Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Ace in the Hole

I thought William Tychonievich's recent post titled "I've been A minor for a heart of gold" was pretty interesting.

He focuses on the Ace of Hearts playing card from the "A" page of the Animalia book, while also tying in a musical staff and the word play of miner/ minor.  Here is the Ace of Hearts picture, and what he wrote about these various things:

In yesterday's post "Inventory of the Animalia A page," I tried to list everything on that page that begins with A. One of these was a barely visible musical staff with Allegro written above it. Commenter Henri identified it as an A minor arpeggio -- that is to say, the notes A, C, and E played in succession rather than simultaneously. This of course spells out ACE, as in the Ace of Hearts, and my previous post about the Ace of Hearts on the A page included in its title "a miner" -- which, if the article is stressed, is pronounced the same as "A minor," the chord.

He will go on to tie these things back to the Gold Plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated from.  This is likely a very valid and accurate interpretation.  

I see something slightly different (meaning additionally, perhaps) just based on symbols that have bounced around over on my end recently.

It goes without saying that we have a Red playing card, with the Ace of Hearts being red and not black.  In a post that related my dream of the soccer penalty, I specifically linked the Sawtooth Stone with a red card.

Here, I think, is the answer to the mystery about why the topic of soccer penalties had come up in my dream. A Red Card can mean "Red Writing" or "Red Tablet or Charter". This is, in my mind, a clear reference to the Red Sawtooth Stone, and specifically the story that comes from it. William saw a Red Book in his dream titled Unhenned, which I've linked with this same Stone, with the Hen in question being potentially a reference to Jesus.

In that post I referenced Ezekiel 16, and would write a post on this the next day (yesterday) titled  "Ezekiel 16:  Sing-fully the abominations of Jerusalem".  In that post, I once again brought up me dream of a person sitting in front of a piano and a template was laid over the keys indicating which notes to play.  I suggested that this song - of the template of what to play and sing - would come from this Stone (and potentially the combination of the Ithil and Sawtooth Stone stories).

So, I took notice as well when William mentioned the A minor scale, not only because of the use of notes written out, but also what the notes shown as part of that scale spelled out.  As he noted, they spell ACE, and he wrote it out in all caps, just like that, and also linked this back to the Red Card, or Ace of Hearts.

I immediately thought of the dream I relayed earlier this month in the post "Dreams of flip-flops and cleats".  I actually related two dreams there, both related to footwear.  The second dream was about football cleats.  I had dreamed I was back playing for my college team, and found myself in the locker room.  I had lost or misplaced my cleats, and I described being told to try a different pair cleats on:

I was directed toward a pair of cleats that, if I remember correctly, were suggested might be mine.  They were white, like my missing cleats, and were my size, but that is where the similarities ended.  I had been wearing Nike cleats, and these were definitely not Nikes.  As I inspected the cleats closer, I saw that they were a brand I had never heard of before.  Running along the back heel of each cleat was the brand name (or what I assumed was the brand name) "ACE" in all caps like that.

 ACE in all caps, just like William wrote out for the A minor arpeggio.

This further seems to tie these shoes to the Sawtooth Stone/ Ace of Hearts/ Red Card.  In my story, it seems that whatever the Sawtooth Stone is and what is on it will enable some Beings to go on a "sky walk" of sorts.  The ACE written across the heel seems to support this.

In Greek and Roman mythology, it is the God Hermes-Mercury (the Swift Messenger) who is depicted as having wings on his his shoes (known as the Talaria) and always on the heel in depictions I've seen, in the exact place where the ACE had been written on the cleats in my dream.

I thought the word play of Miner and Minor was clever, and William uses it to once again point to the Book of Mormon and it's removal from a hole in the ground (and thus also the tie in of the Ace, given the phrase Ace in the Hole).

Ace in the Hole is a phrase I think is very well suited to the story of the Sawtooth Stone that I have carved out here on this blog (even with all of its likely inaccuracies).  It means something like (AI is helping me with this one based on my search):  "a hidden advantage or resource that's kept in reserve until it's needed".  Well, that is pretty much the story of this Stone.  Hidden from the very beginning, actually, and hidden and waiting until the very end.

Back to minor/miner.  Obviously this applies to the Disciples, who used their powers over the Earth to go down below Williams Peak in the Sawtooth Mountains and there extract the Stone (which they recovered on May 16, 2020, I've guessed).  William covered this word play with the BoM, as mentioned, but I will add one more.

According to Etymonline, the original meaning of "Minor" meant a Franciscan, one after the order of St. Francis.  

Francis, you say?  As in Frenchman, and France, the place where we currently have placed the Sawtooth Stone at Bombadil's after having been (hopefully by now!) repaired?  Yup.  The Stone indeed could be said to be very much Franciscan in that sense, being currently a resident of France.

And lastly, why the Ace of Hearts in this sense?  We are dealing with a 'gem' of some sort, why not the Diamond?  That is a red card, too.

Well, two reasons - actually they are the same reason, but mentioned in two slightly different ways.

The first of these are the words I heard on March 7, 2021 (and first related in my post "The Great Pumpkin and waiting", with the Voice saying what as on this Stone:

The story on the stone is the story of our family. It is meant for our family, to cause them all to shine. It is a story of love, of our love undying and unending, even in a void. To bring forth, even in this nothing-place, love's power - our family's power.

You came powerless, as did others, with hope in a promise. The story is the promise, and the power.

And the void, now de-void it own power, recedes; what WAS NOT now becoming IS.

It is a story of love, thus very appropriately symbolized by the heart.  And, I should note, I think William has mentioned in other posts the tie to Zion, and the inhabitants being One Heart (from Moses 7 in the Pearl of Great Price).

Further, over a year earlier, on February 6, 2020, a mention of hearts (perhaps even golden ones depending on how you punctuate the phrase) was given in the following short poem that I wrote down early that morning:

Sitting a-top thy counsel golden
Hearts describing things beholden

I tried to do a quick search for that poem on this blog, but it doesn't look like I've included those here yet.  So there you are.  For context, the day earlier, Feb. 5, is when I had those words about a "Star Way" having been explained to Joseph, it seems, and an invitation to come home granted.

It is not clear to me what Stone is being discussed here at this time.  Given that certain Beings are attempting to convince Joseph to go home with the Anor Stone (I think), it may be this Stone that is being referred to as things being described.  Yet, in those words to Joseph one month later, in which the Disciples tell Joseph about the brilliant words he "described", it is the Sawtooth Stone they are referring to, I believe.

So, I think this may be another link to that Stone, with a mention of "Hearts" describing their visions (Joseph, and perhaps others either with him, or perhaps found on the Ithil Stone?) which were placed on that Stone.

In summary, I can see where William took those connections and they make sense to me, and I just saw some additional ties that also seemed to resonate.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ezekiel 16: Sing-fully the abominations of Jerusalem

Ever since my mind returned to the dream from yesterday morning after I wrote my second post yesterday, this notion of penalties continues to bounce around in my mind and unlodge some thinking.

It may be the dream was not completely randomly timed, or didn't have some kind of method to the madness.  A couple days ago I had been looking through Ezekiel 16.  Why?  Well, it comes up as a specific reference in my words from May/ June 2020.  Recall that I currently (and somewhat bizarrely) attribute these words to the duo of Glorfindel and Gildor, who would have been left behind on our Earth following the evacuation of Joseph and the "82" Beings, along with the Disciples and John, apparently.  So, these two are hanging out, apparently taking some time to take in the sights in Salt Lake City, and just generally being chatty about a few things while they are killing time, I guess.  I don't know - that is what I have right now.

I related some words from May 31 in a post titled "If you want to say something, say it: it's not bad" AND "guilt free if shining in Gaul".  Those May 31 words concluded with a dream of a piano that someone was sitting in front of.  Here is how I described the dream in that post:

Some kind of fabric or cloth was pulled across the keyboard to cover it, and I noticed that on this fabric was some kind of colored-template for playing a song.  Meaning, it was designed to teach you which keys to play and when in order to play a certain song.  Just play according to what the pattern on the fabric showed, and you'd be pressing the keys in the right order and rhythm to produce the right song, basically.

So there is this notion of a song that is played.  This may tie to a brief phrase that I received the very next night/ morning on June 1.  These words simply said:


June 1
Ezekiel 16

So, I had seen that phrase earlier this month when I wrote that other post, but didn't really look into what this reference to Ezekiel might mean until a couple days ago.

I am sure I had some guesses as to what this meant back in 2020, but I don't remember them. As I looked at the chapter now, however, the very first two verses stood out to me almost like they were in big bold letters. Those first two verses go:

Again the word of the LORD came unto me, saying:
Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations.

