Monday, June 3, 2024

Eowyn-Eve dwelling in Everlasting Burnings

This next set of words actually has been shared before, but over in the comments section of William Tychonievich's blog.  

He wrote of a dream in his post Fighting in ash-mud and putting out the blazing white tree, where he first "observed" (i.e., saw metaphorically) Beings named G and Diego fighting in some underground lair and then a few other things happened, including burning some trees "outside", including one that was burning white.

When I read the dream, I understood Diego to be synonymous with Israel.  Diego is the Spanish equivalent to Jacob, who was renamed Israel.

G I understood to be Gog.  Why?  Well, I had a dream of William that very morning, before I had read his post, where he used the phrase "a gog".  William had also self-identified as G (being an observer in his dream), and this made sense in this setting.

And we had burning trees.

Pharazon (of course I was going to mention him) is a great fit in this scene.  Who fought against Israel?  In my story, Pharazon and the Numenorean's attack on Eressea was an attack on Israel given that many of Finwe's House resided on that island.  Pharazon was also responsible for burning the White Tree Nimloth during that whole affair.

So, G = Gog = Pharazon of old.  It works for me.

And, of course, both Pharazon and Israel were hanging from a spider's silken threads during their battle.  This calls to my mind, or reinforces the notion, that Pharazon was at this point the puppet for much larger and sinister forces.  Ungoliant, to say the least, but also those working on her behalf here on this world - Beings like Sauron.  Pharazon was sick, and had become a tool in the hands of Evil forces (but again just why and how this was so I think remains yet to be fully understood).   

Interestingly, though, if we are consistent in our treatment of that symbolism, Diego-Israel was also attached to a silken spider's thread.  It was not just the Numenoreans who were under an evil influence, but it appears that the Eresseans also have some role in how this story evolved in which they too share some of the blame for what happened.  What that might be, I do not know, but it makes sense to me.  Some Evil influence was working on all sides of this conflict, playing them against each other in hopes of their destruction and eternal severance.  That is my view, at least.

Some of the wording like "a gog" from my own dream that morning, and William's fire imagery recalled these next words from Nov. 7, which is why I shared them.  They go:

baggu ishtaru ash-ni fire-dwell a gog iflu-ar-en bansil [este repose]

William picked it up a bit on his end and tried a few different translations or takes on various words based on some of his dream or other syncs and things.  Which is great.  I am sure there are many ways to take these various words.  I have seen enough double meanings and fun games in them to recognize there might be a whole lot of different things going on.

However, I will share here what I think they mean in the context of Eowyn's journey and status.  It is pretty clear - I think at least - and continues to tie in well to the overall storyline.  Again, this has worked in reverse for me, in that the story has kind of worked on my mind (which includes syncs or connections) and then I am later able to go back and see that story in my words.  Which is strangely rewarding and fun.

One might argue that I am just seeing what I want to see since you can twist these words to mean lots of things.  Maybe.  I think my experiences and even the appearance of William and his connection to this blog might argue otherwise, though.  It would be hard to deny that something is going on, and has bled into real life in some ways, even if you don't agree with my specific interpretation of what that is.  Which is OK, because I am not sure I agree with my interpretation all of the time, either, and there are going to be lots of things I don't have quite right.  I even had a surprise with this set of words this morning that might make me have to go back to earlier words to make sure I got it all OK.

Alright, so here is my proposed translation and then I will go into a few things:

Trading/exchanging Eressea where Beyond first I / first woman (Eve-Eowyn) fire dwell eagerly anticipating descent time beside again Bansil

First off, these words were such a mystery to me for so long that to see it kind of just click together into something that makes complete and utter sense and is consistent with my story here is really great.  But again, making sense doesn't necessarily mean correct.

What I take this phrase to say is that Eowyn first ascended to to Eressea but then exchanged or traded it (Baggu) for the Beyond.  I get Eressea from both Ishtaru (a form Eshtaru, or play on words) and Ish Taru, meaning in this case "where/ whence Beyond".  The Great Beyond.

The Eve-Eowyn translation is what also hit me this morning, and I think this makes sense.   The translated word here is Ash-ni.  Now, this can mean "First I", as in something that is done first by a person.  This is how I translated that word, if you remember, in some of the October Asenath words, in her saying that she will pluck her brother Faramir, but first would rescue Joseph.

But here, in this morning, when I looked at the words and potential translations, I understood it as also "First Woman".  Ni  means Woman as well, and we have used that term for Eowyn here before.  This makes sense for even more reasons, though, particularly in conjunction with the mention of Bansil, another name for the White Tree.

