Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Black Sun in France

I was watching a little bit of the Olympics tonight, and they had a medal ceremony going on, and realized something about the appearance of these medals.  For those who haven't seen them, here is a picture of the Paris 2024 gold medal:

The front of each medal has a piece of iron from the Eiffel tower in the center.  Embossed lines extend from this center iron piece, in what the designers call "Radiance".

The effect, of course, gives us the impression of a Dark or Black Sun (or Black Hole), which has come up here quite a bit.  And here we have it associated with France.

My favorite picture of this Black Sun symbol that I have captured on this blog still has to be that picture my son took with his Kidizoom camera in my post from this past February titled "Turning Suns into Black Holes".


  1. There’s also bee symbolism there, with the hexagon and the black and yellow stripes.

  2. Yeah, I noticed the hexagon immediately. In thinking about it, I recalled a song I "received" last week:
    It's the main theme for Mumbo's Mountain, the first level of classic Nintendo 64 game, Banjo-Kazooie. (The game itself is notable as the player primarily controls Banjo, a honey bear. His health is represented with honeycomb hexagons, and the best way to recover health is by breaking one of the many beehives scattered around the world.)

    Actually, checking my notes now, it was one of multiple songs I got on July 24 (sleep was broken a few times), which... huh. That's the same day as your "Montrose" post. Except that, due to time zone differences, it was probably an hour or two into the 25th here when you hit submit, because I remember reading it shortly before going to bed. (Incidentally that post brought to mind the name "Montclair", but I'd better leave the details for another comment.)

  3. Good catch on the bee symbolism from both of you. I completely missed that.

    I did catch a little hidden bee symbol this past weekend. I was just going to drop it in this comment, but then I remembered these aren't searchable so I'll do a really short post on it later when I have a chance.
