Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Elves = Leevs

So as I was in the middle of writing the post I just published a few minutes ago, I had a word game thought related to Elves that I decided I would make a quick note of in a separate post in case it is meaningful.  Just doing it now before I forget.

"Dead leaves" have come up over on William's blog, as represented by the Autumn leaves, whether in his Humpty Dumpty poem or his vision of Plates in a room full of dead leaves.

He has tied the leaves specifically to Plates, which I think works really well.  I had a thought meant to be potentially additive or complementary, if anything.

As I was writing my last post, I remembered that in the words I had left off with in a prior post titled "Knowing to what purpose the Dark People came West", there was mention of "Dead Elves" (Goren was the Elvish word).  These Dead Elves seem to be mentioned specifically in the context of Eressea, and tied to the Numenoreans' assault on that Island-World, and that people would have a 'sure knowledge' about what happened there and what brought it about.

As I remembered this, my mind did an anagram of Elves to produce Leevs.  I just kind of automatically saw it that way.  I mean, yeah, the spelling doesn't line up, but it sounds exactly the same if you say Leevs or Leaves (one could argue that Leevs is actually phonetically easier for a non-English speaker...).  In that moment, I thought "Oh yeah, Dead Elves = Dead Leaves/Leevs".

In other words, both the Dead Leaves in the Humpty Dumpty poem and in the vision of the plates may represent Dead Elves (Israel?), and their Story (in terms of what actually happened), which would also be consistent with the Vision I have Joseph putting on the Sawtooth Stone - redemption for Israel, in terms of the future view or promise of them becoming or being restored to whiteness like the driven snow.

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