Who was the First Woman?  Well, in the creation story it is Eve.  We have already compared Faramir with Michael, and in Mormon theology it is Michael who plays the role of Adam in that somewhat convoluted tale.  Thus, "Eve" would be Eowyn carrying this through.

When I realized this, I also remembered that we have seen a comparison of Eowyn with Eve before, out of the mouth of Sauron, actually, as he spread lies about Izilba (an earlier incarnation of Eowyn) and her taking of the fruit of the tree of Nimloth.  

I though I had shared that account in an actual post, but no, it was only in the comments section for my post titled "Come and buy pumpkins"  (of course).  In that post, I had gave my opinion that the goblins of a poem that William had referenced were actually a twisted reference to the Numenoreans' view of the Elves (calling Good gifts and Beings Evil).  Wandering Gondola, who comments on this blog, suggested that she couldn't see the Elves in such an evil description or account of these goblins.  My reply was exactly!  It is a false story, and I used Sauron's speech regarding Izilba (Eowyn) as an example of a lie that was built into a false story or morality tale.  Here is a brief excerpt of what Sauron said:

"By one known to you as Izilba was the fruit of this tree grasped wrongfully, and consumed, and yet to her it brought painful wrenching of death..."

In this, you see the account of Eve, who partook of the Fruit of the Tree, warned that if she did so, she would die.  In other words, the full implication of what I am saying in referencing this specific example is that story of Eve taking Fruit that caused the eventual death of her and Michael, and then the rest of mankind, is likely very much twisted and fabricated, and its source of fabrication lies with none other than Sauron.

Eve (Eowyn) will bring Life and not Death, being now the Healer she desired to be at the conclusion of LOTR.  Her and Faramir starting their Garden in Ithilien (that is right, remember that Faramir specifically mentioned growing a Garden with Eowyn in Ithilien) was the first step in her long journey to being able to do so.

And we see echoes of this in the creation myth, and specifically the LDS temple endowment, though twisted and confounded beyond immediate recognition.

Eve is and will be the Mother of All Living.  All who will have Life, it seems, will look to her as a Mother.  And it is said that Michael and Eve gave names to everything.  I am thinking the truth of this matter might lie more in the Names that they will give back to those who have forgotten them, with those Names being on Stones.  The Family of Light completely reunited.

I digress!

"Fire-dwell" is both an interesting one and a funny reference once I figured it out.  Joseph Smith said this about where God lives (what I have called Eru-Place):

God Almighty Himself dwells in eternal fire; flesh and blood cannot go there, for all corruption is devoured by the fire. “Our God is a consuming fire.” … All men who are immortal dwell in everlasting burnings.

This also seems to be based on or at least is compatible with Isaiah's words (Isaiah 34):

Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil;

He shall dwell on high: his place of defence shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure.

"Fire-dwell" is a reference to this - the place where God lives.  Eru-Place. 

What Eowyn is saying is that she first ascended to Eressea, and having reached that place, went even further - the Great Beyond, or Eru-Place, symbolized by Everlasting Burnings or Fire.  Just as in an LDS temple endowment, she made the journey and arrived home.

But the latter part of the phrase means she will not stay there.  She is currently agog, meaning "eagerly anticipating" her descent. She will return - not to this world, but to Valinor, at the White Tree.

I wrote a post awhile back called "Meet in In-n-Out"  That was a phrase I had received in a dream, and I believe has to do where Eowyn and Faramir will meet again, after a long separation.  She will descend from Eru-Place to Valinor.  Faramir will ascend up from this world to meet her there.

In that In-N-Out post I covered the symbolism of the X and the Two Trees, whose lights would meet and mingle.  These Two Trees gave me the clue that it was in Valinor that the meeting would happen (where X marks the spot).  Further, in an earlier post I had related my dream about regarding Mellow-G which is also a funny dream in hindsight.

I determined that Mellow-G referred to Galathilion, the White Tree of Valinor.  My sense is Bansil, in my Elvish phrase, refers to this same Tree, as that name has also been used for other White Trees in various locations.

Lastly, there are those last two words, Este Repose.  I wrote those in brackets, because I don't consider those as part of the phrase necessarily, but almost a taste of the experience for a person to be there at the White Tree (they both mean "rest").  Here is what I wrote in my notes about it:

Not sure ‘este repose’ is part of main words/message. After I wrote down bansil, I suddenly felt as [if] I was weightless and floating down something like a river, peace flowing all over me, and the words ‘este repose’ came to me.

OK, so I am going to stop there.  To summarize, in these Elvish words we seem to get support for the story element that Eowyn first ascended to Eressea, and then further to Eru-Place.  She will not stay there, but meet Faramir in Valinor at the White Tree.  In order for Faramir to reach Valinor, though, he will need some help, including Stones and stories.


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