Sunday, July 14, 2024

Permission granted: "Homeland to receive, Eru to redeem"

Now that I am 'fairly' confident that it is these 82 Beings comprising the Second and Third Houses of these Elvish 'Fathers' from the original Cuivienen (Elvish Awakening back in the day) that are being evacuated from off this world back in the spring of 2020, several more things in my words from that time seem to make sense.

I wrote in my last post that there was mention of a group stepping onto a plane.   This was on May 20, 2020, so four days following 'the sign' of the Sawtooth Stone being extracted from beneath Williams Peak, that Eru seemed to have alluded to.  On that date, the full phrase I have is:

May 20
they were/ are stepping on a plane
What evil music
Destroy this evil bora (spelled initially as boora)

The second line - regarding the evil music - was from a short dream sequence involving my wife.  In that scene, evil music was playing, so loudly that even my wife noticed this (that is how I took the imagery, rightly or wrongly - the degree of how noticeable the evil music is if even she could sense it), and made a comment on how evil this music playing sounded to her.  The next line I actually take as some of what this evil music is saying, with 'bora' in this case referring to a 'trusty or faithful man', who the music is trying to suggest is themselves evil and must be destroyed.   There are other words that support this interpretation, but I will not go into them here.  That will need to be another post.  Just know that at this time back in 2020 there are a few 'evil' voices in my words, or at least summaries of their voices, in terms of how Beings are responding to the ongoing developments. 

I take the folks who are mentioned as stepping on a plane as being the 82 (or subset of the 82) that have so far been gathered, and that this is all part of the evacuation that Eru says will commence following the sign on May 16.

Not all 82 are there at this time, however (wherever 'there' is... somewhere on our world).  Again, it will not be until May 28 where everyone is counted and ready to go, as it seems the 27th of Finwe's House isn't counted until May 26.  How this number accounts for Miriel (Finwe's wife), I am not sure of yet, so I've left that in a bit of a parking lot for the time being.

Anyway, they start 'stepping' onto this plane (is it an actual plane or ship, or do the words 'stepping' indicate that something else is going on here?  A 'plane' can be something else, also, like a flat surface, or a play on words for "plain" like level ground).

It seems, however, that there still need to be some kind of approval that is given for this group to go 'home'.  Which, if they are going to Valinor, I guess makes sense.

On May 24, I seem to get the first real indication that these Beings ascending 'home' has been approved.  Here is what I have:

May 24, 2020
Denter ishnaru
as in the presidency voted
impossible heights to climb
for for this cause have they been shown unto me that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter
brought to stand

Denter Ishnaru is an interesting Elvish phrase which can pretty straightforwardly be translated as:

Hole/passage straight through where Fire/ Story/ Fragrance/ To Tell

I have a few options listed there for that last word naru as it could be many different things, each of which make sense to some degree.  Regardless of those variations, it seems that a hole or passage is ready for these Beings to pass through.  The fourth line seems to tie this passage or hole to the gate which Nephi speaks of at the end of his words in 2 Nephi 31 in the Book of Mormon.  It is ripped from or references verse 17 from that chapter:

Wherefore, do the things which I have told you I have seen that your Lord and your Redeemer should do; for, for this cause have they been shown unto me, that ye might know the gate by which ye should enter. For the gate by which ye should enter is repentance and baptism by water; and then cometh a remission of your sins by fire and by the Holy Ghost.

Thus, it seems that the path that these 82 are now about to embark on in some way relates to both the gate that Nephi mentions (perhaps this hole or passage), but also to a strait and narrow path that Beings are to follow once they have entered this gate.  The implication is that Nephi may have been speaking more literally than we assume when he speaks of this gate and path.  It is at least a possibility.

In entering this gate, this will also enable these 82 Beings to climb 'impossible heights'.  Meaning, I think, without this gate or passage, wherever they are going would be impossible to reach.

The reference to walls which are impossible to climb takes me to my short story, written the following year, about Herbie the Hamster, and also to recent references of Humpty Dumpty who fell from a wall, and in one version of that tale, was unable to once again ascend that wall to take his former place.

This is one reason why I have left one possible translation for that last word element as 'fragrance', because if you remember from my Herbie story, it is the smell or fragrance (a really good one, apparently) that he notices as he approaches the top of the wall on his way out of his cage and out into a larger world that is a big reason as to why he is encouraged to keep climbing, despite some ongoing reservations.

In any case, this passage by these 82 'Fathers' seems to have been facilitated by a vote by the 'Presidency'.  Who that presidency exactly is, I have a few different guesses at, but am not quite sure.  I will have a few more references here in this post where it seems like someone with authority is speaking, but I am not sure exactly who it is.  Rather than trying to solve it here, I am just going to go through what they are saying, and then maybe I can try and put my thoughts down as to possible speakers in another post.

So, the presidency has voted, and it is approved for these Beings to enter this straight passage.

