Thursday, July 11, 2024

The First shall be Last: The Final Countdown of the House of Ingwe

 A few different directions I am interested in going, but I think for this morning I wanted to touch on what appears to have been a gathering and evacuation that occured during that May/ June 2020 and implications for work that still needs to be done relative to these 96 "Fathers".

Starting on April 16, numbers appeared for the first time in my words, meaning some number out of a larger number.  Here is what I have from that day:

April 16

Today we wander to gather again the bats (unseen-unseeing)

Mosiah 13

Ilfarious mad

12 out of 23

OK, so somebody is saying they are gathering some bats.  I took this as a metaphor for someone who is blind and lives in darkness, potentially, but I don't really know.

There is the curious reference to Mosiah 13, and I am not sure at this point what the connection to the rest of this is here.  That chapter finds Abinadi standing in Noah's court.  They call him mad (crazy), and condemn him to death.  Abinadi's face shines like that of Moses, and he tells them that they can't hurt him until he delivers his message, after which he spends the rest of that discussing how salvation will not come from Moses' Law, but by Jesus' redemption.

I mean there is the 'mad' reference in the next line of my words, but I'm not sure that ties to Mosiah 13, either.   

Ilfarious could be based on the actual word farious, which apparently means "in parts or places".  This would make sense in the light of a gathering, to perhaps reference that those who are being gathered are in various places or parts.

And so we have the next reference of 12 out of 23.  Something out of something at this point.  The bats?

On April 29, so 13 days later, that number or ratio/ proportion is seems to be updated.  23 is now in the numerator, as it were, with 27 being the new denominator.   There are no other words on that day.

April 29

23 out of 27

The following day on April 30 is where we have that strange reference to the 4 Beings from the House of Finwe, and who I stated may be the angels referenced in Revelation and in D&C 77, assisting John in gathering Israel.  I covered those words in another post.

But, in the afternoon of that same day, there was a reference to Miriel.  I am actually going to cover just two lines from that segment, because the rest of it ties to the Finwe Letter, which I am not getting into here.  In that line, it says:

Miriel be not among those flowers strewn about

Show name her

Focusing just on the first line, what think is going on here is a counting of the House of Finwe in relation to those first "Fathers".  By Fathers here, I think we mean both Men and Women of the Eldar, by the way.  The mention of Miriel after the 23 out of 27 is, in my mind, a big clue.

This clue's meaning is potentially unlocked in remembering that we are dealing with the magical number of 96.  That number represents, in my story (it was more like 88 technically, I believe, in Tolkien's assumptions), those very first Elves who woke up at Cuivienen AND started on the journey back to Aman.  That number is out of 144, with those other 48 who remained behind becoming The Refusers.

This is important in understanding these number ratios that crop up during this time frame, I think.  I wrote a post called "Alpha and Omega, and the 144 or gross", in which I highlighted that 144 will come back, but that 96 as a subset were specifically mentioned along with the phrase "pas gar".  In that initial post, I mentioned this might have to do with holding juice.  It still might, but in a later post I suggested that "smooth to go" was probably a better translation, meaning that a way is prepared for these 96 to come home to Aman.  That idea is also important.  These 96 will have a way prepared for them to go and be received home in a way, I believe, that will differ from the 48 Refusers, who will need to go by a different way, potentially (perhaps the Highway that will be established), in order to reach Home.

OK, so the other thing to note is that 96 number is comprised of 3 different houses.  You have the Minyar, Tatyar, and Nalyar, which means "First, Seconds, and Thirds", conveniently, and based on the order of their "awakening" and finding by the roaming group of Elves waking up.

The numbers belonging to each of these houses will be relevant to our story and the strange dialogue of numbers I had from that time frame.

The Minyar would ultimately become known as the Vanyar.  This is Ingwe's House, and Ingwe (Gim Githil), if you remember, in our story is Peter-Pharazon-Gim Githil.  That House was represented by the number 14, and all 14 members of this House made the journey West.

The Second house, Tatyar, was comprised of 56 original members.  Of that number, 28 made the journey west, with the others staying behind.  The 28 that went to Aman followed Finwe, and these became the Noldor.

The third house was the largest, having 74 members, and it is said that 46 made the journey West.  These would become the Teleri, and Thingol was their leader.  But of course Thingol didn't ultimately make it back to Aman with his people, having run into Melian in the woods and the rest is history.

Why am I going through these numbers?

