Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Caitlin Clark and 22

 If you live in the US and pay attention to any sports related news (and even if you don't) you will likely have heard of the name Caitlin Clark.

Clark is a basketball player that was a phenom in college at the University of Iowa, was drafted #1 this past year by the Indiana Fever, and is currently the biggest name in women's basketball, and one of the biggest names in sports.  This despite no one really traditionally watching WNBA games (count me as one of them, but I don't watch a lot of NBA games anymore, either).  However, Clark has single-handedly boosted attendance in that league.  A recent study showed that games that Clark plays in have over 2x the fan attendance than in games she does not.

Anyway, there has been a lot of attention surrounding her.  I am going to add a different type of attention, with some pretty strange but inescapable observations that fit into our story here.  I just don't know, folks.

Buckle up.


OK, so what got me going down this thought train was recent news about the Olympics.  The US women's basketball team announced their squad for Paris this summer, and Caitlin Clark wasn't on the list.  This was big news and quite a controversial move, and many felt the US team blew it by missing out on an opportunity to add the most popular player to the roster and thereby create more interest and audience for the team.  I looked up Caitlin Clark's bio, and I was not prepared for the onslaught of the number 22 that I was met with.

Clark's number is 22.

She was born on January 22, 2002.

This makes her 22 years old right now.

Say what?  

In recent posts I spent some time on the number 22.  In my post on Twos-day, I spent some time on this number, which also included the "realization" that my own birthday was on the 22nd, and even used the fact that it was in the month of July (7/22) to refer back to imagery of Orion following the Seven Daughters, and thus link Orion to the number 22.  It was a strange set of associations, throwing in things like San Ramon, my birthplace, and Walt Disney, and even past dreams prominently featuring the number 22, and it seemed to work at the time.

I had mentioned in that post a flight information safety card that was actually responsible for helping me realize that my birthday was yet another 22 reference, and then proceeded to probably read far too much into the information on that card in another post titled 02/22.  But again it worked, and even tied into other random references, such as the 22 reference in the movie National Treasure in which the character Ben (meaning Son) receives magical glasses after using the clue involving 22 to find them.

So, in other words, 22 has factored pretty heavily in our story here.  Thus, if any person flashes the amount of 22 that Caitlin Clark has going on here, you are going to get brought in for a closer look at what is going on.  That is just how it works.

And where else should I start but with her name, and then we will expand that to look at other names.  This gets wild.

The Pure Secretary

Caitlin means "Pure".  Clark means "Clerk or Secretary".  So, basically we have Pure Secretary, with pure meaning something like clean, clear, etc.  Interestingly, Etymonline gives the first example of Pure as something that would be used to describe Gold, as in unalloyed.

OK, so this instantly stuck out to me.  A Secretary, in its original form, is a person "entrusted with secrets or private and confidential matters".  Etymonline also states very specifically that a Secretary "keeps records or minutes, conducts correspondence, etc., one whose office is to write for another".

These two meanings are important.  A Secretary is entrusted with secrets, and they write for another person.

Recall that I have identified the number 22 with Faramir-Eonwe, and part of his job is to act as a Secretary, in a very literal way.  Entrusted with secrets (what is on the Sawtooth Stone, for example) but also writing down what will be communicated to him via Stones, and thus also charged with conducting correspondence, perhaps, between worlds.

On a personal level, this word stuck out because it had been used in words I had written out in 2021 but no longer completely trust.  I don't trust the long-form words and dialogues that I had written during that time, but I do have more trust for the shorter phrases, whether Elvish or English, that I captured during that time as they seem to have retained the most credibility.  

Anyway, during that time a phrase that included a "Madam Secretary" and an "Adam Secretary" was mentioned, with the meaning of those two titles likely in harmony with the Beings I have previously highlighted:  Eowyn and Faramir.

The Adam Secretary again a clue as to one of those other identities of Faramir-Eonwe.  Adam, in the LDS Temple drama, was actually Michael, having come into this world and forgotten everything, and I have guessed that Faramir is Michael.

Kal-El, or Superman, has come up a bit on this blog, and I am going to take this moment to tie some symbolism of Caitlin Clark to that character.

Kal-El is Superman's real name.  On Earth, however, he goes by the 'mild-mannered reporter' Clark Kent.  And actually his middle name is Joseph, which we covered elsewhere.

So, there you have Clark again, and we know this means Secretary.  What about Kent?  A few different meanings, but in original Old Welsh this means Bright or White.  Putting that together we have "Bright Secretary", as the meaning for Superman's earth-bound identity.

I then realized that Caitlin Clark's name is synonymous with Clark Kent's name.  Caitlin means Pure, of which Clear is a defined synonym.  Clear, per Etymonline, means "giving light, shining, luminous" as well as "Bright, Pure".

Follow that?  Superman = Caitlin Clark = the Shining Secretary.

It gets better as we focus just on Clark Kent.  His middle name is Joseph, remember.  If we include that in there and leave everything as is we have "Secretary Joseph Shining".  Or, to be clearer, "The Secretary [for] Joseph's Shining".  What is Joseph's Shining?  The Sawtooth Stone, and the Vision places on it, said at one point to the Couriers (at least as I captured it) to be "Brighter than the Sun".

And remember, that Clark Kent is specifically known as a "mild-mannered reporter".  To report is to "make known, tell, relate" with Etymonline specifically stating that a reporter is a "tale bearer".

This fits so perfectly I am actually somewhat in surprise/ shock, and it takes a bit to do that for me these days.  

Kal-El (Star Shine in Elvish) I have specifically identified the word Gilga, and by extension to Gim Guru, or Faramir-Eonwe as my current guess as the identity of that Being.  He will be the Secretary for Joseph's Shining, or the Sawtooth Stone, as he both keeps the secrets that he is entrusted with as well as writes down what needs to be put down.  This gets back to the promise of Joseph and his prophecy of the Seer, as found in Lehi's discourse in 2 Nephi 3.

I was going to move on to the name of the Indiana Fever and Lily (the team is sponsored by Eli Lilly), because it is pretty interesting, but will get into that in another post, I think, as I want to wrap this one up.

1 comment:

  1. I've just brought up the Monkees, and Debbie mentioned that one of their best known songs is "Last Train to Clarksville."