When I read this, my mind instantly went to Lehi and his vision that opens up the Book of Mormon.  In that vision, Lehi sees (or thinks he sees, as he puts it) God surrounded by numberless angels.  He then sees a Being descend from Heaven, followed by 12 others, with the first coming up to him and handing him a book to read.  Here is how Nephi conveyed this part of his father's vision:

And it came to pass that he saw One descending out of the midst of heaven, and he beheld that his luster was above that of the sun at noon-day.

And he also saw twelve others following him, and their brightness did exceed that of the stars in the firmament.

And they came down and went forth upon the face of the earth; and the first came and stood before my father, and gave unto him a book, and bade him that he should read.

Lehi reads the Book that was given to him, and Nephi remarks that he is "filled with the Spirit of the Lord" as he read.

What does Lehi then proclaim as he reads this book?  Glad tidings to all?  All is well in Zion?  No, rather the very first words out of Lehi's mouth are these:

Wo, wo unto Jerusalem, for I have seen thine abominations!

Lehi is reading the book, and is being shown some pretty bad stuff about Jerusalem - abominations.  This is very similar to the message in Ezekiel.  Jerusalem has engaged in abominations, and they need to be shown.

Lehi ultimately will preach to the "Jews" at Jerusalem of the abominations they have engaged in, that he read of in the book, and their pending destruction unless the repent (remember my current definition is this represents the inhabitants of Tirion, not Jews on our world as presently thought of... so at least this message isn't antisemitic!).

But the fact that my mind so rapidly tied the phrase in Ezekiel 16 with the experience of Lehi leads me to believe that there could be some connection here.

The remainder of Ezekiel 16 will indeed lay out the case that those in Jerusalem have behaved pretty badly, to say the least.  It does, however, end with what I guess could considered a hopeful message, in that there is a promise and a covenant available to those people should they repent.

This is the same message or story that Lehi also seems to have read, and his reactions are ultimately net hopeful for at least some Beings, even after seeing Jerusalem be destroyed and people brought into captivity.  After seeing all of Jerusalem's abominations, here is what Nephi captures Lehi as saying:

And it came to pass that when my father had read and seen many great and marvelous things, he did exclaim many things unto the Lord; such as: Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God Almighty! Thy throne is high in the heavens, and thy power, and goodness, and mercy are over all the inhabitants of the earth; and, because thou art merciful, thou wilt not suffer those who come unto thee that they shall perish!

And after this manner was the language of my father in the praising of his God; for his soul did rejoice, and his whole heart was filled, because of the things which he had seen, yea, which the Lord had shown unto him.

So, ultimately despite all of the abominations he witnessed, Lehi seems to have seen this story of Redemption.  That God is merciful, and those that repent and come to him will not perish, but be forgiven and welcomed home.

Of course in Lehi's immediate experience, this didn't seem to happen, or at least not very many of his fellow Tirion inhabitants took him up on the offer to receive mercy, but instead fought the message.

Why did they fight the message?  Well, my guess is because any story of Redemption by necessity includes the details of why a Being might be in need of such a Redemption, which would be the abominations they had been a part of.  Nephi's observation seems to support this view.  After Lehi goes out and preaches, Nephi says that the Jews mocked Lehi, specifically because he testified that they had done evil:

And it came to pass that the Jews did mock him because of the things which he testified of them; for he truly testified of their wickedness and their abominations; and he testified that the things which he saw and heard, and also the things which he read in the book, manifested plainly of the coming of a Messiah, and also the redemption of the world.

Frankly, the people didn't want to hear that they had done anything wrong.  The Book that Lehi had read, however, laid it all out.  They had indeed been wicked and engaged in abominations.  But, the story need not end there, as this is a story of redemption, which that Book also testified of, specifically Jesus as the Messiah and the great plan of redemption.  But again, part of the need for redemption is based on the fact that we have become lost and one some things that are wrong.  Admitting we are lost is an important part of being redeemed, and many in Lehi's day could not bring themselves at that time to see it that way.

But how does this all tie back to those words from June 1, 2020?

In the dream of the piano on May 31, I mentioned that some sort of aid or template on a fabric or cloth was pulled across the piano keys, which basically gave the person sitting at the piano the song to play.  I believe that this song is the one mentioned in those words from the next night on June 1, the 'sing fully' reference.

"Full", per Etymonline, means "containing all that can be received; having eaten or drunk to repletion; filled; perfect, entire, utter".  Further, it goes on to mention "complete, entirely".  So, sing-fully might mean something like "sing completely".

The completeness of the song means, perhaps, that it will contain not only the good, but also the bad.  Abominations, as Ezekiel opens up by saying he is commanded to let Jerusalem know about, and that Lehi likewise showed the people.   But it also means, I think, that this song will be a 'complete or perfect' one.  No gaps or errors.  The complete song or record, form which a very accurate story can be created.

This is where the reference or tie to Lehi and his opening vision becomes important, I think, and where the Sawtooth Stone comes into play.

Lehi remarked that the One who gave him the Book that he read had a luster "above that of the sun at noon-day".  Brighter than the sun, in other words.

We have seen this phrase before in my words, specifically with respect to what I guess is the Stone Couriers at Williams Peak.  This was their dialogue when they were given the Stone to shuttle over to Tom Bombadil's House in France:

February 25, 2021
A bright star - brighter than the Sun
Going to have the experience of Joseph Smith
We need to write all of this down
[A comment that whatever it is that they were talking about being the size of a cantaloupe, but I didn't catch all of the words]
A stone to come. Soon. Be ready, and have fun.

When the Sawtooth Stone was transferred into their possession, it was called a 'bright star - brighter than the Sun", a description that fits fairly exactly with the One who gave Lehi the Book that he read.  As a quick aside, the language is somewhat ambiguous, and William Tychonievich makes an interesting point that perhaps the Being who presented the Book to Lehi was actually the 'first' of the Twelve, and not the One.  I thought it was an interesting take.  I am not sure as to what accurate interpretation is, but the important thing is that he also landed on Joseph being in some way represented here, even if by a different road.  Though it was the Brass Plates, I believe, that he connected the vision to - whereas my mind specifically goes to the Sawtooth Stone.  However, as I've thought through openly on this blog, I think both of these records come into play in the future, and they both tie back to Joseph in some fashion.  So, I am not sure we have to be limited in our thinking here to one exact interpretation.

In any case, focusing on the Stone, once the Seer is in possession of it, they will also be called on to write or and speak to the abominations of Jerusalem, just as Lehi did after his own perusal through some of it, and just as Ezekiel was called to do, whoever and wherever that was.  The Story isn't going to be all motherhood and apple pie.  There are going to be some bad things, times, and Beings in it.  But, at the same time, it will also be a story of redemption - of better times ahead for all those who choose to repent.  Particularly once combined with Eowyn's record on the Ithil Stone, which I currently take to be the Book of the Lamb, I think a story of redemption will be clearly spelled out for not only the Family of Light, but all who would wish to join that family.  I believe it will sound like a pretty good deal.

The Sawtooth Stone will have Joseph's vision or story on it.  As I currently understand or guess at it, it will have been Joseph who saw or created this story, Faramir-Eonwe who helped to record it (as the Secret-ary), and many Beings on hand to witness it.  This is one reason why I currently guess that the Disciples mentioned to a sick and forgetful Joseph when they joined up with him on or around March 5, 2020 in my words that "Every word described was brilliant".  What were these words he described?  The ones he spoke from the very beginning or foundation of this world.  They had been there!  And probably could remember, perhaps based on Jesus' having shown them unspeakable things when he briefly showed them Heaven during his visit in Bountiful.  Joseph's words were brilliant - brighter than the sun.  I think they were giving him encouragement in telling him this, and he would ultimately return home with them at the conclusion of that dialogue.

One last thing that I found an interesting tie to all of this.  I mentioned my library visit with my kids, where I got the book I've mentioned a few times recently.   I also said I helped my youngest son pick out his books, but my daughter was pretty self-sufficient and picked out her own books and used her library card (that is linked to mine) to check out her books.  She picked out several, but only showed me one on the way home.

Yesterday, the library sent me an auto-renewal notice for all of the books we checked out so we can keep them for longer (which is good - I've made it chapter 7 on my book, but I have a ways to go).  I scanned the list of books quickly, and the title for one book on my daughter's list (turns out she checked out 5) jumped out at me immediately.  That title?  Brighter than the Sun.   And then I noticed the title for another book she checked out... Over the Moon.  

Sun Moon time, indeed.

The Brass Plates: "Therefore they shall be preserved"

I was pulling some things together for a slightly different topic, and in doing so was reading Alma's words to Helaman in Alma 37.

