Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Leaping from Lion's Heads and Peter's Keys

This is the post I was going to write before Barenaked Ladies hopped in.  

Following the post on Harry Potter's Wheel, I had the scene from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade run through my mind, where Indy has to take a leap of faith across a chasm.  That leap of faith starts at what is called The Lion's Head.

I wrote a post including this awhile back (I wrote several posts referencing this particular Indiana Jones movie earlier this year, actually, I discovered), and I don't want to just restate everything from that post, but I had a couple additional thoughts as it relates to Heads, that are new.  That was what really stuck out to me in thinking through this scene.  William Tychonievich made a very specific link between a spinning disc or Potter's Wheel with Heads in his last post, and I explored some aspects of that in my own post earlier.  Thus, when I thought of that phrase - The Lion's Head - I thought of it a bit differently.

Recall that in the Indiana Jones story, we have this imagery again of a man becoming a Sky-Walker, and walking through air to reach the place where the legendary Holy Grail is kept.  This was the image I shared in that earlier post:

The Knight is able to walk across air, while others around him fall down into the pit.  At the end of the movie, Indiana Jones will find himself in this exact position of having to seemingly walk across air to reach the Holy Grail.  The task comes with a riddle, or instructions.  The riddle goes:  "Only in the leap from the Lion's Head will he prove his worth."

The film has the Lion's Head be an actual rock carving on the cliff wall above Indiana Jones' own head.  This head marks the spot that Indy must step off the ledge from.

It is this imagery and the Lion's Head specifically that was running in my mind after that post.  I discovered that I had made mention of this Head in previous posts.  In Why a Giraffe? (OR You want Lions? We've got Lions!), I had already gone down the mental road to begin connecting Thomas Marsh (our Swampy Apostle) with Peter, as well as with the Lion, in all of its forms (e.g., Giraffes as Camel Lions).  I had even used the following image to connect a Red Disc that was sitting on a woman's head as having something to do with this whole thing, with the Lion's Den title meaning something like "Lion Passage, Hole, or Gap":

And remember that at this time when I am looking at this red hat on the woman's head that looks like a Red Disc, I was several months away from first thinking that the Rose Stone was Red.

Ok, so having already established that the Lion is symbolic of Peter (another example reference to Peter, if you remember, was Leon Eggbert, as our Humpty Dumpty Pharazon), the question is what does it mean to leap from his Head?

Before getting to the beginning of the answer, let's establish that if the Lion is Peter, then Indiana Jones, here, may very well represent Faramir-Eonwe, as at least one of our Sky Walkers, and once again names bring us to this conclusion, in two different ways.

At the very end of the movie, we learn that Indiana Jones' real name is Henry, named after, who else, his Father.  Henry is another form of Harry, remember, and we've been over than name quite a bit between both Faramir and Peter, so I am not going to rehash that now.   But, it could be either Being, I guess (or both), but in this specific case I lean toward Faramir due to other symbols that came up with respect to Caitlin Clark, the WNBA basketball player.  As you know, we use only the best research methods and highest logical standards and practices in coming to conclusions here on this blog.

The symbol of Caitlin Clark we tied pretty specifically (and surprisingly) to Faramir, or Gim Guru, for a whole host of reasons covered in an earlier post.  One thing we did not cover can be seen if you look at her uniform in this picture:

Yeah, she plays for the Indiana Fever.  Indiana.  Right there on the jersey, under Nike and Lilly, which are both pretty funny to see there, and above the number 22.

Going back to the actual movie, though, we learn at that Indiana is actually the dog's name, to which Sallah gets a good laugh. 

 A dog's name has been referenced on this blog, and that is Sirius, which as part of the Menelmacar-Orion constellation, was also linked very specifically to the name of Starerios.  In addition, we also had the interesting case of the Spelling Bee and the Amazing Talking Dog.

OK, so Indiana is Gim Guru-Faramir, and the Lion is Gim Githil-Peter.  At least for this rough sketch.

If we substitute Peter for the Lion in that earlier movie riddle, we have some instruction that whoever hopes to cross the void and reach the Holy Grail must do it by leaping from Peter's Head.

What does that mean?

Here is my quick take. Peter has the Keys to the Kingdom.  In tradition, the Gates of Heaven are opened and shut by him - that is his job.  We can think of Keys as being external things, and we've explored exactly that with such things as the Rose Stone.  But Keys may also be part of a person, something that is within them.  Places like one's mind

The Encyclopedia Brown quote I shared yesterday clued me in to this concept, and William's additional commentary and links regarding "discs" being in people's minds sealed the deal for me.  We will top it off and close with a scene from the Matrix, which I think is fitting since that is one of the movie franchises I referenced in suggesting that the Pink Spider has left some nuggets or symbols for us to pull out of false stories and plant in other ones.

Remember that Leroy "Encyclopedia" Brown represents Peter in our symbiology.  In discussing why he is nicknamed Encyclopedia, I shared the following quote:

An encyclopedia is a book or set of books filled with facts from A to Z.  Encyclopedia had read so many books he was really more like a library.  You might say he was the only library in which the information desk was on the top floor.

I've bolded that last phrase because this is what jumped out to me in re-reading.  The information or knowledge is in his head or mind, is what the phrase simply says, but then I applied it to Peter.  And in doing so, what I think is the case is that the information on exactly where to go and how to get there, with respect to this whole Story, may rest in Peter's mind - and he doesn't know it, right now, let alone how to even begin gaining access to it.

