Tuesday, June 25, 2024

C'est moi

It was one of those nights where I had quite a few dreams that I remember I wanted to think about a bit once I woke up, but after I actually woke up all but one slipped away.

In the short dream sequence that I did retain, I was standing in front of a large set of wall murals.  For anyone who has ever played "The Legend of Zelda:  Tears of the Kingdom", the murals were exactly in the style of those that Zelda and Link found at the beginning of that game, and similarly, they told a story.

I can't remember, if I ever found out, what story the murals represented, but at the far left of the mural was a depiction of a tree.  As I looked at the tree, it began to flash with light in a regular rhythm.  The light it was flashing was red-pink, and it came from the actual etchings of the tree, so that it looked like it was lined with neon lights or something.

As the tree flashed, a handwritten note appeared on a piece of paper that I was either holding or was just floating in the air in front of my vision.  The writing was in cursive, and said:


It's been awhile.

-- Ces't Moi

Along with the handwritten note, was a hand-drawing of a circle that had an X in it.  Something like this (but appearing handwritten):

After reading the note, I woke up.  The moment, and the note, seemed extremely relevant, so I thought on it for awhile after waking up.

Knowing I have a mixed track record on initial dream interpretations, I'll give some of my initial thoughts, and realize this might change in the future as other things come up.   My mind actually goes two very different places with this, so perhaps both interpretations are correct, only one, or frankly neither.  Who knows.  I am just going to focus on one of them for this post, however.

In that first interpretation, my mind goes to to my recent post on the Karate Kid, where I wrote about how Ali and Daniel introducing themselves was symbolic of the introduction of the Ithil Stone and Sawtooth Stone.  Here in this note, you have a French Being (given that they introduce themselves as "C'est Moi", or "It's me", in French) starting a correspondence with a person named Ali.  If my guess is right that the Sawtooth Stone is in France, having that Stone introduce themselves to "Ali" (the Ithil Stone) by a French name would make sense.

Further, in my Story, all of these Stones were created at the "beginning", long before, with Asenath (the Crumb Girl) likely being the creator or maker of these Stones.  Thus, the Ithil Stone and Sawtooth Stone would have "known" each other at some point in this long before time period.   Actually, very obviously so, since the Ithil Stone is associated with Eowyn-Ilmare, I think, and the Sawtooth Stone is associated with Joseph of Egypt, or at least it contains his Vision and Story.  At least that is how I currently associate them.  Given that they are Twins, it would make sense that there is familiarity between these Stones.

Remember, though, that in my story the Sawtooth Stone was hidden and buried a long, long time ago, and remained that way until early 2020 when it was recovered in Idaho, and Glorfindel and Gildor took it over to France.  Thus, while the Ithil Stone in this history of our world has interacted with many Stones (and their users), it would not have had any interaction with the Sawtooth Stone since it's hiding before the Trees of Valinor were killed.

So, the introduction of the Ithil Stone (Ali) and the France-residing Sawtooth Stone is actually a reintroduction, which is why the note would read "It's been awhile".  It certainly has!  A really long time.

And X marks the spot for Tirion-Xanadu, and the inclusion of that symbol seems to definitely suggest this is a communication involving that place (the Ithil Stone is/ will be in Tirion when this Link is established), as does the symbol of the Tree itself on the mural.

The light that started flashing from that Tree might be another clue that we are on the right path here.  Recall my analogy of connecting my Barn to my House using fiber optic cables from awhile ago, and how I used this to discuss the notion of the 'Link' (a Zelda name) being re-established between our world and Valinor-Tirion (where the White Tree resides), with the Stone being the means by which this is done.  See my post "Fiber optic cables, ceramics, and ethernet conversions:  A stone metaphor", for the complete analogy and thinking around it.  

In that post, though, I specifically compared the ceramic terminations to ceramic Stones, and information that 'pulsed' through and received at these terminations as information.  Even for regular internet or ethernet connections, you can go to any data switch or port and see how the lights flash to indicate data is being sent and received. and this kind of simulates how the blinking of the Tree could be interpreted.

Thus, the Tree flashing I now believe was symbolic of information being sent to and from it.  In fact, the note appearing after the tree started flashing makes complete sense in this light - it was the translation or conversation of those light pulses into the English message.  Thus, the dream showed the opening up of communications between "C'est Moi" (the Sawtooth Stone) to "Ali" (the Ithil Stone), as it would have been received in Tirion.  Or, I guess, perhaps the response to the initial call that came from the Ithil Stone, since my dreams seem to indicate that the call initiates from that side.

