Friday, August 2, 2024

Pengolodh: Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

 Well, the title says it all, unfortunately.

All three of Doug's "Words" books are attributed to a Being calling himself "Pengolodh I-Earnu".  In Doug's account, Pengolodh is actually the person telling this story, using Doug as a human channel or scribe through which to convey his words.  Doug will cite very specific instances of words he was unfamiliar with, details he couldn't have known, etc., in not really trying to convince anyone that this was something supernatural, but more of trying to relate how the experience went.  In other words, it wasn't just general thoughts or ideas that he was forming into his own words, but rather every word in those books were given directly from another Being who was sharing them through some kind of mind-sharing, telepathy, or other form of communication.  As Doug wrote in the introduction to his first book:

Neither joke nor swindle, I know what it is [Words of the Faithful], and how it was written.  I am a scribe, not its author.

Furthermore, he confirmed that no plates, Stones, or any other medium were used in creating his books (though, as it turns out, Pengolodh was at one time himself a Stone, and for all I know may still be one).  This is one mind communicating with another mind.

A vast majority of people in our world would likely disbelieve that account straight away. I am not one of them, obviously, but rather take these books and their implications very seriously.  I believe Doug when he says that these words were communicated to him from some other Being.  It is part of what got me into a fair amount of trouble starting in 2020, as I've brought up previously.

It occurred to me that I have spent some time on Doug here - whether by that name or any other - but Pengolodh has gotten a pass in my own thinking.  This doesn't seem right.  If he is the author of these books, then we ought to (or at least I should) take some time to develop a perspective as to just who we are dealing with here.  Throughout these books, Pengolodh sets both himself and Doug up as authorities, in a manner, so forming an opinion on who this Being is should not be out of bounds.  This is not a disinterested party, I don't believe.

To set the stage, I will share a dream I had back in that 2019/ 2020 timeframe.  It was a very confusing dream to me at the time, but I think I have resolved it - only in the last two days, however, as I have turned my mind toward this Pengolodh.

In the dream, I found myself in something like a black void.  In front of me was a Being dressed in robes, sitting at a desk in the act of writing.  The robes were sandy colored, or something you might find someone wearing in the desert, I thought at that time.  In fact, there was almost a 'genie' or magical-type quality to the Being.  He looked straight at me and I recognized the face:  it was Doug!  But Doug that seemed to be very powerfully built underneath those robes, and with one important detail - his eyes glowed or shined.  As I recognized his face, I began to swirl away from him, falling deeper into a black abyss, as Doug rose above me, always keeping his face on me as he held his pen sitting over that desk.  I had the feeling like I was drowning or becoming lost in this void as I continued to swirl away.  I then woke up.

It was a pretty disconcerting dream.  I don't remember everything from that time, and my journals and notes from that time have all been destroyed when I burned them, but I suspect that this dream, coupled with distrust and, frankly some dislike if I am honest, I felt toward Doug contributed to me interacting with him less as we went forward.  There would be brief periods where some crisis at home related to my own experiences with all of this 'stuff' would cause me to reach out (I was pretty confused and couldn't talk to anybody else about what was going on - so in some ways he was my only option, as no one in my circle of family or friends were involved, or quite emphatically did not want to be).  

When Leo became more involved in things at the beginning of 2020, I found myself gravitating toward talking to him more, and emailing Doug less.  There would be a period where Doug had asked Leo and I to email everything that we were 'receiving' to him, and he even created an excel template in a shared file, I believe, for us to drop in our words for him.   But even then, I ended up dropping away from doing that, until that fateful week in the beginning of May, when things just got crazy.

I say all of that, because in the ensuing years I have always assumed that this dream of the man in the robe wearing Doug's face was actually meant to be Doug, in some fashion.  Maybe an earlier incarnation of him, or something.  And I would interpret what that meant in all sorts of ways, some good or bad, not knowing really what to think about the various implications.

My current guess, however, is that this was not Doug that was represented in my dream.  Rather, this was Pengolodh.  I am almost sure of it (as sure as one could be in this whole house of cards story).

Why was Pengolodh wearing Doug's face, though?  Well, for the simple reason that Pengolodh is, in fact, faceless - both on this world (he speaks through Doug), and potentially on his own.  The only way in which I know of or interact with Pengolodh's words or thoughts is through Doug.  Thus, he would naturally look like him in my dream.

It wouldn't be the only time this has happened.   Recall that I once had a dream of a Being that looked like William Tychonievich (and who I thought was him), with long, flowing blonde hair.  I thought through whether it was actually William in trying to crack the code of Helaman and various other things.  It turned out that this Being was not William, but Glorfindel in my story, and the dream was about Glorfindel finding the "Book Keeper" (Tom Bombadil).  But Glorfindel took on his appearance in my dream because I had made some connections with William and Helaman, and potentially for other reasons, too.  Which is all to say that when I had the thought that Doug's appearance represented Pengolodh, this made complete sense to me.

