Saturday, July 27, 2024

Painting in Pink

I have a post I want to write about Spaceballs (something that happened after I wrote my post last night), but I wanted to log a dream from this morning.

It was a short dream in which I found myself painting something with white paint.  I sort of stumbled into the scene mid-paint job so I don't know exactly what I was painting, I just know I was holding a paint brush that I was dipping in white paint and spreading it on a flat surface.

As I was painting, however, I noticed that the paint on my brush was changing to a shade of pink.  Very noticeably so.  I realized that I must have been mixing the white paint in with another color paint in the process of brushing, and this was changing everything to pink.  In the dream I didn't consider what other color that might have been, and the scene ended with me looking at the paint brush trying to determine what I should do next since my paint brush was now loaded with pink paint.

It was only after waking up that I realized what must have happened.  I must have come across red paint as I was going along, and this would have mixed in with the white to create pink.  Red and white mixed together make pink.

In thinking about this, I then thought that perhaps this had something to do with the final point I made in my post from last night.  I had mentioned Tatooine being in a dual star system comprised of a White and Red star, and further analogized these stars with the Ithil and Sawtooth Stones, with the Ithil being White and the Sawtooth only recently being thought of as Red.

And in this line of thinking, the dream seemed to make sense to me.  In my story, Eowyn has captured various stories, testimonies, witnesses, etc. onto the Ithil Stone.  This would have been represented by the White paint.  However, I had indicated that what is on the Sawtooth Stone - the missing vision and story of Joseph (as recorded by Eonwe-Faramir, perhaps) - will be combined with what is on the Ithil Stone.  Thus, this would be the Red paint combining with the White to create this new pink shade that I found myself painting with.

Makes sense to me as one potential interpretation.

However, my mind continued to work on this, as it does sometimes, and I thought of Montrose.  In my previous post highlighting this word (and reviewing our man Sammy Hagar the Red Rocker) I had gone down the path of Montrose being a Gaelic word and found some interesting connections there, which I think are still valid.

However, William Tychonievich had also offered up the idea of looking into the French translation of Montrose.  Mont would be "Mountain" and Rose would be "Rose", in his initial take, but my mind actually went to "Pink" as well, which Rose translates to in French as well.  The Pink Mountain.  In remembering that Mont might have to do with a Mountain, and we might be dealing with Pink and/or a Rose (the Pink Rose), I immediately thought of the Claremont sign that I wrote about in my post "Running with Claire".  

In that post, I explored a few different things going on here, ultimately including Tirion being represented in the various symbolism, or at least how I was pulling things together.  An X marked the spot, we had Claremont also referring to a "Bright Shining Mountain", and some kind of Union out West.

So, thinking about this further, I believe that the paint mixture from my dream not only referred to the combination of the Ithil and Sawtooth Stones' stories, but also the place where all of this happens:  Tirion.

The paint also doesn't have to just represent the mixing of the Ithil and Sawtooth Stones, but also the Union or Re-Union of Beings, specifically Eowyn and Faramir.  She is the "White Lady", as Faramir called her, and as her Ithil Stone also represents.  And recently we have compared Faramir with red beings, like the Red Rocker and Daniel LaRusso.  So White and Red Beings also reuniting in addition to these Stones, and Tirion seems to be where this happens.

As I also explored last night (and what Spaceballs seems to support, go figure) is that Sirius could be at least in some way represent where Tirion is, either its actual location or in someway symbolic of it, and thus where these events take place.


  1. In this old dream of mine, I was in a pink, roughly mountain-shaped building , and Kanye West walked in with a coffin that looked like it “hadn’t been painted yet.” In the first comment, Debbie connects Kanye with Sirius.

  2. That fact that you were 'inside' this mountain-shaped building is extremely interesting to me based on words from Fall 2019 I haven't written about here yet. I've skipped those as I've thought through other things (and because I still don't know what they mean entirely - it is a confusing set of words), but maybe I need to take another look at them. These words also directly lead into mention of an "enyarno", which is the Elvish word for a 'story, epic tale, or legend'. I just left a comment on your blog relative to this word and its tie to legend based on that Montblanc ad you posted.
