Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Wrongful Binding of Joseph by Verlu

In my Montrose post, although Sammy Hagar worked his way into my writing based on the name of his band sharing that name, the real purpose of the post was to highlight that those December 21 words were likely related to the rescue of Joseph, who was the "married husband" identified, and that whoever shared those words that morning may have been the same Being who had been listening in on my mind the day previous, if that is actually what happened.

In that post, I introduced a woman named Verlu as the cause for Joseph being considered a husband to two women, with Verlu his estranged wife from Numenor whose whereabouts were unknown at his departure from that island, and Asenath his wife from afterward (and, to be clear, his wife from long before this world as part of this Family of Light).

Here is the part from Words of the Faithful where we learn about the existence of Verlu.  At this point, Joseph has been (re)united with Asenath on her island after being cast out of Numenor, and there has been some details given about a record he kept on Numenor, in a language known only to him at first, but that he had taught to Verlu.  It is implied that these record and sayings would later become part of the Brass Plates, by the way.

And though she [Asenath] knew he [Joseph] has been as a man upon Westernesse [Numenor], espoused; and that this woman had borne him sons - called in your (loathsome) bigles, Ephraim and Manasseh, she knew not that to her also Joseph had taught the secret of his reading, and its devising.  This woman had departed from his heart, in her aging, or she had allegiance to kingsmen, by kin-oath; and would not impeach; nor dared she reveal what was known, by her to Joseph; nor to speak of his record-keeping, for it endangered her house, and sons; at the time of his casting forth into the sea, upon a casket, at the bidding of kingsmen, she (called Verlu) was not known to be living, neither dead....

So, we have Verlu who was taught both the language that Joseph had been writing in, and because of this also seemed to have knowledge or familiarity with the observations and prophecies that Joseph would have made while on Numenor.

I made a strange comment in that last post that perhaps Verlu is still around in some capacity, or at least was back in 2020, and I will give my reasons for even entertaining the thought.  I mean, it is a strange thing to consider, but not really the strangest thing I've covered on this blog (though that is admittedly a fairly high bar to clear).

On February 14, 2020, I believe Verlu is mentioned in my words.  The fact that February 14 is Valentine's Day makes this more likely true, in my opinion, as well as makes the reference kind of funny.

Just for context, since it has been awhile on some aspects of the Joseph rescue operation, as of February it appears our Rescuers are still trying to convince or enable Joseph to escape home with them.  They arrived just after New Years Day, seem to have found him relatively quickly thanks to the Anor Stone, but as of mid-February Joseph is still here.  For reference (covered in other posts), January 19 there seems to have been a specific instruction for Joseph to go home with Thingol, with the phrase Benu au doriel mit thingol luke elanor.

This invitation is repeated, perhaps, on February 5, with the saying Star-way they explained; Domno dorno away - Come my darling homeward bound.

There are a bunch of other words and things going on during this time frame that I captured as well, some likely tied to the ongoing discussion or effort regarding Joseph.  On February 10, I got those words that I have since tied to Glorfindel-Helaman and Gildor-Shiblon, in which they explain the Anor Stone is what we would know of as the Liahona (as I interpret their words, at least), and that it therefore serves a much greater purpose than merely being a 'compass'.  It is also now being given to Joseph, who I think is the Steward that is mentioned as having 'hands made sickly'.  Here are those words again from Feb 10 and 11 (with the mention of the Courier names removed), and I am including them because these immediately precede the mention of Verlu a few days later.

Those of us who delivered that ball instrument to Lehi’s family; a compass, yet not wholly so, sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised.

A Palantir it was; a globe of crystal, metallic-seeming, royal ancient sunlight beaming

Singing songs of heroes bold Yet some songs remain untold

Resonant it was, echoing thought commissary needful for instruction, eggs bearing

To learn from who iridescent, a welding link, hands made sickly stewards reward; Needful preparing against a storm breaking

OK, so at this time, I think this all means, that as of February 10, the Anor Stone was given to Joseph.  So, he has all the means necessary, it would seem, to go home.

Thingol?  Check

"Star-Way" explanation?  Check

Anor Stone? Check

What is the hang up?  I've guessed in prior posts that Joseph will not depart for home until nearly another month passes after that dialogue above.  March 5 I have him departing, and it seems at that point it is also in the company of the 3 Disciples who joined up with this group in some fashion.