And in this light, the dream's meaning clarifies just a little bit.  I was swirling in the Void as Pengolodh, wrote at his desk, his glowing eyes on me, as I drifted further into oblivion.  

What was he writing?  Doug's books, I would think, considering that it was the face of Doug I saw.  Maybe books also that have yet to be written?  I have indicated that his current books might be somewhat dangerous, and it is a view I am prepared to maintain.  The words of Leo both in the commentary on this blog, just a few days ago actually, relating to counterfeits has stuck with me.  He mentioned them in relation to the Brass Plates, but I think it applies to a broader set of writings.

Doug's first book - Words of the Faithful - is a book that is primarily about Izilba (Eowyn-Ilmare) and Zhera' (Faramir-Eonwe), and their friends.  The first question anyone should ask here is why is Doug the one sharing this story?  I have give my guess (it may be a wrong one, but I am working from a consistent framework in assessing what makes sense) that Faramir is here as a Man now.  Why are Pengolodh and Doug writing Faramir's story here?  

In Doug's own writings (or Pengolodh's, rather), he suggests that Tolkien was Frodo reincarnated.  Thus, having Tolkien write and publish LOTR makes a great deal of sense - he was Frodo, after all, the primary player in that story, and who ultimately finished the "Red Book" he received from Bilbo.  I have not publicly stated my own guesses related to Joseph Smith, but I think he may have been a primary player in the story that he would end up translating, The Book of Mormon.

Seems to be a pattern.  Certain stories and records were returned or given to the people who had kept and even lived them.  So why is Doug writing Faramir's story?

One answer is Doug is Faramir.  It is a possibility, of course.  I have not made that connection between Doug and that character, but I might be mistaken.  Assuming I am not, it makes no sense for Doug to be writing that first story.  The Words that he included in the back of that first book seem to have come from Pengolodh, with direct commentary starting in section 12 of those Words, and even some of his dialogue with various characters in sections prior to that.  But some of these sections have no interaction with Pengolodh at all, in dialogue very specific to and privately involving Zhera, Izilba, and their friends.  How did he obtain those words?

I think he (Pengolodh) might have stolen them, or acquired and/ or used them in a way not fully above board.  I had that dream of a parking lot full of cars (again, cars represent Stones in my dreams, for the most part).  Did I share this dream?  Anyway, in that dream, not only my car, but all other cars around me had been broken into, car alarms were going off, and things had been stolen from them.  My guess is that this was symbolic of theft en masse of some important things, story elements, etc.   Assuming this parking lot full of cars also included the 'cars' of Faramir and Eowyn, my guess is elements of their story were taken by Pengolodh and the Secret Combination he is a part of.

Of the 3 books in the Words trilogy, the first one is by far the most accessible and probably the most truthful.  We are dealing with counterfeits that are potentially setting up a much larger play (the details of which I am still thinking through), and so, particularly in the beginning, having a significant amount of truth is going to be critical.  Once credibility and authority has been established, and the hook has been set, then I think you can start leading people further astray with flaxen cords and creating alternative storylines based on some of those underlying and fundamental truths.

I don't take credit for that idea, though.  I think Leo may have mentioned it or positioned it that way in thinking through some things one time.  That is how I remember it, at least, and it makes sense to me.  Based on my perusal of Book 3, I think we are far afield and have strayed significantly from the truth.  But that is based on a very limited read, keep in mind.  I don't want to misrepresent that I have spent a lot of time on it.  I haven't.

But if this is all some kind of counterfeit operation, then at first blush it seems like it has failed spectacularly or has all been in vain.  I mean, who even reads these books, or pays any attention to Doug, and thus Pengolodh?  Besides Doug's SLC group, and some of us here, and I am sure a few other pockets of individuals scattered around, I am not sure anybody on our Earth even cares.

When I was searching through Book 3 the other night as I looked at the Brass Plates stories, I was reading the language and the manner of speech again and remarking to myself on how odd and almost purposefully obtuse it is.  My overriding thought is that this language was not really intended to appeal to people on our world.  I think Book 1 was approachable, even if in Pengolodh's strange prose.  It was for me, at least.   I could engage with it.  But Book 3 has completely let go of any pretense as to who it is written for, and it ain't us, I suspect.

Who then?  My guess is Beings on a world other than our own, specifically where Pengolodh may live.  Perhaps other places, too.

What?  Yes, that is what I think, or the impression I had in reading it and so it is a theory I am willing to consider.

But why would Pengolodh need Doug to write out stories in a book here on Earth that he is self-publishing and selling in obscurity on Amazon, and whose readers we can probably count on no more hands than what you and I put together?  What sense does that make - why go through the hassle, if the book isn't even intended for a massive audience here?  

