Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Yearning as if restoration to fulness

We left off yesterday's words from Nov. 7, 2019 saying she is agog, or eagerly anticipating, her descent and reunion in Valinor at the White Tree.

On Nov. 8, this is what I got:

Nov. 8:
Ish own-a-tel under the beneath yearning as if only restoration to fulness

And for good measure, here is what I have from Nov. 9, though I only partially captured the phrase, as you can see from my notes which I will include:

Nov. 9
Only Joseph can draw [ - missed words/ phrases - ] iron hills/ mountains

From notes:  "Saw whole phrase in other language but unable to see clearly to make any of it out.  Remember feeling stuck or like I just quit on it.  English phrase above is one I got, but "iron mountains" doesn't make much sense"

Rather than walking through the translation of those first couple Nov. 8 words, which I am not sure anyone really cares how I parsed through it, here is how I think that phrase goes:

Where own twin Autel (Asenath) under the beneath yearning as if only restoration to fulness

Again, this phrase directly follows the last one I covered which has Eowyn saying she will descend and meet up in Valinor.  Here, then, she articulates that in Valinor (the 'where' this phrase starts out with) is where Faramir's own twin Asenath (since I have guess Autel might refer to her) currently resides.  The status of Asenath at that point is that she is yearning for some kind of restoration.

And this makes sense.  At this time in Fall 2019, Joseph, her husband, remains lost in our world, presumably.  Her brother Faramir is a Man down on this world.  Eowyn is in Eru-Place.  And pretty much all of Asenath's extended family and friends are scattered, both by choice on some mission or task or whatever, or by consequence, of some ill fate of choice - either there own, or some other Evil force.

In other words, Asenath was in Valinor at this time awaiting a restoration yet to come, which involves her family as well as lands or worlds.

Earlier in the life of this blog, I had assumed that Asenath was in Eressea and Eowyn had been in Valinor.  Then, it seemingly became apparent that Eowyn was actually in Eru-Place, but I had left Asenath in Eressea (or her small home just outside Eressea).

In my post Find Peace:  Quick Follow-Up, I finally got around to correcting this, and placed Asenath (I believe correctly) in Valinor.  In the dream of Mellow-G I related in another post, it was my older sister and her husband that stated they had been at the Mellow-G.  I later understood this to refer to the White Tree Galathilion in Valinor, and thus Asenath, represented as my sister in the dream, was in Tirion-Jerusalem.

Further, words from the spring of 2020 seem to also explicitly confirm this, quite clearly actually, as I will quickly walk through below.

On March 11, 2020, Beings say that they must sail that day - the time had come.  This was all part of the Sawtooth Stone expedition, and the group that is saying this I take as the advance group, which must, I believe and have stated, included the Three Disciples (Asenath will join later obviously to take on the Balrog in Idaho).  I mention this phrase in the post Asenath vs. the Son of Baal-ox within the Sawtooth Mountains.  The phrase goes:

Now we go today
we must go to sail
Ausir ungmar besse garilyo
jewel-house to gather
made white

Ausir ungmar besse garilyo jewel-house to gather made white means something like:

Joseph's gloomy-spider home wife (Asenath) defending-protecting jewel-house to gather [home to be] made white (or to shine) 


In other words, Asenath is defending and maintaining the place that the Family of Light (Jewel-House) will be gathered to and made to shine once again.

In the post I linked to above, my guess at that time is that the departure of this group (Three Disciples) was from Eressea, but I obviously now view it as now launching from Valinor, where the Disciples would have visited with Asenath.  Also, as mentioned earlier, in another post where I covered these words, I had assumed at the time it was Eowyn who they were speaking with.  Again, I have now landed on Asenath instead.

Something about that visit made the Disciples believe they needed to move with haste.  Asenath would have welcomed them just the day before on March 10, and she specifically asked them to hurry.  They asked her if she was "keeping her cool".  Her response was only "Urge on" - hurry up, in other words.  Why?  My guess is that she is holding and defending that gathering spot, but it cannot remain forever that way without some additional Light to help.  Here is that dialogue again, by the way, just for reference and context.  This is the day immediately preceding the one above where the Disciples determine they must sail that day.  I've included my general translation of the words in brackets:

Asenath:  Ai'marao back nice Embaru.  Power come bed.  [Welcome, Disciples, back to small Mother-Home.  You have the power/ permission to go to the Bed of Wheat and Tares (Earth)]

Disciples:  We go.  You keeping your cool?  [We are going.  How are you holding up? (but cool could also be a play on word for the Elvish word Kul)]

Asenath:  Urge on [Hurry up (i.e., I can't do this forever)]

Disciples:  We reading rock-stone [We are consulting/ interpreting a Stone]

Apparently whatever the Disciples observed and understood, either from their interaction with Asenath or from whatever they gleaned from the Stone 'reading, led them to the same conclusion Asenath had come to:  the time had come.

Valinor remains just as much under Ungoliant's reign and influence, going all the way back to the destruction of the Two Trees.  It is as part of the Void, just as we are.  Within this Void, Asenath has a place designated for her Family to come to.

This gathering, then, is the 'restoration to fulness' that Asenath is yearning for.  The return of her family in Tirion-Valinor.

So, that comes together pretty well.  I've written and landed on this story theme here on this blog, as I continue to both establish the underlying framework and shift the occasional puzzle piece around as things come into focus, and we see that play out in these words from 2019 as I dig into them.  Seems clear.

Asenath is mentioned in those Nov. 8 words, and her husband Joseph is mentioned in Nov. 9, but I missed some important parts of that phase regarding Joseph that would be sure nice to know.   This was a tricky dream, and as you can see in my notes, I tried and failed to gather the whole phrase, but only was left with the opening and the ending:  Only Joseph can draw . . . iron hills/ mountains.

I don't know what that means right now.  Obviously rescuing Joseph was important not only because he is Asenath's husband and of the Light Family (in fact its father), but there is apparently something that only he can do.  It has to do with 'drawing' something, which would be perhaps to pull something, or even create characters of some kind as in to sketch something?  Treacle?  I suppose we will find out at some point, but in the dream it was not for me to figure out then, that is for sure.  I tried and just couldn't get it, whatever it said.

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