Saturday, August 31, 2024

A strong team with beautiful feet

In my post titled "Penalties and Red Cards", I shared a brief dream scene that implied that a team comprised of "strong players" had already been chosen to "Peek Peak", a phrase I take now to refer to a journey to Tirion.  This was actually the dream where I got the name Doug and applied it to its current owner as used on my blog.


Need invite to peek peak


Person X:  

Team is already chosen [phrase was followed by someone showing me an image of hockey players] with strong players.  But you can play soccer.  Give it some thought, Doug.


The call to make this trip is not for the asking or wanting, as the dream also suggests, but for the choosing.  Beings have been chosen, and the mention of their being 'strong' players that comprise this team seems to suggest to me that were chosen for a reason - some attributes, power, or other characteristics that make them the ones for the job.

The answer to the mystery of just who this strong team is at least partially comprised of lies in my opinion with the 3 Chip Monks who have been a big theme here.  I did not imagine that when I first pulled in Alvin, Simon and Theodore several weeks ago that this was the case, but here we are.

Alvin I have identified as Gim Guru (Faramir-Eonwe).  Simon as Gim Githil (Peter-Pharazon).  And Theodore I am currently guessing is Moses (and potentially the Brother of Jared).

There is one major thing that links these 3 Beings together and thus might help to explain why they were selected:  They have and demonstrated the ability to move between worlds using their 'feet'.

Thy symbolism of a Sky Walk has been very powerful in recent months as I have explored a few things, and each of these characters have been or are tied to such Sky Walks by virtue or their feet in relative stories or symbols attached to them.

Yes, many Beings have been said to cross Water, Space, or whatever it is we are talking about using Ships, however constructed, and however guided.  These 3 Beings, however, did not use Ships, but rather were said to "Walk".

Gim Guru I have tied to Hermes, who is shown to have sandals on his feet with wings, known as the Talaria.  The wings, actually, were a later symbol attached to his sandals, it seems, as a means of explaining both his speed, stealth, and his ability to move between worlds of the Divine and Mortals.  But again, it was to his feet, and the sandals attached to them, that this ability of movement was symbolically derived. 

Gim Githil-Peter's own Water Walk is an event I have taken some liberties with to suggest that his coming out to meet Jesus upon stormy waters was not actually referring to a lake or a pond, but rather to something equivalent to sky or space.  Remember, in my own 2019 and 2020 words, it is through "troubled skies" that at least one Being will ascend with a prayer or statement, and that word "troubled" links the skies to water.  In Enoch's vision recounted in the Pearl of Great Price, it is the "sea" that Enoch sees as being troubled at the last days.  Not only this, it also links those troubled skies with the water that Peter was said to venture away from his own boat and attempt to walk on with his own feet.

Lastly, in the story of Moses we have a Being who was given power by God over the very Water itself, so that rather than having to walk on it, he could part or divide it, and thus he and the Israelites could pass through on dry ground.  But, again, they walked, using their own feet.

So, there is something here, this ability to travel and move one's own physical body over or through these Waters using one's Feet that might be a clue as to why these Beings will "Peek Peak", or arrive at the Top of the Mountains (Aman).

In realizing that this trait or power seemed to link these 3 Beings, I also recalled Abinadi's words to King Noah, quoting Isaiah, which were also later used by Jesus at Bountiful, regarding the Beautiful Feet of those who publish good tidings from Mountains (worlds):

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings unto them, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings unto them of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion: Thy God reigneth!

I've used that above example several times before in relation to the Feet symbolism that has cropped up, but less so, at least not as much, I don't think, with respect to the other part of this quote:  the act of publishing.  These Chip Monks will also be responsible for 'publishing' salvation, I think, among others.  The Chip in Chip Monk, as William Tychonievich has guessed at, may refer to Records or Stories.  Beyond feet, it is Records that also join these individuals.

Starting from Theodore this time, if he is Moses, well then the Brass Plates would seem to fit rather nicely with him, since Nephi said that this record included 5 of his books.  Further, if in fact Moses is also the Brother of Jared reincarnated, we also have the account or vision that Jesus showed him before the Jaredites departed for the new world, which is what is on those (in)famous "Sealed" portion of the Gold Plates from which also came the Book of Mormon.  Moses' books were said by Nephi to give an account of the "creation of the world".  An allusion to this account, or where it may have come from, is in the Pearl of Great Price, as part of what is, conveniently, called the Book of Moses.  The vision of Creation came directly from Jesus in that account.  The Brother of Jared was also shown a vision of this Earth by Jesus himself, said to include him seeing all the inhabitants of the Earth from beginning to end, which likely, then, also included an account of this Earth's creation.

Simon as Peter would make him the traditional leader of the 12 Apostles.  The record that Eowyn-Ilmare has assembled is, I believe, the Book of the Lamb, and thus also said by the angel who spoke to Nephi to be the record of these same 12 Apostles.  Remember "Play for Patrick" and the question of where Peter's Mind is, and we may just have what is on the Ithil Stone as something that Peter partially wrote and recorded in the original, which would include his own witness and memory of Jesus.  The fact that Gim Githil's name is a version of Ithil, the name of the Stone upon which Eowyn has recorded the record to date, and which means Moon, might mean that Peter will have something to do with or say about this Record once it is received by Gim Guru-Faramir.

Lastly, in Alvin as Gim Guru, we have his role in the creation of the Rose Stone, acting as the "secretary" in recording things that have been hidden from the very founding or creation of our world, when Joseph-Ausir did whatever it is that he did.  Some of those things have not been spoken, I guess, since Joseph and/ or Gim Guru would have uttered them in conjunction with this Stone.  The Three Disciples heard them, I've also guessed, as part of their being caught up to heaven and seeing and hearing unspeakable things.  But, it wasn't "lawful" for them to speak or share anything that they had witnessed, which I guess will last until it is time for the Rose Stone to be used, and then they will have some things to say, I imagine.

So, this is all to say, that with this "strong team" we not only have the symbolism of their Feet, and them having used said Feet to move between Worlds, but we also have this connection of Records - really, really important Records - that will be published upon the Mountains, which I take to include more than just our own.

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