I think the answer comes down to prophecy, perhaps, and the way things have been said that they will or need to go.  Pengolodh knows full well a book needs to be written by a Man here on this Earth (I am guessing - let's just go with this line of thinking), and Doug is the one doing it for him.  I don't think his audience - those on Eressea or other worlds - would accept the story otherwise, as they are likely familiar with more stories, lore, prophecies than we know of as well.  Pengolodh isn't really trying to fool you and me (I don't think it takes much effort for him or anybody else to do that... we are pretty fooled already!).  And we've got Saruman down here anyway doing all of his shenanigans as he looks around his kingdom.  Rather, Pengolodh sits in his Empire State Building high in our sky and is after another audience entirely, one that is a bit trickier to fool, would be my guess.  This is written for them, or could be.

It is kind of funny to envision Doug's books as some kind of bestseller up in the Heavens somewhere, but who knows, that actually might be how it is.  Pengolodh, or the Being posing as him or assuming his name, is apparently considered the greatest of lore masters.  He makes sure characters in his tales voice this, either directly or implied, and that Doug carries that torch for him in our pit down here.

So, I am going to pause here and just acknowledge how it sounds to start creating a conspiracy theory relating to Being that may well be imaginary, and about a story that only a handful of people have even read, but here we are.  This blog was intended to let me get my thoughts out and explore some things, and I don't think this should be left out of that effort.  As with all conspiracy theories, an incorrect detail here or there can really blow things up and undermine the intent, so I do want to call out that the overriding theory is Pengolodh is evil.  That is the important part.  How that evil is expressed can vary - this is just one theory on how that might play out, with me not knowing enough facts to make a better, more informed opinion.  Having said that, I think my guess has room to run overall, even if details are lacking or turn out to be incorrect.

Pengolodh being on Eressea, and spearheading the lies and confusion on that world make sense in terms of my story and what has been said needs to happen with respect to that world.  Remember that critical phrase from March 1, 2020, where we get that strange Leon Egbert phrase, along with the "Sun Moon time" reference.  That specifically mentions a change in Eressea needing to happen in order for someone or some group of people to rise to 'it'. 

March 1
As soon as change comes upon Eressea, thou shalt rise to it beyond
Keno ansilio insgwiliant osse enflorien finu
Sun moon time
Leon Egbert

Some change is needed, and it may well be that removal of Pengolodh as a voice of authority, and exposing lies he has passed off as 'lore', are part of this change.  I mean, why not at least consider this as a possibility?

A change in high places that is anticipated to come in the future is further supported by other words from May 1, 2020, which was two months later and in the period after Asenath defeated Son of Baal-Ox under Williams Peak.  In these words (I can't remember if I've shared them), we get the dialogue between the defeated party Son of Baal-Ox himself (I will just call him SBO), and apparently his boss.  In this dialogue, SBO says he was made to take an oath by Asenath, and the boss asks him to look into a 'change upon higher places'.  This would presumably have been something Asenath had told SBO, SBO would have passed on this information to Big Bad Boss Man, and the Boss is asking SBO to look into it. 

May 1, 2020
Boss:  The evil bucket, you bring the evil bucket next time thu! [unclear if thu is a name or word] 
SBO:  Bai-maiden she made me take an oath
Boss:  Explore some sign of bora, some change upon higher places

My guess is this change upon higher places is describing the same event as the earlier mention of change on Eressea.  Something is going to shake things up, correct some wrongs, misinformation, and misunderstandings, I think.

This all comes back to this notion of "spiritual wickedness in high places".  In a post from about a month ago, I discussed that CS Lewis has the character Ransom, in his second book of the Space Trilogy called Perelandra, imply a much different interpretation of Paul's words where he talks about  (the quote comes from Ephesians in the New Testament).  He suggests 'high places' or 'great heights' applies to worlds above and beyond our own.

So do I.

Thus, when we read of Moroni's warnings regarding Secret Combinations getting "above" us, we might interpret that in that same, new way.  Or at least broaden the extent or territory over which these Combinations operate.  They will be among the Gentiles, but also above them - they will be on Eressea, and also among us here on Earth:

Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you;

I place Pengolodh as among these combinations.

This is getting long, but I do want to comment on those glowing eyes of Pengolodh in my dream.  Eyes of this nature have come up before here.  Remember Total Eclipse of the Heart, by Bonnie Tyler?  I think William first called that one out.  I would link that song to Vampires, and the lyrics and video featured Beings with "Bright" eyes.  These Beings were vampires. 

In my post "March 12 and 13 timelines: Shelob's Lair and a change in the wind", I specifically linked that song and the notion of Bright Eyes to Vampires and Spiders.