I've brought in this chapter several times before, because we have mention of quite a few things that are being entrusted to Helaman that I think will be relevant in a future day for us, in addition to allusions to other things that will join with them (i.e., Sawtooth Stone).

One of these things is the Brass Plates.  It struck me again just how much Alma is teaching here that the Brass Plates will in fact be preserved.  God had promised they would be, and Alma's message is that God can and will fulfill all of this promises.

But if ye keep the commandments of God, and do with these things [Brass Plates] which are sacred according to that which the Lord doth command you, (for you must appeal unto the Lord for all things whatsoever ye must do with them) behold, no power of earth or hell can take them from you, for God is powerful to the fulfilling of all his words.

For he will fulfil all his promises which he shall make unto you, for he has fulfilled his promises which he has made unto our fathers.

For he promised unto them that he would preserve these things for a wise purpose in him, that he might show forth his power unto future generations.

And now behold, one purpose hath he fulfilled, even to the restoration of many thousands of the Lamanites to the knowledge of the truth; and he hath shown forth his power in them, and he will also still show forth his power in them unto future generations; therefore they shall be preserved.

No power exists to destroy these plates, because God has promised that that nothing would and, as Alma hammers on again and again in his discussion with Helaman, he is "powerful to the fulfilling of all his words."

Should you ever come across an individual who teaches that the Brass Plates have been destroyed or in some way lost to any future use, my own view is that you can mark that person as a liar.  What motive would a person have for spreading that lie?  My guess is that there are things on those Brass Plates that they and those they work with would rather not have see the light of day.  And Ether's 24 Plates.  And the Sawtooth Stone.  And other records.

This also has to do with the red paint mixing in with the white, in another layer or way of interpreting my paint dream.   It is the opposite symbolism of a redeemed Israel, right?  With their redemption, crimson sins become white as the driven snow.  However, with these other Beings, who have been painting with their faux White, hoping to cover a multitude of secret sins, the Red will find them.

And the rebellious shall be pierced with much sorrow; for their iniquities shall be spoken upon the housetops, and their secret acts shall be revealed. (D&C 1) 

Monday, July 29, 2024

Redemption and Penalty

The word Penalty wouldn't leave me after writing that second post earlier today.  It was the way it was so obviously said and referenced in the soccer dialogue with the girl in my dream.  It seemed important, that word, and I felt I hadn't really looked into it in my last post.

I had an idea to look the word up in the Book of Mormon.  For some reason, I thought there were be quite a few mentions that came up in my search.

You want to know how often penalty is found in that Book?

Exactly one time.

Now, if you do a search, you will actually come up with three unique instances.  But upon closer inspection, you would find that two of those three instances are just in the chapter headings, which aren't part of the Book of Mormon text at all.  Those chapter headings were added in later editions of the Book of Mormon by the LDS Church in an effort to summarize and highlight various things in the chapter.

So, just focusing on the actual text of the Book of Mormon, we get one time.  And that is accounting for variations of the word as well (e.g., penalties, penalize, etc.).

That surprised me, actually.

And when I read the verse that this one and only instance of penalty was found in, I figured this was the right train of thinking.

It actually comes from Alma (the Younger... Elrond) and Amulek teaching the people of Ammonihah.  In this particular part (Alma 12),  Here is the verse, and I will bold where penalty falls, and also another word that is said by Alma said in the same breath before penalty, which caused me to really take notice:

Therefore God gave unto them [the first men who fell] commandments, after having made known unto them the plan of redemption, that they should not do evil, the penalty thereof being a second death, which was an everlasting death as to things pertaining unto righteousness; for on such the plan of redemption could have no power, for the works of justice could not be destroyed, according to the supreme goodness of God
Yeah, redemption. Remember this came up recently with Red and the tie to Red-emption, even showing up on, what else, my son's hockey magazine cover.

I am only including the one verse here, but the whole discourse to those at Ammonihah seems relevant. I just wanted to do a quick update and haven't really thought about how to pull and tie all of that together.  I have some other thoughts, but am going to cut this off here, just noting the reference to penalty in the Book of Mormon.

Penalties and Red Cards

After I finished my post earlier today on some of those little winks in The Devil's Eye novel, a dream I had last night began working pretty hard on me, in that I found my attention fairly well focused on it.

The dream itself was largely unclear to me after waking up, but in the time I've now since thought on it, I have some guesses as to its meaning, or at least some meanings.  Some references, at least, seem to be on point for other things that have come up.

Before getting into the dream, I am going to now share the dream from which Doug got his nickname.  I did a quick scan back through my blog to see if I had done this before, but it doesn't look to be the case (though I may have missed it in my search).  It wouldn't surprise me if I hadn't.

Daymon Smith is the person I call Doug, and I call him that on this blog for two reasons:  One, that is the name I believe he was called in one of my dream scenes, and two, other Beings (or even just thoughts, if that is all they are) I have come to trust in some fashion have also tended to use other names for him when given the option, with the understanding that this is their preference.  I have found I am most comfortable in adopting the same practice and have a similar aversion.

On April 5, 2021 (so not to be confused with 2020... one year later), I got extremely tired one afternoon and took a quick nap.  While asleep, I was presented with a scene involving two individuals speaking with each other, one who would ultimately be referred to as "Doug" at the end:


Need invite to peek peak


Person X:  

Team is already chosen [phrase was followed by someone showing me an image of hockey players] with strong players.  But you can play soccer.  Give it some thought, Doug.

I wrote this down in my notebook, and immediately followed it up with the note to myself "I am feeling physically ill - not well".

Something about this scene, and the overall topic, did not sit well with me.  Now, granted, at this time back in 2021 I am writing out my thoughts in kind of a long form, many times in a Q&A type format, where I ask questions, and write out responses as if they were coming from another Being.  This was something I adopted to help me deal with the anxiety and everything that was going on in my mind.

In any case, in this brief scene, you have a person called "Doug" who would like an invitation to "peek peak", which I took (and still take) as a temporary view or visit to a mountain, which is likely Tirion based on everything we've explored in this blog.

Person X tells Doug, however, that apparently the team who will do this has already been chosen, comprised of a subset of 'strong' players.  But there is still opportunity for other roles, including this mention of soccer.  But a choice has been given, and so this Doug can think it over and decide what they want to do.

I have avoided being too direct on this Doug theme up to this point, but my dream this morning makes me think that I should at least be transparent in some of my thinking, or at least the origin of where the name came from, which could be important for understanding a broader theme or point I will try to make at the end of this post.

I associate this Doug with Daymon because i) at the time of this dream, during the days around this date, my Q&A writing had been focused on trying to sort out my thoughts, feelings, etc. about him, and ii) the story I pulled from this dream matched up with words and my experiences all the way back on May 6, the day I spoke with him and ended up in the hospital the next day.

Recall on the morning of May 6, I received what I believe was an answer to my prayer from the night before on whether I should or should not try to write something - some longer story - as Daymon had directed that Leo and I would.  That answer was, very clearly, to wait, and not do that, with what I also take to be a pretty clear reference to a Stone - likely the Sawtooth Stone.  I've shared all of that in prior posts, I think.

However, later that afternoon, I laid down for a bit because I was really not feeling well at all (it would be a few hours later that I called up Leo in a state of distress, basically, and during that call it was determined that maybe it would be helpful for me to actually speak to Daymon - maybe that would help).  I entered into one of those strange states between being awake and asleep, and wrote down the following words:

May 6 (afternoon)
Clarify explanation: [Daymon] was always thinking of taking a ship

I put Daymon in brackets because the speaker actually didn't say that name - they actually refused to say it and it was a very clear feeling of how to communicate who the person was without saying their name.   Rather, it was almost a blank where that name was, but I had the understanding that this is who was meant.  It was clear enough where I would actually relate this phrase to Daymon in our call later that evening.

This is one reason why I also adopted the practice of using another name like Doug, for what its worth.  But I am using Daymon's name now in this post because I think in this case it is important to be as direct as I can be in my thought process and experiences.  Part of this blog has been 'showing my work', because I am working through things and making some guesses, and this is one area where being clear on who I am referring to is important, I think.

At this time, Stones were already on my mind, and had in fact been compared with Ships, Wagons, and other types of things that transport individuals in words and dreams.   This symbolism has been fairly consistent throughout the time since, even if additional types of vehicles have been used (as mentioned, 'cars' would be a major symbol later on).  For example, just recently, William Tychonievich posted on an old Rocky and Bullwinkle episode where a Ruby Ship was featured.  I left a comment there that this was a pretty direct hit, in my opinion, for the Sawtooth Stone, which I've recently guessed is Red, and has been represented by a Ruby in another of William's dreams, perhaps.  Even the detail that this Ruby Ship was encrusted and needed to be washed was a remarkable detail that lined up very well with the state of the Sawtooth Stone, at least as I have written and guess about it; a big theme of some earlier posts were the need for Drudain to repair the Stone which had become encrusted, as represented by my dream of lying on a table while what I called "dark and rocky chips" were removed from me (the dream I later guessed was from the perspective of the Stone itself).

