Thursday, July 11, 2024

1-year anniversary

 Well, one year ago today I started this blog.

317 published posts later, here we are.

I went back and read that first post and I think it still holds in terms of what I am trying to do.  I have thoughts, and it is helpful for me to write them out.  It kind of comes down to that, I guess.

I also wrote then that we should be open to new ideas and ways of thinking about things.  This blog has become a bit of an exercise in me attempting to do just that, while still trying to have things be cohesive and make sense (not always successfully) and it has taken me down some surprising paths and interesting conclusions and hypothesis that I like looking into.  

Anyway, just a quick thanks to some of the regular contributors like William Tychonievich, WanderingGondola, and Leo.  The comments, posts, ideas, suggestions, push-back, etc. from each of you are all really appreciated, and thanks for letting me tag along on some of your own thinking and stories.  It is a strange road we are all walking down, that's for sure.

That is about the extent of this blog's regular readership as well, from what I can tell.  I guess I should take the hint that after 1 year of writing and over 300 posts to have readers that you can count on one hand ought to suggest that the content might not be really all that interesting or relevant.  But, I feel pretty good about the effort, honestly, and where things are.  I am interested to see where the next year goes.  My plan has never been to have this blog go on into perpetuity, by the way - at some point it is probably going to stop - but so far there isn't any shortage of storylines or ideas to explore and write about.  Just the opposite, in fact, I seem to have too many thoughts on my mind these days to get to all of them and treat them as well as I would like.


  1. Glad to be a part of the journey. Don’t feel bad about the readership. Sometimes less is more.

  2. Has it only been a year? What a short, strange trip it's been. Congratulations, and many happy returns.

  3. Considering your topic of choice is in a niche formed by a crossover most people would never seriously consider, I'd say the obscurity is built-in. Nothing wrong with that, of course -- small things can make all the difference.

    Thanks for having me. It's *definitely* been interesting following along. (Honestly, it's strange that I'm even here, being an odd one out in having no real connection to Mormonism.)