The interesting thing is that before I made this link with Pengolodh in my dream, and his own glowing eyes, I sat for a bit trying to get a mental image of Pengolodh.  The image that came to my mind?  A spider.  I even tried to envision him in other ways, but a spider, at least at the time that I was thinking on this, was the most natural form in which to think of him as.  It was actually that image that made me think of the dream, and helped identify the Doug-faced Being as Pengolodh.

Lastly, and why I think this aspect of the story is worth considering, think of the recent symbolism with respect to the Ace of Hearts.  This came up first over on William's blog, and he tagged it early on representing Zion - a place where its people are One Heart.

OK, so Heart - single Heart.  Ace.  Now think of the name of that Bonnie Tyler song.  Total eclipse of the Heart.  My takeaway? The forces of Good - the Family of Light - are trying to bring about Zion - that Heart.  What are the Vampire Spiders attempting to do?  Eclipse it, in the sense that the word means to 'abandon, fail, obscure, darken' etc.  Pengolodh's game with Doug is part of this effort.

I have some more thoughts to run through with respect to the setup of Doug, why a Man on this Earth is writing something for another world, and how Pengolodh being transformed into a Stone helps him sell his story, but that will be another post.  Often these types of posts where I am first trying to assess things serve as ice breakers to my own thinking, so it will be interesting to see where things go, what ideas will change, etc., so again, draft thinking of how things may be playing out.  Needless to say this is all sort of new-ish thinking.  Not necessarily my feelings with respect to Doug, obviously (I won't even write his name out usually, for crying out loud), but rather how Pengolodh is involved and what that might mean for the story.


  1. Are the books supposed to be channeled in their entirety? I've only read bits of the first one, but in the back is a section called "The actual words of the faithful" or something like that, which is written in an unknown tongue similar to your own words. It was my understanding (he doesn't really explain much in the intro), that these words were channeled, and that the main text of the book was Doug's attempt at interpreting or "translating" them.

  2. Yes, channeled in their entirety, though I am not sure he would use that term - I am not sure if there is a better one that fits.

    Those few Elvish words in the back first came to him. When he and I shared notes about our experiences (back when things were starting off with me), I recognized that his experience was much different than mine (or at least that is how I remember it). All of my words came through dream imagery, as I've shared. His words came while awake, and at one time he described it as coming from his mouth - like he would speak them, or something. He said he had the impression or sensation of the words forming in his throat, if I recall correctly.

    Anyway, so those words came first, and then because he is a linguist, he started trying to translate them, forming rules on different meanings. Some of those he shared with me in an email when I was trying to figure out my own words. Thus, those words in the back with the Elvish text are his translation attempts, though the were likely updated and clarified once he had the full story, and could go back and fill in gaps.

    It was following these translation attempts that the stories in the book itself came to him. And yes, he described it as the words themselves, as they are written, came from Pengolodh directly. In the book, he timestamps each section of writing to indicate what days Pengolodh communicated the story to him. For example, the story opens with a date of February 8, 2017, which means the section that followed would have been mind-shared on that day. The next section has the label "February 12, 2017, early morning", meaning there were 5 days between the mind share, and this next section of writing occurred during the morning hours sometime.

    But obviously he would have a more exact answer on the details of the experience. Leo would take on some long-form writing similar to Doug's as well later on, so he might have insight into it as well with these larger stories.

    Tolkien wrote an essay called "Osanwe-kenta", which means "Enquiry into the Communication of Thought", and is about how Beings communicate through some kind of telepathy or mind communication. Doug was a big fan of that essay, and I believe it probably describes his experience with Pengolodh. That essay, interestingly enough, was positioned by Tolkien as having been written by a Being named Pengolodh, though Tolkien's version of Pengolodh is extremely understandable by comparison.

  3. Thanks, that’s helpful. I remember the introduction to WotF was quite vague as to how the text had been produced.

  4. My own experience writing was not unlike what some call “automatic writing”. It did certainly feel like it originated from outside of me and the way DS described it seemed to fit well with what I experienced. Channeling is another good word for it imo. I assume, like you, that it was osanwe-kenta between myself and someone. I never had much sense for who was speaking or where the story was headed. It was only from the context that I could guess who was speaking.

    That’s partly why I don’t know how much I trust my own writing — just too much uncertainty about who was speaking and why sometimes there were contradictory statements.

    At any rate, part of the reason you might have books duplicated here and there could relate do DC 138 with certain things being written on earth and heaven in order to bind/loose things. All this channeling is possibly an attempt at that.

    Lastly, the whole turned into a stone or hourglass thing just seems awfully strange to the point of being unbelievable, at least for me. If this Pengolodh theory is correct I’d venture to say we have a wizard of Oz scenario. Not sure why that is a bridge too far for me but talking swords isn’t but for some reason that part of the story has never sat right.
