Thursday, June 27, 2024

Retrieving the Stone on May 16

May 16 is a fairly prominent date in my words.  It came up in the dialogue where it seems Eru himself is speaking about an 'evacuation' (i..e, what I take to be a gathering home) as well as seemingly in some discourse with those Beings who were rescued or brought home around the same time as Joseph.  

I have some other commentary on May 16 which I will save for another post, but for now I think the thing to note is that it seems that the Stone was recovered on that date, with the actual decision to go and grab it happening on May 14.  I am not sure the cause of the wait between April 27 and May 16, but it seems they did intentionally wait before getting it based on the dialogue.  In what follows, just remember in referencing a "Weight", they are talking about the Stone, and also punning with "wait".  This has come up elsewhere in my words.  If you recall, William Tychonievich even recently had a dream of a literal weight (a dumbbell on the end of a rope) with how much it weighed stamped on it that matches exactly with the announced weight of the Stone (Yor El) from my words on May 6, 2019 (30 pounds or ~14 kg rounded).

Here are the words from May 14 - 16, 2020:

May 14
Let's get your weight
A good time to wait

May 15
Yore au selk
Arise . . .
Shake the dust from off
Loosen the bands
Neither in haste nor by flight
Enlarge thy stakes
Oh, when the saints go marching in!

May 16
Vir dum
Your secret safe with us

To summarize or guess at all of that as best I can, it looks like on May 14 they decided they had waited long enough and were now going to go get the Stone.

May 15 might be some interesting, double-meaning words about both the Stone and what it is intended to do.  The Stone is being freed from a long stay under ground, and is now being asked to arise, shake he dust off, and loosen the bands that have held it.  However, this language is also directly pulled from words of Isaiah.

In a quick search just now, you can find references to the lines of arise, shake off the dust, and loosen the bands in Jesus' words to those at Bountiful in 3 Nephi 20 (specifically verse 27), which is itself a reference to Isaiah 52.  In this same scene, Jesus encourages the people to read Isaiah (I am guessing their version of Isaiah is ultimately different than ours) and also confirms that Isaiah's words will be fulfilled, which explains the reference.

And then shall be brought to pass that which is written: Awake, awake again, and put on thy strength, O Zion; put on thy beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city, for henceforth there shall no more come into thee the uncircumcised and the unclean.

Shake thyself from the dust; arise, sit down, O Jerusalem; loose thyself from the bands of thy neck, O captive daughter of Zion.

In the very next chapter (21) we can find what the reference of "neither in haste nor by flight" was referring to:

And then shall the work of the Father commence at that day, even when this gospel shall be preached among the remnant of this people. Verily I say unto you, at that day shall the work of the Father commence among all the dispersed of my people, yea, even the tribes which have been lost, which the Father hath led away out of Jerusalem.

Yea, the work shall commence among all the dispersed of my people, with the Father to prepare the way whereby they may come unto me, that they may call on the Father in my name.

Yea, and then shall the work commence, with the Father among all nations in preparing the way whereby his people may be gathered home to the land of their inheritance.

And they shall go out from all nations; and they shall not go out in haste, nor go by flight, for I will go before them, saith the Father, and I will be their rearward.

And finally, in Chapter 22 of 3 Nephi still we have references to both 'barren' and stakes being enlarged:


And then shall that which is written come to pass: Sing, O barren, thou that didst not bear; break forth into singing, and cry aloud, thou that didst not travail with child; for more are the children of the desolate than the children of the married wife, saith the Lord.

Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thy habitations; spare not, lengthen thy cords and strengthen thy stakes;

Something I just realized now in searching for those various terms, is that they represent a sample of Jesus' words to those at Bountiful as found in 3 Nephi 20 - 22, in order by chapter.  I didn't see that coming!  That whole discourse has to do with the gathering or Israel and the establishment of Zion, and so these words from May 15 tie the Stone that is being recovered to Jesus' teachings about that gathering (it could be the snippets I captured are part of that larger discourse fully quoted.  I did write the ellipses after "Arise", indicating there was a larger passage.

And lastly, those May 15 words conclude with a rousing rendition of "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In".  In looking up this song right now, I think there is a good reason for its inclusion, but will get back to it at the end of this post.

Back to that first Elvish line, I think this could mean something like "Ancient away Bright".  The "Yore" seems to me to be a clear reference to Yor El, which I first mentioned and discussed in the post "Michael Jackson and the Stone", but also again in the earlier post I linked, and this Bright thing (Brighter than the Sun) was hidden away anciently.

However, there might be a second meaning.  I wrote the last two words as au selk, but it is possible the words were actually, or at least could also be read (or heard, in this case, likely) as aus elk.

Given that I think this Stone belonged to Joseph of Egypt, or at least captures his Story, this alternative reading makes complete sense, and I really, really like it now that I just landed on it.  Aus is Dior, another name for Joseph.  An "elk" in Elvish means Spear.  Recall that I have compared the Stone to a Spear before, for example in my post "The Brittany Spears:  A quick follow-up".  If you look at what I wrote there, about a Spear being in Brittany (France), then referring to the Sawtooth Stone, which now resides in France, as the Aus Elk (Spear of Joseph), fits perfectly.  I think this is likely the answer to that riddle, though I will leave my first answer above as is because it might be a double-meaning, which seems to be fairly common.

