Monday, June 10, 2024

"And the Oscar goes to..." Golden Man!

Yesterday I also had another Golden Man pop into my head, completely out of nowhere.

An image of an "Oscar", the nickname of the award handed out at the Academy Awards every year, just came to me and I thought "Oh yeah, there is another Golden Man."

It came specifically enough, I thought I would take a quick look at things.

And, of course, I had a name attached to the trophy that I could start with:  Oscar.

Oscar means:  Deer-lover or God Spear.

So, I have written previously of associating Pharazon and the Numenoreans with Deer, and tied in some of William Tychonievich's writings in doing so.  And Pharazon also dressed up as a Golden Man.  So, seeing a little statue clad in gold whose name has something to do deer definitely caught my attention.

I decided to investigate the Oscar a bit more.  

Here is a picture of the statue:

I did not realize that Oscar holds a sword, first off.  I knew there was something there, but maybe I thought it was a microphone or something.  Nope - a sword.  He is also standing on a film reel.  This will have some symbolic relevance here in just a second.

The sword is important because it brings to mind Menelmakar, the Swordsman of the Sky, and likely gives us a clue that the Golden Man we are referencing here might not be Pharazon in this case, but the Being he was attempting to be or was convinced he was by Sauron in the Numenorean excursion:  Faramir-Eonwe.  And who knows - it could be both, since a redeemed and blessed Pharazon can be involved in both the building of and gathering to Zion, something that he was prepared to do from the beginning at Cuivienen.  Again, my guess is the Gim Guru (Faramir-Eonwe) and Gim Githil (Ingwe-Pharazon) work together, and if Willy Wonka and Charlie tell us anything, part of Gim Githil's story may be a transition into or the assumption of different roles.

But here, I am going to revert to Faramir just because of these other symbols that accompany Oscar.

So, we have the Sword, check.   The film reel is obviously there because the Oscar is given out by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, i.e., the Movie Industry.  We are going to repurpose it slightly for our uses here, but the symbolism will be pretty clear.

Recall my dream that I now believe was from the perspective of Eowyn in Eru-Place, recounted in the post "Where all things for their glory are manifest".  There, Time, as past, present, future was presented to my vision (in my dream from Eowyn's perspective, I believe) as comprised of a series of Film Strips, with framed images showing scenes.  The Film Strips were stacked in such as way that by looking vertically, one could see past, present, and future as one 'present' image.  Here is one of the images I used to give an example of what it looked like to me in the dream:

This was remarkable for me to realize that the analogy that was used in that dream literally involved Film Strips - that image was very specific - and here we had the Golden Man Oscar standing on top of just such a Film Strip.

What did this mean for our Golden Man, though?  Well, as I have written elsewhere, it seems Faramir may be this Seer that Lehi discusses in 2 Nephi.  Seership involves both Stones (such as the Anor and Sawtooth, perhaps) and the ability to see past, present, and future.  That is the definition of seership we get from the Book of Mormon, at least.  You have to have Stones, and you need to use them to do things like see time differently as well as reveal secret or hidden things.

So, the Golden Man in our analogy stands on top of the film strip because he is a Seer (recalling the Film Strip dream) and this is his foundation and a source of his power. I think it ties in well.

Oscar does not mean 'deer' but 'deer-lover'.  Dir (Pronounced as Deer) is the Elvish word for Man, and so you also have Oscar mean "Lover of Man".   The Deer in my dream who were eating my pumpkins represented the Numenoreans (I think) who were Beings clad as Men.  Some of these Beings would have been the Elvish Fathers, now under the power and evil influence of Sauron.  In one of William's responses to that post, he preferred to have Dir refer to just one Man.  OK, so Pharazon, if it needs to be that way, and so Oscar will be one that loves Pharazon, if this name holds, and one who would want to see him fully restored, if not honored, which may come from the story that Claire has to share.  In any case, this would be another reason to place Faramir as this particular symbolic Golden Man, at least in this analogy and exploration of why that image popped into my head.

And then there is an opportunity to dive even deeper on that name.  What would Oscar mean in Elvish, for example?  Here is what we can potentially derive:

Os = House or Enclosure (Fort)
Car = To build or make

Thus, Oscar can mean "To build Fort/ House".  Thinking on Tirion, this seems to be exactly what is required now.  Although Asenath (and likely her Daughters) are holding down the fort in whatever Tirion is now, it seems that Faramir-Eonwe returns to rejoin both his sister Asenath and spouse Eowyn in Tirion to create the place to which their family or House will gather to.  That has been pretty fundamental to my story, and thus works out pretty well for this little Golden Oscar.

