Thursday, August 8, 2024

Rose Gold: My daughter's backpack, Joseph, and the Rich Jester

Well, it was dealer's choice on this next topic.  I had determined to go down this Rose Gold topic, but then second guessed myself and thought I would go after John Malkovich (since William Tychonievich has now had a few references to "Malk").  But then he posted something around Gold Plates, Chips, etc., and I landed back on this topic.  We'll get to Malkovich later.

If you've been around on this blog, the following symbol should ring a bell:

I had spent quite a bit of time noodling on some things that I used the Coat of Arms of the Holy See to help think through.  One of the critical symbols was that of the Crossed Keys - the Gold and Silver Keys.  This actually even became the basis for a 'prank' from who I now assume was Claire, or somebody working with her, where I assembled those two audio jacks, one gold and silver, next to me, and built a story over the matter of a couple days without realizing it - until I saw it, that is.  Very funny.

Anyway, the story I built from the Gold and Silver Keys involved the Anor Stone (the Gold Key) and the Ithil Stone (the Silver Key), and the connection that they would make, as symbolized by their crossing.  This then led to many other implications, including this tie of these two keys back to where X marks the spot, or Tirion, and other things.

And all of this worked really well when it was the Anor Stone and Ithil Stone.  I mean, I guess the Anor Stone was described as appearing like brass by Nephi, but it was close enough to the gold color of the Coat of Arms.  It worked, mainly.

In all this, however, was the pesky issue of the Sawtooth Stone - this 3rd Key that was on my mind.  In reading back on my posts, and reflecting on my thought process, it is clear I was trying to figure out how these three were interacting with each other.  For example, was the Anor Stone going to be used to communicate the what was on the Sawtooth Stone?  I didn't really have a firm idea.

Recently, I've developed a stronger opinion that the Anor Stone went back with Joseph to Tirion, and there it remains.  So we are dealing with just the two Stones in this particular arrangement - Sawtooth and Ithil (though also aligned with some of William's thinking and posts I obviously think there are more records, plates, Stones, than just this - but these were major focus areas of my story and that symbol).

Further, the Sawtooth Stone has definitely developed a Red characteristic lately.  It has been hit over my head, pretty hard and pretty repeatedly, for a some time now, so I am fairly onboard with the the notion of its 'hue' being Red.  That is a given in my mind at the moment.  I included the side by side image below of the Yellow Sun to the Red Sun in an earlier post to demonstrate that we are dealing with a Red Sun now.

There is only one problem with that:  Red does not look anything like that Gold Key in that Coat of Arms.  Which was kind of a bummer, because it fit so nicely with the Anor Stone, and now it was just a bit harder to see.  And yes, I mean the entire theme of that Papal image is Red, for sure, with the shield, rope, and everything else Red, but the key was Gold, and I had it in my mind that this was meant to represent the Stone.

These are the things I worry about, by the way.  

It was more like a Red Ruby than a Gold Key, and I found myself stuck as to how to think about this.  My mind has been on so many other things, though, that I have been able to put it on the back burner, with some thinking that I would be able to work it out eventually, or come up with some kind of justification.  An eagle-eyed reader would note, though, that the symbolism didn't quite match up as well, anymore.

Deliverance arrived yesterday in the form of my daughter's new backpack for school.  All is now right with the world, and I have one less worry on my mind.

School is right around the corner, and my daughter needed a new backpack for school.  She picked the style out with my wife, put the order in, and it arrived yesterday - a couple days ahead of schedule, actually.

Here is a picture of the bag, which is going to look unremarkable, but there are two critical things here that have me 100% convinced things are OK with that earlier symbol, and that it is the Sawtooth Stone, in fact, that is what will interact with the Ithil Stone.

The two things you need to be looking at here are the color of the lettering and the zippers, and the words "Jester Luxe" at the bottom of the bag (which is the name of the backpack model).

First, the color.

My daughter, after she had ordered it but was still waiting for it to arrive, had described the bag to me as black with gold lettering.  She had originally wanted a white bag, but my wife convinced her that it would get trashed fairly quickly on the bus and look like crap (my current pair of running shoes are white, because I got them on a good sale, and I am sure they were used as an example of what happens to white things... my shoes look like crap).  So, black it was.

When the bag came yesterday, she was excited about it and began showing me all the features.  As she was walking me through it, I couldn't help but notice that the lettering and zippers weren't gold as I imagined them, but rather a Rose Gold.  You know, the type of gold that is tinted red.  I swear I was listening as much as I could to her as we were reviewing all the pockets, but in my mind all I could think was "That's it!  Rose Gold!".

