Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Prior to Van Halen, Sammy Hagar was part of a band called Montrose.  This was something I didn't know back in the fall of 2019, but found out due to the word appearing in in my set of words from December 21, 2019.

The name Montrose itself should be fairly interesting to us because it is, what else. Gaelic, and its meaning (and the place it refers to) could be relevant for our story.  This is stuff I just learned this morning, by the way, as I wasn't in the practice of looking up name meanings back in 2019.

Montrose means "Moor Promontory".  Mon is Gaelic for "Moor", which can refer to a Swamp or can also refer to Dark based on European usage of that word to describe people who had darker skin than they did.

The "Swamp" term should immediately jump out at any readers of this blog, because this is synonymous with our Swampy-Marshy Peter-Pharazon in my story, and the Dark or Black description has also been used, particularly in writing on Pharazon and the Numenoreans.

Promontory also fits with tying Montrose to Peter-Pharazon in this name, if I take a creative angle.  A promontory is, per Etymonline, a "high point of land or rock projecting into the sea beyond the line of a coase".  A Rock (which Peter's name means, at least a little rock) that goes out into the sea, beyond the coastline, is the journey that Peter would have taken to arrive at our Earth from Valinor, for example.  Venturing out into the sea beyond the coastline is also what Pharazon did, in less happier circumstances.

This notion of a high point of rock projecting out into the sea, now that I think of it, is interesting to me personally because it matches up very well with a dream I had on November 1 of that year, which I related in my post "I think it is Honeycomb and not Juice; and also understanding Starerios".  In my notes I recorded the dream this way:

Also, a dream of a high cliff standing over the sea... first seen as a drawing or sketch, then as a real cliff, sheer sides, very high, on the sea short.

It seems that 'promontory' would be an accurate description for what I saw in that dream, looking at the definition.

The name Montrose is relevant, potentially, for one other reason that also points directly to the Peter-Pharazon character - at least in my current thinking.

William Tychonievich related a dream where Claire offered to share the True Song of the Wandering Aengus.  I have since hypothesized that this Aengus is none other than our marshy friend Peter-Pharazon, and this 'true song' will set the record straight on some false stories we currently have related to both that Being and the events he was involved in.

Montrose is the name of a town in Scotland, and falls within one of 32 regions or local governments.  The name of the region that Montrose sits in?  Angus (the anglicized form of Aengus).

So those are some interesting connections I see now based on everything we've explored about Peter-Pharazon, but I didn't think of any of this back in 2019.  I really didn't know why Montrose was included in my words, other than when I did a google search for it, and wouldn't you know, up came Sammy Hagar!

You've got to be kidding me, I thought at the time, still thinking back to that email correspondence from 2017.

I looked into songs by Montrose, and found their song Space Station #5 and listened to it for the first time.  As I said in my last post, at this point Hagar is specifically writing about Space, aliens, and all of that, so we shouldn't find the overall theme necessarily surprising or interesting on its own, but some of the lyrics and details are.

It would be at some point during that same month, though I can't remember which day exactly because I didn't transfer it over to the word file that I have, that I heard the song "Love Walks In" very clearly as I woke up one morning, and it would have been in conjunction with other words from that night/ morning - I just don't remember which ones.

Anyway, I haven't yet shared what words Montrose came with, and how those came (which is itself pretty interesting).  Here they are, and then I will go into a little bit of the background.

Dec 21, 2019
Net-ensnare this day back to the high life
You have the power, oh, where are you bennas beru?
Nosotros kuy-non com-pord-er nuedicon montros

You'll note that montros is written above without an "e".  That is how I have it in my word file, though I am fairly sure I have different versions that have it with an e as well.  But, as you will see, most of the non-English words I am sounding out and I'll offer different (more accurate) spellings below.  In other words, Montros = Montrose, here, I believe, potentially as another play on words.

The story behind these words is interesting, though, so let me get to that first and then look at what they might mean.

The day before, I had been out on an early evening run.  As I was running back toward home, I suddenly noticed that the entire sky was purple.  The sun was setting, and the sunset effect rather than localized just to the horizon seemed to fill the entire sky.  It was quite stunning, actually.  So much so that I stopped in the middle of the gravel road I was on and just looked up at the sky.  I then had the strangest thought where I wondered whether this was what the sky looked like on Eressea a long time ago.  I am not sure why I had that thought, but it just kind of came into my head.

As I thought about this, I had the strangest feeling that someone else was in in my mind.  I could sense them there, for just a second.  It was a very strange, but real, sensation, like they were in my head monitoring my thinking (or perhaps having placed that thought about the sky in Eressea).  With all of the other strange things that happened during this time period, this was fairly unique.  Once I noticed this other mind in my own, it flitted away very quickly, but perceptibly so.  In other words, once I was aware of it and was prepared to 'look' more directly at what or who exactly it was, it seemed to run away or hide.

