Sunday, June 30, 2024

Shall indeed see signs but not unto salvation: Additional commentary on May 16

During the Spring of 2020, May 16 became an important date in my mind.  I don't want to misrepresent that or make it seem that this meant less to me than it did.  Reading back through some of these 'new' words that I haven't seen for several years reminded me of this.

That date first appeared in words from February 28, 2020, in which someone is speaking to a group of people:

February 28
Everyone I love you freely
Is everyone ready? 
Suteru instaru 
Outbreak oh dear end near Holy places not here to stand 
Emberu wain-wright aus suteru enyarne entuli

Kuseru May 16

I've been attempting to piece a few more things together regarding just who this group is, and I will cover what I am working through in a different post (or likely several posts).  So, I am not going to get into that aspect here and try and remain as focused as I can on May 16, and specifically what I think that referred to or meant.  For the longest time, I assumed that date was either incorrect, or perhaps I had the year off - another May 16 perhaps or something - but I now believe that something did indeed happen on that date, as mentioned in an earlier post about the recovery of the Sawtooth Stone, and that some important things happened immediately afterward.

In the above words, this is the first time May 16 was brought up, at least from both what I captured in my notes and in what I remember.  That last phrase Kuseru May 16, was captured separately from the rest of those words as part of a dream sequence in which I saw a man rifling through stacks of filing cabinets.  He seemed stressed and was trying to find a specific piece of paper with information on it.  He finally found it, and on the piece of paper was that phrase "Kuseru May 16".

I actually captured it as May 15/16 initially - that is how I wrote it down.  This makes sense given the activities of those two days in what became the retrieval of the Stone (seems like a multi-day effort by the Disciples, if it was truly them?) but I have simplified it to just be May 16 in my latest version.

Anyway, because it was captured separately, this last phrase may or may not have also been part of the dialogue with that group.  I don't know.  Ku is an important word that I don't fully understand the meaning of, and it has come up plenty of times in my words.  So I break this word down as Ku-seru, and it could be that Ku has something to do with the crescent moon (one of its Elvish translations).  Partly to support this view, it is on May 15 and 16 that the moon transitions to a waning crescent moon in that month.  But I really don't know.

What is very clear to me in looking back on things, is that after this dream I began to think that something important was going to happen on May 16.  It just stuck in my mind that this was a big deal.

Fast forward to May 2, and this is when I heard those words which apparently had Eru speaking, first introducing himself, mentioning a few things, and then bringing up May 16 yet again (I have reformatted from the last time to give my guess as to speakers):

May 2, 2020
[Eru]  Eru to speak, my son
[Faramir-Eonwe] I am he faithfully executing your commands to raise up Finwe house
[Eru] When you were born 7 to help; evacuation to begin, a storm breaking;  May 16 a sign in the heavens:  a new star

Earlier in the day, after what had been a pretty crazy night which we don't need to cover here, I had also received these words:

May 2 (morning):
Melian looking forward you coming home
to bear a further weight of glory

I add these other words because of this mention of a 'weight of glory'.  Remember that 'weight' has been used to describe the Sawtooth Stone, specifically with the Being speaking on May 14 that they were going to go and get a 'weight', which was then recovered on May 16.

What I am suggesting is that the importance of May 16 is due to the fact that this is the day that they Sawtooth Stone was extracted or recovered from its Earthly burial place after quite a long time in hiding.  This is the 'new star' that Eru speaks of in his discourse to his son.

But how is this a 'sign in the heavens'?  Trust me, nothing noticeable happened in our sky on that date (I was paying attention).  The simplest answer is that the sign was not intended for us, and thus wouldn't be found in our heavens or sky, and thus it is someone else's sky that is being referred to.  From the perspective of another world, our Earth would be in their sky, basically and somewhat obviously once you think about it.

In other words, the Sawtooth Stone was pulled out of its mountain home in Idaho on May 16, thus becoming a new star (a Star-Stone) and a sign for those living on another world than our own - a sign in their heavens.

This interpretation seems to be supported by words I would receive on May 17, but before I get to those, let me share what was going on in my own world in relation to this date.

Following the Eru dialogue, and the second mention of May 16, I became pretty convinced that something imminent was going to happen and that perhaps something needed to be done about it.  I even remember emailing Doug and the other person I had been communicating with at this time (Doug had wanted my words sent over to him), and suggesting that we do something, potentially urgently, to warn people about a coming storm and an evacuation.  I took it pretty seriously, honestly.

It is also important to note that following May 7, just a few days later, I was in psychiatric care.  In the first day or two after the events of May 7, my psychiatrist was hopeful that what happened to me was a one-time acute event and that I would bounce back fine as I got some rest.  That was the hoped-for short road to recovery.  The longer road was, in her opinion, going to look something like 2 years of healing my brain to get back to some measure of myself.  As mentioned elsewhere, it turned out to be the longer road for me, and that became somewhat apparent in the first couple of weeks following May 7.

I mention this aspect of things again because May 16 became a date I also discussed with my psychiatrist as a date I believed something was going to happen.  Consequently, I think it was her hope that after May 16 came and went, with no new "star in the sky", that this would help me see that these words were just in my head.  

However, as May 16 approached, I actually began to think that there wasn't going to be anything visible or some overt sign in the sky like I previously had.  I don't know exactly why I started to feel that way (perhaps hedging my bets!).  But, ultimately, I didn't really believe less in these words and dreams, and that they meant something, when May 16 came and went.  As in, I wasn't disillusioned or feel like any expectation wasn't met.

