It wouldn't surprise me if I hadn't.

Daymon Smith is the person I call Doug, and I call him that on this blog for two reasons:  One, that is the name I believe he was called in one of my dream scenes, and two, other Beings (or even just thoughts, if that is all they are) I have come to trust in some fashion have also tended to use other names for him when given the option, with the understanding that this is their preference.  I have found I am most comfortable in adopting the same practice and have a similar aversion.

On April 5, 2021 (so not to be confused with 2020... one year later), I got extremely tired one afternoon and took a quick nap.  While asleep, I was presented with a scene involving two individuals speaking with each other, one who would ultimately be referred to as "Doug" at the end:


Need invite to peek peak


Person X:  

Team is already chosen [phrase was followed by someone showing me an image of hockey players] with strong players.  But you can play soccer.  Give it some thought, Doug.

I wrote this down in my notebook, and immediately followed it up with the note to myself "I am feeling physically ill - not well".

Something about this scene, and the overall topic, did not sit well with me.  Now, granted, at this time back in 2021 I am writing out my thoughts in kind of a long form, many times in a Q&A type format, where I ask questions, and write out responses as if they were coming from another Being.  This was something I adopted to help me deal with the anxiety and everything that was going on in my mind.

In any case, in this brief scene, you have a person called "Doug" who would like an invitation to "peek peak", which I took (and still take) as a temporary view or visit to a mountain, which is likely Tirion based on everything we've explored in this blog.

Person X tells Doug, however, that apparently the team who will do this has already been chosen, comprised of a subset of 'strong' players.  But there is still opportunity for other roles, including this mention of soccer.  But a choice has been given, and so this Doug can think it over and decide what they want to do.

I have avoided being too direct on this Doug theme up to this point, but my dream this morning makes me think that I should at least be transparent in some of my thinking, or at least the origin of where the name came from, which could be important for understanding a broader theme or point I will try to make at the end of this post.

I associate this Doug with Daymon because i) at the time of this dream, during the days around this date, my Q&A writing had been focused on trying to sort out my thoughts, feelings, etc. about him, and ii) the story I pulled from this dream matched up with words and my experiences all the way back on May 6, the day I spoke with him and ended up in the hospital the next day.

Recall on the morning of May 6, I received what I believe was an answer to my prayer from the night before on whether I should or should not try to write something - some longer story - as Daymon had directed that Leo and I would.  That answer was, very clearly, to wait, and not do that, with what I also take to be a pretty clear reference to a Stone - likely the Sawtooth Stone.  I've shared all of that in prior posts, I think.

However, later that afternoon, I laid down for a bit because I was really not feeling well at all (it would be a few hours later that I called up Leo in a state of distress, basically, and during that call it was determined that maybe it would be helpful for me to actually speak to Daymon - maybe that would help).  I entered into one of those strange states between being awake and asleep, and wrote down the following words:

May 6 (afternoon)
Clarify explanation: [Daymon] was always thinking of taking a ship

I put Daymon in brackets because the speaker actually didn't say that name - they actually refused to say it and it was a very clear feeling of how to communicate who the person was without saying their name.   Rather, it was almost a blank where that name was, but I had the understanding that this is who was meant.  It was clear enough where I would actually relate this phrase to Daymon in our call later that evening.

This is one reason why I also adopted the practice of using another name like Doug, for what its worth.  But I am using Daymon's name now in this post because I think in this case it is important to be as direct as I can be in my thought process and experiences.  Part of this blog has been 'showing my work', because I am working through things and making some guesses, and this is one area where being clear on who I am referring to is important, I think.

At this time, Stones were already on my mind, and had in fact been compared with Ships, Wagons, and other types of things that transport individuals in words and dreams.   This symbolism has been fairly consistent throughout the time since, even if additional types of vehicles have been used (as mentioned, 'cars' would be a major symbol later on).  For example, just recently, William Tychonievich posted on an old Rocky and Bullwinkle episode where a Ruby Ship was featured.  I left a comment there that this was a pretty direct hit, in my opinion, for the Sawtooth Stone, which I've recently guessed is Red, and has been represented by a Ruby in another of William's dreams, perhaps.  Even the detail that this Ruby Ship was encrusted and needed to be washed was a remarkable detail that lined up very well with the state of the Sawtooth Stone, at least as I have written and guess about it; a big theme of some earlier posts were the need for Drudain to repair the Stone which had become encrusted, as represented by my dream of lying on a table while what I called "dark and rocky chips" were removed from me (the dream I later guessed was from the perspective of the Stone itself).