Anyway, what I am trying to say, I had a narrative in my mind that at Doug-Daymon wished to have in invite to go somewhere, was denied the request (the speaker who was addressing Doug in my dream was very polite and kind), and was perhaps now interesting in 'taking' a ship that might belong to others if one wasn't going to be provided.

I am trying to say that as clearly as I can, while acknowledging that I don't know everything for sure, and I have had to piece some of this together as much as I have everything else.  This is a guess, like everything else, but it is the guess I feel most confidently about at this moment.

But my dream this morning brought me back to this exact other dream or phrase from 2021, primarily because it involved two sports - hockey and soccer - and it was somewhat remarkable to me that this other dream that it was linked to in my mind had been on the day of my call with Doug.  I had forgotten that was the case.

So, the dream.

I found myself on a hockey trip with my oldest son.  This was very similar to past trips I have taken with him in real life, where we were staying at a hotel.  I remember we had lots of hockey gear all around, with other players and their families also staying with us, but there are quite a few details of the stay that I forget.  At one point, however, I remember packing up because we were about to leave for somewhere, and being surprised at how much water gear we had - like we were going to a waterpark, rather than to play hockey.

I forget how, but at some point we found ourselves at something like a train station.  Sitting on a bench that I was standing next to was a young blonde woman.  I recognized her, but I couldn't remember exactly how, and she clearly knew me, because we found ourselves remarking how nice it was to run into each other again.

I noticed she was was very attractive (though I now don't remember in detail on what she looked like), and that this, combined with the way she was looking at me, made me suddenly very self-conscious of my own appearance.  As in, by comparison I must be ugly, or had food stuck in my teeth, or something.  I strangely began partially covering my face with my hands as I was talking to her.

She wanted to talk about soccer.  I thought this was strange, because we had (or at least I thought we had) hockey equipment with us.  But soccer was on her mind.

She asked me a question about soccer penalties.  "What happens when a team gets a penalty?" or something like this.  I answered that the other team gets a free kick, and I think I specifically mentioned a corner kick, but that is definitely wrong if that is what I said.  The team would get a free kick on the field of play, but corner kicks only happen when the ball goes out of bounds - not on penalties.

In hindsight, it seems that perhaps she already knew the answers to what she was asking me, but was trying to lead my mind down a certain thought path to reach a specific conclusion.

Thus, the woman followed up by asking but what about the team that commits the foul or penalty?  I then realized that yes, sometimes something happened to them.  "Like what?", she asked.  Well, if the referee judges the foul was serious enough or done with some kind of intent or recklessness, a specific player might be issued a yellow card as a disciplinary warning.  "Is that all?".  Well, no, if it is really bad, or if the player has already committed a foul, the referee might actually issue a red card.

I woke up after this dialogue, or I don't remember anything after this, and even the point on the red card I can't quite remember if I reached that conclusion while speaking to the woman, or if that came afterward.

As I said, I didn't know what to make of this when I woke up, and I didn't immediately connect it with anything.  After writing my last post, though, the fact that the dream involved two sports - hockey and soccer - suddenly rung a bell, and took me directly back to that dialogue from April 2021, involving a person named Doug who would be able to play soccer, but was not on the team comprised of hockey players who were heading to a "peek peak", or view a Mountain.

It was at this time that the Red Card, in terms of the dialogue on soccer penalties that the woman in my dream initiated, became somewhat relevant.

Red, the color, is obviously a theme at the moment, with the Sawtooth Stone a major driver of that for me in my thinking.  On a hunch, I looked up "Card" on Etymonline.  Maybe there was something here that would tie to something other than soccer?

The first reference in Etymonline is to a playing card.  Playing cards have come up over on William Tychonievich's blog.  But interestingly, it mentions that the word card comes from the Old French carte "a card, paper; a writing, a charter" and Latin charta "a leaf of paper, a writing, tablet".

Here, I think, is the answer to the mystery about why the topic of soccer penalties had come up in my dream.  A Red Card can mean "Red Writing" or "Red Tablet or Charter".  This is, in my mind, a clear reference to the Red Sawtooth Stone, and specifically the story that comes from it.  William saw a Red Book in his dream titled Unhenned, which I've linked with this same Stone, with the Hen in question being potentially a reference to Jesus.

This will tie to mention of Ezekiel 16 in my words (which I haven't covered yet), as well as Lehi's vision at the beginning of the Book of Mormon in which he is given a book by One who is 'brighter than the sun'.  After reading this book, he is led to declare, before anything else, "Wo, wo, unto Jerusalem, for I have seen thine abominations!"

But that will be another post.  I just wanted to log the dream, and some of my thoughts regarding it.  I do think the dream, with its explicit reference to hockey and soccer, is tied to that dialogue from 2021.  I don't see any other explanation that fits as well.  Also, that the penalty dialogue, and how it led to the concept of the Red Card, ties to the Sawtooth Stone and what is on it.  I am not confident I have all the details about the implications correct - whose abominations are on there, how does Doug factor specifically into this, etc. - but in the broad strokes I think it likely that this was about the Stone, its contents, and purpose. but we will see.

Mind readers and double stars

I mentioned in a prior post that I picked up a book at the library called The Devil's Eye.  I brought it up because the book, while a mystery-adventure set in space, started off the very first paragraph of the first chapter discussing Atlantis, as well as its possible restoration.

In a post from last week titled Montrose, I related my experience where I felt the presence of someone's mind in my own and the feeling that they had been 'listening' in some manner followed by the apparent confirmation of this by phrases the next morning which incorporated the music I had been listening to when I had become aware of this feeling.

I wrote that post last Wednesday, the 24th.  

The next day, Thursday, I picked up The Devil's Eye again to see if I could get into the story.  My problem right now is that I have these other stories, riddles, etc. working in my mind in the background, and I tend to get pulled back into them fairly easily.  "Spaceballs" is a good recent example, where I am both enjoying the story, but some things I see that jump out at me have to do with things I am working through in all of this, and it can be a bit distracting.  I find I can't just fully enjoy another story as just itself with my mind working in the background on piecing other things together.

I don't think it is a permanent thing, just a phase right now, but that is just kind of how my mind is working.

And it isn't helped with things that definitely tie what I think through and write here.  The example of mind reading is one such example.

I picked up the book still in Chapter 1.  The narrator, named Chase, and the person she works for, an 'antiquities dealer' named Alex Benedict, have arranged to take two Aliens called Mutes on a tour of the Atlantis wreckage, which in this fictional universe had been discovered sometime in our future.

Chase explains that no one really likes travelling or hanging around with Mutes because of one simple fact:  they are telepathic and human minds lie completely open to them.  In fact, the rest of Chapter 1 is pretty much focused on showing just how telepathic these Beings are.  In one instance, Chase is trying to imagine how it must have been for the residents of Atlantis during the catastrophe, and one of the Mutes starts answering her thoughts, forgetting that she was trying to not remind them that they could read everything on their minds:

The end of a world.  How must if have felt when the ocean cam crashing in?  Did they have any warning?  Had any managed to escape?  Imagine the despair of mothers burdened with young children.

"Terrible," said Selotta.  "Young mothers, especially.  It must have been -"  She caught herself, and her eyes flicked shut in embarrassment:  She'd forgotten her strategy of not reminding her hosts that everybody's mind, as she'd once commented, lay fully exposed on the table.  "- Must have been painful".

The underwater vessel they are on have other passengers who try to stay as physically far away from the Mutes as possible in an attempt to stay out of their telepathic range, though its implied that this really isn't all that helpful.

Parts of the chapter involve Chase having thoughts that intrude on her, and she gets embarrassed knowing that her guests are able to hear everything she is thinking about them.  At one point, for example, she has the intrusive thought about whether one of her two guests (who are married) had ever cheated on the other (after wondering whether the telepathic Mutes could ever hide anything from another).  Her guests visibly react to her thought.

At the end of the chapter, they present a gift to the Mutes, but Alex had instructed a colleague and friend to go pick it out without telling him so they could keep it a secret as long as possible.  The Mutes only found out as the assistant was walking toward them with the gift after their tour was over, because they obviously read that person's mind.  They knew what was in the box before Alex, who was giving them the gift, did. 

Anyway, it was interesting to have this concept of telepaths reading human minds be such a primary focus the day after I had related my own experience, and initial discomfort, with having another Being potentially in my own mind.