What took nearly another month for Joseph to decide to go home, if leaving seemed to be a fairly urgent matter?

Part of the answer may lie with Verlu.

After those words related to the Anor Stone on Feb. 10 and 11, it was silent for the next couple days.  On February 14, Valentine's Day, I got this:

Feb 14
Kamut verlugen verdu verloden ista comer

It is in the second word, verlugen, that I think mentions Verlu.  I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me, and helps explain why Joseph is stuck (though the details of just how are not clear).  So, let's get into it.

Jumping right to the translation of the entire phrase, I have something like:

Bind wrongly Verlu earth (or grip/ grasp); dark husband wife path again to know gather one

Like all my guesses and translations, the details of that might not be completely right, but the general idea is that Verlu is wrongfully 'binding' Joseph to this earth, potentially through her grip or claim on him as her husband from long ago.  Again, how that is actually working in practice at this time, I don't know, but Joseph may be confused, under some kind of influence - I don't know.  We already know that if this is the same Verlu from Numenor, that she herself knows quite a lot, having been taught by Joseph himself - is that knowledge being used against him in any way here?   Again, hard to say.

But it seems that Verlu, in some capacity, is responsible for keeping Joseph here on this earth when these other Beings or voices are telling him that he needs to go home.  The 'dark husband' above would be Joseph, by the way, and the "wife path" seems to be a pretty direct reference to those words I received later in 2021 about "the paths which Asenath wrought", which I covered in this post using that phrase as the title.

Those paths I have linked to Stones, and here Joseph is holding his ticket home, it seems. The Anor Stone, likely wrought by Asenath (the Crumb Girl), is in his hands. This is a moment that Joseph foresaw long ago, and which I alluded to in that last follow-up post yesterday. Asenath's Crumbs will scoop her family home. Here is actually that prophecy Joseph wrote down - I didn't include it in that last post because it wasn't central to that point, but I think it is very relevant to what is going on with Joseph at this time back in 2020 (thought I just realized I have included this prophecy in that post I just linked above relative to Asenath's Paths and Crumbs):

... He [Joseph] sat himself at his master’s table-desk, and composed this song, recalling the End-Bring-Maker, Crumb-child, glowy and poor [Asenath]:

Poor beggar, Crumbs handful spilling,
Did lighten, brighten even Baradhi’s stones,
Starry striken, always a glint, sparkling;
Crumb Child, houseless to Powers, came, housing
Ill-omens, of their perpetuance;
Crumbs, all this realm’s lasting holdings,
Hope here, too, is come, that we in her gentle
Scooping, may rest, and safe, save she its health,
In love’s revealing.

A moment that Joseph saw and wrote down in this time long ago is now potentially upon him - Asenath's gentle scooping to safety and rest.   It is one of these "Crumbs", these "lasting holdings" that now lies in Joseph's hands and represents his way home, or at least to a place of safety.  As Glorfindel seems to have explained to Joseph in those February 10 and 11 words, the Stone sitting in Joseph's sickly hands are "sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised", just as it led Lehi's family.

At least that is one way of looking at what is going on here.  Again, I could have a very wrong read, but the story makes sense in the broad strokes, even if I don't know how to explain particulars like where did Verlu come from and how is she wrongfully binding or holding Joseph captive.  Add that to the list of a thousand things I would like to understand a bit better.

But somehow Verlu's hold is broken, if the rest of my guess is correct that he went home in March 5.  So, that would make it just under 3 more weeks of working the situation to get him home, with ultimately the Disciples seemingly showing up to help after, from what I can tell, shepherding the first group of those Fathers to place to wait on our Earth somewhere.  It must be that Joseph needed to go home first, followed by these 3 distinct groups of these 96 Eldar.  Thus, the Disciples, having brought that group of the 46 Teleri (the Last who were First) here, must have realized what was going on with Joseph and joined the effort.  They accompanied him and Thingol home, and then would have have come back at Asenath's urging for the dual purpose of obtaining the Sawtooth Stone, and collecting the 2nd group of Elves, or Finwe's House, perhaps.

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