Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Quick follow-up: "All the doors I closed one time will open up again"

I just wanted to get a couple thoughts down quickly as I thought more about those two songs and the inclusion of those those lyrics in the December 21, 2019 words.

Both songs are pretty relevant to Joseph's story.

In "Back in the High Life Again", the chorus starts with the following two lines:

I'll be back in the high life again
All the doors I closed one time will open up again

So, there is this notion of returning to a 'high life' and as part of this, doors that were closed will be opened.  Not only this, but it will be the person who closed the doors who will open them.

Doug concluded one set of unpublished writings on June 20, 2019 related to Joseph (they may have been published since in his 3rd book - I don't know).  This would be roughly two weeks before my July 4th dream or vision and the accompanying word dealing with "Gim Guru", a fact I wouldn't be aware of until early 2020 when he sent out this other document  with these extra writings.

I've briefly referred to these writings in other posts, for example the reference to Asenath as the "White Crumb Girl" in my post "Autel:  Asenath the Ainu of the End (or of Without End)".  

In the very last part of that final date recorded in that document, Joseph first writes down a prophecy related to Asenath, Crumbs (Stones, in my story), and the rescue of their family.  He then will leave Eru-Place and enter "Time" and Arda (this Creation).  As he does so, he will close and lock the gates behind him.  The whole thing is too long, with too many tangents, for me to want to include for just this short thought or follow-up, but here is the part where it picks up after he writes down his vision of Asenath and the future:

This last Ishbar drew out that pen’s now silvered tip, and no more engraved, there in Aman’s Halls [referencing his vision or prophecy of Asenath].  
For great though yet Eru-host remained, awash His light upon those  shores, resilient to ever withstand onslaught of Melkor-host, so now Ishbar also saw a day, resty for weary hosts of this realm, where no battle-array costume, on-strapping; and only sheaves upon piled sheaves of gold corn grass, amid, scythying, binding, piling, all while Eru Song Redeem Us, a-singing; yet not in this Last Lighted Land, him, this seeing, placed; so he, last of those halls, departing, locking its gates against entry from without, Joseph-Ishbar would in Time, be.

Wherever (and whenever) this was, Joseph was said to be the last to leave, the place having been emptied out before, and that he was the one that locked the gates behind him as he left.

This fits with the lyrics from Steve Winwood's song of a person that will return to a 'high' life (as in literally 'high' above us), and open doors that they themselves had closed.  In this case, the opening will also involve an unlocking.

This also dovetails into SNAP!'s song "The Power", and the way it was used in my dialogue.  There are some things, it appears, that only Joseph has the power to do.  

In November 2019 I had captured the incomplete phrase that started with "Only Joseph can draw..." (covered in some previous post) and then something about iron hills or mountains.  I am not sure that also had to do with gates or doors, but I use it as an example that there are things that "only Joseph" can do, which again, besides being family, made his rescue a critical activity.  Opening and unlocking a door or some doors may be part of that Power that he has.

I don't know - I just had those thoughts a little bit after posting, and wanted to capture them.  Basically, both the song choices that I had been listening to on my run that evening as well as their inclusion in those words the following morning seem to be a direct tie or connection with Joseph, and I think further supporting my guess that this "Bennas Beru" or Married Husband is Joseph.

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