Saturday, June 1, 2024

What shall we do with the drunken Railer? You forgive him and welcome him home

The drunken Railer was intoxicated - made sick and not well.  A shadow.

Why?  That full story has yet to be told but there is a Good story there, I believe, and an even better story still yet to be written.

You might find that the Railer now can Rail in a different way than before, not in shouts, curses, or an evil roar, but in now Railing a straight road home, laying a track to repair what was bent and broken.  Creating a different and better reunion than before - one that heals what was hurt and restores what was lost.

And "With?".  Yes, of course!  Always.

What God hath cleansed that call not thou common.

1 comment:

  1. The sickness angle is interesting. “With?” ends with a plea not to underestimate “ailers.”
