Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Man of Steel and the Debbie Sue AND a bonus Claire reference

Funny day for a few little winks.

The Debbie Sue

Earlier this evening, I needed to do some mindless work, like filling out my business insurance audit paperwork.  I thought I'd have the TV on watching something while I did, and somehow ended up with the movie "Man of Steel".  I watched a few Superman movies awhile back and even wrote some posts about Superman, Kal-El, etc., if you do a search for them.  I've never watched this movie, though, and never really had an interest to.  But tonight it sounded like the way to go.

Once Krypton is destroyed and Superman ends up on Earth, we actually start off with an adult Clark Kent (we get flashbacks to childhood as things go on).  The very first scene with adult Superman is aboard a boat named the Debbie Sue.  Literally the very first scene with Kal-El on Earth.

Ha!  Readers of my blog should know how remarkable those two names appearing together on a ship with Superman on it are.  And if you don't get it, you can look back at my posts Mbasse:  The union of Bread and Eriol at the House of Tom Bombadil and Shushan! and put two and two together.

How funny.

Later, we see Superman being called by the pseudonym "Joe".  Though he wasn't standing at a window or having snowballs thrown at him, he was definitely surrounded by a lot of snow.

[Note:  I wrote that above and looked up the Joe reference to see if there was a reason why they called him Joe.  Apparently, unknown to me, Kal-El's earth name, which was Clark Kent, also included a middle name:  Joseph]

I've stopped watching there tonight, but I am sure I will pick it up again another night since I am curious what else I might see.

Clear, Clara, and Claire and transformational travel experiences

Earlier in the day I finally got around to signing up for a trial CLEAR membership.  CLEAR is the thing that lets you go through airport security lines faster than everybody else.

My wife travels quite a bit for her work, and has a membership as part of that  They gave her a 3-month free trial to give to someone else, so she wanted me to sign up.  I don't travel too much for my job, and never saw the need to get it because I am cheap with stuff like that, for whatever reason. 

Tomorrow I am headed out to Oregon to visit my folks for a long weekend, and taking my younger two kids with me (tomorrow is their last day of school).  With summer travel the airport is going to be a zoo, most likely, on a Thursday afternoon, so I figured I would give this CLEAR things a try ahead of the trip.  Apparently, I just show up tomorrow and finish the sign up and they whisk us right through.  We'll see how it goes.

Anyway, after I signed up, they sent me an automated confirmation email welcoming me to CLEAR from my absolutely, totally real "Experience Specialist".  Here she is:

Notice her name?  Clara.

Just another form of the name Claire.  I think we have covered this, but Claire means "bright, clear" apparently.  So, this is funny - I have this email from CLEAR with the fake person they attached to the email going by the name of Clara/ Claire which means "Clear" and has been a kind of a thing in a few posts on this blog and over on William Tychonievich's.  

Heck, even Ben Pratt, a commenter over on William's blog, is now joining the circus.  As we learn in the comments section of William's post titled Makmahod in Lebanon, he apparently is a descendant of Parley Pratt, who was the addressee in a letter that William cited in his post that included a reference to a St. Jean d'Acre.  This place Acre sounds a lot like Arc, and sure enough there was a Joan there also - Joan of Acre, very similar to but not to be confused with Joan of Arc.  Ben is a descendant of this Joan of Acre through Parley.

And, of course, we have connected William's "Claire" with (but not as!) the historical character Joan of Arc.

William looked up this other Joan (of Acre), and it looks like we have some Claire connections here as well.  You can go over to the comment section of the post linked above if you want to see them.  I can't be bothered to even summarize them right now.

Anyways, for all I know Ben Pratt IS Parley Pratt.  Why not?  The very first words in his comment were, after all, "that letter is speaking to me...".  Well, the latter had Orson Hyde addressing, or 'speaking to', Parley Pratt, but Ben starts out claiming the letter is also speaking to him.  I mean, we've got Brigham and Thomas B. Bucket-Marsh apparently running around on this Earth again, we might as well get the whole OG cast together again.

It's a nutty world, folks.  Might get nuttier.  Or 'fun'?

1 comment:

  1. WW,

    And speaking of Debbies and bees and Suzys and lilies and the bows of boats (Oh My! ) ,
    Over on WJT blog check out my recent comments and connections
    about my 2008 Suzy dream and the Lilies, Joan of Arc and the Fleur de lis, -
    The Napoleonic Bee, my 11/22/2018 Oscar dream connecting Switzerland and Rosy's
    and the Phrygian cap.

    I also made a recent comment and connections
    on William's blog about the PHONEx, (Phoenix) the Matrix and the phone as a portal
    in and out of the illusion/matrix, Clark Kent transforming into the Übermensch in a Phone
    Booth, The Bat Phone, the Nocturnal cloaked Bat being symbolic of transformation.
    Also you made a reference to Ben.
    Lots of 'Ben's on the World Stage right now,no?
    Including BB (22 )Netanyahu, London (Big Ben), and perhaps this Ben ( Bensalem )
    from Francis Bacon's novel The New Atlantis.
    Copy and paste:
    "The novel depicts the creation of a utopian land where "generosity and enlightenment, dignity and splendour, piety and public spirit" are the commonly held qualities of the inhabitants of the mythical Bensalem".

    And speaking of Clear/ Clare, the Bright and SHINING ONE
    and the Übermensch, as a traveler I'm sure you seen this biometric technology
    called Clear ( link below ).

    I personally am not surprised that 'transhumanism somehow would creep
    into the equation from all of these puzzle pieces/syncs , one way or another.
    Transhumanism has always been the Final Frontier.

    Also if you get a chance,
    check out Prime Video Outer Range and Netflix's Leave the World Behind.

    Everything is connected.

    Outer Range Season 2 - Official Trailer | Prime Video

    Leave The World Behind | Official Trailer | Netflix ( note that the Obama's
    served as both producers ( through their production company Higher Ground)
    and consultants to this 'apocalyptic film , which begs the question( at least to me ): What
    do they know that we don't know)