I next picked up the book again a couple days later on Saturday.  I am still trying to see if I can get into the story or not.  There is a lot going on in my mind right now.   Anyway, the day before on Friday I had written my post about Tirion being in the Sirius star system, and calling out that Sirius is a binary or double star system, even concluding with the call out to Tatooine in Star Wars and its Red and White Stars.

The very first paragraph of Chapter 2 has Alex Benedict and Chase travelling for a world called Rimway which is specifically called a double star not once but twice in that first paragraph:

They're all dead.

We cruised toward Rimway.  With its big moon, it constituted a glittering double star in the sparse sky near the galactic rim.  Vicki Greene didn't respond, didn't send a message, didn't say anything.  The hours dragged on, and the double star grew into a pair of spheres...

Just as with my telepathic / mind-reading post, the day after I posted about a double star, here I was reading in the very opening of Chapter 1 about a double star.  Here is a picture of the page.

Rimway turns out to be the home of both Alex and Chase.  Alex's business is called Rainbow Enterprises, which I found interesting for reasons I don't fully know.  

But, upon landing at their home, Chase is reunited with her boyfriend Ben Colbee.  We have seen a relationship between a woman named Chase and a man named Ben before:  in the movie National Treasure, with Abigail Chase and Ben Gates.  I wrote a post or two on them.

Colbee is an interesting last name.  Col (or Coll) in Elvish can mean "Red or Scarlet".  It can also mean "burden" as in another term for Weight.  These terms should be interesting for anyone who has followed along on the Sawtooth Stone, which would be accurately called the Red Weight based on previous words and stories.  The fact that it is combined with "Bee" makes this even more relevant.

But based on other word plays, I was also prepared to see Colbee as a phonetic spelling of the name Colby.  Colby is a name apparently from Old Norse that means "Coal or Dark Town".  Dark Town.  With Col meaning Dark or Black.  Ben, of course, means Son, and so we have another potential reference to the Dark Son or Dark Sun.

Dark Town is also relevant to Tirion itself, perhaps.  In my story, Beings, including Faramir-Eonwe who we have also named in other posts as the Son (mapping to his other name Fionwe), will rise to Tirion in order to make that city shine once again.  This involves likely Stones and also the tree Galathilion, apparently.  Again, I don't know how that works, or what additional details or story elements are involved, but that just seems to be part of what needs to happen.

I'm not done yet with names here, though.  Rimway is this double star that Alex and Chase call home, and where the Rainbow Enterprises.  Rim is an Elvish word that means a few things, but one of which is Peace.  Peace Way, would be another mixed language reading of Rimway.  Recall that in my post "Take u body, find peace".  I equated the name Peace with Tirion-Jerusalem, and interpreted that phrase as meaning that Tirion is a place that must be found.

Joseph apparently was instructed regarding a "Star Way" that would bring him home to Tirion using the Anor Stone.

And here we have Peace Way, which links fairly strongly with Tirion based on these prior reference, and which is also mentioned as a double star in this book I am trying to read.

Anyway, now you can see why I don't get far into books these days without my mind wandering to other things.  

Even the book series that I read to my son at night brings my mind elsewhere.  We are still reading those cat books I brought up in my post ' "This way, that way" and the Westview Wildcats'. we are on Book 4, the aptly named "Rising Storm". As an example, the main character, Fireheart, belongs to a clan called ThunderClan.  The name of the leader of that clan?  Bluestar.  Yup.  And at this point she is in trouble and distressed, with her main desire (which she is blocked from doing currently) to travel to the "Highstones" so she can talk to StarClan (their dead ancestors living among the stars).  StarClan communicates to the cats on Earth through a stone they call - what else - The Moonstone.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Spaceballs and Blue Stars

 I mentioned in my post earlier today that I wanted to write on Spaceballs, of all things.

Yesterday, I started writing about those Feb. 15, 2020 words not necessarily sure where I was going with it, other than they were words that immediately followed those Feb. 14 words regarding Verlu and Joseph that I covered in the post from the day before.

As I went through the Elvish translation in the process of writing that post, I realized that it might be referring to a Blue Star and connected this with Sirius.  This was a bit of a surprise.  Earlier versions of translations that I attempted years ago had Tiliant as something like "highest peak".  But now, I saw a very clear translation that gave me "Shiniest blue star", which seemed to point directly to Sirius as I worked through a few things.  I further concluded that the place that Asenath was returning to was Tirion, and thus Tirion may be in the Sirius star system.  This was all new thinking to me, for the most part, although I am surprised I didn't make this specific connection earlier.

In any case, I concluded the post with a reference to Tatooine and the fact that this was a binary star system, just like Sirius is.

After finishing up the post, it was still kind of early-ish evening, for me at least, and I had a bunch of things going through my mind.  I wasn't ready to turn it in for the night just yet.  So I thought I'd watch something for awhile.

On one of our streaming services, I flipped through a few menus of shows, and "Spaceballs" came up as a recommended option.  I have never watched this movie before, but knew a little bit about it in that it was a Mel Brooks spoof on space movies, specifically Star Wars - the cover art had characters that seemed to riff off of Yoda, Chewbacca, Leia, Darth Vader, etc.  I had just ended my post with the Star Wars reference, and the fact that this oriented toward that movie combined, I think, with  the movie poster showing Rick Moranis, who came up recently in my post "Suddenly Seymour!", made me give the movie a shot.

At some point fairly early on in the movie, I realized the Spaceballs - just that name - might be relevant for my story here.  Space Balls.  The Anor Stone was, in my opinion, the Liahona of the Book of Mormon.  The Liahona is referred to as a Ball by three different Book of Mormon characters:  Nephi (son of Lehi), Alma (to his son Helaman), and Mormon.

I had expressed my view that the Anor Stone was delivered to Joseph back in 2020 to assist him in travelling through Space to arrive at Tirion.  I have also given my guess that many more Stones (the "Crumbs" of Asenath) will be provided to other individuals by which they will be 'plucked' or also ascend through Space to another world.

In other words, these Stones are in a very real sense Space Balls.  So when I realized this at some point early on in the movie, the name seemed interesting to me.

But that isn't what I wanted to cover in this post, really.  Rather, I wanted to touch on an interesting little wink in the film that could be interpreted as I am on the right track in linking Tirion to Sirius.  This gets fairly direct, in my opinion.

Princess Vespa, one of the main characters of the film, is from a planet called Druidia.  The name itself is relevant in that it potentially ties to this Gaelic theme - Druids are are from ancient Celtic cultures, and Gaelic is one subset of Celtic culture and language.

But I didn't really think about that until later, or really much at all as I first watched the movie, and as a standalone point, who cares.  I only started paying attention a little bit to the name when it was tied to Jews in one of the jokes later on - very specifically.  After Lone Star rescues Vespa in his flying space Winnebago, he and his dog-man Barf make a reference to Vespa being "Dru-ish", and the way it is said is very clearly meant to mean "Jewish".  Here is the clip - the lines are at the very end of the scene:

So, Lone Star calls her a "Dru-ish Princess", and then Barf follows by saying "Funny, she doesn't look Dru-ish".  Again, a clear reference to being a Jew.

This point will be further hammered home later in the film when Vespa is threatened to have her nose job that she received as a 16th birthday present undone by Lord Helmet and his plastic surgeon.  A black and white picture of Vespa with her original nose is shown.  Here that is:

As you can see, her original nose was quite large and hooked.  This is a classic racial stereotype for Jewish people, further linking Vespa and her planet with Jews, while also pointing back to Barf's joke that she didn't 'look' Dru-ish.

This scene with the nose, however, wouldn't happen until after the most interesting scene in tying some things together, so this really only served to hammer home the Jew reference.

Going back, and before getting to the scene I really want to cover, after the initial jokes about the princess being Dru-ish in that scene, I couldn't help but think of Vespa's planet as perhaps representing Valinor and Tirion.  I mean, I had just been writing about Tirion in the post I just finished prior to watching the movie, and recall that I have Tirion as being the same thing as Jerusalem - the land and city of the Jews.   Further, there is to be a Union (and reunions) on Tirion, and really the only scenes they have on Druidia are in a temple during wedding ceremonies.

My simple definition for someone who is a Jew is someone who lives in or is from Jerusalem-Tirion - in other words, very different Beings than a group of people tracing their ethnic and cultural roots back to the Middle-east here on Earth.  Not the same thing in terms of how I think of Jews, at least in how that word is used in the Book of Mormon, for example.  Very different.

For this reason, to go on a short tangent, but maybe not really, I have Eowyn-Ilmare as being the Jew from whose mouth the Book of the Lamb will be spoken (as recorded on the Ithil Stone).  Eowyn is from and will be in Tirion-Jerusalem (if she isn't already back there), thus making her a Jew according to my definition above.

