Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Michael J. Fox eating a croissant

There were a few things from this morning I want to document, but I am taking a very short vacation from my vacation to log just one of them right now.

One dream from this morning involved our old friend Michael J. Fox.  He has come up before in Back to the Future with his role as Marty McFly.  Last month, I devoted a post to that movie (specifically the 2nd one), calling out a few things that I saw.   In that post, I directly linked the character of Marty (played by Fox) with Faramir-Gim Guru, even noting the actor's name "Michael" in addition to all of the things about the character in-movie.

The Michael J. Fox in my dream was nothing like the real-life actor in appearance.  For example, Fox is famously very short, at 5'4", whereas the one in my dream appeared was considered to be very tall.  All the same, in my dream I understood the person I was looking at to be Michael J. Fox.

I remember Fox taking only one action in my dream, and that was to begin eating a croissant.  That was literally it for that particular dream, and I woke up.

Some of the symbolism came together once I was up and thinking.  I remembered that I've had Fox represent Faramir, as mentioned above.  In a prior post, I made a guess that the word "Mbasse" that appeared in my 2019 words, and which means "Bread", was a code name or title for Eowyn.  Well, here in the croissant we clearly had Bread.  Not only that, but it as Bread in the shape of a crescent moon, another symbol I've directly linked with Eowyn.  

And lastly, the croissant is obviously and famously French, with the name Croissant being French for "Crescent" (which I am sure most people already knew), with the Crescent Moon being part of that translation/ definition.

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