Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Golden Key Man

After a few various adventures, my youngest son and I found ourselves in a Lego Store at a mall near my parents' place.  Lego makes these keychains with Lego mini-figures, and he was interested in getting one.  They have a whole rack of them, with different types and genres of mini-figures attached to a key ring.  

Looking at them, I thought he was going to pick a Star Wars character or something like that, but he surprised me and went all the way to the bottom of the rack and found this guy:

We call him the Golden Man.

He is literally a plain mini-figure, with absolutely zero features (he doesn't even have a face), that has the appearance of being plated in gold.  I hadn't connected things yet when I first saw what keychain my son picked out, so I actually asked a couple times if this was the one he wanted.  Did he want to look at some of the other characters?  No, this was the one he wanted.

Later, after we had left the store, I made some sense of our Golden Man.

In some recent commentary on William Tychonievich's blog, I made some suggestions to look at the two Keys he was thinking through as Beings in addition to any other sort of representation.  He had, in a past post, identified two 'things' as the Keys in his own story:  The Rosary and "syncs", or something like that, if I understood some of his early thinking.

These are things.  My point in my commentary is that perhaps these things also represent Beings, and are symbolic or point to them in some way.  In other words, the Keys he is thinking through might be two individuals.

He then gave this some thought, and came back with the guess that "Claire" is one of his Keys.  That is my view as well.

And in this case, I view her as associated with the Second Key William identified:  the syncs.

Who might be behind some of the impressive syncs, including the ones that seem to continue to tie William's blog and topics he thinks through and writes of with my own blog and topics?  I think it is very possible that Claire is behind much of it.  My honest guess is that even the thought I had that Claire is the same Being that portrayed herself as Joan to William could have originated from her, and thus also explains her rapid and clear response to William as he read the guess I put out there.  It was the thought she had wanted to convey in the first place.

Given Claire's association with Moonlight, I would say she is the Silver Key in this symbolism.

Which leaves us the Gold Key, and the fact that I indicated that this Key would be a Being made it extremely funny to look at this Key Chain my son picked out as being, very unmistakably, a Golden Man.  The Golden Key Man.  I will take it as a sign we are on the right path.

And, of course, we have a great example of a Man who dressed up all in Gold, like our friendly key chain:  Pharazon.

As a reminder, here is the excerpt from Words of the Faithful as to Pharazon's dressing habits:

Martalion he was called in songs of praise, a Foretold One like unto the mighty men of old, of Turambar and Tuor his sire over the long years.  In gold finery he covered his nakedness, gilded in sunlight so none could withstand him at mid-day, and girded in true-silver of Mithril, an emblem it was said of the portended Noble that would restore the land and its people to the glory that was sung of the gods in yesteryears, when the magic sun and the silver Silpion gave light and truth to all the Fair Folk.  Indeed, among that people it was held out in a final hope that in the exceeding vanity of this "Chosen one" (for that title was carved into the belt of silver) - though the wise said in whispers that the belt alone had been chosen - in him some new relations of Man and Eldar might unfold, as indeed came up them in Eressea.

Pharazon literally dressed up like a Golden Man, with his belt of silver Mithril.  Just as my son's Lego keychain, whose Golden body and silver chain seem pretty directly emblematic of Pharazon.

I take it as a pretty direct hit for my other guess as it relates to the two Keys that William was thinking through over on his blog.  The Gold Key is Pharazon, and thus Peter, if all my various guesses and hypotheses hold up.

This would also make sense of the Rosary being the symbol or object of this Golden Key.  The Rosary is a Catholic symbol, and Peter was the very first Pope of the Catholic Church (or so they see it).

Importantly, though, it was not just the Rosary in its entirety, or the only the beads themselves, that were considered as the key, but the cross that is part of it.  William described one dream in which the cross became a literal key, actually.

In my story, it is Peter, not Jesus, that comes to our world and is crucified.  We probably, in my view, have that whole story mixed up a bit, or at least as I am imagining it currently.   Much of what would have happened on our world and been attributed to Jesus, was potentially about Peter, who was sent to our world to teach about Jesus, but Saruman wasn't too happy about that state of affairs.   And other stories of Jesus would have also been told by Peter and others with him (depending on who came) and perhaps in future iterations and understanding been improperly interpreted as having happened on our world, when in fact they happened somewhere else.

In summary, to put more of my guess out there, I view two Beings as being represented by these particular Gold and Silver Keys:  Pharazon-Peter and Claire

We will see how this guess plays out.


  1. In her first appearance to me, Claire wanted to teach me "The True Song of Wandering Aengus." The Aengus of myth is described as "clad in raiment of shining gold."

  2. Yeah, and a true song implies a false song. So there may be some things that Claire would like to correct for the record, particularly with respect to Pharazon.
