Monday, June 10, 2024

Anaise as another reference to Claire

My kids and I took a late flight home from Oregon last night. While on the flight, I started to think on my Spring 2022 words, specifically the ones that mentioned a Being referred to as "Anaise". It struck me in that moment that this was perhaps a reference to Claire, and so while on the flight I did a little digging to see if this hunch was possible.

The phrase referencing Anaise interestingly came from my post titled Jan-Feb 2022 Words Part 2: A (future) family reunion. This was my first clue that I might have been onto something. In my last post, Running with Claire, part of the story that I pulled together at that entrance at Claremont was based on the fact that I stood on the road West Union. I used the street name, along with the other things I was seeing, to reinforce this notion of a union and a runion in writing, "West is where a Family will go, and Union (both a reunion and an eternal union) is what that will be about."

So, a big part of the message that I felt I was seeing as related in that post was about such a reunion/ union, I had determined that Claire was involved in my seeing things in that way, and here I was looking up Anaise on a hunch this referenced her and finding it in the post that I summarized as being about a Family Reunion.

I was off to a good start.

As I looked back through the post, I noted that I did not have a good guess at that time for either Anaise or Tobias, another Being mentioned in conjunction with Anaise. Here is the complete phrase, as a reminder:

Feb. 19
Home here ser tuli amarost inis because for to know anaise arwen-seru tobias ista

For additional context, this is the very last phrase, I believe, that was given during this January/ February 2022 period. Up to this time, we've had a Being discussing some things related to a 'hidden plan', which involves the gathering out and reunion of the Family of Light back in Tirion, I now believe. That Being, it seems, is a sister of Yavanna, and therefore an 'Aunt' to Faramir-Eonwe. Thus, my guess is that the person speaking is Vana, but this is just a guess based on relationship. Nothing else has stuck out to me yet as to definitively identify the Being yet, other than I believe I have accurately identified her as Yavanna's sister, Vana is listed as Yavanna's sister in Tolkien's works, and thus my guess. It could be that those relationships aren't quite accurate or fully captured, so that is why I leave the door open a bit.

In any case, leading up to Feb. 19, there is quite a bit of discussion around the plan, some references to Faramir, and also to Eowyn-Ilmare and Asenath.

So, I take Tobias as a Being who is different than Faramir, and Anaise as someone who is different from Eowyn and Asenath. As a result, these are two mystery Beings, and I highlighted them as such in that post.  And not only two mystery Beings, but two mystery Being that close off this whole section of words - this is the conclusion, remember, so it seems like their mention must be pretty relevant or important.  Here is what I wrote about Anaise (and Tobias) in the post where I basically threw up my hands other than guessing both were names of specific thought unknown Beings:

Anaise: I think French (honestly don't have any other leads), meaning "Holy, Gracious" and denotes a name

Tobias: A name, probably refers to a person, though not sure who. Tobias helped Raphael cure his father of blindness in the Book of Tobit, so perhaps this is referenced because of the blindness and the fact that many will now not be 'blind'? Not sure

OK, so that is interesting that we have a French name here in Anaise, right? When I remembered this as I read last night, it seemed my hunch started to look pretty good. Claire, for purposes of her communication with William, has adopted something of a French persona, both in terms of her symbolic mask used before (Joan of Arc) as well as her current pseudonym of Claire (meaning Bright, Clear, or Light). She also apparently likes to speak in French to him.

On my end, I have identified Claire as one of the 7 daughters of Asenath, and thus by definition this is a Holy Being - the daughter of the Holy Ghost. In fact, in one of Doug's draft writings, it has this to say both about the daughters as well as their involvement with Numenorean princes (which I will get more into at the end of the post):

Of all things most renown, in Realm Arda Manwe, she [Nimloth-Asenath] its light, kindler, kindly, kingly adorn; Then set her her seven lights yonder descending, a-fall on Numenorean princes, further themselves, descended. Wreathen souls, cankered, light set, set as stars thereon, they now arisen in preparation for final Eru-body, in-making.

Holy is the Seven of Her Holy Name, on-resting; Asenath! Nimloth! Crumbgirl …

So, the Seven are Holy, and ought to be thought of and reverenced as such.  This is the meaning of the French name Anaise, and thus ties the Being who the name refers to back to these Seven.  Specifically, in my story, this is the daughter identified as Ith-un-ol, whose name likely has something to do with Moons and Dreams, but I don't know for sure.  She is explicitly associated with Light, however, in other descriptions of her and her role.