Here is a crop of the picture to get closer on those zippers:

This was the answer to my problem.  How can a thing be both Red and Gold at the same time ?  It's Rose Gold (and this applies to Wise Men now, as I think of it, actually)

Now Amazon and North Face describe the color as "Burnt Coral Metallic".  Whatever that is.  It is Rose Gold, for sure, at least the color.  My guess is they have to describe it that way because it isn't real gold.  I tried to take pictures of it with my iPhone, but the coloring was off on my camera, so just stayed with the stock image above.  It may be harder to tell in the image, but it is a beautiful Rose Gold they have for the lettering and zippers.  My daughter is really happy with the bag, and so am I because it totally bailed me out.

OK, now secondly on to that name on the bottom:  Jester Luxe.

I was literally going to reference my post from July 28 where I use the term Jester and identify it with one of our characters, but I then noted that this particular post was a draft.  I've never posted it, so you haven't seen it.  I didn't post it because I tried to end it by getting into some translations, but got stuck.  So, it sits in my draft box.

To give you the highlights, though, an Elvish word Algerion appeared twice in my 2020 words - once on February 16 and the other on February 21, so both within a week of each other.  Even back in 2020, I had always assumed Algerion was a name (again, one of our code names) but didn't have the greatest read on a translation.

I had a breakthrough at the end of last month, however.  And part of this breakthrough came from determining that during this particular period of time, the Good Guys are primarily engaged with trying to convince Joseph to come home with Thingol and the Anor Stone.  On February 14, for example, just two days before the first mention of Algerion, they had remarked how Joseph was wrongfully bound.  So, I wondered if perhaps this Algerion was a reference to Joseph.

Breaking apart that word as written still didn't give me much to go on, or point to Joseph, necessarily.  You could do Al - Ger - Ion, and get something like "Son of Good Mirth", which is what I've had as a guess since back in 2020, I think.  I didn't like it, though, because Ger wasn't really anything, exactly, and I had to twist things a bit too much, in my opinion, to make it work.

Remembering that this word is one I've sounded out (I didn't see it spelled), I looked into some alternative forms.  And that is when I hit it.


Phonetically it is the same, and by changing he "e" to the "ai" I got my answer.  

Gairion means "Jester".  And Al- can mean something like "Good, Blessed, Fortunate, Happy".  Thus, the name now gave me the Good Jester.

Here are the Feb 16 words with Algairion (I've now updated the spelling) just so people have it for reference.  In these set of words, I am assuming that it is Joseph (who is the Good Jester) that is being addressed

February 16, 2020
Algairion timu misu an viguendo do not hinu esgwilien bamuli althonzo enforno never to go out esgwiliando!

Why does Jester make sense for Joseph?  The answer to that lies in some of Doug's writings, and goes back to a time and place long before this one, where Joseph was known as Ishbar.  I was going to include an excerpt here, but I am not sure anyone cares to go through it, honestly.  Just know that in those writings, we have Joseph, solely and explicitly, referred to as one who 'jests' (makes a lot of jokes) as well as is one who seems to be a fool (a "fool-pretend wise-one").  A jester is also used to describe the court fool.

Melkor (Melk?) would see in Joseph his enemy, because where Melkor spread Gloom and Sadness, Joseph would spread Joy, Happiness, Jokes, and Fun.  That seemed to be his calling card.  It was said he was a 'hazard to sad-facing hearts", which I take to mean that a person that was sad couldn't help but feel that sadness dissipate in being around him.

There are other references, but I just give those vague examples to say that I have satisfied for myself that Algerion should have been written Algairion, and that this is a name which refers to Joseph.

So, I determined all of that about two weeks ago.  Thus, it was extremely meaningful to see the name "Jester" on this backpack that I had just used the Rose Gold lettering and zippers to make the Sawtooth Stone work with our Crossed Keys symbol.  That Sawtooth Stone, remember, I take to have Joseph's Words on it, so a Rose Gold backpack with Jester on it is just about perfect, I have to say.  Not only did it give me more confidence in this Gold Key connection, but it also seemed to confirm - very directly - my guess that Algairion does in fact refer to the Jester (who is Joseph).

Lastly, the fact that Luxe was also included worked really well.  That word (French, by the way) means "luxury, elegance" on Etymonline, and if you look elsewhere it also has the concept of "Richness".  Joseph also went by the name of Ausir, which of course means "Wealth Personified".  

I love that backpack.

So, there you go.  When we talk about "Gold", we can include the Red Sawtooth Stone as a Rose Gold variant of that.  This also ties in really nice with my earlier post on Harry, who was shown to be holding a Red Rose, which I took to be a symbol of the Sawtooth Stone.

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