Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A golden baseball

Just yesterday, in my post "Harry Potter's Wheel and Names written on foreheads", I considered 'Baseball", the word, as potentially being analogous to Stones for the first time that I can recall.  I was thinking about Plates or Discs on Heads, but the dream I had referenced in doing that was the Lightning McQueen baseball dream, and when I typed baseball in the sentence, I just thought about Stones.  Here is what I wrote:

When I re-read my dream, and I was struck again by the mention of a plate that was supposed to be worn on one's head, just like a baseball helmet.  Writing that out right now, "baseball" might be an interesting word or analogy, right?  We are dealing with "Balls" here (Stones), and the word base can be used to describe a foundation or bottom, but it can also be used to describe a "safe place or spot". Some ball that takes you to a safe spot (and potentially was prepared from the 'foundation' of the world?), or connects or links back to that safe spot, perhaps.

A 'ball that takes you to a safe spot' in my story is a Golden Ball (either Gold or Rose-Gold!).

My youngest son went to a Twins baseball game this afternoon as part of this hockey camp he is doing (yeah, doesn't make any sense, does it?).  

The Twins stadium has gone completely cashless, so it was with some trepidation this morning that I gave him my debit card for the day and said he could get some concessions with it.  The trepidation was for both the fear that he was going to lose it, and also the fear that he wasn't going to lose it and forget about proper fiscal management.  You used to be able to give a kid $20 and they would have to figure it out with a cap they couldn't go over.

It was very clear (or so I thought) that the card was for snacks and treats at the game only - we didn't need to buy any other stuff.

Well, his friend talked him into going to the gift shop and, debit cards in hand, they proceeded to each buy some memorabilia of their amazing time.  To his credit, my son walked out with one, and only one, item from the gift shop.  That item?

A golden baseball.

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