So I stood there in the middle of the street like an idiot, looking up at the sky, and having just felt like another Being had been in my own mind.  I realized that my music was still playing, and I became extremely self-conscious - feeling almost naked with that sensation that my mind had been open to something or somebody else.  Had whatever that was in my mind heard what music I was listening to?  That was seriously my next thought, and I got really embarrassed.

I listen to an eclectic mix of music.  At the time I was aware of (or at least thought I sensed) this other mind, "Back in the High Life Again" by Steve Winwood was playing.  I mean, its not a bad song, by any stretch, but it is kind of corny, and I had actually been enjoying it while I was running that particular stretch.  But now I felt like maybe I should turn off my music.  I am a pretty private person (notwithstanding my sharing all of this on my blog), so the thought of someone listening in on my mind and what music I was playing was kind of uncomfortable to me.

Anyway, that is how much this feeling of a presence in my mind both felt real to me and affected me.

After standing there for a little while, debating on whether I should turn off my music, I decided that I didn't care who was listening in, and just cranked up my music louder.  The next song that Spotify served up was "The Power" by Snap!.  I mentally told anyone listening in that I hope they enjoy it and I didn't care what they thought of my music, and then went on running.

So, that was that.

The next morning, the words that I captured above are what came, and you will notice that the lyrics and/ or titles from both of those songs I mentioned were worked into the opening lines.

After the mention of netting or ensnaring (a term I've covered before in my post "Remirath and the Netted Stars: The Seven Daughters of Asenath", and which likely is related to what I wrote there), you have mention that it this would happen 'this day' (now, or in the present period, I interpreted this as) and then the reference to Winwood's song about "back to the high life".

The next line continues by referencing the song by Snap! that had followed Winwood on my playlist.  Snap!'s song has the repeated phrase "I've got the power", and in this case the speaker (whose identity I will guess at the end of the post) has flipped it to say "You've got the power".

This is followed by question, with someone wondering where a "Bennas Beru" is.  What does this mean?

My translation has this come out as "Married Husband".  This is likely referring to Joseph of Egypt, by the way.  Seven days after this, on December 28, Glorfindel, Gildor, and Thingol will leave Tirion or wherever they are coming from, and head to our world.  One of their objectives is to collect Joseph and bring him home - back to the "high life", referencing that Steve Winwood song.

What makes him the Married Husband, though?  In Doug's stories, while Joseph was in Numenor ("Egypt", and where he was known as Zimulof Kloshtuz, it seems) he married a woman named Verlu.  She would later disappear, and it was said that no one knew whether she was living or dead.  While estranged, and with Verlu's whereabouts unknown, Joseph would later be cast out of Numenor, set adrift (apparently sometime after Ar-Zimrathon died, who was the King during most of Joseph's stay on Numenor... so over a hundred years before Pharazon is even born, I believe).

After being adrift for quite awhile, he would eventually be found by Asenath, and they would fall in love and live together on her small island just off of Eressea (since she was a mortal woman, the Elves didn't let her live on Eressea proper, since it was against the rules).

Thus, Joseph was still technically married to Verlu when he met Asenath.  He even had sons with Verlu, apparently, who we would know as Manasseh and Ephraim.  At least that is what it says in Words of the Faithful, for what its worth.  He then would have children with Asenath - the Seven Daughters, who we have discussed here before a fair amount, and Machir.

This is all to say that this is why I interpret "Married Husband" as Joseph.  Now, the intriguing possibility, which sounds ridiculous, is that Verlu is still alive in our day, and that is why we have the commentary in Faithful about no one knowing if she was among the living or the dead back then.  Meaning, something may have happened with Verlu that caused her to have some kind of long or extended life.  I will cover why I think that might be the case in a separate post, though.

But, back to my words, having this Married Husband refer to Joseph makes sense.  The Germans, comprising of our 3 individuals, of which Glorfindel is one, are about to take off in search of him, and so I interpret this line of "Oh where are you Bennas Beru" as a saying from Asenath, likely quoted by the speaker, wondering where Joseph is.

Therefore, due to both the timing of these words in late December, and the content of what they say, I think that these words that came to me on December 21 are from 1 of the 3 Germans.  This seems to be supported by the last line which starts off Nosotros, or "We" in Spanish.  Why Spanish in this line rather than German beats me.  I don't know.

Kuy-non would be an Elvish word that might mean something like "Awake tomorrow" (that is the pretty direct translation).

Com-pord-er likely should have been written as com por dir (remember for words I am writing out without seeing, I am sounding out as best I can).  I've tackled that phrase before, or attempted to, in my post "Come buy milk and honey without money and without price:  The 4 Gathering Angels and John the Elias".  I still don't have a good sense for Por, just like then, but Com seems to clearly mean "Gather, Collect" and Dir means "Man".

