Friday, July 26, 2024

"Asenath to return in with us": Placing Tirion in Sirius

It seems that Verlu was keeping Joseph from leaving, or at least contributing to the problem in some way that isn't quite clear other than we she may have used their previous (and potentially still existing, at least on her end?) marriage, and she apparently knew quite a lot, from what Joseph had taught her.

That is what I have from the statement on February 14th, 2020.

The following day, on February 15th, there is mention of Asenath, which is one other clue I have that we have the overall general idea correct in that the ongoing discussion during this timeline centers on Joseph and that effort.  Here is the phrase from that day:

February 15, 2020
Asenath to return in with us is gwil tiliant dor ansir

The first part is at least helpfully English, but not very understandable.  Translating the rest of the phrase might make it more so.  Starting with is I take the rest of the phrase as Elvish, and meaning something like this:

she to sail shiniest blue star land today

The mention of a blue star is interesting here, given that Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, and which also happens to be blue, has come up several times before.  Could this be a reference to that star?  It is possible.  Let's just say I don't have any other better guesses at the moment.

Til is actually considered a proper noun for a Star in Tolkien's lexicon, at least per Eldamo.  Further, a note captured on Tolkien Gateway indicates that somebody (it isn't clear who, from what I quickly scanned) seems to think that Til is a 'small star near Sirius'.   

Til comes from root word Tili, which means 'to shine blue'.  Thus, my own guess is that Til might actually BE Sirius, and therefore my guess above that Tiliant also refers to Sirius.   In looking at how I got "shiniest blue star" in my translation, -iant can be a superlative ending in Elvish.  So, if Til is "to shine blue", it seems Tiliant would be something like "shiniest blue", and the fact that Til is a star gives me that final phrase.

So, Asenath is to return "in" with whomever the speaker is, and that appears to be something happening in the present - today or now (from ansir), as of February 15th.

My first guess had been that this is a statement about the future, that the Rescuers on Earth, or the Disciples - one of these parties - is referring to Asenath's future descent to our world in April as part of the Sawtooth expedition.  But that wouldn't be considered 'now' as of February 15th - that is still two months away at that point.  I guess 'now' could be different for them, but we have seen ansir or now come up before in relation to the darkening of the Anor Stone.  In that instance, it seems that now or today really meant that day, not some time a couple months down the road.

So, it must be that Asenath has been in one place, and is now, at that time, travelling to join whoever is speaking these words at wherever they are.  Again, one of the more frustrating aspects to these words is not necessarily having a good idea as to who is speaking, and trying to map the various dialogues to different people and places.  In this instance, it is further compounded by the fact that we don't necessary know if she is sailing to Sirius (or wherever this Blue Star is) or from it to somewhere else.  Whoever the speaker is seems to be speaking from wherever it is that she would be travelling to.  If we knew where that was, that might also help identify the speaker, though maybe not.

My own sense is that she is sailing to this Shiniest Blue Star, and not from it.  This is based simply on the fact that Sirius and a Blue Star has come up enough in terms of specific things and symbols, that there is something to it.  My guess is that place she is headed to is also the same place as Tirion, since in my current timeline and story she will be visited by the Disciples after the bring back Joseph on March 10 (a little over 3 weeks later) and that place is Tirion.  So, up until February 15th, she was somewhere else.  Where was she?  Perhaps at her home by Eressea #1.  That would seem to make the most sense.  From there she would have journeyed over to Tirion, and the Disciples and John would have met her there with Joseph less than a month later on March 10.

If this is so, then the speaker in these particular words are neither the Disciples nor The Germans, but whoever is then in Sirius or where this shiny blue star is (it is "us", so a group of people).  Perhaps this communication is letting the Rescuers know what is happening on their end, and updating on Asenath's latest movements and thus where to meet up?  I am not sure, obviously.

As an aside, things in Tirion may not be 100% great, just as with Eressea.  Remember that the Disciples remark, after seeing for themselves what the situation looks like, that Asenath is holding or defending a place there in some amount of darkness in hopes for the "Jewel House" to be "made White" or to Shine.  This place I have further suggested corresponds with Adam-ondi-Ahman.

The implication here for us, stepping away from words on a page, is that the physical location of Tirion (and thus Adam-ondi-Ahman) - if we were to place it somewhere currently in our universe - would be Sirius, in this line of thinking.  A planet or something in that area, I guess.  I hadn't really thought that through until now, in the actual process of writing this post, but that is where this whole train of thought leads me.  Does that ultimately work?  I have no idea, but Sirius and Blue Stars have come enough for me to consider it pretty seriously.  

I do like the idea because of this "Twin" theme that also keeps coming up, and here we have Tirion, one of the Twin Cities (Jerusalem and New Jerusalem), hat would currently be part of a Twin Star system.  Why not.

Another clue that we might be onto something?  Star Wars (of course).

Star Wars imagery has come up quite here and there on this blog and in my thinking.  Sirius is a binary star system, meaning it is comprised of two stars:  Sirius A and B.  Star Wars begins on the desert planet of Tatooine.  This is where we find Luke Skywalker, whose name is relevant for a few reasons that I've mentioned in the past, I think, including this notion of Sky Walkers that seems to keep coming up (Beings actually walking in the sky... with appropriate footwear).

Tatooine, as many of you know, is a planet that is in a binary star system as well.  I don't know - could be a hint.  Neither of them are blue, though.  Strikingly, and perhaps even better, however, they are White and Red.  Ithil Stone and the Sawtooth Stone symbolism, potentially.

Quick update thought (2 minutes after posting):

It occurred to me that we might have multiple speakers here in that February 15 phrase, and that the multiple languages hint at this.  Meaning, it may be that the English is one speaker, and that this Being would be the one living in Tirion / Sirius/ The Shiny Blue Star.  In effect saying Asenath is coming to join us.  The Elvish could then be one of The Germans or The Disciples passing on the news to the rest of their group that Asenath is sailing for the Blue Star.  This seems like it could make sense, and again might be the reason for the two different languages to designate two different speakers and locations.

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