Anyway, what I am trying to say, I had a narrative in my mind that at Doug-Daymon wished to have in invite to go somewhere, was denied the request (the speaker who was addressing Doug in my dream was very polite and kind), and was perhaps now interesting in 'taking' a ship that might belong to others if one wasn't going to be provided.

I am trying to say that as clearly as I can, while acknowledging that I don't know everything for sure, and I have had to piece some of this together as much as I have everything else.  This is a guess, like everything else, but it is the guess I feel most confidently about at this moment.

But my dream this morning brought me back to this exact other dream or phrase from 2021, primarily because it involved two sports - hockey and soccer - and it was somewhat remarkable to me that this other dream that it was linked to in my mind had been on the day of my call with Doug.  I had forgotten that was the case.

So, the dream.

I found myself on a hockey trip with my oldest son.  This was very similar to past trips I have taken with him in real life, where we were staying at a hotel.  I remember we had lots of hockey gear all around, with other players and their families also staying with us, but there are quite a few details of the stay that I forget.  At one point, however, I remember packing up because we were about to leave for somewhere, and being surprised at how much water gear we had - like we were going to a waterpark, rather than to play hockey.

I forget how, but at some point we found ourselves at something like a train station.  Sitting on a bench that I was standing next to was a young blonde woman.  I recognized her, but I couldn't remember exactly how, and she clearly knew me, because we found ourselves remarking how nice it was to run into each other again.

I noticed she was was very attractive (though I now don't remember in detail on what she looked like), and that this, combined with the way she was looking at me, made me suddenly very self-conscious of my own appearance.  As in, by comparison I must be ugly, or had food stuck in my teeth, or something.  I strangely began partially covering my face with my hands as I was talking to her.

She wanted to talk about soccer.  I thought this was strange, because we had (or at least I thought we had) hockey equipment with us.  But soccer was on her mind.

She asked me a question about soccer penalties.  "What happens when a team gets a penalty?" or something like this.  I answered that the other team gets a free kick, and I think I specifically mentioned a corner kick, but that is definitely wrong if that is what I said.  The team would get a free kick on the field of play, but corner kicks only happen when the ball goes out of bounds - not on penalties.

In hindsight, it seems that perhaps she already knew the answers to what she was asking me, but was trying to lead my mind down a certain thought path to reach a specific conclusion.

Thus, the woman followed up by asking but what about the team that commits the foul or penalty?  I then realized that yes, sometimes something happened to them.  "Like what?", she asked.  Well, if the referee judges the foul was serious enough or done with some kind of intent or recklessness, a specific player might be issued a yellow card as a disciplinary warning.  "Is that all?".  Well, no, if it is really bad, or if the player has already committed a foul, the referee might actually issue a red card.

I woke up after this dialogue, or I don't remember anything after this, and even the point on the red card I can't quite remember if I reached that conclusion while speaking to the woman, or if that came afterward.

As I said, I didn't know what to make of this when I woke up, and I didn't immediately connect it with anything.  After writing my last post, though, the fact that the dream involved two sports - hockey and soccer - suddenly rung a bell, and took me directly back to that dialogue from April 2021, involving a person named Doug who would be able to play soccer, but was not on the team comprised of hockey players who were heading to a "peek peak", or view a Mountain.

It was at this time that the Red Card, in terms of the dialogue on soccer penalties that the woman in my dream initiated, became somewhat relevant.

Red, the color, is obviously a theme at the moment, with the Sawtooth Stone a major driver of that for me in my thinking.  On a hunch, I looked up "Card" on Etymonline.  Maybe there was something here that would tie to something other than soccer?

The first reference in Etymonline is to a playing card.  Playing cards have come up over on William Tychonievich's blog.  But interestingly, it mentions that the word card comes from the Old French carte "a card, paper; a writing, a charter" and Latin charta "a leaf of paper, a writing, tablet".