My guess is that the 27 number that is referred to tie to the Noldor, and that when the counting ends at 27, that means how many of the Noldor are both identified and gathered to some spot.  They are accounted for, in other words.

So, playing this assumption through the initial words, on April 16 someone is saying that they have identified or found 23 individuals, and 12 of them are gathered.  The following ratio on April 29 would have all of those 23 individuals now gathered out of a total of 27 identified.

It would not be until May 26 that it seems 27 out of 27 are gathered and accounted for.  Here are the words from May 26:

May 26

Ladies and Gentlemen:  I have given my law

Regions round about/ other sheep - one fold, one shepherd

Homeland to receive

Eru to redeem

[in afternoon]


He want you to find him

OK, so some things about gathering home, the sheep being under one shepherd, and in the afternoon the mention of 27, which I take as what I stated above.  The 27th sheep has been gathered.

But there were 28, not 27.  What gives?  I think this is the Miriel reference, and the phrase about how she isn't among the flowers strewn about.  My current guess is that Miriel, unlike these Beings who were being gathered from whomever is talking at that time, is on this world as a mortal woman.  She would be the 28th, and thus remains ungathered.  Though my guess is that someone, somewhere has made an identification, so although not gathered in, probably marked and noted.

Two days later, on May 28, there is another number:  82.  This is then followed by 15. 

May 28


Quanta rubric 15

Trying to make sense of this, my guess is the 82 represent the Nalyar and Tatyar combined.  What I take this to mean is that sometime in the past, the Tatyar, or the Teleri Fathers, were gathered, or at least identified.  Now to that number has been added the Noldor figures, which brings us to 82.  Technically 81, I guess, if we still exclude Miriel, but maybe they are just factoring her in for later.

This makes sense, again, in light of the total number of 96.  The Minyar or Vanyar Fathers number 14.  96 minus 14 gives us our 82.

Thus, my guess is the Thirds and Seconds have been gathered, with the Thirds having been identified and gathered first, with the Minyar or Nalyar still remaining.  The Firsts are literally going to be gathered in Last, in how this works out. Which makes sense, given some pretty well known scriptures on how things will work relative to Last Days and gatherings.   I have Ingwe as Pharazon-Peter, and probably here as a mortal man, and consequently ungathered.   He and his House would be next, the last of these groups to be called.

The fact that it was the Noldor Fathers, represented the number 27, who were being gathered at this time then make Eru's dialogue from those May 2 words also a clue or something that aligns to this.  A voice - potentially Faramir's - responds to Eru by telling him "I am he faithfully executing your commands to raise up Finwe house".  

Finwe's House is the group that would have been being gathered at that time, and it thus likely the same group that Eru has in mind when mentioning an 'evacuation' that would begin sometime after May 16, 2020.  My later words seem to verify this, which I will get into in a different post.

So, I know this is a bit stream of consciousness, but just getting this down.  What I think we have here is the initial gathering of two of the three Houses of these first Fathers.  The Noldor gathering may have been happening during that April to May timeframe.  The Teleri might have been more in that January and February timeframe, but I am still working on that.  I could be way off.

That then leaves us with the 'final countdown' of the Minyar or Vanyar.  Ingwe-Gim Githil's group, or the Final 14.

But the number 15 is mentioned, not 14.  How to reconcile?   Two potential ways.  Miriel is still not gathered, so it might signify the 14 plus Miriel.  I think that works.  The 15th might also be Gim Guru, or Faramir, who is mentioned in conjunction with these 96 in other places.  So, he may accompany Gim Githil and his group back.  Either of those could work.  I lean toward the latter explanation right now, but I could be open to the other one, or a different interpretation.

The quanta rubric phrase that accompanies that 15 number could mean something like "amount book", with rubric an interesting term to use here.  It can mean something like directions in a liturgical book or for religious ceremonies.  It can also mean something like a title or heading for a book.  Very interestingly, per etymonline, it comes directly from latin and ties to red:  "directly from Latin rubrica "red ochre, red coloring matter"

When I read these descriptions point to red book, and titles, I think of William Tychonievich's dream book about the "Unhenned"., as well as the other red symbolism of late, whether Stones or Red-emption.

In any case, it seems that officially, according to some book or religious text, the number is 15 for this next group gathering to join with the others and give us our 96 (plus one).

So, that is what I have for now.  Two out of Three groups of Fathers gathered to someplace to wait, perhaps, with the Last group comprised of the Firsts (and THE First, with Ingwe's name literally meaning "First or Foremost") as next on the docket, potentially.

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