Even the use of "C'est Moi" is a funny way to illustrate that we still don't know the actual name of the Sawtooth Stone.  That is just what I call it because that is where it was found, but it's name still remains a mystery.  Although, I guess that could be said of the other Stones as well - we likely don't have their real names, either.  Just those to whom each Stone is given knows that, since that is the Key, I guess.

Anyway, I take this dream as encouraging news, perhaps. The re-establishment of communications between the Ithil Stone and Sawtooth Stone is, quite frankly, the basis for almost everything I have written here in some form or another, so perhaps this dream suggests that this is something still seen as a reality at some point.  The dream also might be interpreted as suggesting that I may be correct in my assumption that it is the Sawtooth Stone (The El of Daniel), and not the Anor Stone, that communicates with the Ithil Stone, given the narrative above.  

Also, now thinking more on it, I don't think my inclusion of the Zelda analogy or image is unrelated.  I actually debated about whether to include that reference because I didn't know if it was a distraction, but that is honestly what the murals in my dream resembled, so I put it in for reference.   If you look at the image I included at the beginning of this post, it shows a man and a woman figure united (their hands are linked), and it also shows their respective Secret Stones along with them (above their heads, in the circle).  So, in this image you have a union of not only Beings but their respective Stones.  The engraving actually makes these Stones (which I think are made to look like "Tears", and thus tie into the name of the game) look like quotation marks, so it seems you also have a cool little wink that Beings will be speaking to each other through Stones, and the importance of the united words they they will say.  These Beings will be Eowyn and Faramir, and that this ultimately results in both them and these Stones being in the same physical location.  And not only them, but the reuniting of many Beings and Stones - one great Family coming back together.

Another little nod to Zelda is that name means "Grey fighting maid".  In Words of the Faithful, Izilba (Eowyn) is called the "Grey Lady", which I mentioned at least one before in my post "Suspended in Time: Loosening girdles and deepening weights, and the Grey Lady of the New York Times", and if you were to think of a fighting maid from the Tolkien storyline, Eowyn would be it (as she was also as Izilba once she got her hands on Makmahod).

And lastly, the C'est Moi reference might be a funny reference to the song from the 1967 movie "Camelot".  I started to think so at least.  I am pasting in the lyrics below and will include the video clip, where Lancelot is played by an actor named France (of course).  

Just imagine some of these words coming from the Sawtooth Stone, sitting in France, as it sings to "Camelot" (Tirion).  Just a rough sketch or reference, mind you.  Take, for example, the first few lines.  He (the Stone) hears a call from Camelot (Tirion), and now he is here to give his all (the Story that is found on the Stone, and just to "Camelot"), which will result in him being able to "climb a wall no one else can climb".  Even given how much emphasis I have placed on the Stone as our salvation, it's pretty funny to imagine the Stone talking about itself in this 'humble' manner.  A French Prometheus Unbound, for sure.

Camelot! Camelot!
In far-off France I heard your call.
Camelot! Camelot!
To you alone I give my all.
I know in my soul what you expect of me,
And all that and more I shall be.

A knight of the Table Round should be invincible,
Succeed where a less fantastic man would fail.
Climb a wall no one else can climb,
Cleave a dragon in record time,
Swim a moat in a coat of heavy iron mail.

No matter the pain, he ought to be unwinceable,
Impossible deeds should be his daily fare.
But where in the world
Is there in the world
A man so *extraordinaire*?

C'est moi! C'est moi, I'm forced to admit.
'Tis I, I humbly reply.
That mortal who
These marvels can do,
C'est moi, c'est moi, 'tis I.

I've never lost
In battle or game;
I'm simply the best by far.
When swords are crossed
'Tis always the same:
One blow and au revoir!
C'est moi! C'est moi! So adm'rably fit!
A French Prometheus unbound.
And here am I with valour untold,
Exeption'ly brave, amazingly bold,
To serve at the Table Round!

The soul of a knight should be a thing remarkable,
His heart and his mind as pure as morning dew.
With a will and a self-restraint
That's the envy of ev'ry saint
He could easily work a miracle or two.

To love and desire he ought to be unsparkable,
The ways of the flesh should offer no allure.
But where in the world
Is there in the world
A man so untouched and pure?
(C'est moi!)

C'est moi! C'est moi, I blush to disclose.
I'm far too noble to lie.
That man in whom
These qualities bloom,
C'est moi, c'est moi, 'tis I.

I've never strayed
From all I believe;
I'm blessed with an iron will.
Had I been made
The partner of Eve,
We'd be in Eden still.
C'est moi! C'est moi! The angels have chose
To fight their battles below,
And here am I as pure as a pray'r,
Incredibly clean, with virtue to spare,
The godliest man I know!

C'est moi!

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