There are some additional words on May 25, one phrase which actually mentions an 'old valley' (which based on yesterday's post, I believe likely refers to Adam-ondi-Ahman).  If I put more thought into other words from that day I will go through it later.

May 26 seems to be an important date, though, in clarifying what exactly the approval entails.  Here is a voice speaking authoritatively about a law given:

May 26
Ladies and gentlemen: I have given my law
Regions round about and other sheep (one fold, one shepherd)
Homeland to receive
Eru to redeem

So, pretty clear.  There is a law given, that there are other regions elsewhere from wherever it is the speaker is saying this from (I am assuming Valinor here), and that from them the sheep will be gathered back to their 'homeland'.

It is at this place, once gathered there, that Eru (who is Jesus) will redeem them.  

Thus, I believe this relates directly to these 82.  They are perhaps the beginning of this gathering back to the 'homeland' mentioned, our world being one of these regions from which the sheep are gathered (Eressea #2 being another).  We need to have the remaining 14 Vanyar gathered back also, as the next step I believe, and then likely a much larger gathering will follow.  That is how I imagine it at least.

I previously shared some of my May 28 words, where we have mention of the 82, and then the 15.  In the afternoon, I had another phrase, which followed a dream of an actual plane ride.   The phrase was "Ilvarno posted disproves it".

I am not sure what the 'it' is that is being disproved, but ilvarno could translate into something like:  "all rescued/ raise".  Posted has a few potential meanings, but maybe we go with, per Etymonline, "supplied with news or full information".  So you could have something like "All rescued supplied with news disproves it".

As to what that actually means, I don't exactly know.  One guess is that these Beings-Fathers have information and news that runs counter to some prevailing narratives, and this information they share disproves some of these prevailing narratives.  That is a convenient implied meaning for me to come up with, obviously, since part of my story is Red Sins becoming White, and that this is at least partly because some things are inaccurately attributed to some, or at least we don't have the full story as to what happened and why.

I guess another possible interpretation is that these Rescued are supplied with full news and information, and that this somehow disproves "it".  Without knowing what the "it" is, it is hard to say.

Anyway, I don't remember the plane dream specifically that is mentioned, other than I made a note of it.  There is another plane dream that is involved with the notion of 15, but that will need to be another post as well.  I believe, however, the plane reference ties to the words on the following day, May 29.  On this day, apparently news is give that the 82 are away safely.  My guess is my plane dream was symbolic of their departure, and the words the following day stated more clearly what that meant: they headed home.

May 29
Ich habe ein der stein.
they are away safely

Interestingly, we have German here again before mention of the successful evacuation.  The German is stating that they have a Stone.  It would roughly translate as "I have one [of] the Stone" or something like this.  To keep consistent with my previous definition of who is a German, this is either John, Glorfindel, or Gildor.  Given that I had John staying behind in Valinor for the time being after returning with Joseph, my guess is that this is Glorfindel and/or Gildor.  They are saying the group has gone to safety, and they have been left behind.  At least that is my read.

Later words seem to verify this, as in June some voice(s) seems to be giving real-time updates, including about a brief stint visiting Salt Lake City, which is kind of funny if I interpret those words in that way.  I'll try to get to those as well in another post.

Even my own older sister will be mentioned by direct name, which is/was not common.  As you can see by now, in my words code-names and riddles when it comes to characters and identities is the norm, and to mention a person by their exact name is very rare.  This is actually the only time it happened in those 2019 and 2020 words.  My own name, as I've mentioned before, was never referred to in a direct or exact manner.  I did write down Doug's first name in one set of phrases (actually on May 6, the day of my call with him later that evening), but even then that was me filling in the name, because the speaker refused or could not bring themselves to say it.  I just understood who they meant.  It is one reason why I have adopted the practice on this blog.

In later words, 2021 and 2022, character names were more commonly used, but this use of my sister's name was a first, which I remember being startling and a little unsettling at the time.  And I wasn't in a good place emotionally or mentally at the time, so surprises or anything that related back to me or my real world weren't really well received, for the most part.  I will maybe cover that phrase in another post as well, because interestingly the phrase mentions France (though I didn't know it at the time).  "Gaul" was the word mentioned, and Gaul is the ancient name for France.

Anyway, piecing this together, it seems that back in Valinor some clarification and a 'law' was given that enabled the 82 to sail/ plane/ walk/ whatever it was back to Aman, specifically to, based on my last post/ Adam-ondi-Ahman to await some kind of redemption that I do not believe has fully happened yet.  And all this was happening as an evacuation following the recovery of the Sawtooth Stone on May 16, which aligns to the dialogue with and words from Eru relating to that event.

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting about your reference to a literal gate and pathway to get back to heaven. The same day you posted this, during our family home church, we were talking about the scripture that says "strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." And I just kind of blurted out that this was not proverbial language but a reference to a literal road, like the Straight Road referenced by Tolkien. Jesus was telling these people that they had an extremely rare opportunity to travel a path that circumvents the other path, the one that leads to death and destruction. This was a completely new idea to me and I had not read this post.