Of some interest, Vespa means "Wasp", which is a bee-like insect, and Eowyn has on multiple instances been tied to and represented by Bees, creating perhaps another little link back to Druidia representing Tirion.

But I wouldn't be really writing any of this - these thoughts or little scenes - if it wasn't for a scene that occurred after the Vespa "dru-ish" jokes but before the nose job scene.  This is the direct reference that really popped, and without which, I wouldn't be making these other references and connections, or at least including them in a post.

After Vespa, Lone Star, and Barf are stranded on a desert planet (a spoof of Tatooine), there is a scene at night where Vespa looks up to the stars and says she can't seem to find her home planet of Druidia.  Lone Star points it out to her, and we find out that it is a Blue Star!  Here is the scene, with the relevant dialogue happening at about the 0:40 mark:

Again, just to set the context here and why this dialogue was just so striking to me at the time:  I had just finished writing a post about Tirion-Jerusalem potentially being associated with Sirius, the brightest star in our sky and a star that is Blue.  That post was the first time I have directly linked those two things together.  Further, as I have been watching the movie up to this point, I have already thought through Vespa and her home world of Druidia representing the "Jews" and their homeland of Tirion-Jerusalem.

I then hear Lone Star point to Druidia and say "It's right there.  It's that bright blue one."  (For those that didn't watch the clip, here is the image of Druidia in their sky)

I don't know - seemed to me at the time to be a pretty direct reference as I was sorting things out in my mind, partly paying attention to the movie and partly continuing to noodle a bit about what I had just written in my post about Sirius and Tirion.  It still does as I think about it a day removed, honestly.

So, perhaps Spaceballs and Lone Star are telling us we might be on the right track in locating Tirion in or near Sirius.  I don't see why not.

Overall, I found Spaceballs to be pretty funny.  Not all of the jokes landed with me, but there were enough to keep me laughing.  For some reason, the scene with the  VHS tape of the movie within the movie got me pretty good, but then of course I can't turn off comparisons with my story here.

The Sawtooth Stone is supposed to have a vision or a record of this world that extends to the very end.  In effect, it tells the story before the story has even been completed.  And this isn't necessarily unique, as at least two other records are said to do the same, or at least be similar in that way:  the writings of John and the record of the Brother of Jared (likely also copied by Moroni?).  It's a strange concept to accept, but apparently that is what these records represent.   In essence, this scene in Spaceballs showed just what a paradox the idea of Seer Stones and Seers can be.

As Lord Helmet asked Colonel Sanders in his confusion:  "How can there be a cassette of Spaceballs:  The Movie?  We're still in the middle of making it!".  That is the exact conundrum one has to to face in accepting that there might be writings or records that exist that tell the story before it has been 'made'.  

The part of the scene where they are "Now" cracked me up.  Here the scene is:

Anyway, wrapping up this post and back to my primary point, apparently Spaceballs could suggest that looking for Tirion around Sirius might not be a bad idea.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Painting in Pink

I have a post I want to write about Spaceballs (something that happened after I wrote my post last night), but I wanted to log a dream from this morning.

It was a short dream in which I found myself painting something with white paint.  I sort of stumbled into the scene mid-paint job so I don't know exactly what I was painting, I just know I was holding a paint brush that I was dipping in white paint and spreading it on a flat surface.

As I was painting, however, I noticed that the paint on my brush was changing to a shade of pink.  Very noticeably so.  I realized that I must have been mixing the white paint in with another color paint in the process of brushing, and this was changing everything to pink.  In the dream I didn't consider what other color that might have been, and the scene ended with me looking at the paint brush trying to determine what I should do next since my paint brush was now loaded with pink paint.

It was only after waking up that I realized what must have happened.  I must have come across red paint as I was going along, and this would have mixed in with the white to create pink.  Red and white mixed together make pink.

In thinking about this, I then thought that perhaps this had something to do with the final point I made in my post from last night.  I had mentioned Tatooine being in a dual star system comprised of a White and Red star, and further analogized these stars with the Ithil and Sawtooth Stones, with the Ithil being White and the Sawtooth only recently being thought of as Red.

And in this line of thinking, the dream seemed to make sense to me.  In my story, Eowyn has captured various stories, testimonies, witnesses, etc. onto the Ithil Stone.  This would have been represented by the White paint.  However, I had indicated that what is on the Sawtooth Stone - the missing vision and story of Joseph (as recorded by Eonwe-Faramir, perhaps) - will be combined with what is on the Ithil Stone.  Thus, this would be the Red paint combining with the White to create this new pink shade that I found myself painting with.

Makes sense to me as one potential interpretation.

However, my mind continued to work on this, as it does sometimes, and I thought of Montrose.  In my previous post highlighting this word (and reviewing our man Sammy Hagar the Red Rocker) I had gone down the path of Montrose being a Gaelic word and found some interesting connections there, which I think are still valid.

However, William Tychonievich had also offered up the idea of looking into the French translation of Montrose.  Mont would be "Mountain" and Rose would be "Rose", in his initial take, but my mind actually went to "Pink" as well, which Rose translates to in French as well.  The Pink Mountain.  In remembering that Mont might have to do with a Mountain, and we might be dealing with Pink and/or a Rose (the Pink Rose), I immediately thought of the Claremont sign that I wrote about in my post "Running with Claire".  

In that post, I explored a few different things going on here, ultimately including Tirion being represented in the various symbolism, or at least how I was pulling things together.  An X marked the spot, we had Claremont also referring to a "Bright Shining Mountain", and some kind of Union out West.

So, thinking about this further, I believe that the paint mixture from my dream not only referred to the combination of the Ithil and Sawtooth Stones' stories, but also the place where all of this happens:  Tirion.

The paint also doesn't have to just represent the mixing of the Ithil and Sawtooth Stones, but also the Union or Re-Union of Beings, specifically Eowyn and Faramir.  She is the "White Lady", as Faramir called her, and as her Ithil Stone also represents.  And recently we have compared Faramir with red beings, like the Red Rocker and Daniel LaRusso.  So White and Red Beings also reuniting in addition to these Stones, and Tirion seems to be where this happens.

As I also explored last night (and what Spaceballs seems to support, go figure) is that Sirius could be at least in some way represent where Tirion is, either its actual location or in someway symbolic of it, and thus where these events take place.

Friday, July 26, 2024

"Asenath to return in with us": Placing Tirion in Sirius

It seems that Verlu was keeping Joseph from leaving, or at least contributing to the problem in some way that isn't quite clear other than we she may have used their previous (and potentially still existing, at least on her end?) marriage, and she apparently knew quite a lot, from what Joseph had taught her.

That is what I have from the statement on February 14th, 2020.

The following day, on February 15th, there is mention of Asenath, which is one other clue I have that we have the overall general idea correct in that the ongoing discussion during this timeline centers on Joseph and that effort.  Here is the phrase from that day:

February 15, 2020
Asenath to return in with us is gwil tiliant dor ansir

The first part is at least helpfully English, but not very understandable.  Translating the rest of the phrase might make it more so.  Starting with is I take the rest of the phrase as Elvish, and meaning something like this:

she to sail shiniest blue star land today

The mention of a blue star is interesting here, given that Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, and which also happens to be blue, has come up several times before.  Could this be a reference to that star?  It is possible.  Let's just say I don't have any other better guesses at the moment.

Til is actually considered a proper noun for a Star in Tolkien's lexicon, at least per Eldamo.  Further, a note captured on Tolkien Gateway indicates that somebody (it isn't clear who, from what I quickly scanned) seems to think that Til is a 'small star near Sirius'.   

Til comes from root word Tili, which means 'to shine blue'.  Thus, my own guess is that Til might actually BE Sirius, and therefore my guess above that Tiliant also refers to Sirius.   In looking at how I got "shiniest blue star" in my translation, -iant can be a superlative ending in Elvish.  So, if Til is "to shine blue", it seems Tiliant would be something like "shiniest blue", and the fact that Til is a star gives me that final phrase.

So, Asenath is to return "in" with whomever the speaker is, and that appears to be something happening in the present - today or now (from ansir), as of February 15th.

My first guess had been that this is a statement about the future, that the Rescuers on Earth, or the Disciples - one of these parties - is referring to Asenath's future descent to our world in April as part of the Sawtooth expedition.  But that wouldn't be considered 'now' as of February 15th - that is still two months away at that point.  I guess 'now' could be different for them, but we have seen ansir or now come up before in relation to the darkening of the Anor Stone.  In that instance, it seems that now or today really meant that day, not some time a couple months down the road.