With that, on to May 16.  On this date the Stone is retrieved.

We have another case where I have bracketed a word:  Instaru.  I can't even remember really how I got these words, so I can't be sure why I bracketed them.  However, in past cases, as with Hodnil and Gildor, this indicated that the words ought to be considered apart from the rest of the text, and can potentially be explanatory, sometimes indicating the name of the speaker, as was the case with those two names.

I believe it is the same in this case, and Instaru ought to be considered as another form of the word Istaru.  I either added the N in how I heard it, or this is a legitimate other form.  I don't know.  The dialogue from the day before on May 15, as well as the fact that I place the Three Disciples at Sawtooth at this time strongly support this interpretation in my mind, however, as I will briefly explain.

Istaru is a word that specifically applies to the Five Wizards, of which Gandalf was one.  It means Wizard, or One Who Knows.

My belief is that Instaru is bracketed here because it is Gandalf himself that is speaking, and has been since May 14 in this instance.  He is the Instaru.  In my story, Gandalf is the also the Being we know as Nephi - the Nephi that was at Bountiful when Jesus visited and who recorded all of his words.  This same Nephi was the one who visited Joseph Smith (a reunion between Gandalf and Pippin) in what Mormons now confuse with a story involving Moroni.  My story has this Being as Nephi, one of the Three Disciples, and 'translated' for the very purpose of allowing him to visit and appear to Men when needed.

Placing these words as coming from Nephi-Gandalf then makes perfect sense of the May 15 phrases in which 3 whole chapters of 3 Nephi are picked from and referenced.  The account of these words, or rather Mormon's summary of them, would have come from none other than Nephi-Gandalf and his record.

OK, so we have the Elvish phrase Vir dumDum very straightforwardly means "Secret".  What about Vir?   A little less obvious.  My best guess at the moment (in looking at if for a couple minutes) is this is a derivative of Virim, which is a "glassy substance".  Now, I go there because I think the Secret we are dealing with here is the Stone, obviously, which is a Glass Crystal-like thing, and so this phrase would mean a Glass Secret:  the Stone, or Star-Stone.  There may be other explanations or translations, but that is what I will go with for right now.

This leads into the concluding phrase that this Secret (or the secret of whomever is being addressed - likely Faramir in this case per the story I have been piecing together) is safe with "Us", and by Us here I again think on and identify the Three Disciples, with Nephi-Gandalf as still the speaker.  They are now the stewards of this Stone Secret, until they pass it over to Glorfindel and Gildor to take over to France.

OK, this all came together really well!  It always feels pretty good when puzzle pieces click together like this and the story not only holds together, but you get an additional peak into what happened and understand the story a bit better (possibly - it is always up for revision).

I mentioned an interesting thing about the reference to "Oh, When the Saints Go Marching In!".   First off, this is about Saints marching Home, and that there is a 'number' to them.  In my words to the Stone Couriers, I have Tom Bombadil explaining that likely both Beings and Stones are numbered and will counted.  The phrases that precede Gandalf's mention of this song all come from 3 Nephi 20 - 22 and have everything to do with the gathering of these numbered and loved members of that Family.  These phrases also tie the Sawtooth Stone with the events of that gathering, so just in looking at the lyrics of the song alone its inclusion here makes sense.

However, in my search, it seems that indisputably the best known and most popular version of this song was sung by Louis Armstrong.  The name right off the bat was interesting, combining a French first name with the last name of Armstrong (Strong Arm - this has come up before).  Two interesting things about Louis Armstrong:  He is Black (and the song was first a Black Gospel song, I believe), and he plays the trumpet.

The point about being Black is interesting for non-racial but importantly symbolic reasons.  We are all on this earth Black, if by that term we means something like its original meaning of being devoid of Light (i.e. it's not about skin color).  But the Family of Light will not stay that way, even if they find themselves currently in that situation.  They are meant to Shine again.  

The trumpet is interesting both for who I have identified as speaking, as well as a prophecy regarding the gathering of Israel, which 3 Nephi 20 - 22 deal very specifically with.  

Many LDS Temples have an angel on the top of a spire.  This angel is traditionally called the Angel Moroni, and he holds a trumpet in his hand.  However, as mentioned above and in earlier posts from awhile ago, I believe the Being referred to as the Angel Moroni is actually the Angel Nephi, or in other words, Gandalf.  Further, you may remember that I have the Three Disciples travelling through Salt Lake City on their way to the Sawtooth Mountains back in March 2020, and causing the earthquake that knocked the trumpet from the angel's hands on top of the Salt Lake City temple, which occured on March 18.  Gandalf-Nephi, the Being I have saying these words above, was thus there and specifically responsible for knocking that trumpet out.

As for gathering and prophecy, in Joseph Smith's version of Matthew 24, we have the following reference of a trumpet and the gathering of the Elect (i.e., the Family of Light):

And whoso treasureth up my word, shall not be deceived, for the Son of Man shall come, and he shall send his angels before him with the great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together the remainder of his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.



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