Monday, July 29, 2024

Mind readers and double stars

I mentioned in a prior post that I picked up a book at the library called The Devil's Eye.  I brought it up because the book, while a mystery-adventure set in space, started off the very first paragraph of the first chapter discussing Atlantis, as well as its possible restoration.

In a post from last week titled Montrose, I related my experience where I felt the presence of someone's mind in my own and the feeling that they had been 'listening' in some manner followed by the apparent confirmation of this by phrases the next morning which incorporated the music I had been listening to when I had become aware of this feeling.

I wrote that post last Wednesday, the 24th.  

The next day, Thursday, I picked up The Devil's Eye again to see if I could get into the story.  My problem right now is that I have these other stories, riddles, etc. working in my mind in the background, and I tend to get pulled back into them fairly easily.  "Spaceballs" is a good recent example, where I am both enjoying the story, but some things I see that jump out at me have to do with things I am working through in all of this, and it can be a bit distracting.  I find I can't just fully enjoy another story as just itself with my mind working in the background on piecing other things together.

I don't think it is a permanent thing, just a phase right now, but that is just kind of how my mind is working.

And it isn't helped with things that definitely tie what I think through and write here.  The example of mind reading is one such example.

I picked up the book still in Chapter 1.  The narrator, named Chase, and the person she works for, an 'antiquities dealer' named Alex Benedict, have arranged to take two Aliens called Mutes on a tour of the Atlantis wreckage, which in this fictional universe had been discovered sometime in our future.

Chase explains that no one really likes travelling or hanging around with Mutes because of one simple fact:  they are telepathic and human minds lie completely open to them.  In fact, the rest of Chapter 1 is pretty much focused on showing just how telepathic these Beings are.  In one instance, Chase is trying to imagine how it must have been for the residents of Atlantis during the catastrophe, and one of the Mutes starts answering her thoughts, forgetting that she was trying to not remind them that they could read everything on their minds:

The end of a world.  How must if have felt when the ocean cam crashing in?  Did they have any warning?  Had any managed to escape?  Imagine the despair of mothers burdened with young children.

"Terrible," said Selotta.  "Young mothers, especially.  It must have been -"  She caught herself, and her eyes flicked shut in embarrassment:  She'd forgotten her strategy of not reminding her hosts that everybody's mind, as she'd once commented, lay fully exposed on the table.  "- Must have been painful".

The underwater vessel they are on have other passengers who try to stay as physically far away from the Mutes as possible in an attempt to stay out of their telepathic range, though its implied that this really isn't all that helpful.

Parts of the chapter involve Chase having thoughts that intrude on her, and she gets embarrassed knowing that her guests are able to hear everything she is thinking about them.  At one point, for example, she has the intrusive thought about whether one of her two guests (who are married) had ever cheated on the other (after wondering whether the telepathic Mutes could ever hide anything from another).  Her guests visibly react to her thought.

At the end of the chapter, they present a gift to the Mutes, but Alex had instructed a colleague and friend to go pick it out without telling him so they could keep it a secret as long as possible.  The Mutes only found out as the assistant was walking toward them with the gift after their tour was over, because they obviously read that person's mind.  They knew what was in the box before Alex, who was giving them the gift, did. 

Anyway, it was interesting to have this concept of telepaths reading human minds be such a primary focus the day after I had related my own experience, and initial discomfort, with having another Being potentially in my own mind.

I next picked up the book again a couple days later on Saturday.  I am still trying to see if I can get into the story or not.  There is a lot going on in my mind right now.   Anyway, the day before on Friday I had written my post about Tirion being in the Sirius star system, and calling out that Sirius is a binary or double star system, even concluding with the call out to Tatooine in Star Wars and its Red and White Stars.

The very first paragraph of Chapter 2 has Alex Benedict and Chase travelling for a world called Rimway which is specifically called a double star not once but twice in that first paragraph:

They're all dead.

We cruised toward Rimway.  With its big moon, it constituted a glittering double star in the sparse sky near the galactic rim.  Vicki Greene didn't respond, didn't send a message, didn't say anything.  The hours dragged on, and the double star grew into a pair of spheres...

Just as with my telepathic / mind-reading post, the day after I posted about a double star, here I was reading in the very opening of Chapter 1 about a double star.  Here is a picture of the page.

Rimway turns out to be the home of both Alex and Chase.  Alex's business is called Rainbow Enterprises, which I found interesting for reasons I don't fully know.  

But, upon landing at their home, Chase is reunited with her boyfriend Ben Colbee.  We have seen a relationship between a woman named Chase and a man named Ben before:  in the movie National Treasure, with Abigail Chase and Ben Gates.  I wrote a post or two on them.

Colbee is an interesting last name.  Col (or Coll) in Elvish can mean "Red or Scarlet".  It can also mean "burden" as in another term for Weight.  These terms should be interesting for anyone who has followed along on the Sawtooth Stone, which would be accurately called the Red Weight based on previous words and stories.  The fact that it is combined with "Bee" makes this even more relevant.

But based on other word plays, I was also prepared to see Colbee as a phonetic spelling of the name Colby.  Colby is a name apparently from Old Norse that means "Coal or Dark Town".  Dark Town.  With Col meaning Dark or Black.  Ben, of course, means Son, and so we have another potential reference to the Dark Son or Dark Sun.

Dark Town is also relevant to Tirion itself, perhaps.  In my story, Beings, including Faramir-Eonwe who we have also named in other posts as the Son (mapping to his other name Fionwe), will rise to Tirion in order to make that city shine once again.  This involves likely Stones and also the tree Galathilion, apparently.  Again, I don't know how that works, or what additional details or story elements are involved, but that just seems to be part of what needs to happen.

I'm not done yet with names here, though.  Rimway is this double star that Alex and Chase call home, and where the Rainbow Enterprises.  Rim is an Elvish word that means a few things, but one of which is Peace.  Peace Way, would be another mixed language reading of Rimway.  Recall that in my post "Take u body, find peace".  I equated the name Peace with Tirion-Jerusalem, and interpreted that phrase as meaning that Tirion is a place that must be found.

Joseph apparently was instructed regarding a "Star Way" that would bring him home to Tirion using the Anor Stone.

And here we have Peace Way, which links fairly strongly with Tirion based on these prior reference, and which is also mentioned as a double star in this book I am trying to read.

Anyway, now you can see why I don't get far into books these days without my mind wandering to other things.  

Even the book series that I read to my son at night brings my mind elsewhere.  We are still reading those cat books I brought up in my post ' "This way, that way" and the Westview Wildcats'. we are on Book 4, the aptly named "Rising Storm". As an example, the main character, Fireheart, belongs to a clan called ThunderClan.  The name of the leader of that clan?  Bluestar.  Yup.  And at this point she is in trouble and distressed, with her main desire (which she is blocked from doing currently) to travel to the "Highstones" so she can talk to StarClan (their dead ancestors living among the stars).  StarClan communicates to the cats on Earth through a stone they call - what else - The Moonstone.

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