So, it must be that Asenath has been in one place, and is now, at that time, travelling to join whoever is speaking these words at wherever they are.  Again, one of the more frustrating aspects to these words is not necessarily having a good idea as to who is speaking, and trying to map the various dialogues to different people and places.  In this instance, it is further compounded by the fact that we don't necessary know if she is sailing to Sirius (or wherever this Blue Star is) or from it to somewhere else.  Whoever the speaker is seems to be speaking from wherever it is that she would be travelling to.  If we knew where that was, that might also help identify the speaker, though maybe not.

My own sense is that she is sailing to this Shiniest Blue Star, and not from it.  This is based simply on the fact that Sirius and a Blue Star has come up enough in terms of specific things and symbols, that there is something to it.  My guess is that place she is headed to is also the same place as Tirion, since in my current timeline and story she will be visited by the Disciples after the bring back Joseph on March 10 (a little over 3 weeks later) and that place is Tirion.  So, up until February 15th, she was somewhere else.  Where was she?  Perhaps at her home by Eressea #1.  That would seem to make the most sense.  From there she would have journeyed over to Tirion, and the Disciples and John would have met her there with Joseph less than a month later on March 10.

If this is so, then the speaker in these particular words are neither the Disciples nor The Germans, but whoever is then in Sirius or where this shiny blue star is (it is "us", so a group of people).  Perhaps this communication is letting the Rescuers know what is happening on their end, and updating on Asenath's latest movements and thus where to meet up?  I am not sure, obviously.

As an aside, things in Tirion may not be 100% great, just as with Eressea.  Remember that the Disciples remark, after seeing for themselves what the situation looks like, that Asenath is holding or defending a place there in some amount of darkness in hopes for the "Jewel House" to be "made White" or to Shine.  This place I have further suggested corresponds with Adam-ondi-Ahman.

The implication here for us, stepping away from words on a page, is that the physical location of Tirion (and thus Adam-ondi-Ahman) - if we were to place it somewhere currently in our universe - would be Sirius, in this line of thinking.  A planet or something in that area, I guess.  I hadn't really thought that through until now, in the actual process of writing this post, but that is where this whole train of thought leads me.  Does that ultimately work?  I have no idea, but Sirius and Blue Stars have come enough for me to consider it pretty seriously.  

I do like the idea because of this "Twin" theme that also keeps coming up, and here we have Tirion, one of the Twin Cities (Jerusalem and New Jerusalem), hat would currently be part of a Twin Star system.  Why not.

Another clue that we might be onto something?  Star Wars (of course).

Star Wars imagery has come up quite here and there on this blog and in my thinking.  Sirius is a binary star system, meaning it is comprised of two stars:  Sirius A and B.  Star Wars begins on the desert planet of Tatooine.  This is where we find Luke Skywalker, whose name is relevant for a few reasons that I've mentioned in the past, I think, including this notion of Sky Walkers that seems to keep coming up (Beings actually walking in the sky... with appropriate footwear).

Tatooine, as many of you know, is a planet that is in a binary star system as well.  I don't know - could be a hint.  Neither of them are blue, though.  Strikingly, and perhaps even better, however, they are White and Red.  Ithil Stone and the Sawtooth Stone symbolism, potentially.

Quick update thought (2 minutes after posting):

It occurred to me that we might have multiple speakers here in that February 15 phrase, and that the multiple languages hint at this.  Meaning, it may be that the English is one speaker, and that this Being would be the one living in Tirion / Sirius/ The Shiny Blue Star.  In effect saying Asenath is coming to join us.  The Elvish could then be one of The Germans or The Disciples passing on the news to the rest of their group that Asenath is sailing for the Blue Star.  This seems like it could make sense, and again might be the reason for the two different languages to designate two different speakers and locations.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Numenorean Pandas, Finn-iest adverts, and never say no to a panda

I couldn't pass this one up.

Yesterday, Bruce Charlton, one of William Tychonievich's blogger friends, wrote a post titled "Never say no to a panda...", in which he included a link to advertisements from Egypt featuring a panda who terrorizes people who choose not to eat his cheese.  Here is a screen capture of his post, and you will see at the end of my own post why I wanted to capture the image in case he went back and changed it.

Well, there are definitely some things to look into here.

It should strike any reader here that we are dealing with a "pied" animal in the mighty Panda.  Pied as in the classical term of Black and White.  While not really mentioned too much lately on this blog, we can go back to the Pied Piper of Hamelin for some symbolism here.  The Pied Piper first showed up here on my birthday post just a little over a year ago now, titled "National Rat Catcher's Day", because apparently my birthday does indeed fall on that illustrious holiday thanks to the poet Robert Browning.

I didn't know that Pied meant Black and White, however, at the time of that post.  That realization would not come until earlier this year in March, and I included this in part of my post "The Pi-ed Piper".  In the post, I also tied this back to Pi (the symbol), the Kirtland Temple, other Pied Animals, Steve Miller's Abracadabra, and a whole host of other random things - the works, basically.  Later posts brought in the WWE symbolism of The Rock dressed up in his Pied Vest, and that whole storyline with Roman Reigns was fun to follow.

Throughout this, I have associated the person of Faramir-Eonwe as this "Pied Piper" character, sometimes very explicitly so, also bringing in other Pied things that connected in various ways (e.g., Orcas, Black and White Rabbits, Oreo cookies - you name it).  Later, I would also include Peter-Pharazon as potentially being represented as a Pied Being. 

I went through that background just as a reminder that pied animals have been symbolically linked to the Faramir-Eonwe character for some time - this isn't something I am just doing now because of this recent post by Bruce.  Anyone ever watch Braveheart, by the way?  I have this urge right now to go full-on William Wallace (another WW) and start calling him The Bruce...

Back to things that matter like psychopathic Pandas.

I am going to suggest - shockingly - that this Panda we see here represents Faramir as well.  I know, you didn't see that coming. 

The fact that this is a Panda from Egypt is our first clue.  In addition to the long standing association of Pied things with specific characters here on this blog, Egypt is right up there for being also consistently associated with something else:  Numenor.   Tolkien himself associated Egypt with Numenor, and I have been pretty clear in various thoughts and writings that in many instances when we are dealing with things such as Joseph Smith's Grammar and Alphabet of the Egyptian Language (GAEL), in my opinion by Egypt we really mean Numenor.

So, we have this Numenorean Panda.  We know Numenor is associated with Peter-Pharazon for sure, but does Numenor have anything to do with Faramir?  It sure does.  Not only as his former role of Eonwe in helping to establish that land, but also later he would be explicitly tied to it by both Gandalf and Eowyn (beyond just the general fact that Gondor was established by Numenoreans, and thus many of its people were their descendents, from various lines and houses).  Gandalf would acknowledge the strong Numenorean "blood" running in him, as well as in Denethor (but strangely not in Boromir).  Eowyn would refer to him as being of the race of Numenor after she let him out of the friendzone.

Panda is an interesting word.  It's French, apparently. or at least a French take on a Nepalese name, from what I gather.  I had a hard time following the explanation I had read, actually, so we are going to treat it as Elvish for right now, because we can.

Panda as an entire Elvish word means "Enclosure", but not just any enclosure - on Eldamo, it is classified under "circular enclosures".  Further, Panda is awfully close to Panta, which one meaning has "to write a book", and also something like "to open".  Beating this horse further to death, breaking Panda down into parts of Pan and Da, we get something like "to arrange or set in order high".   Fairly relevant terms or actions for Faramir, at least in terms of what we have explored here.  I am not going to go into all of them because they are here on this blog, but take "Enclosure".  Faramir (since he is Zhera') will loosen or enlarge the girdle of Arda, whatever that specifically means.  Per Etymonline, Girdle comes from the root Gher which means "to enclose".  And there has been mention of writing books, and setting some things in order in a high place, etc., in some of my other posts.

Nonsense, you say.  This is a too much of a stretch.  Well, I will point you to my strongest evidence that there is something here to help us see a story, and it comes from Bruce's own typo.

You'll note that it appears he meant to type "Funniest" but instead wrote "Finniest".  Well, you should all know what Finn or Fin means in Elvish by now - yes, hair, but more specifically, this is a name for Finwe.

I have not yet written the post that I said I would try and get to (maybe this is a nudge?), but have stated in a few instances recently that my guess is Eonwe would become Finarfin while still in Valinor (i.e., incarnate as an Elf), and this might be important to our story for a few reasons, not least because he is able to operate outside of the Ban or Doom of the Valar with respect to his House for the rest of the story of this Creation.

Finarfin has Fin appear twice in his name, once at the beginning and then again at the end.  His name would actually loosely be translated as "Finwe, Noble Finwe".  This is a fairly Finn-y name, right?  In fact it is tied for the Finn-iest name in Tolkien's stories, since Finarfin's brother Fingolfin also sported two Fins.  

