Friday, July 12, 2024

The Germans and The Disciples

I have previously stated (I think) that The Germans consisted of Glorfindel and Gildor.  I will add a third companion to round out that group, and that is Thingol-John-Aragon.

It is these three I believe that would have sailed from Tirion at the end of December, and landed on our world just after New Year's on January 2, 2020.  In their possession would have been the smoked or darkened Anor Stone.

At least part of their mission is alluded to in their words or discussion amongst themselves when they land, as well as in some of the words I covered from Beings who I believe are Asenath and Eowyn.  These include:

  • Finding and returning Joseph
  • Locating the Elessar or Elfstone (for future use by Asenath)
  • Locating the "Friendbook", or what I believe are the Brass Plates

There may have been other things (and I might not have this list right), but that is what I currently see as a few specific tasks.

The inclusion of John is supported here by a few things.  First, in my words it appears that later in January, Joseph is counseled to go home with Thingol, by way of El-Anor.  This is stated clearly on January 19 (words I have covered before):

Jan 19, 2020
Benu au doriel mit thingol luke elanor

Further, I believe a name for John is given at an earlier date in German, which to me is a clue that one of these Germans is him.  Prior to The Germans deparating what is presumably Tirion, on December 8, 2019, this was the phrase I have down:

Dec 8, 2019

Gottlieb au doriel sutieru usuteru luthien tui daw-kay sounder

There are two Beings referenced in this phrase.  The first is "Gottlieb".  In German, Gottlieb means "Beloved by God".  Now, interestingly, this name could be expanded to another group of people who are also described as Beloved by Jesus (the 3 Disciples) and their involvement will then still accurately capture what I believe is said here, but in this instance I think specifically of John the Beloved.

In my story, John the Baptist and John the Beloved are the same Beings, and so in Gottlieb we have (potentially) a direct referenced to Thingol-John.

The other reference is a creative one for Joseph, who again also played the character of Dior in Tolkien's works.  That reference is Luthien tui.  Dior was the son of Luthien and Beren in Doriath, and tui in Elvish means "sprout or bud".  Luthien's Sprout is therefore what we get.  A sprout is recognized in Etymonline as being modern slang for "Child or young person".  Thus, Luthien's Child is what this reference means, and that Child is none other than Joseph-Dior.

Pretty slick.

Gottlieb and Luthien Tui continue this use of creative and riddle-type name references in my words which once unlocked in that way make complete sense, but at the same time make one wonder why they are presented or given in that way.

In any case, that phrase above, with those names now deciphered, might read roughly something like:

Thingol-John away from land to escape straight through Joseph high to rest clean-man

Something like that, maybe, which is all to say that Joseph is going to escape with Thingol to rest in a high place (Tirion).  And that reading seems to be supported by those later words I covered above, where instruction seems to be given to Joseph to go home with Thingol.

But, I mentioned the 3 Disciples, and they have entered into our story previously right around Sawtooth, where I have them assisting in returning Joseph to Tirion, doing a quick turnaround back to Earth, travelling through Salt Lake City, casting down the angel’s trumpet from off the Mormon Temple, and ultimately arriving at Williams Peak, where their special powers over the Earth (documented in the Book of Mormon, and just displayed in SLC) would be used to uncover and reclaim a deeply buried Sawtooth Stone.

These might also be considered "Beloved by God", as Mormon would repeatedly refer to them as the Beloved Disciples.

I have wondered previously if they also came with The Germans in that initial trip with the smoked El-Anor, even at one point wondering if they or subset of them were also part of that group.  However, as I currently imagine the story developing in the words I have available, I believe there were a separate group already doing a work and thus did not come here with Thingol, Glorfindel, and Gildor.

Where were they prior to Sawtooth?  Well, I believe they may have been gathering that first batch of Fathers - the Teleri, or the Third group.  The Last shall be First in how this all works, I think, and we covered a bit in my earlier post on how the Noldor or Finwe's House of Fathers would have been gathered during the April - June period.  Thus, to be consistent with that reversed order, the Teleri would have had to have been gathered sometime before this.

In my post "Shall indeed see signs but not unto salvation:  Additional commentary on May 16", I focused mostly on the May 16, 2020 date which I now believe specifically deals with the actual recovery of the Sawtooth Stone from its long-buried location in Idaho.  In the phrase that mentions that date, it is clear that somebody or some group of people is leading another group to someplace.  I did not tackle that topic there, but will do so here.

February 28
Everyone I love you freely
Is everyone ready?
Suteru instaru
Outbreak oh dear end near Holy places not here to stand
Emberu wain-wright aus suteru enyarne entuli

Kuseru May 16

The ones speaking to "everyone" about loving them freely, and asking if they are ready, are the 3 Disciples.  At least that is my current hypothesis.  The "everyone" they are talking to are the 46 Teleri Fathers.  The first group to be gathered or assembled, because they were known as the last ones at the Cuivienen.

Where they are coming from, I don't know, but they seem to arrive on our Earth from wherever they were, because there is specific mention of an "Outbreak".  I imagine this is the beginning of the Covid scene that pretty much consumed our society for the rest of 2020 and into the next several years.

The fact that this is our world they arrive on is further supported by the statement "Holy places not here to stand", because as I have explored on this blog, those Holy Places (Jerusalem-Tirion and New Jerusalem) are on other worlds.