This was not necessarily a good thing for me, as these words and dreams had begun causing me extreme distress and anxiety, almost unimaginably so to my present self looking back on that time, and I didn't know how to manage through that, as I have discussed elsewhere.  I partly wanted all of this not to be true or real, and wanted it to go away.  I also didn't want to be crazy either, though, so I found myself in a bit of a double-bind in terms of how to navigate my way through everything.  What was worse - to have something you have become terrified of be actually real, or to have your brain verifiably be something that you can't trust anymore?

In any case, on the morning of May 17, when it was apparent that there was no sign in Heaven, or no new star appeared in our sky the day earlier, these words came:

Shall indeed see signs but not unto salvation

I believe these words describe or support that narrative I've guessed at above with respect to the story of what happened on May 16.  A new star was born, but it wasn't something visible to our world.   I actually take the phrase to potentially mean a couple different things.

I mean, someone may have seen this sign on another world.  Did this mean that this sign they saw was not 'unto salvation' for them?  Part of my story may involve Beings who live in "high places" which have become corrupt.  As Paul noted in his letter to the Ephesians (whoever wrote this, and whether legitimate or not, I am going to use it for how it connects to something C.S. Lewis wrote):

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

When Paul mentions high places, we may just think this means positions of power.  But we might also take this to mean literally 'high places'.  Places above this world, in other words, and to whom this sign would have indeed been in their sky.  This sign may represent the beginning of the end for whoever that Priesthood is and represents.  

Interestingly, in C.S. Lewis' Space Trilogy books, he takes a similar interpretation.  Through the character of Ransom, Paul's words are implied to mean or reference other worlds, 'high' in our sky or outer space.  In Perilandra, that is where Elwin Ransom (Elwin means Elf-friend or Aelfwine) will go - to other worlds to combat spiritual evil there, suggesting that 'high places' spoke of those living in our own heavens:

"You are feeling the absurdity of it. Dr Elwin Ransom setting out single-handed to combat powers and principalities. You may even be wondering if I’ve got megalomania” [said Ransom]

 .. I didn’t mean that quite,” said I. [Lewis' character]

“Oh, but I think you did. At any rate that is what I have been feeling myself ever since the thing was sprung on me. But when you come to think of it, is it odder than what all of us have to do every day? When the Bible used that very expression about fighting with principalities and powers and depraved hypersomatic beings at great heights (our translation is very misleading at that point, by the way) it meant that quite ordinary people were to do the fighting.

The 'great heights' is the key mention here, and from which Ransom is alluding to other worlds while suggesting our understanding and the translation isn't accurate.   Recall that in Lewis' first book of that series, Out of the Silent Planet, he mentioned Numenor in the preface (prior to the publication of LOTR), and that book itself will also be the source of much discussion in Tolkien's Notion Club Papers.  Later in the final book of that trilogy, That Hideous Strength, Numenor (spelled by Lewis Numinor) is specifically mentioned in the narrative as something those events call back to - a period before the 'great disaster'.   So, this isn't completely detached from our story on this blog, as we have looked into Numenoreans things such as Pharazon and the "Fathers" of the Eldar, who I think factor into the multi-faceted rescue operation and evacuation of 2019 and 2020 (as a preview to future posts).   Though, it is somewhat of a tangent, which I can't help walking down.

In other words, the sign may have appeared and been clearly seen by those who might interpret it as a threat it may very well be to their rule or darkness and wickedness.  I don't know what that story actually looks like, but I have suggested that all might not be well on Eressea #1, for example, and perhaps even Valinor.  It is definitely not OK on Eressea #2, which is the Promised Land of the Book of Mormon where "dark" Lamanites in an endless round of war and bloodshed wait for redemption until a Man sails to their land and begins a process that will ultimately result in their redemption.

Or (and potentially and) this phrase might also apply to our world, where we might be reminded that signs come after faith and belief, and that if we see a sign prior to having those, it might not be the kind of sign we would really want to see, all things considered.   I don't know.

In any case, I've become somewhat convinced that May 16 was likely a very real thing, what happened on that date was in 2020, it was specifically about the recovery of the Sawtooth Stone in the mountains of Idaho, and that it did, true to the words of Eru that I wrote down, initiate or commence an evacuation of some Souls in the weeks following this sign.  That is at least the narrative that I am currently developing as I look into the words of May and June 2020 a bit more, and which I will go through in future posts to at least lay out the case  and see how well it holds together and where it leads.


  1. In my regular scripture study today, I read D&C 63, which includes the line “And he that seeketh signs shall see signs, but not unto salvation.”

    Then I checked your blog.

  2. Thanks for finding that reference!

    After I posted this, I thought that part of the phrasing sounded familiar, or at least scriptural, and realized I hadn't searched to see if it was an actual scriptural reference (at least that I could remember). I wasn't able to track it down, though, in a real quick search.

    I read the whole section now after your comment to see if there was anything interesting in there.

    It turns out that D&C 63 is the section where my ancestor Titus Billings was commanded to sell the Morley Farm and be prepared to come up to Zion. I actually covered this as part of my post on the "Morley Hum Exterminator" with that wink involving the Gold and Silver audio adapters sitting next to the Exterminator.

    Also of interest: in this post today I brought up the book "That Hideous Strength". I have brought it up only one other time on this blog that I am aware of, and that was also in the post I just linked where I cited D&C 63.
