Monday, August 12, 2024

Play for Patrick #96

Late this afternoon, I walked back into my house from my office out in the barn loft.  Several days a week, we have someone help out in the afternoon with both the house and shuttling kids around.  She has been with us for almost 6 years now, I think, and is basically part of our family at this point.

When I walked into the house, she was standing in our mudroom and the first thing I noticed is that she was wearing a really pink shirt.  Now, I am surrounded by pink things everywhere, so seeing pink isn't necessarily something out of the ordinary, but with this shirt I took notice of just how PINK it was.  As in, Pink Spider kind of pink, or Rose Gold.  The color just hit me, which then made me pay attention to the rest of the shirt.

On the front of her shirt was the following logo:

I pulled this logo off the website, since I didn't want to be completely weird asking to take a picture of her shirt (or worse, trying to sneak a picture!).  The version on her shirt was all pink, however, rather than this black and blue, but otherwise it was this same logo.  So just imagine that logo in solid pink.

And instantly, I had another story in an image.  Too perfectly, almost.  I mean, it took like a millisecond to connect some things right there in the mudroom.

Before I get into that, though, this Play for Patrick is actually another name for the Patrick Schoonover Heart Foundation.  Patrick was a young man who died when he was 14 years old during a hockey game back in 2014.  The cause was Sudden Cardiac Arrest that was brought on by an undetected heart defect.  The organization was set up in his honor (by his parents), and they perform free heart screenings for all kids 14 - 24 years old in the Twin Cities area.  They also put on a hockey tournament every year, and that was where I was first introduced to the organization as my son's hockey team played in that tournament this past hockey season.  As part of the tournament, they gave my son and all of the other players heart screenings.

Mary's own husband died suddenly of an undetected heart defect when their kids were still young and at home, and she has been a big supporter of the organization, doing volunteer work for them.  Which I am guessing is how she came by that pink shirt she was wearing around today.  I don't remember her ever wearing it before today, but that is not to say she hasn't.  This is just the first time I noticed it.

I say all of that because I am going to use these symbols to tie to the story I have written about here, but I didn't want it to get lost that this emblem was born out of real life tragedy involving a real person, and that they do good work trying to help other families not have to go through the same thing that Patrick's family went through.

Patrick is a name that William Tychonievich has brought up a bit on his blog.  That name was given to one of the two Blue Wizards of his William Alizio story (Tim was the other).  In previous posts, he had connected Patrick and his blue robes with Jay Leno and his well known preference for Blue Denim attire.

Recently at the end of last month, Patrick came up again, with William considering himself a type or example of Patrick's character, specifically with relation to Hidden Treasures and eating them.  His wife would make eggs, and ask William to eat the yokes.  He tied this to the egg riddle from Bilbo and Golum's riddle battle in The Hobbit:

A box without hinges, key, or lid,
Yet golden treasure inside is hid.

The eggs were the box, and inside was the Hidden Treasure.  It was a pretty insightful tie, I thought, to his own story, where Patrick the Blue Wizard ate not eggs, but boxes of a cereal called Hidden Treasures.  But in calling the Eggs a "Box", we had this tie-in between Eggs and Boxes of Cereal, both containing Hidden Treasures.

In William's story, Patrick has to eat all of the cereal before he, Alizio, and Tim can leave for another world (Three Beings in number, like the Wise Men and Chipmunks).  William gives us the number of boxes Patrick is required to eat, which is 5 (all without milk, I guess, perhaps because there is only Malk to go around?).  Having given us that number, and also brought up that eggs can be considered "boxes" per the riddle, we can potentially see some symbolism in the classic Olympic rings I just used earlier today, which also number 5.

Eggs (the Boxes of Hidden Treasures) are round in shape, just like the rings, and in the story that we see play out in the Closing Ceremonies yesterday in France, there are only 4 of these "boxes" together up in the sky.  The participants, including the Golden Voyager, must get the 5th and final ring up with the others before it looks like that the Voyager can also begin his own ascent to the Heavens.

I think there might be a tie there, as these 5 Egg-shaped rings are brought back together.  In fact, it will then be, apparently, Tom Cruise who will carry a flag bearing the symbol of the 5 Circles or Eggs to the City of Angels, and then will construct those 5 Rings onto the Hollywood sign (Hollywood can also be written as Holly Tree, a sign of Christmas and redemption).

Anyway, this is all to say, that for a number of reasons, I currently view Patrick as representing Peter-Ingwe in our story.  Patrick can mean a few different things, but looking to Latin and the Romans (because he is Peter, of course), we get a words that means "Father".  Icing on the cake, my friends, icing on the cake.

So, we have this saying that says, in this other form, "Play for Peter-Ingwe", and we have a large number 96 in the center of this.

I have written about this story involving all 96 of these "Fathers" being gathered back home up in Adam-ondi-Ahman, with the order of that gathering happening in reverse of their initial voyage to Aman at the very beginning following their awakening at Cuivienen.  Thus, it seems that one of the storylines of my 2019 and 2020 words involved the gathering of the Teleri and Noldor "Fathers" by the Three Disciples, with the Teleri being brought together first (since they were the last house previously), followed by the Noldor.

As of right now, I have all of these Fathers waiting for the "Final Countdown" and gathering of the last remaining group of Fathers which are comprised of the Vanyar.  Ingwe, who is Peter (and Pharazon) in my story, is the leader of that House, as well as being the High King of all the Elves.  These Vanyar were originally called the Minyar, or First Ones, and Ingwe was first among them.

Furthermore, Ingwe's name is typically read as meaning "Chief"  (remember, like Roman Reigns, the Tribal Chief).  But that name comes from the root ING, which means "First, Foremost".  If there was a number that was assigned to Ingwe-Peter at the beginning, like a hockey jersey number or something, it was the number 1.  But now, at the end, he that was first shall be last, and that new number assigned to him as part of that gathering would now be, you guessed it, 96.  The last of the bunch

Thus, on Mary's shirt with the Play for Patrick emblem, we have this story involving Peter-Ingwe, and the fact that he will be gathered, but it will be as the final number 96, in reverse of his earlier number 1.  Currently the count stands at 82, from what I've gathered.  We are waiting for the 14 Vanyar, from my understanding, plus an additional 15th, and that will be Jah ni hah, or Faramir-Eonwe, who will be number 97, perhaps.  One of my hopes has been that August 16th has something to do with furthering that part of the story related to at least some of this, but I don't have any good guesses as to how or in what form that would be, or if and when we would know something about it.

You'll notice the obvious reference to Heart, and the single Heart that is in the logo.  Over on William's blog the Ace of Hearts has been featured pretty prominently in recent posts.  One of the slogans of the Play for Patrick organization is "Play with Heart", and it was this slogan that was also on the back of Mary's rose gold/ pink shirt this afternoon.

So there you go.  It's time to Play for Patrick.

And as I write that, I see it as playing for Patrick, as in being on his team.  Choosing which side you will be on.  Jesus is credited with saying that it is upon Peter that he will build up his Church, and this makes sense given who we was as Ingwe - the High King of the Eldar.  So, playing for him may be reasserting his right to be King - The Return of the King, as it were.  And that means playing with Heart, or as part of Zion - One Heart.

Last thing:  You'd notice the name Patrick Schoonover.  Schoon is, I think, pronounced the same way as Shoon, which has been mentioned on William's blog in relation to Shoes and the different types that are worns among different Beings and different Worlds.  Over, per Etymonline, was originally used in the sense of "Beyond, above, across, in a place or position higher than, etc".  Thus, in another writing of Patrick Schoonover's name, we have "Peter shoes beyond/ in a higher place".

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