William would share that image and story from the "House of Danger" book, in which the Disc was in the mind, and the boy had to learn to access it in order to eliminate the force field around him.  Similarly, there must be something in Peter's mind that unlocks a gate or allows for this Sky Walk to occur, in which Beings are brought back to Tirion.

And it isn't simply a matter of pulling it out, or thinking harder about things.  That would be impossible, and not a good plan, regardless (as we'll see from the Matrix in just a second, where Morpheus' brain is simply being hacked).  A Key must be required to unlock and access this information, in my thinking.  Which brings me to the "Play for Peter" message from yesterday and one role of the Rose Stone, as well as the other Stories that come with it.

Remember in William's story of Alizio, Patrick (representing Peter) had to eat all 5 boxes of the Hidden Treasures before the merry band of abductors could be on their way.  Not 3, 4, or whatever.  All of the boxes.  Without milk.  Only after that could the trip commence.  This, again, was imaged in the Olympics Closing Ceremonies where the 4 Olympic Rings were finally joined by the final 5th ring that had previously been buried.

So, what that means for us is that in France - I am still thinking this has to happen there at Tom's House - stories and information are going to be shared across vast distances.  The  Rose Stone will link with the Ithil Stone, and for those Beings at Tom's House they will have the complete story.  This complete story will 'play' for Peter (Patrick), who after now having eaten all of these Treasures (knowledge and stories), will have something in his mind unlocked, paving the way for a great journey to commence.  The Key to Tirion - where it is and how to get there, with respect to Beings living on this Earth who would travel there as living Men.

In other words, an external Key, or series of Keys, unlocks additional Keys within Peter's Mind.  Tradition has Jesus at least attempting to teach Peter how to walk on "water".  Perhaps this is part of that?

The Lion's Head (meaning from knowledge within Peter's Mind) points the way, or opens a gate, or something like that, and the Sky Walk, or Moon Walk can commence.

Why not, right?  Makes as much sense as anything else in this story that is spilling out of my own head in all sorts of strange forms and analogies, and helps further explain the connection between Gim Guru and Gim Githil, or Faramir and Peter, the Gim G's.  Faramir, or any other Man, can't go anywhere without the knowledge that is in Peter's Head.   And what is in Peter's Head can't be accessed or unlocked without the information that Faramir will share with him (both from what is on the Rose Stone as well as what comes from the Ithil Stone), as shown by Patrick needing to be in Alizio's House and eating all those boxes of cereal found there.

This is also what is possibly meant by that "Sun Moon Time" reference, where we have explored Sun and Moon as Gim Guru and Gim Githil, and there is something they do together, each needing what the other has, knows, will do, etc.

We'll see how that sits and plays out.

As evidence, though, that this line of thinking might be on to something with respect to Peter's Mind, I'll close with a scene from the first matrix.

Morpheus had been kidnapped by Agent (Doug) Smith (just kidding, kind of).  Agent Smith is trying to find a way to Zion, and he says that the key to find it is within Morpheus' mind.  If Smith is to find his way there, it must begin with Morpheus, and specifically his Head.  So, they are hacking into his brain to access those secrets. It is a simple and crude, but very effective, analogy for what I am thinking through here, at a very high, un-hollywood-ized level.  Here is the clip, and the relevant dialogue starts at about the 3:10 mark.


Anyway, that is the scene that I recollected in thinking through the notion of Peter having a Key in his own mind, and this Key or Knowledge leading people back to Holy Places.

Further, and lastly, we have some main protagonists in this story, with Neo, Trinity, and Morpheus.  Neo has loosely been tied to Faramir, both in some symbols I've explored and seen, as well as in my dreams.   And you have Morpheus, who is played by the Black actor Laurence Fishburne, which matches up well with the symbol of the Dark or Black King Balthazar, one of the Three Wise Men, who we've connected very directly to Peter.

There is a scene where Morpheus remarks to Neo that he, himself, is also trying to 'free' Neo's mind, and then he makes an interesting comment in light of this whole notion of Faramir walking through doors or gates that are shown to him or originate from Peter's Head.  The analogy isn't perfect, I don't think - very rough - but in this context, the dialogue between them stood out in terms of a pathway or door that is shown someone by another:

I lied - one other thing I wanted to mention.

I introduced this strange concept of the Pink Spider, and the possibility that Eowyn was represented in that image.  The meaning was that her own stories (and I am guessing along with help and execution by Asenath's Daughters) are being woven into these other stories otherwise meant to entertain, distract, confuse, etc.   The implication being that in at least some instances, we may see symbols that lead to or unlock some thoughts because they were intentionally placed there.

In my words, a mention of a Crescent Moon I believe has been used as another code name for Eowyn in her present role.  In Indiana Jones, that part I was discussing with Indy, the Lion's Head, and all of that, happens in a fictionalized rendition of Petra, Jordan.  The facade of one of the buildings you see during that earlier clip above about Indiana being named after the dog.

I say fictionalized because although the building exterior is from Petra, for purposes of the movie it is set in what they call the Canyon of the Crescent Moon.  No such place actually exists, and the movie creators went so far as to stage that the canyon itself was literally in the shape of a crescent moon, as seen here:

A potential wink and signature?

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