Sunday, June 16, 2024

Paris 2024

 Another interesting little French Connection.

I was passing some papers on our kitchen island this afternoon, and on the top was some rolled thin tissue paper that looked like it had been used to wrap a gift with a Paris 2024 Olympic sticker on it.  There are a few things going on with France here lately, including my recent guess that there is a Study full of Holy Records (Stones and Plates) within the borders of that country, perhaps on the east side of the country somewhere (e.g., Grande-Riviere)

Perhaps it was due to the different "i" that brought my attention to the word, but when I looked at Paris I thought "I think this is likely an Elvish word that could mean something".  So, I did what I do.

Par is an Elvish word with a couple relevant meanings, and it has shown up before in my words shared here, and will see it again in some future words.  It can mean the following:

Par = to learn AND/OR arrange, compose, put together

Is = knowledge (the root IS is literally 'Know" with a bunch of little variations from it all having to do with knowledge)

So, simply we have Paris = To learn knowledge AND to compose/arrange/put together knowledge

The relevance here should be clear.  In my story, somewhere in France lies both Knowledge that needs to be learned, as well as Knowledge that needs to be composed and put together, likely.  And perhaps most importantly, Knowledge that has been composed and arranged by others and preserved in the records, whatever form they take.  This Knowledge, or at least the access to it, is found in that "Study" (which in the verb form means exactly the Elvish translation for the word Paris) at or near the House of Tom Bombadil (Abraham).

As an aside, I also thought the logo itself was pretty interesting in context of everything.

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