Here, I think, is the answer to the mystery about why the topic of soccer penalties had come up in my dream.  A Red Card can mean "Red Writing" or "Red Tablet or Charter".  This is, in my mind, a clear reference to the Red Sawtooth Stone, and specifically the story that comes from it.  William saw a Red Book in his dream titled Unhenned, which I've linked with this same Stone, with the Hen in question being potentially a reference to Jesus.

This will tie to mention of Ezekiel 16 in my words (which I haven't covered yet), as well as Lehi's vision at the beginning of the Book of Mormon in which he is given a book by One who is 'brighter than the sun'.  After reading this book, he is led to declare, before anything else, "Wo, wo, unto Jerusalem, for I have seen thine abominations!"

But that will be another post.  I just wanted to log the dream, and some of my thoughts regarding it.  I do think the dream, with its explicit reference to hockey and soccer, is tied to that dialogue from 2021.  I don't see any other explanation that fits as well.  Also, that the penalty dialogue, and how it led to the concept of the Red Card, ties to the Sawtooth Stone and what is on it.  I am not confident I have all the details about the implications correct - whose abominations are on there, how does Doug factor specifically into this, etc. - but in the broad strokes I think it likely that this was about the Stone, its contents, and purpose. but we will see.


  1. Combined with your follow-up post, I found this somewhat stimulating. Initial thoughts included wondering if (based on your sense of him) Doug might have the spiritual(?) equivalent of a yellow card, and what "ship" could refer to; the word has multiple associations in my mind.

    After that I remembered an old strategy game, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Its world includes a "law" system where the majority of battles are overseen by judges, and on each in-game day, up to three specific actions -- like using certain types of magic, weapons or skills -- are ruled as forbidden. The first time a unit takes one of those actions anyway, the judge gives them a yellow card, inducing a penalty at the battle's end. Doing it a second time (or KO-ing an enemy with a first offence) results in a red card, and the unit is immediately teleported to a prison, unable to do anything until their time is served or the player pays for bail. The judges also watch over KO'd units in battle; in locations where the judges don't appear, if KO'd units aren't revived before battle ends, they die. I haven't seen any other games with a similar system, though I presume FFTA's sequel sticks with the formula at least.

  2. That is interesting on the Final Fantasy game using the yellow and red cards.

    To be fair, probably not only Doug, but most (all?) of us are or were in some kind of yellow card standing. In those words from Alma that he teaches those at Ammonihah, he mentions a 'first' provocation and a 'second' provocation. The implication is that Men here on earth, including those Alma was teaching, were guilty or part of that first provocation, which as the Fall - a yellow card. He uses the word 'probationary state' to describe mortal life, which is part of the whole plan of redemption. If we repent, then all good. If not, then the red card, I think.

    However, I do think some individuals may be past the point of repentance, or have twisted their Beings to such an extent as to make repentance very hard if not impossible. Brigham Young is one that I specifically called out as such, in terms of my own guess. But I think that will all be captured in these stories that will come out at some point, and it won't be a surprise. Everyone deserves their day in court, as it were.

    Good thoughts, and you have me thinking on it a bit more. Maybe will try to explore it more in a post and clarify some things in my mind.

  3. No argument on there being a point of no return re repentance. When it comes to the Fall, though, I'm just not sure what to believe, my thoughts muddled enough that it'd take a fair effort to lay them out.

    After some more pondering, it came to me that the hockey and soccer thing sounds like a pretty indirect way of saying a large group of people was split up to work on multiple objectives towards an end goal. In fiction (particularly RPGs) I've seen several examples of characters complaining about being on Team B or C instead of A, and I'm sure there's been at least once instance of someone going against such grouping orders with poor results. Could something similar have occurred here? (Not saying that *is* the case; past experiences have taught me to consider as many possibilities as, er, possible with things like this.)

    Also, since I'm not very knowledgeable of sports, I ran a quick search for more info on the cards. I didn't realise how widely they're used; Wikipedia's list included field hockey, though it uses yellow cards to briefly remove a player from the game. That was kind of interesting.