This Holiness is likely what William felt, for example, as he first experienced the presence of "Joan", at least in my own outside-in interpretation of what he described.  He has had a difficult time, however, trying to reconcile that initial perception of almost overwhelming Holiness with the more fun-loving, playful spirit of Claire.  

A Being may be both Holy and fun-loving and how we experience them may ultimately depend on our relationship with them and how they wish to be seen by us.  A great Queen, for example, my seem lordly and even godly to those that don't know her (or don't remember that they know her), but once she has decided to open her Being and make herself known to a person, that person might find a side of them that is hidden from many others.  I imagine that even Goddesses don't want to be considered unapproachable or to have an overwhelming affect on those who they wish to be approached by.  In other words, even Holy Beings can, and probably really like to, laugh, and thus probably want others to share their laughter with.

I brought in Tobias in the quote because I think his name, or actually the name of his wife in the story captured in the Book of Tobit, might yield a clue for us.

As you read in my own brief description above for Tobias, I tried to see if there was anything in Tobias' story that gave a clue as to who this person was.  Yes, there was the theme of blindness being healed - there could be something there, I suppose, and likely is.

Last night, however, I had the thought that Tobias' wife might actually be important here for why the name was chosen as a pseudonym here.  Tobias ends up marrying a woman named Sarah, after partnering with Raphael to free her from the designs of an evil demon.

What does Sarah's name mean?  Princess.

We have seen Princess come up before, specifically in the Being of William Tychonievich's dream-vulture-bird named Odessa Grigorievna.  Before he arrived at that name with the telepathic help of the vulture, his first instinct was to call the bird Sally.

Sally, go figure, has the same meaning as Sarah:  Princess.

This was an interesting connection.

In my own thinking, and as expressed in other posts and comments on this blog, I assume Odessa Grigorievna, despite being a girl in William's dream, actually represents Pharazon (who knows, some of the gender flip might be a result of Claire herself being the source of that dream, and the mind of the sender, and thereby gender, can't be completely hidden or removed).  Pharazon was a 'prince' of Numenor in the classic, Etymonline-esque definition of the word.

I quoted above, however, from some of Doug's writings that the Seven Daughters would descend on Numenoreans princes, of some sort or fashion.  I have Claire as one of these Daughters, and thus potentially also 'descending' or condescending to help Numenorean princes, which may include Pharazon.  It does in my story, at least.

In other words, my mystery man Tobias from that phrase (which means "God is Good") represents Pharazon.  Anaise represents Claire.  The relationship between the two is highlighted by the linking word "arwen-seru", which means something like "Noble Maiden friend/ lover".  It may be, then, that in a future involving the union and reunion of a Family, Pharazon-Peter's princess will be Claire.

And based on all of this, and recent events and thinking regarding Pharazon and the fact that he is Good (the definition of Tobias' name), I would go back and retranslate those Feb 19, 2022 words to go something like:

Home here to be for awhile to come/ bring settlement-fortress; inmost thought because for to know Holy Noble Maiden (Claire) friend/lover Pharazon knowledge 

Making some sense of that, I read this as some individuals being told that Faramir-Eonwe (I name him here because the prior several days of words seemed to refer to him and this is an extension of that line of dialogue, I think) will go home for awhile to help out with something in Tirion.  As part of this, or maybe in advance of this, he will know both Claire, Pharazon, as well as knowledge that Claire has in relation to Pharazon and his true story.

This makes sense, given that Claire suggested in a dream to William that she has the 'true story' of Wandering Aengus, who in mythology dressed up in Golden raiment, just like Pharazon, as William pointed out (and like my son's Lego Golden Man).  She also seems willing and able to teach that knowledge.  Claire knows things - possesses Light in this regard - and this knowledge may radically change what we think we know of certain story elements and Beings related to the Fall of Numenor and the Hiding of Valinor and Eressea.

And we see some of that already trickling out into our world, and in some of my writing here.  A month ago, I would never have dreamed of writing that Pharazon was Good, that he is in fact the same Being as Peter, and that there is a story that needs to come out in relation to this.  But here we are.  Trust me, you are not any more surprised at that than I am, if it is something that you even buy.  I honestly don't attribute those thoughts to my own mind, as I don't think I would have arrived there myself given all of my pre-conceived notions of Pharazon and the wickedness of the Numenoreans in the end.  I see it differently now for many of these Beings, and the longer I see it this way, the more it makes sense.

Anyway, a bit all over the place, ending with Pharazon here when I started with Claire, but I guess I currently view Claire and Pharazon as a package deal, of sorts, so it didn't seem too much of a tangent to discuss them together.

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