Given the words that came along with the other mention of com-por-dir of that other post, where this phrase was right after a "Raymond Carpenter", my guess is this Com-por-dir refers in some way to Faramir-Eonwe.  This would be consistent with the phrasing in the words here.  The speaker is saying "this day" (so today, now) they will gather Asenath's married husband Joseph.  Then non, or tomorrow or the next 'day' (next or after this, I think, in terms of meaning) they will nab or cause to 'awake' Faramir.  This interpretation fits with my earlier take on Asenath's own words that first Joseph gets rescued, then her brother Faramir.  

As for nuedicon, I don't know and am not going to even try right now.  It seems clear to me that I attempted to sound out a word that would look different if I had the proper spelling.  I am also not going to attempt other meanings for Montros(e) in this context, other than to close with why I think it is relevant, and likely does, for better or worse, tie into our friend Sammy Hagar, or at least the symbols, words, and identities he seems to channel.

I mentioned in my last post that I had the clear thought, based on watching Sammy swing around that huge blonde mane in the "Human's Being" video, that he was posing as or channeling Glorfindel (Goldilocks).  Glorfindel would be one of the 3 Being preparing during late December to come to our world on his mission (and still remains here, I think).  Thus, I think it was Glorfindel who these words are coming from on December 21.  This would be consistent with the rest of the timeline that I've put together in past posts, with him and his companions providing updates as to their whereabouts (such as their departure and arrival times) as well as their activities.

Because these December 21 words also specifically mention lyrics to the songs I had been listening to when I had sensed a Being in my mind, I am left to also guess, as strange as this sounds, that it was Glorfindel who I had caught listening in on my mind.  It sounds strange, but it does make sense with some other words and experiences as I get into January and February 2020.  It also frankly makes sense with my guess of Glorfindel as Helaman, and words I heard as I began this blog last summer regarding Helaman.

So, there we have it.  Sammy Hagar remains a symbolic element in our story, and an interesting tie back to Glorfindel and his work and words back in 2019/ 2020 timeframe, and potentially now as well.  We'll see how this part of the story holds up.

I do jump around on topics, but for my next post I will plan on relaying those words about Verlu I alluded to above, and why I think she might still be around in some form, and try to build out what was happening with Joseph and the rescue operation that Glorfindel was part of if I can (and if nothing else comes up in the meantime).

And why not close this post with some Steve Winwood?


I started and ended this post with commentary around Sammy Hagar due to Montrose being in those words.  The most interesting thing to me, however, was how Montrose translated to "Swamp or Black Promontory", its connection to Aengus, and how this seemed to potentially tie to both Peter-Gim Githil in some way, as well as Tirion (of which Gim Githil was the first king).

Meaning, I consider Montrose/ Montros to refer to a place and/ or person, and this is completely independent of Sammy Hagar, by the way.  Just as the Red Rock, and the Red Judge, and all of that has nothing to do with Hagar as a person - those things were thought of and explored independently of him - but yet we see those symbols and references on and around him.  Why?  That is the question in my mind that pulls him into the conversation.

So, that is where my mind was.  The Hagar thread that runs through this post and the previous one comes from me continuing to wonder why he popped up here as well, and how should I think about this (if at all)?  It gets to a larger question that goes beyond Hagar, or Van Halen, and I haven't quite been able to put my finger or form my entire opinion as to what is going on or if it matters.


  1. I would have just assumed Montrose was French and meant “Rose Mountain.” Apparently even Mont Rose in the Alps doesn’t mean that, though; the Rose part means “glacier.”

    Speaking of “swampy” names, it turns out that the name Vance also means “swamp.” Funny given Trump’s old “drain the swamp” rhetoric.

  2. Well, you are right in that Mont + Rose in French would mean "Rose or Pink Mountain", even if the specific mountain in the Alps that has a name similar to that means something else.

    That could be interesting - I hadn't thought of that, and became focused on that Gaelic translation due to its tie to both that dream of the cliff in the water, as well as Peter-Marsh. But it could be this instead (or in addition to that).

    That is funny about Vance meaning swamp.

  3. Also, for everyone, I added a quick clarification at the end of this post. The thing that was most interesting to me was Montrose/Montros' translation into a something that potentially pointed to Peter and/ or a place like Tirion. The Sammy Hagar reference is part of a larger question in my mind as to why some of these references and symbols show up in the work, lives, lyrics, etc. of Sammy and others that is a bit of a tangent.

    Meaning, these December 21 words highlighted in this post, for example, aren't about Sammy Hagar. Yet, Sammy uses or is associated with words and/ or symbols that relate to these words. Why?