Anyway, this is all to say that I support the message of these advertisements.  It might be in our best interests to say yes to any Numenorean Pied Piper Pandas showing up.

Note:  I just went back to Bruce's blog as I was wrapping this up and noticed he corrected his typo, so I am glad I took the screenshot above. . . that would have totally wrecked everything!

The Wrongful Binding of Joseph by Verlu

In my Montrose post, although Sammy Hagar worked his way into my writing based on the name of his band sharing that name, the real purpose of the post was to highlight that those December 21 words were likely related to the rescue of Joseph, who was the "married husband" identified, and that whoever shared those words that morning may have been the same Being who had been listening in on my mind the day previous, if that is actually what happened.

In that post, I introduced a woman named Verlu as the cause for Joseph being considered a husband to two women, with Verlu his estranged wife from Numenor whose whereabouts were unknown at his departure from that island, and Asenath his wife from afterward (and, to be clear, his wife from long before this world as part of this Family of Light).

Here is the part from Words of the Faithful where we learn about the existence of Verlu.  At this point, Joseph has been (re)united with Asenath on her island after being cast out of Numenor, and there has been some details given about a record he kept on Numenor, in a language known only to him at first, but that he had taught to Verlu.  It is implied that these record and sayings would later become part of the Brass Plates, by the way.

And though she [Asenath] knew he [Joseph] has been as a man upon Westernesse [Numenor], espoused; and that this woman had borne him sons - called in your (loathsome) bigles, Ephraim and Manasseh, she knew not that to her also Joseph had taught the secret of his reading, and its devising.  This woman had departed from his heart, in her aging, or she had allegiance to kingsmen, by kin-oath; and would not impeach; nor dared she reveal what was known, by her to Joseph; nor to speak of his record-keeping, for it endangered her house, and sons; at the time of his casting forth into the sea, upon a casket, at the bidding of kingsmen, she (called Verlu) was not known to be living, neither dead....

So, we have Verlu who was taught both the language that Joseph had been writing in, and because of this also seemed to have knowledge or familiarity with the observations and prophecies that Joseph would have made while on Numenor.

I made a strange comment in that last post that perhaps Verlu is still around in some capacity, or at least was back in 2020, and I will give my reasons for even entertaining the thought.  I mean, it is a strange thing to consider, but not really the strangest thing I've covered on this blog (though that is admittedly a fairly high bar to clear).

On February 14, 2020, I believe Verlu is mentioned in my words.  The fact that February 14 is Valentine's Day makes this more likely true, in my opinion, as well as makes the reference kind of funny.

Just for context, since it has been awhile on some aspects of the Joseph rescue operation, as of February it appears our Rescuers are still trying to convince or enable Joseph to escape home with them.  They arrived just after New Years Day, seem to have found him relatively quickly thanks to the Anor Stone, but as of mid-February Joseph is still here.  For reference (covered in other posts), January 19 there seems to have been a specific instruction for Joseph to go home with Thingol, with the phrase Benu au doriel mit thingol luke elanor.

This invitation is repeated, perhaps, on February 5, with the saying Star-way they explained; Domno dorno away - Come my darling homeward bound.

There are a bunch of other words and things going on during this time frame that I captured as well, some likely tied to the ongoing discussion or effort regarding Joseph.  On February 10, I got those words that I have since tied to Glorfindel-Helaman and Gildor-Shiblon, in which they explain the Anor Stone is what we would know of as the Liahona (as I interpret their words, at least), and that it therefore serves a much greater purpose than merely being a 'compass'.  It is also now being given to Joseph, who I think is the Steward that is mentioned as having 'hands made sickly'.  Here are those words again from Feb 10 and 11 (with the mention of the Courier names removed), and I am including them because these immediately precede the mention of Verlu a few days later.

Those of us who delivered that ball instrument to Lehi’s family; a compass, yet not wholly so, sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised.

A Palantir it was; a globe of crystal, metallic-seeming, royal ancient sunlight beaming

Singing songs of heroes bold Yet some songs remain untold

Resonant it was, echoing thought commissary needful for instruction, eggs bearing

To learn from who iridescent, a welding link, hands made sickly stewards reward; Needful preparing against a storm breaking

OK, so at this time, I think this all means, that as of February 10, the Anor Stone was given to Joseph.  So, he has all the means necessary, it would seem, to go home.

Thingol?  Check

"Star-Way" explanation?  Check

Anor Stone? Check

What is the hang up?  I've guessed in prior posts that Joseph will not depart for home until nearly another month passes after that dialogue above.  March 5 I have him departing, and it seems at that point it is also in the company of the 3 Disciples who joined up with this group in some fashion.

What took nearly another month for Joseph to decide to go home, if leaving seemed to be a fairly urgent matter?

Part of the answer may lie with Verlu.

After those words related to the Anor Stone on Feb. 10 and 11, it was silent for the next couple days.  On February 14, Valentine's Day, I got this:

Feb 14
Kamut verlugen verdu verloden ista comer

It is in the second word, verlugen, that I think mentions Verlu.  I could be wrong, but it makes sense to me, and helps explain why Joseph is stuck (though the details of just how are not clear).  So, let's get into it.

Jumping right to the translation of the entire phrase, I have something like:

Bind wrongly Verlu earth (or grip/ grasp); dark husband wife path again to know gather one

Like all my guesses and translations, the details of that might not be completely right, but the general idea is that Verlu is wrongfully 'binding' Joseph to this earth, potentially through her grip or claim on him as her husband from long ago.  Again, how that is actually working in practice at this time, I don't know, but Joseph may be confused, under some kind of influence - I don't know.  We already know that if this is the same Verlu from Numenor, that she herself knows quite a lot, having been taught by Joseph himself - is that knowledge being used against him in any way here?   Again, hard to say.

But it seems that Verlu, in some capacity, is responsible for keeping Joseph here on this earth when these other Beings or voices are telling him that he needs to go home.  The 'dark husband' above would be Joseph, by the way, and the "wife path" seems to be a pretty direct reference to those words I received later in 2021 about "the paths which Asenath wrought", which I covered in this post using that phrase as the title.

Those paths I have linked to Stones, and here Joseph is holding his ticket home, it seems. The Anor Stone, likely wrought by Asenath (the Crumb Girl), is in his hands. This is a moment that Joseph foresaw long ago, and which I alluded to in that last follow-up post yesterday. Asenath's Crumbs will scoop her family home. Here is actually that prophecy Joseph wrote down - I didn't include it in that last post because it wasn't central to that point, but I think it is very relevant to what is going on with Joseph at this time back in 2020 (thought I just realized I have included this prophecy in that post I just linked above relative to Asenath's Paths and Crumbs):

... He [Joseph] sat himself at his master’s table-desk, and composed this song, recalling the End-Bring-Maker, Crumb-child, glowy and poor [Asenath]:

Poor beggar, Crumbs handful spilling,
Did lighten, brighten even Baradhi’s stones,
Starry striken, always a glint, sparkling;
Crumb Child, houseless to Powers, came, housing
Ill-omens, of their perpetuance;
Crumbs, all this realm’s lasting holdings,
Hope here, too, is come, that we in her gentle
Scooping, may rest, and safe, save she its health,
In love’s revealing.

A moment that Joseph saw and wrote down in this time long ago is now potentially upon him - Asenath's gentle scooping to safety and rest.   It is one of these "Crumbs", these "lasting holdings" that now lies in Joseph's hands and represents his way home, or at least to a place of safety.  As Glorfindel seems to have explained to Joseph in those February 10 and 11 words, the Stone sitting in Joseph's sickly hands are "sufficient to lead one across seas to lands promised", just as it led Lehi's family.

At least that is one way of looking at what is going on here.  Again, I could have a very wrong read, but the story makes sense in the broad strokes, even if I don't know how to explain particulars like where did Verlu come from and how is she wrongfully binding or holding Joseph captive.  Add that to the list of a thousand things I would like to understand a bit better.

But somehow Verlu's hold is broken, if the rest of my guess is correct that he went home in March 5.  So, that would make it just under 3 more weeks of working the situation to get him home, with ultimately the Disciples seemingly showing up to help after, from what I can tell, shepherding the first group of those Fathers to place to wait on our Earth somewhere.  It must be that Joseph needed to go home first, followed by these 3 distinct groups of these 96 Eldar.  Thus, the Disciples, having brought that group of the 46 Teleri (the Last who were First) here, must have realized what was going on with Joseph and joined the effort.  They accompanied him and Thingol home, and then would have have come back at Asenath's urging for the dual purpose of obtaining the Sawtooth Stone, and collecting the 2nd group of Elves, or Finwe's House, perhaps.