It could also, however, apply to Pharazon who I currently have also assisting, along with other Fathers and Numenoreans, in the building of a New Jerusalem - another House or Fort to create.  And so this is why even though they are different Beings, some of what Faramir and Pharazon may do is patterned after each other.  I don't know though, but it just seems that part of Pharazon's redemption is to take on those types of responsibilities, maybe.

Lastly, Oscars go to individuals within the film industry, such as Actors.  Actors end up playing the roles of characters who are actually not themselves, entirely.  They adopt a role for the purpose of a story.

Similarly, there are Beings who have had to adopt various roles and characters for the purpose of our Story in this Creation, Faramir being one of them.  He is not a Man, but has 'dressed up' like one on many occasions.  Others like him have as well, from what I understand.

This will actually tie into my next set of words from 2019, where we have "Starerios" again (Faramir) being described as "clad" as a Man, but not only this, he will be in a state of confusion and lacking strength.  We will see if I can get to those words soon, because I think (maybe) they also have something to do with Pharazon, but I am not quite sure on that yet.


  1. WW,
    Speaking of Oscar:( see below)
    note that I had this dream on 11/22/2018 . Recall what other major event
    in history happened on 11/22 ( in that case the year was 1963).

    11-22- 33 etc are master numbers.
    In the case of the other 11/22 event ( JFK assassination ) , that 'sacrifice'
    was ritually done on the 33 degree parallel, so we have 11-22-33.

    You wrote:
    "Similarly, there are Beings who have had to adopt various roles and characters for the purpose of our Story in this Creation, Faramir being one of them. He is not a Man, but has 'dressed up' like one on many occasions. Others like him have as well, from what I understand.

    IMHO :
    If you recall in a previous comment I wrote that I believe( as far as the WHYS)
    we adopt certain roles, much like characters in a play, during our incarnation(s)
    in this duality dimension.

    I believe as humans, we 'dress' up and don many skins, many cultures and
    both genders many times during our travels around the Wheel of Time.

    Our 'dress ups' are known as archetypes, i.e. the roles we play here in this divine comedy
    which because of gravity, the soul is able to manifest the lessons that
    the soul needs in order to evolve.

    I believe that Joan of Arc was an archetype of the Warrior, which of course
    Warriors do wield swords/spears/rods.

    As stated, I believe that there has been many Warrior archetypes
    throughout history and written about in mythology, and I believe
    there will be many more.
    Each one of us have archetypes, which along
    with Gematria/Numerology and symbolism, our soul is able
    to communicate with us via the Universal Language which
    is 'spoken by our soul, every night ( usually at twilight ) in our REM sleep
    and in our waking life, through synchronicity.
    Perhaps Rod Serling too knew of the signficance of the time before dusk
    i.e. The Twilight 'Zone'.

    That was my point as far as what I wrote about the importance of the WHYS
    having more significance over the WHOS. The WHOs are important
    yes of course, but they are just an archetype of a bigger picture.

    The WHYs, at least to me, answers the question of what our purpose/legacy is to be
    each lifetime. That legacy is the Bigger Picture that our soul can see , but our
    ego can not.

    Sometimes we answer the call of our purpose here, but most times we fail to
    and that's because our Ego prevents us for doing so. (courtesy of the Negative Polarity
    who wield much power here in this duality dimension )

    Our Ego ( phonically EVIL/Devil ) protects and pleasures the Physical body Only.
    It is because of our unbalanced ego, ( which carries the Weight) that the
    soul must incarnate ( incarcerated) through many lifetimes until we learn
    our lessons and purpose and become balanced.

    When we find balance, we are released of the Weight and have earned
    the privilege of no longer having to 'fall down' into the bitter sea,
    separated from God.
    For the soul, not having to be in physical body, is Heaven.

    I personally believe what you're written in this post actually
    supports my perspective about this.

    Which leads me to Oscar.
    Here's the dream: note I make reference to Buggo. Buggo is my brother's nickname.


  2. WW
    Part 2

    I had a strange dream. The dream is as follows
    It first began where I was at a man's home. The man was young, I would say in this Late 20’s ,
    and I was young too, although I didn’t see myself, and don’t know what age I was.
    I felt that I had just met this guy and this was our second or third date.

    The man was White, however very pale and White.
    He was pudgy, not fat, but pudgy.
    His hair was reddish brown. He wore a wool hat.
    I recall us sitting in the living room and an older White couple,
    maybe in their 40’s or so appeared.

    I don’t know if they were the young man’s parents or not.
    They had a golden retriever and the golden retriever ran to me as if he knew me .
    I recall the retriever was wearing a blue kerchief.

    I recall giving the Retriever a belly rub and at that point, I felt that I too knew the dog previously.
    Then the scene changed and Oscar and I was getting ready to go out.
    For some reason Buggo came over to Oscar’s house to meet him.

