Saturday, June 1, 2024


I was sitting down on the couch earlier this evening, and my daughter asked "Dad, did you see the pumpkin I drew?"

Pumpkin, you say?

I had been outside with my youngest son, and my daughter sat down to draw a pumpkin.  Because what else says June like a pumpkin?

I told her it was a great pumpkin, and she left it with me to hold on to.

With the recent pumpkin-eating thing going on, I was reminded that when I returned from my break from writing on this blog last fall (in October, after signing off in September), I used Linus waiting for the Great Pumpkin as an analogy, even using this picture in the post.


  1. I think the Joan and Joe dialogue ties in with the Great Pumpkin. Joe insists there can’t be any snow because it’s only October. Snow is associated with Christmas. Linus is expecting an October “Santa Claus.”

  2. Yeah, I think you are right.

    Just throwing this out as an observation also, it just struck me that October is relevant to my own Elvish words. That is the month they started up in 2019.