An additional piece of evidence from this set of words that we might be on the right track in thinking the Disciples, at least, are involved here is the word Instaru.

Instaru here is remarkably consistent with my earlier view of who that name represents (remember that I don't mind being crazy, I just want to have things be consistent and make sense).  In  my post "Retrieving the Stone on May 16", I determined that Instaru likely refers to Gandalf, who is also Nephi, one of the 3 Disciples.  So we see his name here again, where we might expect to find it if these are indeed the 3 Disciples.

So, I feel pretty good about how this is coming together.

The fact that they are off doing this, and acting independently from Thingol's team shouldn't be a surprise.  Mormon wrote that they would be among both Gentiles and Israel performing great works, and here we seem them doing just that.

However, sometime after bringing this group to some holding or assembly spot on our world, seemingly waiting for Joseph himself to return to Tirion, the 3 Disciples meet up with Thingol and Joseph.  This seems to be what my words from March 5, 2019 indicate.   In those words, I think we see the 3 Disciples in discussion with Joseph and assisting Thingo in bringing him home.  As written elsewhere, they would arrive back in Tirion as part of that caravan, meet with Asenath, see the conditions of what was going on, and conclude they needed to come right back to our Earth in order to begin the extraction of the Sawtooth Stone.  As a reminder here are those March 5 words (updated to show Disciple dialogue, where previously I had a placeholder, and correcting a couple attributions):

[Disciple] Every word described was brilliant
[Joseph] I’ve been sick
[Disciple] I can hear you becoming
[Joseph] Have you been coming often?
[Disciple] You all set?
[Disciple] Do not worry not too late
[Joseph] So do it
[Disciple] We will depart wealth creation
[Disciple] Are you coming?
[Joseph] Yes. Family?
[Disciple] Do not worry
[Disciple]Let us go we can cover all of the stars later 
Aqua (akwa?) road [seen as a cave-like entrance into something that looked like a gift-shop]

Interestingly, in the later discussion with Asenath (not included here, but see this post if you want to go over it again)  is a clue that these Disciples were a separate group from The Germans this entire time, further supporting my thesis.  After Asenath asks them to return to our Earth in a hurry, they say "We reading rock".

The 'rock' they are referring to I believe is the Anor Stone or El-Anor.  They would have just come across it in uniting with Thingol and Joseph in this voyage back, and likely were looking into it at this point since they hadn't had a chance to before - thus their comment about reading it at that time.  If they had been with Thingol's party and thus with El-Anor the entire time, I don't see any reason why looking at the Stone would been their initial response to Asenath's request.

My sense from here is that the Disciples do return back to our Earth in that quick turnaround (they assess the situation and determine they need to come back immediately), but Thingol-John stays.  Recall that I have Asenath, I believe, interacting with him on her own return from Sawtooth (involving the 'drug' of Milk and Honey), and that requires him hanging behind in Tirion (until he is needed at Tom Bombadil's House later to bring the Stone to the Druedain).

Glorfindel and Gildor would have been left behind on our Earth, and perhaps may have even separated from John long before the Disciples came along as after finding Joseph, they may have left Thingol with him and gone on in their own search of the other lost items.  Hard to tell, and I will need to look into that story a bit more.

Following Sawtooth, the Teleri and the Noldor Fathers would have been taken somewhere off of this world.  I will get into that in another post, but mention is made of a group beginning to board a plane on May 20, it seems in preparation to leave (although some stragglers are still being gathered in if you line this up with the timelines I had outlined before) and then someone mentioning "They are away safely" on May 29, 2020.

The question is where are they safely away to at this time?  There is reason to believe that it is something like 'home', perhaps even Tirion itself at this point.  Dialogue leading up to this date suggests this is at least possible, but I will need to take a closer look and explore this in a different post, as mentioned.

One reason to believe they headed home, or at least were heading in the right direction, is that among some dreams the very next day on May 30, a song by the group Sheppard played in my head.  This band has come up before on this blog recently, with my post "Keep my Crazy" in November of last year.

In this instance back in 2020, the name of the band itself is telling (Sheppard, or Shepherd), as was the name of the song:  Coming Home.  Thus, some reason to believe that this group of Jesus' sheep was on their way home following the commentary that they were away safely the previous day.

Closing this post out, here is music video:


  1. Lots of interesting imagery in that music video with that same disc in the background being used to portray the sun and the moon. In my own story from back in 2020 I wrote this about the Sawtooth stone. Not sure if it fits w your story perfectly or not but the music video reminded me of it:

    "a ball-instrument palantir of sun AND moon, two powers held in capture of one stone of exceptional power and grace. Smooth to touching as once was but now cankered and encrusted...Its true nature covered over and concealed by years of solitude, being left there to be discovered, it was hoped, by one knowing of its worth and the power by which it was made, to unbind time, as if, in a story’s new telling. As sun and moon re-write one day over with one new, and so too with one year as another, telling stories to write over the last. Days running into days, with dawn and sunset washing away what night causes to forget in sleep’s embrace."

  2. Well, the imagery of a Stone encrusted definitely fits. My story has the Wose needing to repair the Stone since it was no longer smooth, which involved carefully removing fragments from its surface. Dream related in a few posts - this is one of them:

    The Sawtooth Stone having both the light of the sun and the moon I think works as well. Perhaps why it was noted as being brighter than the sun in those words I attribute to those Beings at Sawtooth, because it has the additional light of the moon associated with it.