    I recall us sitting down on a white Sofa ( the young man ( Oscar )
    and I and Buggo with Buggo sitting in- between us.
    Buggo leaned back against a window.
    The window was very old glass and wasn’t secured and I didn’t want Buggo
    to lean against it as I was afraid the window would break.

    Buggo then went over to where Oscar was sitting on the white sofa,
    and Buggo was on his knees facing the young man(Oscar) who was still sitting
    on the sofa.

    Buggo asked Oscar a question and I felt as if Buggo was doing so to test the young man’s intellect .
    I can’t recall the question ( I wish I could ) but the young man answered immediately and I think the
    answer was a person’s name.
    The word/name was Bernie or Bern.

    Buggo was absolutely impressed that Oscar knew the answer right
    away and he signaled Oscar to ‘proceed’ as far as ‘ courting me,
    much like a father would do if he ( the Father ) was ‘ Giving his daughter’s suitor his permission.

  3. .... to continue the dream...

    We invited Buggo to go out to eat with us, and at some point
    I recall going over to a table in the living room, and there were
    several pairs of shoes under the table.
    For some odd reason I saw my (in real life) pair of black sandals that I bought
    many years ago ( again I have these pair of shoes/sandals in real life )
    The maker of the sandals is Joseph Seibel who (in real life) company
    was started in Germany.
    I recall thinking : I’ve been here before, because my shoes are here.
    I also recall that I was in a situation where I felt that I had to choose
    between Marshall and this new man.

    We all were getting ready to go out the door, and to go out to eat, and it was then I had forgotten
    to introduce Buggo to the young man.
    I said Buggo this is Oscar, and Oscar ,this is Buggy, we call him Buggo.

    Oscar reached out with his hand to shake Buggos in the traditional hand shake ,
    but Buggo wouldn’t allow Oscar to shake his hands in the traditional way.,
    as he wanted Oscar to learn how to shake hands the way Black men shook hands.

    I recall Buggo putting up his right hand with three fingers pointed up , which
    I felt to mean that Oscar had to slow down and must learn to shake hands
    because Buggo wouldn’t not allow Oscar to shake in the traditional way.

    Buggo, with his left hand showed Oscar the handshake and they both shook hands
    and then Buggo left the house by himself and began walking away.
    I followed him to ask where and why he was going.

    For some odd reason , the background looked like we were in another country.
    A country like Scandinavia/Sweden. Perhaps Switzerland? .or some place like that,
    because I could see snow covered mountains everywhere, and I felt
    we were very high up on one the snow covered mountains
    ( which again is where Oscar lived with his parents )

    Buggo turned around when I called his name.
    What was odd, he didn’t look like Buggo. He too was White, youngish with Red Hair.
    He looked Scottish .

    I then felt that Buggo had changed and although I knew it was him, it wasn’t.
    I felt that he and I (which is true in real life ) hadn’t talked in a very long time.
    However I also felt as if the reason was because something happened
    to him mentally.
    In other words , he had some type of mental operation.

    I recall asking him If he was going to hug me and say goodbye
    and I felt that he wasn’t going to do that.
    At one point he said that he had come with several people
    and he had to leave with them which is the reason he had to go..
    I woke up

  4. WW,
    Part 3

    part 3

    My Oscar dream was a HUGE puzzle piece for me as it sparked a gazillion
    hours and years of research which has led me and connected
    to Greenland, Bern, the Eights/Octagon and the Phrygian cap and much much more.
    After I woke up from the dream in 2018, I googled; Switzerland, red cap, man with
    red hair, Bern and Lo and behold I found a very intriguing photo and I shouted out: Oh
    My God!! That's Oscar!!!
    I've commented about my Oscar dream on WJT blog, and just recently
    linked another article with had the exact image I found in 2018.( link below )

    Also I think your stones that you refer to is the Pineal Gland.
    Note the pineal gland consists of crystals. ( see link )
    Do recall that I shared a dream with you which
    I had in March 1997 ( 2 days before Heaven's Gate
    mass suicide) and the connection to crystals in that dream.

    And speaking of Stones and Crystals,
    check out the 1971 movie The Andromeda Strain.
    In the plot of the movie, the inventor of the Andromeda Strain project
    surname is Stone.
    There is also reference to Crystals.

    Also there are black crystals that serve as a catalyst for Übermensch abilities
    in the Prime video series : The Outer Range ( see link )
    Recall I've previously commented about the very intriguing symbolism
    in the Outer Range series.

    The Andromeda Strain (1971) Trailer

    OUTER RANGE Season 2 - Official Trailer

    Pineal Gland as Crystals

